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## Introduction
Sail provides a Docker powered local development experience for Laravel that is compatible with macOS, Windows (WSL2), and Linux. Other than Docker, no software or libraries are required to be installed on your local computer before using Sail. Sail's simple CLI means you can start building your Laravel application without any previous Docker experience.
#### Inspiration
Laravel Sail is inspired by and derived from [Vessel]( by [Chris Fidao]( If you're looking for a thorough introduction to Docker, check out Chris' course: [Shipping Docker](
## Official Documentation
Documentation for Sail can be found on the [Laravel website](
## Contributing
Thank you for considering contributing to Sail! You can read the contribution guide [here](.github/
## Code of Conduct
In order to ensure that the Laravel community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the [Code of Conduct](
## Security Vulnerabilities
Please review [our security policy]( on how to report security vulnerabilities.
## License
Laravel Sail is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](