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# Changes in PHPUnit 9.5
All notable changes of the PHPUnit 9.5 release series are documented in this file using the [Keep a CHANGELOG]( principles.
## [9.5.21] - 2022-06-19
### Fixed
* [#4950]( False error on `atMost()` invocation rule without call
* [#4962]( Ukraine banner unreadable on white background
## [9.5.20] - 2022-04-01
### Fixed
* [#4938]( Test Double code generator does not handle `void` return type declaration on `__clone()` methods
* [#4947]( Test annotated with `@coversNothing` may lead to files missing from code coverage report
## [9.5.19] - 2022-03-15
### Fixed
* [#4929]( Test Double code generator does not handle new expressions inside parameter default values
* [#4932]( Backport support for intersection types from PHPUnit 10 to PHPUnit 9.5
* [#4933]( Backport support for `never` type from PHPUnit 10 to PHPUnit 9.5
## [9.5.18] - 2022-03-08
### Fixed
* [#4877]( No stack trace shown when an error occurs during bootstrap
## [9.5.17] - 2022-03-05 - #StandWithUkraine
## [9.5.16] - 2022-02-23
### Changed
* Reverted sync with API change in (now yanked) phpunit/php-code-coverage 9.2.12
## [9.5.15] - 2022-02-23 [YANKED]
### Fixed
* When the HTML code coverage report's configured low upper bound is larger than the high lower bound then the default values are used instead
## [9.5.14] - 2022-02-18
### Changed
* [#4874]( `PHP_FLOAT_EPSILON` is now used instead of hardcoded `0.0000000001` in `PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\IsIdentical`
## [9.5.13] - 2022-01-24
### Fixed
* [#4871]( Class `SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Filter` is not found during PHPT tests when PHPUnit is used from PHAR
## [9.5.12] - 2022-01-21
### Fixed
* [#4799]( Memory leaks in `PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite` class
* [#4857]( Result of `debug_backtrace()` is not used correctly
## [9.5.11] - 2021-12-25
### Changed
* [#4812]( Do not enforce time limits when a debugging session through DBGp is active
* [#4835]( Support for `$GLOBALS['_composer_autoload_path']` introduced in Composer 2.2
### Fixed
* [#4840]( TestDox prettifying for class names does not correctly handle diacritics
* [#4846]( Composer proxy script is not ignored
## [9.5.10] - 2021-09-25
### Changed
* PHPUnit no longer converts PHP deprecations to exceptions by default (configure `convertDeprecationsToExceptions="true"` to enable this)
* The PHPUnit XML configuration file generator now configures `convertDeprecationsToExceptions="true"`
### Fixed
* [#4772]( TestDox HTML report not displayed correctly when browser has custom colour settings
## [9.5.9] - 2021-08-31
### Fixed
* [#4750]( Automatic return value generation leads to invalid (and superfluous) test double code generation when a stubbed method returns `*|false`
* [#4751]( Configuration validation fails when using brackets in glob pattern
## [9.5.8] - 2021-07-31
### Fixed
* [#4740]( `phpunit.phar` does not work with PHP 8.1
## [9.5.7] - 2021-07-19
### Fixed
* [#4720]( PHPUnit does not verify its own PHP extension requirements
* [#4735]( Automated return value generation does not work for stubbed methods that return `*|false`
## [9.5.6] - 2021-06-23
### Changed
* PHPUnit now errors out on startup when `PHP_VERSION` contains a value that is not compatible with `version_compare()`, for instance `X.Y.Z-(to be removed in future macOS)`
## [9.5.5] - 2021-06-05
### Changed
* The test result cache (the storage for which is implemented in `PHPUnit\Runner\DefaultTestResultCache`) no longer uses PHP's `serialize()` and `unserialize()` functions for persistence. It now uses a versioned JSON format instead that is independent of PHP implementation details (see [#3581]( and [#4662]( for examples why this is a problem). When PHPUnit tries to load the test result cache from a file that does not exist, or from a file that does not contain data in JSON format, or from a file that contains data in a JSON format version other than the one used by the currently running PHPUnit version, then this is considered to be a "cache miss". An empty `DefaultTestResultCache` object is created in this case. This should also prevent PHPUnit from crashing when trying to load a test result cache file created by a different version of PHPUnit (see [#4580]( for example).
### Fixed
* [#4632]( TestDox result printer does not handle repeated test execution correctly
* [#4678]( Stubbed methods with `iterable` return types should return empty array by default
* [#4692]( Annotations in single-line doc-comments are not handled correctly
* [#4694]( `TestCase::getMockFromWsdl()` does not work with PHP 8.1-dev
## [9.5.4] - 2021-03-23
### Fixed
* [#4630]( Empty test case class causes error in TestDox XML logger
## [9.5.3] - 2021-03-17
### Fixed
* [#4591]( TeamCity logger logs warnings as test failures
* [#4620]( No useful output when an error occurs in the bootstrap script
## [9.5.2] - 2021-02-02
### Fixed
* [#4573]( No stack trace printed when PHPUnit is used from PHAR
* [#4590]( `--coverage-text` CLI option is documented wrong
## [9.5.1] - 2021-01-17
### Fixed
* [#4572]( Schema validation does not work with `%xx` sequences in path to `phpunit.xsd`
## [9.5.0] - 2020-12-04
### Changed
* [#4490]( Emit Error instead of Warning when test case class cannot be instantiated
* [#4491]( Emit Error instead of Warning when data provider does not work correctly
* [#4492]( Emit Error instead of Warning when test double configuration is invalid
* [#4493]( Emit error when (configured) test directory does not exist
### Fixed
* [#4535]( `getMockFromWsdl()` does not handle methods that do not have parameters correctly