Your IP :
* League.Uri (
* (c) Ignace Nyamagana Butera <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace League\Uri\UriTemplate;
use League\Uri\Exceptions\SyntaxError;
use League\Uri\Exceptions\TemplateCanNotBeExpanded;
use TypeError;
use function array_merge;
use function array_unique;
use function gettype;
use function is_object;
use function is_string;
use function method_exists;
use function preg_match_all;
use function preg_replace;
use function sprintf;
use function strpos;
use const PREG_SET_ORDER;
final class Template
* Expression regular expression pattern.
private const REGEXP_EXPRESSION_DETECTOR = '/\{[^\}]*\}/x';
private string $template;
/** @var array<string, Expression> */
private array $expressions = [];
/** @var array<string> */
private array $variableNames;
private function __construct(string $template, Expression ...$expressions)
$this->template = $template;
$variableNames = [];
foreach ($expressions as $expression) {
$this->expressions[$expression->toString()] = $expression;
$variableNames[] = $expression->variableNames();
$this->variableNames = array_unique(array_merge([], ...$variableNames));
* {@inheritDoc}
public static function __set_state(array $properties): self
return new self($properties['template'], ...array_values($properties['expressions']));
* @param object|string $template a string or an object with the __toString method
* @throws TypeError if the template is not a string or an object with the __toString method
* @throws SyntaxError if the template contains invalid expressions
* @throws SyntaxError if the template contains invalid variable specification
public static function createFromString($template): self
if (is_object($template) && method_exists($template, '__toString')) {
$template = (string) $template;
if (!is_string($template)) {
throw new TypeError(sprintf('The template must be a string or a stringable object %s given.', gettype($template)));
/** @var string $remainder */
$remainder = preg_replace(self::REGEXP_EXPRESSION_DETECTOR, '', $template);
if (false !== strpos($remainder, '{') || false !== strpos($remainder, '}')) {
throw new SyntaxError('The template "'.$template.'" contains invalid expressions.');
$names = [];
preg_match_all(self::REGEXP_EXPRESSION_DETECTOR, $template, $findings, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$arguments = [];
foreach ($findings as $finding) {
if (!isset($names[$finding[0]])) {
$arguments[] = Expression::createFromString($finding[0]);
$names[$finding[0]] = 1;
return new self($template, ...$arguments);
public function toString(): string
return $this->template;
* @return array<string>
public function variableNames(): array
return $this->variableNames;
* @throws TemplateCanNotBeExpanded if the variables is an array and a ":" modifier needs to be applied
* @throws TemplateCanNotBeExpanded if the variables contains nested array values
public function expand(VariableBag $variables): string
$uriString = $this->template;
/** @var Expression $expression */
foreach ($this->expressions as $pattern => $expression) {
$uriString = str_replace($pattern, $expression->expand($variables), $uriString);
return $uriString;