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single: Mockery; Gotchas
Mocking objects in PHP has its limitations and gotchas. Some functionality
can't be mocked or can't be mocked YET! If you locate such a circumstance,
please please (pretty please with sugar on top) create a new issue on GitHub
so it can be documented and resolved where possible. Here is a list to note:
1. Classes containing public ``__wakeup()`` methods can be mocked but the
mocked ``__wakeup()`` method will perform no actions and cannot have
expectations set for it. This is necessary since Mockery must serialize and
unserialize objects to avoid some ``__construct()`` insanity and attempting
to mock a ``__wakeup()`` method as normal leads to a
``BadMethodCallException`` being thrown.
2. Mockery has two scenarios where real classes are replaced: Instance mocks
and alias mocks. Both will generate PHP fatal errors if the real class is
loaded, usually via a require or include statement. Only use these two mock
types where autoloading is in place and where classes are not explicitly
loaded on a per-file basis using ``require()``, ``require_once()``, etc.
3. Internal PHP classes are not entirely capable of being fully analysed using
``Reflection``. For example, ``Reflection`` cannot reveal details of
expected parameters to the methods of such internal classes. As a result,
there will be problems where a method parameter is defined to accept a
value by reference (Mockery cannot detect this condition and will assume a
pass by value on scalars and arrays). If references as internal class
method parameters are needed, you should use the
``\Mockery\Configuration::setInternalClassMethodParamMap()`` method.
Note, however that internal class parameter overriding is not available in
PHP 8 since incompatible signatures have been reclassified as fatal errors.
4. Creating a mock implementing a certain interface with incorrect case in the
interface name, and then creating a second mock implementing the same
interface, but this time with the correct case, will have undefined behavior
due to PHP's ``class_exists`` and related functions being case insensitive.
Using the ``::class`` keyword in PHP can help you avoid these mistakes.
The gotchas noted above are largely down to PHP's architecture and are assumed
to be unavoidable. But - if you figure out a solution (or a better one than
what may exist), let us know!