Your IP :
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new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#visitorChart"), e).render() } if ($("#bounceChart").length) { e = { chart: { height: 60, type: "line", toolbar: { show: !1 }, sparkline: { enabled: !0 }, grid: { show: !1, padding: { left: 0, right: 0 } } }, colors: ["#c28135"], dataLabels: { enabled: !1 }, stroke: { curve: "straight", width: 4 }, markers: { size: 4, hover: { size: 6, sizeOffset: 3 } }, series: [{ name: "Bonus Rate", data: [28, 40, 36, 52, 38, 60, 55] }], xaxis: { labels: { show: !1 }, axisBorder: { show: !1 } }, yaxis: [{ y: 0, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, padding: { left: 0, right: 0 } }], tooltip: { x: { show: !1 } } }; new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#bounceChart"), e).render() } if ($("#sessionChart").length) { e = { series: [{ name: "Session Duration", data: [600, 1e3, 400, 2e3, 500, 900, 2500, 1800, 3800], colors: ["#754ffe"] }, { name: "Page Views", data: [1e3, 2e3, 800, 1200, 300, 1900, 1600, 2e3, 1e3] }, { name: "Total Visits", data: [2200, 1e3, 3400, 900, 500, 2500, 3e3, 1e3, 2500] }], chart: { toolbar: { show: !1 }, height: 400, type: "line", zoom: { enabled: !1 } }, dataLabels: { enabled: !1 }, stroke: { width: [4, 3, 3], curve: "smooth", dashArray: [0, 5, 4] }, legend: { show: !1 }, colors: ["#754ffe", "#19cb98", "#ffaa46"], markers: { size: 0, hover: { sizeOffset: 6 } }, xaxis: { categories: ["01 Jan", "02 Jan", "03 Jan", "04 Jan", "05 Jan", "06 Jan", "07 Jan", "08 Jan", "09 Jan", "10 Jan", "11 Jan", "12 Jan"], labels: { style: { colors: ["#5c5776"], fontSize: "12px", fontFamily: "Inter", cssClass: "apexcharts-xaxis-label" } } }, yaxis: { labels: { style: { colors: ["#5c5776"], fontSize: "12px", fontFamily: "Inter", cssClass: "apexcharts-xaxis-label" }, offsetX: -12, offsetY: 0 } }, tooltip: { y: [{ title: { formatter: function (e) { return e + " (mins)" } } }, { title: { formatter: function (e) { return e + " per session" } } }, { title: { formatter: function (e) { return e } } }] }, grid: { borderColor: "#f1f1f1" } }; new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#sessionChart"), e).render() } if ($("#support-chart1").length) { e = { chart: { type: "bar", height: 302, sparkline: { enabled: !0 } }, states: { normal: { filter: { type: "none", value: 0 } }, hover: { filter: { type: "darken", value: .55 } }, active: { allowMultipleDataPointsSelection: !1, filter: { type: "darken", value: .55 } } }, colors: ["#8968fe"], plotOptions: { bar: { borderRadius: 4, columnWidth: "50%" } }, series: [{ data: [25, 66, 41, 70, 63, 25, 44, 22, 36, 19, 54, 44, 32, 36, 29, 54, 25, 66, 41, 65, 63, 25, 44, 12, 36, 39, 25, 44, 42, 36, 54] }], xaxis: { crosshairs: { width: 1 } }, tooltip: { fixed: { enabled: !1 }, x: { show: !1 }, y: { title: { formatter: function (e) { return "Active User" } } }, marker: { show: !1 } } }; new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#support-chart1"), e).render() } if ($("#locationmap").length) { new jsVectorMap({ map: "world", selector: "#locationmap", zoomOnScroll: !0, zoomButtons: !0, markersSelectable: !0, markers: [{ name: "United Kingdom", coords: [53.613, -11.6368] }, { name: "India", coords: [20.7504374, 73.7276105] }, { name: "United States", coords: [37.2580397, -104.657039] }, { name: "Australia", coords: [-25.0304388, 115.2092761] }], markerStyle: { initial: { fill: "#754FFE" } }, markerLabelStyle: { initial: { fontFamily: "Inter", fontSize: 13, fontWeight: 500, cursor: "default", fill: "#18113C" } }, labels: { markers: { render: e => } } }) } if ($("#trafficDountChart").length) { e = { series: [60, 55, 12, 17], labels: ["Organic Search", "Direct", "Refferrals", "Social Media"], colors: ["#754FFE", "#19cb98", "#e53f3c", "#ffaa46"], chart: { type: "donut", height: 260 }, legend: { show: !1 }, dataLabels: { enabled: !1 }, plotOptions: { pie: { donut: { size: "50%" } } }, stroke: { width: 2 } }; new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#trafficDountChart"), e).render() } if ($("#operatingSystem").length) { e = { series: [55, 88, 80, 75], labels: ["Window", "macOS", "Linux", "Android"], chart: { type: "polarArea", height: 350 }, colors: ["#e53f3c", "#19cb98", "#754FFE", "#29BAF9"], legend: { show: !1 }, stroke: { colors: ["#fff"] }, fill: { opacity: .9 } }; new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#operatingSystem"), e).render() } }();