Your IP :
! function(a) {
slimScroll: function(b) {
var c = {
width: "auto",
height: "250px",
size: "7px",
color: "#000",
position: "right",
distance: "1px",
start: "top",
opacity: .4,
alwaysVisible: !1,
disableFadeOut: !1,
railVisible: !1,
railColor: "#333",
railOpacity: .2,
railDraggable: !0,
railClass: "slimScrollRail",
barClass: "slimScrollBar",
wrapperClass: "slimScrollDiv",
allowPageScroll: !1,
wheelStep: 20,
touchScrollStep: 200,
borderRadius: "0",
railBorderRadius: "0"
d = a.extend(c, b);
return this.each(function() {
function c(b) {
if (i) {
var b = b || window.event,
c = 0;
b.wheelDelta && (c = -b.wheelDelta / 120), b.detail && (c = b.detail / 3);
var f = || b.srcTarget || b.srcElement;
a(f).closest("." + d.wrapperClass).is(u.parent()) && e(c, !0), b.preventDefault && !s && b.preventDefault(), s || (b.returnValue = !1)
function e(a, b, c) {
s = !1;
var e = a,
f = u.outerHeight() - z.outerHeight();
if (b && (e = parseInt(z.css("top")) + a * parseInt(d.wheelStep) / 100 * z.outerHeight(), e = Math.min(Math.max(e, 0), f), e = a > 0 ? Math.ceil(e) : Math.floor(e), z.css({
top: e + "px"
})), o = parseInt(z.css("top")) / (u.outerHeight() - z.outerHeight()), e = o * (u[0].scrollHeight - u.outerHeight()), c) {
e = a;
var i = e / u[0].scrollHeight * u.outerHeight();
i = Math.min(Math.max(i, 0), f), z.css({
top: i + "px"
u.scrollTop(e), u.trigger("slimscrolling", ~~e), g(), h()
function f() {
n = Math.max(u.outerHeight() / u[0].scrollHeight * u.outerHeight(), r), z.css({
height: n + "px"
var a = n == u.outerHeight() ? "none" : "block";
display: a
function g() {
if (f(), clearTimeout(l), o == ~~o) {
if (s = d.allowPageScroll, p != o) {
var a = 0 == ~~o ? "top" : "bottom";
u.trigger("slimscroll", a)
} else s = !1;
if (p = o, n >= u.outerHeight()) return void(s = !0);
z.stop(!0, !0).fadeIn("fast"), d.railVisible && y.stop(!0, !0).fadeIn("fast")
function h() {
d.alwaysVisible || (l = setTimeout(function() {
d.disableFadeOut && i || j || k || (z.fadeOut("slow"), y.fadeOut("slow"))
}, 1e3))
var i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q = "<div></div>",
r = 30,
s = !1,
u = a(this);
if (u.parent().hasClass(d.wrapperClass)) {
var v = u.scrollTop();
if (z = u.closest("." + d.barClass), y = u.closest("." + d.railClass), f(), a.isPlainObject(b)) {
if ("height" in b && "auto" == b.height) {
u.parent().css("height", "auto"), u.css("height", "auto");
var w = u.parent().parent().height();
u.parent().css("height", w), u.css("height", w)
if ("scrollTo" in b) v = parseInt(d.scrollTo);
else if ("scrollBy" in b) v += parseInt(d.scrollBy);
else if ("destroy" in b) return z.remove(), y.remove(), void u.unwrap();
e(v, !1, !0)
} else if (!(a.isPlainObject(b) && "destroy" in b)) {
d.height = "auto" == d.height ? u.parent().height() : d.height;
var x = a(q).addClass(d.wrapperClass).css({
position: "relative",
overflow: "hidden",
width: d.width,
height: d.height
overflow: "hidden",
width: d.width,
height: d.height
var y = a(q).addClass(d.railClass).css({
width: d.size,
height: "100%",
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
display: d.alwaysVisible && d.railVisible ? "block" : "none",
"border-radius": d.railBorderRadius,
background: d.railColor,
opacity: d.railOpacity,
zIndex: 90
z = a(q).addClass(d.barClass).css({
background: d.color,
width: d.size,
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
opacity: d.opacity,
display: d.alwaysVisible ? "block" : "none",
"border-radius": d.borderRadius,
BorderRadius: d.borderRadius,
MozBorderRadius: d.borderRadius,
WebkitBorderRadius: d.borderRadius,
zIndex: 99
A = "right" == d.position ? {
right: d.distance
} : {
left: d.distance
y.css(A), z.css(A), u.wrap(x), u.parent().append(z), u.parent().append(y), d.railDraggable && z.bind("mousedown", function(b) {
var c = a(document);
return k = !0, t = parseFloat(z.css("top")), pageY = b.pageY, c.bind("mousemove.slimscroll", function(a) {
currTop = t + a.pageY - pageY, z.css("top", currTop), e(0, z.position().top, !1)
}), c.bind("mouseup.slimscroll", function(a) {
k = !1, h(), c.unbind(".slimscroll")
}), !1
}).bind("selectstart.slimscroll", function(a) {
return a.stopPropagation(), a.preventDefault(), !1
}), y.hover(function() {
}, function() {
}), z.hover(function() {
j = !0
}, function() {
j = !1
}), u.hover(function() {
i = !0, g(), h()
}, function() {
i = !1, h()
}), u.bind("touchstart", function(a, b) {
a.originalEvent.touches.length && (m = a.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY)
}), u.bind("touchmove", function(a) {
if (s || a.originalEvent.preventDefault(), a.originalEvent.touches.length) {
e((m - a.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY) / d.touchScrollStep, !0), m = a.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY
}), f(), "bottom" === d.start ? (z.css({
top: u.outerHeight() - z.outerHeight()
}), e(0, !0)) : "top" !== d.start && (e(a(d.start).position().top, null, !0), d.alwaysVisible || z.hide()),
function(a) {
window.addEventListener ? (a.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", c, !1), a.addEventListener("mousewheel", c, !1)) : document.attachEvent("onmousewheel", c)
}), this
}), a.fn.extend({
slimscroll: a.fn.slimScroll
function(a, b) {
"use strict";
"function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], function() {
return b.apply(a)
}) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = : a.Waves =
}("object" == typeof global ? global : this, function() {
"use strict";
function a(a) {
return null !== a && a === a.window
function b(b) {
return a(b) ? b : 9 === b.nodeType && b.defaultView
function c(a) {
var b = typeof a;
return "function" === b || "object" === b && !!a
function d(a) {
return c(a) && a.nodeType > 0
function e(a) {
var b =;
return "[object String]" === b ? l(a) : c(a) && /^\[object (Array|HTMLCollection|NodeList|Object)\]$/.test(b) && a.hasOwnProperty("length") ? a : d(a) ? [a] : []
function f(a) {
var c, d, e = {
top: 0,
left: 0
f = a && a.ownerDocument;
return c = f.documentElement, void 0 !== a.getBoundingClientRect && (e = a.getBoundingClientRect()), d = b(f), {
top: + d.pageYOffset - c.clientTop,
left: e.left + d.pageXOffset - c.clientLeft
function g(a) {
var b = "";
for (var c in a) a.hasOwnProperty(c) && (b += c + ":" + a[c] + ";");
return b
function h(a, b, c) {
if (c) {
var d = c.getAttribute("data-x"),
e = c.getAttribute("data-y"),
f = c.getAttribute("data-scale"),
h = c.getAttribute("data-translate"),
i = - Number(c.getAttribute("data-hold")),
j = 350 - i;
j < 0 && (j = 0), "mousemove" === a.type && (j = 150);
var k = "mousemove" === a.type ? 2500 : o.duration;
setTimeout(function() {
var a = {
top: e + "px",
left: d + "px",
opacity: "0",
"-webkit-transition-duration": k + "ms",
"-moz-transition-duration": k + "ms",
"-o-transition-duration": k + "ms",
"transition-duration": k + "ms",
"-webkit-transform": f + " " + h,
"-moz-transform": f + " " + h,
"-ms-transform": f + " " + h,
"-o-transform": f + " " + h,
transform: f + " " + h
c.setAttribute("style", g(a)), setTimeout(function() {
try {
} catch (a) {
return !1
}, k)
}, j)
function i(a) {
if (!1 === q.allowEvent(a)) return null;
for (var b = null, c = || a.srcElement; null !== c.parentElement;) {
if (c.classList.contains("waves-effect") && !(c instanceof SVGElement)) {
b = c;
c = c.parentElement
return b
function j(a) {
var b = i(a);
if (null !== b) {
if (b.disabled || b.getAttribute("disabled") || b.classList.contains("disabled")) return;
if (q.registerEvent(a), "touchstart" === a.type && o.delay) {
var c = !1,
d = setTimeout(function() {
d = null,, b)
}, o.delay),
e = function(e) {
d && (clearTimeout(d), d = null,, b)), c || (c = !0, o.hide(e, b))
f = function(a) {
d && (clearTimeout(d), d = null), e(a)
b.addEventListener("touchmove", f, !1), b.addEventListener("touchend", e, !1), b.addEventListener("touchcancel", e, !1)
} else, b), n && (b.addEventListener("touchend", o.hide, !1), b.addEventListener("touchcancel", o.hide, !1)), b.addEventListener("mouseup", o.hide, !1), b.addEventListener("mouseleave", o.hide, !1)
var k = k || {},
l = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document),
m = Object.prototype.toString,
n = "ontouchstart" in window,
o = {
duration: 750,
delay: 200,
show: function(a, b, c) {
if (2 === a.button) return !1;
b = b || this;
var d = document.createElement("div");
d.className = "waves-ripple waves-rippling", b.appendChild(d);
var e = f(b),
h = 0,
i = 0;
"touches" in a && a.touches.length ? (h = a.touches[0].pageY -, i = a.touches[0].pageX - e.left) : (h = a.pageY -, i = a.pageX - e.left), i = i >= 0 ? i : 0, h = h >= 0 ? h : 0;
var j = "scale(" + b.clientWidth / 100 * 3 + ")",
k = "translate(0,0)";
c && (k = "translate(" + c.x + "px, " + c.y + "px)"), d.setAttribute("data-hold",, d.setAttribute("data-x", i), d.setAttribute("data-y", h), d.setAttribute("data-scale", j), d.setAttribute("data-translate", k);
var l = {
top: h + "px",
left: i + "px"
d.classList.add("waves-notransition"), d.setAttribute("style", g(l)), d.classList.remove("waves-notransition"), l["-webkit-transform"] = j + " " + k, l["-moz-transform"] = j + " " + k, l["-ms-transform"] = j + " " + k, l["-o-transform"] = j + " " + k, l.transform = j + " " + k, l.opacity = "1";
var m = "mousemove" === a.type ? 2500 : o.duration;
l["-webkit-transition-duration"] = m + "ms", l["-moz-transition-duration"] = m + "ms", l["-o-transition-duration"] = m + "ms", l["transition-duration"] = m + "ms", d.setAttribute("style", g(l))
hide: function(a, b) {
b = b || this;
for (var c = b.getElementsByClassName("waves-rippling"), d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; d++) h(a, b, c[d])
p = {
input: function(a) {
var b = a.parentNode;
if ("i" !== b.tagName.toLowerCase() || !b.classList.contains("waves-effect")) {
var c = document.createElement("i");
c.className = a.className + " waves-input-wrapper", a.className = "waves-button-input", b.replaceChild(c, a), c.appendChild(a);
var d = window.getComputedStyle(a, null),
e = d.color,
f = d.backgroundColor;
c.setAttribute("style", "color:" + e + ";background:" + f), a.setAttribute("style", "background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);")
img: function(a) {
var b = a.parentNode;
if ("i" !== b.tagName.toLowerCase() || !b.classList.contains("waves-effect")) {
var c = document.createElement("i");
b.replaceChild(c, a), c.appendChild(a)
q = {
touches: 0,
allowEvent: function(a) {
var b = !0;
return /^(mousedown|mousemove)$/.test(a.type) && q.touches && (b = !1), b
registerEvent: function(a) {
var b = a.type;
"touchstart" === b ? q.touches += 1 : /^(touchend|touchcancel)$/.test(b) && setTimeout(function() {
q.touches && (q.touches -= 1)
}, 500)
return k.init = function(a) {
var b = document.body;
a = a || {}, "duration" in a && (o.duration = a.duration), "delay" in a && (o.delay = a.delay), n && (b.addEventListener("touchstart", j, !1), b.addEventListener("touchcancel", q.registerEvent, !1), b.addEventListener("touchend", q.registerEvent, !1)), b.addEventListener("mousedown", j, !1)
}, k.attach = function(a, b) {
a = e(a), "[object Array]" === && (b = b.join(" ")), b = b ? " " + b : "";
for (var c, d, f = 0, g = a.length; f < g; f++) c = a[f], d = c.tagName.toLowerCase(), -1 !== ["input", "img"].indexOf(d) && (p[d](c), c = c.parentElement), -1 === c.className.indexOf("waves-effect") && (c.className += " waves-effect" + b)
}, k.ripple = function(a, b) {
a = e(a);
var c = a.length;
if (b = b || {}, b.wait = b.wait || 0, b.position = b.position || null, c)
for (var d, g, h, i = {}, j = 0, k = {
type: "mousedown",
button: 1
}; j < c; j++)
if (d = a[j], g = b.position || {
x: d.clientWidth / 2,
y: d.clientHeight / 2
}, h = f(d), i.x = h.left + g.x, i.y = + g.y, k.pageX = i.x, k.pageY = i.y,, d), b.wait >= 0 && null !== b.wait) {
var l = {
type: "mouseup",
button: 1
setTimeout(function(a, b) {
return function() {
o.hide(a, b)
}(l, d), b.wait)
}, k.calm = function(a) {
a = e(a);
for (var b = {
type: "mouseup",
button: 1
}, c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) o.hide(b, a[c])
}, k.displayEffect = function(a) {
console.error("Waves.displayEffect() has been deprecated and will be removed in future version. Please use Waves.init() to initialize Waves effect"), k.init(a)
}, k