Your IP :
/*! Copyright (c) 2011 Piotr Rochala (
* Dual licensed under the MIT (
* and GPL ( licenses.
* Version: 1.3.3
(function ($) {
slimScroll: function (options) {
var defaults = {
// width in pixels of the visible scroll area
width: 'auto',
// height in pixels of the visible scroll area
height: '250px',
// width in pixels of the scrollbar and rail
size: '7px',
// scrollbar color, accepts any hex/color value
color: '#000',
// scrollbar position - left/right
position: 'right',
// distance in pixels between the side edge and the scrollbar
distance: '1px',
// default scroll position on load - top / bottom / $('selector')
start: 'top',
// sets scrollbar opacity
opacity: .4,
// enables always-on mode for the scrollbar
alwaysVisible: false,
// check if we should hide the scrollbar when user is hovering over
disableFadeOut: false,
// sets visibility of the rail
railVisible: false,
// sets rail color
railColor: '#333',
// sets rail opacity
railOpacity: .2,
// whether we should use jQuery UI Draggable to enable bar dragging
railDraggable: true,
// defautlt CSS class of the slimscroll rail
railClass: 'slimScrollRail',
// defautlt CSS class of the slimscroll bar
barClass: 'slimScrollBar',
// defautlt CSS class of the slimscroll wrapper
wrapperClass: 'slimScrollDiv',
// check if mousewheel should scroll the window if we reach top/bottom
allowPageScroll: false,
// scroll amount applied to each mouse wheel step
wheelStep: 20,
// scroll amount applied when user is using gestures
touchScrollStep: 200,
// sets border radius
borderRadius: '7px',
// sets border radius of the rail
railBorderRadius: '7px'
var o = $.extend(defaults, options);
// do it for every element that matches selector
this.each(function () {
var isOverPanel, isOverBar, isDragg, queueHide, touchDif,
barHeight, percentScroll, lastScroll,
divS = '<div></div>',
minBarHeight = 30,
releaseScroll = false;
// used in event handlers and for better minification
var me = $(this);
// ensure we are not binding it again
if (me.parent().hasClass(o.wrapperClass))
// start from last bar position
var offset = me.scrollTop();
// find bar and rail
bar = me.parent().find('.' + o.barClass);
rail = me.parent().find('.' + o.railClass);
// check if we should scroll existing instance
if ($.isPlainObject(options))
// Pass height: auto to an existing slimscroll object to force a resize after contents have changed
if ('height' in options && options.height == 'auto') {
me.parent().css('height', 'auto');
me.css('height', 'auto');
var height = me.parent().parent().height();
me.parent().css('height', height);
me.css('height', height);
if ('scrollTo' in options)
// jump to a static point
offset = parseInt(o.scrollTo);
else if ('scrollBy' in options)
// jump by value pixels
offset += parseInt(o.scrollBy);
else if ('destroy' in options)
// remove slimscroll elements
// scroll content by the given offset
scrollContent(offset, false, true);
else if ($.isPlainObject(options))
if ('destroy' in options)
// optionally set height to the parent's height
o.height = (o.height == 'auto') ? me.parent().height() : o.height;
// wrap content
var wrapper = $(divS)
position: 'relative',
overflow: 'hidden',
width: o.width,
height: o.height
// update style for the div
overflow: 'hidden',
width: o.width,
height: o.height,
//Fix for IE10
"-ms-touch-action": "none"
// create scrollbar rail
var rail = $(divS)
width: o.size,
height: '100%',
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
display: (o.alwaysVisible && o.railVisible) ? 'block' : 'none',
'border-radius': o.railBorderRadius,
background: o.railColor,
opacity: o.railOpacity,
zIndex: 90
// create scrollbar
var bar = $(divS)
background: o.color,
width: o.size,
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
opacity: o.opacity,
display: o.alwaysVisible ? 'block' : 'none',
'border-radius': o.borderRadius,
BorderRadius: o.borderRadius,
MozBorderRadius: o.borderRadius,
WebkitBorderRadius: o.borderRadius,
zIndex: 99
// set position
var posCss = (o.position == 'right') ? {right: o.distance} : {left: o.distance};
// wrap it
// append to parent div
// make it draggable and no longer dependent on the jqueryUI
if (o.railDraggable) {
bar.bind("mousedown", function (e) {
var $doc = $(document);
isDragg = true;
t = parseFloat(bar.css('top'));
pageY = e.pageY;
$doc.bind("mousemove.slimscroll", function (e) {
currTop = t + e.pageY - pageY;
bar.css('top', currTop);
scrollContent(0, bar.position().top, false);// scroll content
$doc.bind("mouseup.slimscroll", function (e) {
isDragg = false;
return false;
}).bind("selectstart.slimscroll", function (e) {
return false;
// on rail over
rail.hover(function () {
}, function () {
// on bar over
bar.hover(function () {
isOverBar = true;
}, function () {
isOverBar = false;
// show on parent mouseover
me.hover(function () {
isOverPanel = true;
}, function () {
isOverPanel = false;
if (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) {
// support for mobile
me.bind('MSPointerDown', function (e, b) {
if (e.originalEvent.targetTouches.length)
// record where touch started
touchDif = e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY;
me.bind('MSPointerMove', function (e) {
// prevent scrolling the page if necessary
if (e.originalEvent.targetTouches.length)
// see how far user swiped
var diff = (touchDif - e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY) / o.touchScrollStep;
// scroll content
scrollContent(diff, true);
touchDif = e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY;
} else {
// support for mobile
me.bind('touchstart', function (e, b) {
if (e.originalEvent.touches.length)
// record where touch started
touchDif = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
me.bind('touchmove', function (e) {
// prevent scrolling the page if necessary
if (!releaseScroll)
if (e.originalEvent.touches.length)
// see how far user swiped
var diff = (touchDif - e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY) / o.touchScrollStep;
// scroll content
scrollContent(diff, true);
touchDif = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
// set up initial height
// check start position
if (o.start === 'bottom')
// scroll content to bottom
bar.css({top: me.outerHeight() - bar.outerHeight()});
scrollContent(0, true);
else if (o.start !== 'top')
// assume jQuery selector
scrollContent($(o.start).position().top, null, true);
// make sure bar stays hidden
if (!o.alwaysVisible) {
// attach scroll events
function _onWheel(e)
// use mouse wheel only when mouse is over
if (!isOverPanel) {
var e = e || window.event;
var delta = 0;
if (e.wheelDelta) {
delta = -e.wheelDelta / 120;
if (e.detail) {
delta = e.detail / 3;
var target = || e.srcTarget || e.srcElement;
if ($(target).closest('.' + o.wrapperClass).is(me.parent())) {
// scroll content
scrollContent(delta, true);
// stop window scroll
if (e.preventDefault && !releaseScroll) {
if (!releaseScroll) {
e.returnValue = false;
function scrollContent(y, isWheel, isJump)
releaseScroll = false;
var delta = y;
var maxTop = me.outerHeight() - bar.outerHeight();
if (isWheel)
// move bar with mouse wheel
delta = parseInt(bar.css('top')) + y * parseInt(o.wheelStep) / 100 * bar.outerHeight();
// move bar, make sure it doesn't go out
delta = Math.min(Math.max(delta, 0), maxTop);
// if scrolling down, make sure a fractional change to the
// scroll position isn't rounded away when the scrollbar's CSS is set
// this flooring of delta would happened automatically when
// bar.css is set below, but we floor here for clarity
delta = (y > 0) ? Math.ceil(delta) : Math.floor(delta);
// scroll the scrollbar
bar.css({top: delta + 'px'});
// calculate actual scroll amount
percentScroll = parseInt(bar.css('top')) / (me.outerHeight() - bar.outerHeight());
delta = percentScroll * (me[0].scrollHeight - me.outerHeight());
if (isJump)
delta = y;
var offsetTop = delta / me[0].scrollHeight * me.outerHeight();
offsetTop = Math.min(Math.max(offsetTop, 0), maxTop);
bar.css({top: offsetTop + 'px'});
// scroll content
// fire scrolling event
me.trigger('slimscrolling', ~~delta);
// ensure bar is visible
// trigger hide when scroll is stopped
function attachWheel()
if (window.addEventListener)
this.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', _onWheel, false);
this.addEventListener('mousewheel', _onWheel, false);
document.attachEvent("onmousewheel", _onWheel)
function getBarHeight()
// calculate scrollbar height and make sure it is not too small
barHeight = Math.max((me.outerHeight() / me[0].scrollHeight) * me.outerHeight(), minBarHeight);
bar.css({height: barHeight + 'px'});
// hide scrollbar if content is not long enough
var display = barHeight == me.outerHeight() ? 'none' : 'block';
bar.css({display: display});
function showBar()
// recalculate bar height
// when bar reached top or bottom
if (percentScroll == ~~percentScroll)
//release wheel
releaseScroll = o.allowPageScroll;
// publish approporiate event
if (lastScroll != percentScroll)
var msg = (~~percentScroll == 0) ? 'top' : 'bottom';
me.trigger('slimscroll', msg);
releaseScroll = false;
lastScroll = percentScroll;
// show only when required
if (barHeight >= me.outerHeight()) {
//allow window scroll
releaseScroll = true;
bar.stop(true, true).fadeIn('fast');
if (o.railVisible) {
rail.stop(true, true).fadeIn('fast');
function hideBar()
// only hide when options allow it
if (!o.alwaysVisible)
queueHide = setTimeout(function () {
if (!(o.disableFadeOut && isOverPanel) && !isOverBar && !isDragg)
}, 1000);
// maintain chainability
return this;
slimscroll: $.fn.slimScroll
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