Your IP :
//Author : @arboshiki
* Generates random string of n length.
* String contains only letters and numbers
* @param {int} n
* @returns {String}
Math.randomString = function (n) {
var text = "";
var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return text;
var Lobibox = Lobibox || {};
(function () {
var LobiboxNotify = function (type, options) {
//----------------PROTOTYPE VARIABLES-------------------------------------------
this.$type = null;
this.$options = null;
this.$el = null;
//-----------------PRIVATE VARIABLES--------------------------------------------
var me = this;
//-----------------PRIVATE FUNCTIONS--------------------------------------------
var _processInput = function (options) {
if (options.size === 'mini' || options.size === 'large') {
options = $.extend({}, Lobibox.notify.OPTIONS[options.size], options);
options = $.extend({}, Lobibox.notify.OPTIONS[me.$type], Lobibox.notify.DEFAULTS, options);
if (options.size !== 'mini' && options.title === true) {
options.title = Lobibox.notify.OPTIONS[me.$type].title;
} else if (options.size === 'mini' && options.title === true) {
options.title = false;
if (options.icon === true) {
options.icon = Lobibox.notify.OPTIONS.icons[options.iconSource][me.$type];
if (options.sound === true) {
options.sound = Lobibox.notify.OPTIONS[me.$type].sound;
if (options.sound) {
options.sound = options.soundPath + options.sound + options.soundExt;
return options;
var _appendInWrapper = function ($el, $wrapper) {
if (me.$options.size === 'normal') {
if ($wrapper.hasClass('bottom')) {
} else {
} else if (me.$options.size === 'mini') {
if ($wrapper.hasClass('bottom')) {
} else {
} else if (me.$options.size === 'large') {
var tabPane = _createTabPane().append($el);
var $li = _createTabControl(tabPane.attr('id'));
$li.find('>a').click(function () {
var _activateTab = function ($li) {
var $current = $($li.find('>a').attr('href'));
var _createTabControl = function (tabPaneId) {
var $li = $('<li></li>', {
'class': Lobibox.notify.OPTIONS[me.$type]['class']
$('<a></a>', {
'href': '#' + tabPaneId
}).append('<i class="tab-control-icon ' + me.$options.icon + '"></i>')
return $li;
var _createTabPane = function () {
return $('<div></div>', {
'class': 'lb-tab-pane',
'id': Math.randomString(10)
var _createNotifyWrapper = function () {
var selector = (me.$options.size === 'large' ? '.lobibox-notify-wrapper-large' : '.lobibox-notify-wrapper')
+ "." + me.$options.position.replace(/\s/gi, '.'),
//var classes = me.$options.position.split(" ");
$wrapper = $(selector);
if ($wrapper.length === 0) {
$wrapper = $('<div></div>')
.addClass(selector.replace(/\./g, ' ').trim())
if (me.$options.size === 'large') {
$wrapper.append($('<ul class="lb-notify-tabs"></ul>'))
.append($('<div class="lb-notify-wrapper"></div>'));
return $wrapper;
var _createNotify = function () {
var OPTS = Lobibox.notify.OPTIONS,
$notify = $('<div></div>', {
'class': 'lobibox-notify ' + OPTS[me.$type]['class'] + ' ' + OPTS['class'] + ' ' + me.$options.showClass
$iconWrapper = $('<div class="lobibox-notify-icon-wrapper"></div>').appendTo($notify);
$iconEl = $('<div class="lobibox-notify-icon"></div>').appendTo($iconWrapper);
$innerIconEl = $('<div></div>').appendTo($iconEl);
// Add image or icon depending on given parameters
if (me.$options.img) {
$innerIconEl.append('<img src="' + me.$options.img + '"/>');
} else if (me.$options.icon) {
$innerIconEl.append('<div class="icon-el"><i class="' + me.$options.icon + '"></i></div>');
} else {
// Create body, append title and message in body and append body in notification
$msg = $('<div class="lobibox-notify-msg">' + me.$options.msg + '</div>');
if (me.$options.messageHeight !== false) {
$msg.css('max-height', me.$options.messageHeight);
$body = $('<div></div>', {
'class': 'lobibox-notify-body'
if (me.$options.title) {
$body.prepend('<div class="lobibox-notify-title">' + me.$options.title + '<div>');
if (me.$options.size === 'normal' || me.$options.size === 'mini') {
// Give width to notification
if (me.$options.width) {
$notify.css('width', _calculateWidth(me.$options.width));
return $notify;
var _addCloseButton = function ($el) {
if (!me.$options.closable) {
$('<span class="lobibox-close">×</span>')
.click(function (ev) {
var _addCloseOnClick = function ($el) {
if (!me.$options.closeOnClick) {
$ () {
var _addDelay = function ($el) {
if (!me.$options.delay) {
if (me.$options.delayIndicator) {
var delay = $('<div class="lobibox-delay-indicator"><div></div></div>');
var time = 0;
var interval = 1000 / 30;
var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
var timer = setInterval(function () {
if (me.$options.continueDelayOnInactiveTab) {
time = new Date().getTime() - currentTime;
} else {
time += interval;
var width = 100 * time / me.$options.delay;
if (width >= 100) {
width = 100;
timer = clearInterval(timer);
if (me.$options.delayIndicator) {
delay.find('div').css('width', width + "%");
}, interval);
if (me.$options.pauseDelayOnHover) {
$el.on('mouseenter.lobibox', function () {
interval = 0;
}).on('mouseleave.lobibox', function () {
interval = 1000 / 30;
var _findTabToActivate = function ($li) {
var $itemToActivate = $li.prev();
if ($itemToActivate.length === 0) {
$itemToActivate = $;
if ($itemToActivate.length === 0) {
return null;
return $itemToActivate;
var _calculateWidth = function (width) {
width = Math.min($(window).outerWidth(), width);
return width;
//----------------PROTOTYPE FUNCTIONS-------------------------------------------
* Delete the notification
* @returns {LobiboxNotify}
this.remove = function () {
var parent = me.$el.parent();
var wrapper = parent.closest('.lobibox-notify-wrapper-large');
var href = '#' + parent.attr('id');
var $li = wrapper.find('>.lb-notify-tabs>li:has(a[href="' + href + '"])');
setTimeout(function () {
if (me.$options.size === 'normal' || me.$options.size === 'mini') {
} else if (me.$options.size === 'large') {
var $newLi = _findTabToActivate($li);
if ($newLi) {
var list = Lobibox.notify.list;
var ind = list.indexOf(me);
list.splice(ind, 1);
var next = list[ind];
if (next && next.$options.showAfterPrevious) {
}, 500);
return me;
me._init = function () {
// Create notification
var $notify = _createNotify();
if (me.$options.size === 'mini') {
if (typeof me.$options.position === 'string') {
var $wrapper = _createNotifyWrapper();
_appendInWrapper($notify, $wrapper);
if ($wrapper.hasClass('center')) {
$wrapper.css('margin-left', '-' + ($wrapper.width() / 2) + "px");
} else {
'position': 'fixed',
left: me.$options.position.left,
top: me.$
me.$el = $notify;
if (me.$options.sound) {
var snd = new Audio(me.$options.sound); // buffers automatically when created;
if (me.$options.rounded) {
me.$el.on('click.lobibox', function (ev) {
if (me.$options.onClickUrl) {
window.location.href = me.$options.onClickUrl;
if (me.$options.onClick && typeof me.$options.onClick === 'function') {
me.$, ev);
me.$'lobibox', me);
this.$type = type;
this.$options = _processInput(options);
if (!me.$options.showAfterPrevious || Lobibox.notify.list.length === 0) {
Lobibox.notify = function (type, options) {
if (["default", "info", "warning", "error", "success"].indexOf(type) > -1) {
var lobibox = new LobiboxNotify(type, options);
return lobibox;
Lobibox.notify.list = [];
Lobibox.notify.closeAll = function () {
var list = Lobibox.notify.list;
for (var i in list) {
//User can set default options to this variable
Lobibox.notify.DEFAULTS = {
title: true, // Title of notification. If you do not include the title in options it will automatically takes its value
//from Lobibox.notify.OPTIONS object depending of the type of the notifications or set custom string. Set this false to disable title
size: 'normal', // normal, mini, large
soundPath: 'sounds/', // The folder path where sounds are located
soundExt: '.ogg', // Default extension for all sounds
showClass: 'fadeInDown', // Show animation class.
hideClass: 'zoomOut', // Hide animation class.
icon: true, // Icon of notification. Leave as is for default icon or set custom string
msg: '', // Message of notification
img: null, // Image source string
closable: true, // Make notifications closable
hideCloseButton: false, // Notification may be closable but you can hide close button and it will be closed by clicking on notification itsef
delay: 5000, // Hide notification after this time (in miliseconds)
delayIndicator: true, // Show timer indicator
closeOnClick: true, // Close notifications by clicking on them
width: 400, // Width of notification box
sound: true, // Sound of notification. Set this false to disable sound. Leave as is for default sound or set custom soud path
// Place to show notification. Available options: "top left", "top right", "bottom left", "bottom right", "center top", "center bottom"
// It can also be object {left: number, top: number} to position notification at any place
position: "bottom right",
iconSource: 'bootstrap', // "bootstrap" or "fontAwesome" the library which will be used for icons
rounded: false, // Whether to make notification corners rounded
messageHeight: 60, // Notification message maximum height. This is not for notification itself, this is for <code>.lobibox-notify-msg</code>
pauseDelayOnHover: true, // When you mouse over on notification delay (if it is enabled) will be paused.
onClickUrl: null, // The url which will be opened when notification is clicked
showAfterPrevious: false, // Set this to true if you want notification not to be shown until previous notification is closed. This is useful for notification queues
continueDelayOnInactiveTab: true, // Continue delay when browser tab is inactive
// Events
onClick: null
//This variable is necessary.
Lobibox.notify.OPTIONS = {
'class': 'animated-fast',
large: {
width: 500,
messageHeight: 96
mini: {
'class': 'notify-mini',
messageHeight: 32
default: {
'class': 'lobibox-notify-default',
'title': 'Default',
sound: false
success: {
'class': 'lobibox-notify-success',
'title': 'Success',
sound: 'sound2'
error: {
'class': 'lobibox-notify-error',
'title': 'Error',
sound: 'sound4'
warning: {
'class': 'lobibox-notify-warning',
'title': 'Warning',
sound: 'sound5'
info: {
'class': 'lobibox-notify-info',
'title': 'Information',
sound: 'sound6'
icons: {
bootstrap: {
success: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok-sign',
error: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign',
warning: 'glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign',
info: 'glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign'
fontAwesome: {
success: 'fa fa-check-circle',
error: 'fa fa-times-circle',
warning: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
info: 'fa fa-info-circle'
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