Your IP :
* League.Uri (
* (c) Ignace Nyamagana Butera <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace League\Uri;
use League\Uri\Contracts\UriInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface as Psr7UriInterface;
use TypeError;
use function explode;
use function implode;
use function preg_replace_callback;
use function rawurldecode;
use function sprintf;
final class UriInfo
private const REGEXP_ENCODED_CHARS = ',%(2[D|E]|3[0-9]|4[1-9|A-F]|5[0-9|AF]|6[1-9|A-F]|7[0-9|E]),i';
private const WHATWG_SPECIAL_SCHEMES = ['ftp' => 21, 'http' => 80, 'https' => 443, 'ws' => 80, 'wss' => 443];
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private function __construct()
* @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri
private static function emptyComponentValue($uri): ?string
return $uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface ? '' : null;
* Filter the URI object.
* To be valid an URI MUST implement at least one of the following interface:
* - League\Uri\UriInterface
* - Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
* @param mixed $uri the URI to validate
* @throws TypeError if the URI object does not implements the supported interfaces.
* @return Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface
private static function filterUri($uri)
if ($uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface || $uri instanceof UriInterface) {
return $uri;
throw new TypeError(sprintf('The uri must be a valid URI object received `%s`', is_object($uri) ? get_class($uri) : gettype($uri)));
* Normalize an URI for comparison.
* @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri
* @return Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface
private static function normalize($uri)
$uri = self::filterUri($uri);
$null = self::emptyComponentValue($uri);
$path = $uri->getPath();
if ('/' === ($path[0] ?? '') || '' !== $uri->getScheme().$uri->getAuthority()) {
$path = UriResolver::resolve($uri, $uri->withPath('')->withQuery($null))->getPath();
$query = $uri->getQuery();
$fragment = $uri->getFragment();
$fragmentOrig = $fragment;
$pairs = null === $query ? [] : explode('&', $query);
sort($pairs, SORT_REGULAR);
$replace = static fn (array $matches): string => rawurldecode($matches[0]);
$retval = preg_replace_callback(self::REGEXP_ENCODED_CHARS, $replace, [$path, implode('&', $pairs), $fragment]);
if (null !== $retval) {
[$path, $query, $fragment] = $retval + ['', $null, $null];
if ($null !== $uri->getAuthority() && '' === $path) {
$path = '/';
return $uri
->withHost(Uri::createFromComponents(['host' => $uri->getHost()])->getHost())
->withQuery([] === $pairs ? $null : $query)
->withFragment($null === $fragmentOrig ? $fragmentOrig : $fragment);
* Tell whether the URI represents an absolute URI.
* @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri
public static function isAbsolute($uri): bool
return self::emptyComponentValue($uri) !== self::filterUri($uri)->getScheme();
* Tell whether the URI represents a network path.
* @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri
public static function isNetworkPath($uri): bool
$uri = self::filterUri($uri);
$null = self::emptyComponentValue($uri);
return $null === $uri->getScheme() && $null !== $uri->getAuthority();
* Tell whether the URI represents an absolute path.
* @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri
public static function isAbsolutePath($uri): bool
$uri = self::filterUri($uri);
$null = self::emptyComponentValue($uri);
return $null === $uri->getScheme()
&& $null === $uri->getAuthority()
&& '/' === ($uri->getPath()[0] ?? '');
* Tell whether the URI represents a relative path.
* @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri
public static function isRelativePath($uri): bool
$uri = self::filterUri($uri);
$null = self::emptyComponentValue($uri);
return $null === $uri->getScheme()
&& $null === $uri->getAuthority()
&& '/' !== ($uri->getPath()[0] ?? '');
* Tell whether both URI refers to the same document.
* @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri
* @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $base_uri
public static function isSameDocument($uri, $base_uri): bool
$uri = self::normalize($uri);
$base_uri = self::normalize($base_uri);
return (string) $uri->withFragment($uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface ? '' : null)
=== (string) $base_uri->withFragment($base_uri instanceof Psr7UriInterface ? '' : null);
* Returns the URI origin property as defined by WHATWG URL living standard.
* {@see}
* For URI without a special scheme the method returns null
* For URI with the file scheme the method will return null (as this is left to the implementation decision)
* For URI with a special scheme the method returns the scheme followed by its authority (without the userinfo part)
* @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri
public static function getOrigin($uri): ?string
$scheme = self::filterUri($uri)->getScheme();
if ('blob' === $scheme) {
$uri = Uri::createFromString($uri->getPath());
$scheme = $uri->getScheme();
if (null === $scheme || !array_key_exists($scheme, self::WHATWG_SPECIAL_SCHEMES)) {
return null;
$null = self::emptyComponentValue($uri);
return (string) $uri->withFragment($null)->withQuery($null)->withPath('')->withUserInfo($null);
* @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $uri
* @param Psr7UriInterface|UriInterface $base_uri
public static function isCrossOrigin($uri, $base_uri): bool
return null === ($uriString = self::getOrigin(Uri::createFromUri($uri)))
|| null === ($baseUriString = self::getOrigin(Uri::createFromUri($base_uri)))
|| $uriString !== $baseUriString;