Your IP :
return [
| Console Commands
| This option allows you to add additional Artisan commands that should
| be available within the Tinker environment. Once the command is in
| this array you may execute the command in Tinker using its name.
'commands' => [
// App\Console\Commands\ExampleCommand::class,
| Auto Aliased Classes
| Tinker will not automatically alias classes in your vendor namespaces
| but you may explicitly allow a subset of classes to get aliased by
| adding the names of each of those classes to the following list.
'alias' => [
| Classes That Should Not Be Aliased
| Typically, Tinker automatically aliases classes as you require them in
| Tinker. However, you may wish to never alias certain classes, which
| you may accomplish by listing the classes in the following array.
'dont_alias' => [