Your IP :
* Repurposed UnminifiedWebpackPlugin.
* See:
* Changes:
* 1. Remove check for UglifyJsPlugin - Terser is the successor.
* 2. Remove check for development mode - we always want unminified files.
* 3. Remove BannerPlugin support - we don't use it.
* 4. Remove the 'min' suffix from the chunk loaded in the new `mainEntry` option.
* 5. Hook into compilation later so we're running after Source Map generation.
const path = require( 'path' );
const ModuleFilenameHelpers = require( 'webpack/lib/ModuleFilenameHelpers' );
const getFileName = ( name, ext, opts ) => {
if ( name.match(/([-_.]min)[-_.]/ ) ) {
return name.replace( /[-_.]min/, '' );
const suffix = ( opts.postfix || 'nomin' ) + '.' + ext;
if ( name.match( new RegExp( '\.' + ext + '$' ) ) ) {
return name.replace( new RegExp( ext + '$' ), suffix )
return name + suffix;
class UnminifyWebpackPlugin {
constructor( opts ) {
const options = opts || {};
this.options = {
test: options.test || /\.(js|css)($|\?)/i,
mainEntry: options.mainEntry || false,
apply( compiler ) {
// Hook after asset optimization if we're using a devtool (source map).
// @todo: Update to afterFinishAssets for Webpack 5.x?
const compilationHook = compiler.options.devtool ? 'afterOptimizeAssets' : 'additionalAssets';
compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( 'UnminifyWebpackPlugin', ( compilation ) => {
compilation.hooks[ compilationHook ].tap( 'UnminifyWebpackPlugin', () => {
const files = [
compilation.chunks.forEach( chunk => files.push( ...chunk.files ) );
const finalFiles = files.filter( ModuleFilenameHelpers.matchObject.bind( null, this.options ) );
finalFiles.forEach( ( minified ) => {
const asset = compilation.assets[ minified ];
let source = asset.source();
const ext = path.extname( minified ).substr( 1 );
const unminified = getFileName( minified, ext, this.options );
// Remove the ".min" suffix from the lazy loaded chunk filenames.
if ( this.options.mainEntry && minified === this.options.mainEntry ) {
// See:
// NOTE: This will break with Webpack 5.x!
source = source.replace( / \+ "\.min\.js"$/m, ' + ".js"' );
compilation.assets[ unminified ] = {
source: () => {
return source;
size: () => {
return source.length;
} );
} );
} );
module.exports = UnminifyWebpackPlugin;