Your IP :
* The admin-panel specific functionality of the plugin.
* @since 1.0.0
* @package LiteSpeed
* @subpackage LiteSpeed/admin
* @author LiteSpeed Technologies <>
namespace LiteSpeed;
defined('WPINC') || exit();
class Admin_Display extends Base
const LOG_TAG = '👮♀️';
const NOTICE_BLUE = 'notice notice-info';
const NOTICE_GREEN = 'notice notice-success';
const NOTICE_RED = 'notice notice-error';
const NOTICE_YELLOW = 'notice notice-warning';
const DB_MSG = 'messages';
const DB_MSG_PIN = 'msg_pin';
const PURGEBY_CAT = '0';
const PURGEBY_PID = '1';
const PURGEBY_TAG = '2';
const PURGEBY_URL = '3';
const PURGEBYOPT_SELECT = 'purgeby';
const PURGEBYOPT_LIST = 'purgebylist';
const DB_DISMISS_MSG = 'dismiss';
const RULECONFLICT_ON = 'ExpiresDefault_1';
const RULECONFLICT_DISMISSED = 'ExpiresDefault_0';
protected $messages = array();
protected $default_settings = array();
protected $_is_network_admin = false;
protected $_is_multisite = false;
private $_btn_i = 0;
* Initialize the class and set its properties.
* @since 1.0.7
public function __construct()
// main css
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_style'));
// Main js
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_scripts'));
$this->_is_network_admin = is_network_admin();
$this->_is_multisite = is_multisite();
// Quick access menu
if (is_multisite() && $this->_is_network_admin) {
$manage = 'manage_network_options';
} else {
$manage = 'manage_options';
if (current_user_can($manage)) {
if (!defined('LITESPEED_DISABLE_ALL')) {
add_action('wp_before_admin_bar_render', array(GUI::cls(), 'backend_shortcut'));
// `admin_notices` is after `admin_enqueue_scripts`
// @see wp-admin/admin-header.php
add_action($this->_is_network_admin ? 'network_admin_notices' : 'admin_notices', array($this, 'display_messages'));
* In case this is called outside the admin page
* @see
* @since 2.0
if (!function_exists('is_plugin_active_for_network')) {
require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
// add menus ( Also check for mu-plugins)
if ($this->_is_network_admin && (is_plugin_active_for_network(LSCWP_BASENAME) || defined('LSCWP_MU_PLUGIN'))) {
add_action('network_admin_menu', array($this, 'register_admin_menu'));
} else {
add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'register_admin_menu'));
* Show the title of one line
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function title($id)
echo Lang::title($id);
* Register the admin menu display.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
public function register_admin_menu()
$capability = $this->_is_network_admin ? 'manage_network_options' : 'manage_options';
if (current_user_can($capability)) {
// root menu
add_menu_page('LiteSpeed Cache', 'LiteSpeed Cache', 'manage_options', 'litespeed');
// sub menus
$this->_add_submenu(__('Dashboard', 'litespeed-cache'), 'litespeed', 'show_menu_dash');
!$this->_is_network_admin && $this->_add_submenu(__('Presets', 'litespeed-cache'), 'litespeed-presets', 'show_menu_presets');
$this->_add_submenu(__('General', 'litespeed-cache'), 'litespeed-general', 'show_menu_general');
$this->_add_submenu(__('Cache', 'litespeed-cache'), 'litespeed-cache', 'show_menu_cache');
!$this->_is_network_admin && $this->_add_submenu(__('CDN', 'litespeed-cache'), 'litespeed-cdn', 'show_menu_cdn');
$this->_add_submenu(__('Image Optimization', 'litespeed-cache'), 'litespeed-img_optm', 'show_img_optm');
!$this->_is_network_admin && $this->_add_submenu(__('Page Optimization', 'litespeed-cache'), 'litespeed-page_optm', 'show_page_optm');
$this->_add_submenu(__('Database', 'litespeed-cache'), 'litespeed-db_optm', 'show_db_optm');
!$this->_is_network_admin && $this->_add_submenu(__('Crawler', 'litespeed-cache'), 'litespeed-crawler', 'show_crawler');
$this->_add_submenu(__('Toolbox', 'litespeed-cache'), 'litespeed-toolbox', 'show_toolbox');
// sub menus under options
add_options_page('LiteSpeed Cache', 'LiteSpeed Cache', $capability, 'litespeed-cache-options', array($this, 'show_menu_cache'));
* Helper function to set up a submenu page.
* @since 1.0.4
* @access private
* @param string $menu_title The title that appears on the menu.
* @param string $menu_slug The slug of the page.
* @param string $callback The callback to call if selected.
private function _add_submenu($menu_title, $menu_slug, $callback)
add_submenu_page('litespeed', $menu_title, $menu_title, 'manage_options', $menu_slug, array($this, $callback));
* Register the stylesheets for the admin area.
* @since 1.0.14
* @access public
public function enqueue_style()
wp_enqueue_style(Core::PLUGIN_NAME, LSWCP_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/css/litespeed.css', array(), Core::VER, 'all');
* Register the JavaScript for the admin area.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
public function enqueue_scripts()
wp_register_script(Core::PLUGIN_NAME, LSWCP_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/litespeed-cache-admin.js', array(), Core::VER, false);
$localize_data = array();
if (GUI::has_whm_msg()) {
$ajax_url_dismiss_whm = Utility::build_url(Core::ACTION_DISMISS, GUI::TYPE_DISMISS_WHM, true);
$localize_data['ajax_url_dismiss_whm'] = $ajax_url_dismiss_whm;
if (GUI::has_msg_ruleconflict()) {
$ajax_url = Utility::build_url(Core::ACTION_DISMISS, GUI::TYPE_DISMISS_EXPIRESDEFAULT, true);
$localize_data['ajax_url_dismiss_ruleconflict'] = $ajax_url;
$promo_tag = GUI::cls()->show_promo(true);
if ($promo_tag) {
$ajax_url_promo = Utility::build_url(Core::ACTION_DISMISS, GUI::TYPE_DISMISS_PROMO, true, null, array('promo_tag' => $promo_tag));
$localize_data['ajax_url_promo'] = $ajax_url_promo;
// Injection to LiteSpeed pages
global $pagenow;
if ($pagenow == 'admin.php' && !empty($_GET['page']) && (strpos($_GET['page'], 'litespeed-') === 0 || $_GET['page'] == 'litespeed')) {
// Admin footer
add_filter('admin_footer_text', array($this, 'admin_footer_text'), 1);
if ($_GET['page'] == 'litespeed-crawler' || $_GET['page'] == 'litespeed-cdn') {
// Babel JS type correction
add_filter('script_loader_tag', array($this, 'babel_type'), 10, 3);
wp_enqueue_script(Core::PLUGIN_NAME . '-lib-react', LSWCP_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/react.min.js', array(), Core::VER, false);
wp_enqueue_script(Core::PLUGIN_NAME . '-lib-babel', LSWCP_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/babel.min.js', array(), Core::VER, false);
// Crawler Cookie Simulation
if ($_GET['page'] == 'litespeed-crawler') {
wp_enqueue_script(Core::PLUGIN_NAME . '-crawler', LSWCP_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/component.crawler.js', array(), Core::VER, false);
$localize_data['lang'] = array();
$localize_data['lang']['cookie_name'] = __('Cookie Name', 'litespeed-cache');
$localize_data['lang']['cookie_value'] = __('Cookie Values', 'litespeed-cache');
$localize_data['lang']['one_per_line'] = Doc::one_per_line(true);
$localize_data['lang']['remove_cookie_simulation'] = __('Remove cookie simulation', 'litespeed-cache');
$localize_data['lang']['add_cookie_simulation_row'] = __('Add new cookie to simulate', 'litespeed-cache');
empty($localize_data['ids']) && ($localize_data['ids'] = array());
$localize_data['ids']['crawler_cookies'] = self::O_CRAWLER_COOKIES;
// CDN mapping
if ($_GET['page'] == 'litespeed-cdn') {
$home_url = home_url('/');
$parsed = parse_url($home_url);
$home_url = str_replace($parsed['scheme'] . ':', '', $home_url);
$cdn_url = 'https://cdn.' . substr($home_url, 2);
wp_enqueue_script(Core::PLUGIN_NAME . '-cdn', LSWCP_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/component.cdn.js', array(), Core::VER, false);
$localize_data['lang'] = array();
$localize_data['lang']['cdn_mapping_url'] = Lang::title(self::CDN_MAPPING_URL);
$localize_data['lang']['cdn_mapping_inc_img'] = Lang::title(self::CDN_MAPPING_INC_IMG);
$localize_data['lang']['cdn_mapping_inc_css'] = Lang::title(self::CDN_MAPPING_INC_CSS);
$localize_data['lang']['cdn_mapping_inc_js'] = Lang::title(self::CDN_MAPPING_INC_JS);
$localize_data['lang']['cdn_mapping_filetype'] = Lang::title(self::CDN_MAPPING_FILETYPE);
$localize_data['lang']['cdn_mapping_url_desc'] = sprintf(__('CDN URL to be used. For example, %s', 'litespeed-cache'), '<code>' . $cdn_url . '</code>');
$localize_data['lang']['one_per_line'] = Doc::one_per_line(true);
$localize_data['lang']['cdn_mapping_remove'] = __('Remove CDN URL', 'litespeed-cache');
$localize_data['lang']['add_cdn_mapping_row'] = __('Add new CDN URL', 'litespeed-cache');
$localize_data['lang']['on'] = __('ON', 'litespeed-cache');
$localize_data['lang']['off'] = __('OFF', 'litespeed-cache');
empty($localize_data['ids']) && ($localize_data['ids'] = array());
$localize_data['ids']['cdn_mapping'] = self::O_CDN_MAPPING;
// If on Server IP setting page, append getIP link
if ($_GET['page'] == 'litespeed-general') {
$localize_data['ajax_url_getIP'] = function_exists('get_rest_url') ? get_rest_url(null, 'litespeed/v1/tool/check_ip') : '/';
$localize_data['nonce'] = wp_create_nonce('wp_rest');
// Activate or deactivate a specific crawler
if ($_GET['page'] == 'litespeed-crawler') {
$localize_data['ajax_url_crawler_switch'] = function_exists('get_rest_url') ? get_rest_url(null, 'litespeed/v1/toggle_crawler_state') : '/';
$localize_data['nonce'] = wp_create_nonce('wp_rest');
if ($localize_data) {
wp_localize_script(Core::PLUGIN_NAME, 'litespeed_data', $localize_data);
* Babel type for crawler
* @since 3.6
public function babel_type($tag, $handle, $src)
if ($handle != Core::PLUGIN_NAME . '-crawler' && $handle != Core::PLUGIN_NAME . '-cdn') {
return $tag;
return '<script src="' . Str::trim_quotes($src) . '" type="text/babel"></script>';
* Callback that adds LiteSpeed Cache's action links.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @param array $links Previously added links from other plugins.
* @return array Links array with the litespeed cache one appended.
public function add_plugin_links($links)
// $links[] = '<a href="' . admin_url('options-general.php?page=litespeed-cache') . '">' . __('Settings', 'litespeed-cache') . '</a>';
$links[] = '<a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=litespeed-cache') . '">' . __('Settings', 'litespeed-cache') . '</a>';
return $links;
* Change the admin footer text on LiteSpeed Cache admin pages.
* @since 1.0.13
* @param string $footer_text
* @return string
public function admin_footer_text($footer_text)
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/inc/admin_footer.php';
return $footer_text;
* Builds the html for a single notice.
* @since 1.0.7
* @access public
* @param string $color The color to use for the notice.
* @param string $str The notice message.
* @return string The built notice html.
public static function build_notice($color, $str, $irremovable = false)
$cls = $color;
if ($irremovable) {
$cls .= ' litespeed-irremovable';
} else {
$cls .= ' is-dismissible';
// possible translation
$str = Lang::maybe_translate($str);
return '<div class="litespeed_icon ' . $cls . '"><p>' . wp_kses_post($str) . '</p></div>';
* Display info notice
* @since 1.6.5
* @access public
public static function info($msg, $echo = false, $irremovable = false)
self::add_notice(self::NOTICE_BLUE, $msg, $echo, $irremovable);
* Display note notice
* @since 1.6.5
* @access public
public static function note($msg, $echo = false, $irremovable = false)
self::add_notice(self::NOTICE_YELLOW, $msg, $echo, $irremovable);
* Display success notice
* @since 1.6
* @access public
public static function success($msg, $echo = false, $irremovable = false)
self::add_notice(self::NOTICE_GREEN, $msg, $echo, $irremovable);
/** @deprecated 4.7 */
public static function succeed($msg, $echo = false, $irremovable = false)
self::success($msg, $echo, $irremovable);
* Display error notice
* @since 1.6
* @access public
public static function error($msg, $echo = false, $irremovable = false)
self::add_notice(self::NOTICE_RED, $msg, $echo, $irremovable);
* Add irremovable msg
* @since 4.7
public static function add_unique_notice($color_mode, $msgs, $irremovable = false)
if (!is_array($msgs)) {
$msgs = array($msgs);
$color_map = array(
'info' => self::NOTICE_BLUE,
'note' => self::NOTICE_YELLOW,
'success' => self::NOTICE_GREEN,
'error' => self::NOTICE_RED,
if (empty($color_map[$color_mode])) {
self::debug('Wrong admin display color mode!');
$color = $color_map[$color_mode];
// Go through to make sure unique
$filtered_msgs = array();
foreach ($msgs as $k => $str) {
if (is_numeric($k)) {
$k = md5($str);
} // Use key to make it overwritable to previous same msg
$filtered_msgs[$k] = $str;
self::add_notice($color, $filtered_msgs, false, $irremovable);
* Adds a notice to display on the admin page
* @since 1.0.7
* @access public
public static function add_notice($color, $msg, $echo = false, $irremovable = false)
// self::debug("add_notice msg", $msg);
// Bypass adding for CLI or cron
if (defined('LITESPEED_CLI') || defined('DOING_CRON')) {
// WP CLI will show the info directly
if (defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI) {
if (!is_array($msg)) {
$msg = array($msg);
foreach ($msg as $v) {
$v = strip_tags($v);
if ($color == self::NOTICE_RED) {
\WP_CLI::error($v, false);
} else {
if ($echo) {
echo self::build_notice($color, $msg);
$msg_name = $irremovable ? self::DB_MSG_PIN : self::DB_MSG;
$messages = self::get_option($msg_name, array());
if (!is_array($messages)) {
$messages = array();
if (is_array($msg)) {
foreach ($msg as $k => $str) {
$messages[$k] = self::build_notice($color, $str, $irremovable);
} else {
$messages[] = self::build_notice($color, $msg, $irremovable);
$messages = array_unique($messages);
self::update_option($msg_name, $messages);
* Display notices and errors in dashboard
* @since 1.1.0
* @access public
public function display_messages()
if (!defined('LITESPEED_CONF_LOADED')) {
if (GUI::has_whm_msg()) {
// If is in dev version, always check latest update
// One time msg
$messages = self::get_option(self::DB_MSG, array());
$added_thickbox = false;
if (is_array($messages)) {
foreach ($messages as $msg) {
// Added for popup links
if (strpos($msg, 'TB_iframe') && !$added_thickbox) {
$added_thickbox = true;
echo wp_kses_post($msg);
if ($messages != -1) {
self::update_option(self::DB_MSG, -1);
// Pinned msg
$messages = self::get_option(self::DB_MSG_PIN, array());
if (is_array($messages)) {
foreach ($messages as $k => $msg) {
// Added for popup links
if (strpos($msg, 'TB_iframe') && !$added_thickbox) {
$added_thickbox = true;
// Append close btn
if (substr($msg, -6) == '</div>') {
$link = Utility::build_url(Core::ACTION_DISMISS, GUI::TYPE_DISMISS_PIN, false, null, array('msgid' => $k));
$msg =
substr($msg, 0, -6) .
'<p><a href="' .
$link .
'" class="button litespeed-btn-primary litespeed-btn-mini">' .
__('Dismiss', 'litespeed-cache') .
'</a>' .
echo wp_kses_post($msg);
// if ( $messages != -1 ) {
// self::update_option( self::DB_MSG_PIN, -1 );
// }
if (empty($_GET['page']) || strpos($_GET['page'], 'litespeed') !== 0) {
global $pagenow;
if ($pagenow != 'plugins.php') {
// && $pagenow != 'index.php'
// Show disable all warning
if (defined('LITESPEED_DISABLE_ALL')) {
Admin_Display::error(Error::msg('disabled_all'), true);
if (!$this->conf(self::O_NEWS)) {
// Show promo from cloud
* Check promo msg first
* @since 2.9
// Show version news
* Dismiss pinned msg
* @since 3.5.2
* @access public
public static function dismiss_pin()
if (!isset($_GET['msgid'])) {
$messages = self::get_option(self::DB_MSG_PIN, array());
if (!is_array($messages) || empty($messages[$_GET['msgid']])) {
if (!$messages) {
$messages = -1;
self::update_option(self::DB_MSG_PIN, $messages);
* Hooked to the in_widget_form action.
* Appends LiteSpeed Cache settings to the widget edit settings screen.
* This will append the esi on/off selector and ttl text.
* @since 1.1.0
* @access public
public function show_widget_edit($widget, $return, $instance)
require LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/esi_widget_edit.php';
* Displays the dashboard page.
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function show_menu_dash()
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/dash/entry.tpl.php';
* Displays the General page.
* @since 5.3
* @access public
public function show_menu_presets()
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/presets/entry.tpl.php';
* Displays the General page.
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function show_menu_general()
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/general/entry.tpl.php';
* Displays the CDN page.
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function show_menu_cdn()
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/cdn/entry.tpl.php';
* Displays the CDN page.
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function show_menu_auto_cdn_setup()
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/auto_cdn_setup/entry.tpl.php';
* Outputs the LiteSpeed Cache settings page.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
public function show_menu_cache()
if ($this->_is_network_admin) {
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/cache/entry_network.tpl.php';
} else {
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/cache/entry.tpl.php';
* Tools page
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function show_toolbox()
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/toolbox/entry.tpl.php';
* Outputs the crawler operation page.
* @since 1.1.0
* @access public
public function show_crawler()
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/crawler/entry.tpl.php';
* Outputs the optimization operation page.
* @since 1.6
* @access public
public function show_img_optm()
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/img_optm/entry.tpl.php';
* Page optm page.
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function show_page_optm()
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/page_optm/entry.tpl.php';
* DB optm page.
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function show_db_optm()
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/db_optm/entry.tpl.php';
* Outputs a notice to the admin panel when the plugin is installed
* via the WHM plugin.
* @since 1.0.12
* @access public
public function show_display_installed()
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/inc/show_display_installed.php';
* Display error cookie msg.
* @since 1.0.12
* @access public
public static function show_error_cookie()
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/inc/show_error_cookie.php';
* Display warning if lscache is disabled
* @since 2.1
* @access public
public function cache_disabled_warning()
include LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/inc/check_cache_disabled.php';
* Display conf data upgrading banner
* @since 2.1
* @access private
private function _in_upgrading()
include LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/inc/in_upgrading.php';
* Output litespeed form info
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function form_action($action = false, $type = false, $has_upload = false)
if (!$action) {
$action = Router::ACTION_SAVE_SETTINGS;
$has_upload = $has_upload ? 'enctype="multipart/form-data"' : '';
if (!defined('LITESPEED_CONF_LOADED')) {
echo '<div class="litespeed-relative"';
} else {
echo '<form method="post" action="' . wp_unslash($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '" class="litespeed-relative" ' . $has_upload . '>';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . Router::ACTION . '" value="' . $action . '" />';
if ($type) {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . Router::TYPE . '" value="' . $type . '" />';
wp_nonce_field($action, Router::NONCE);
* Output litespeed form info END
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function form_end($disable_reset = false)
echo "<div class='litespeed-top20'></div>";
if (!defined('LITESPEED_CONF_LOADED')) {
submit_button(__('Save Changes', 'litespeed-cache'), 'secondary litespeed-duplicate-float', 'litespeed-submit', true, array('disabled' => 'disabled'));
echo '</div>';
} else {
submit_button(__('Save Changes', 'litespeed-cache'), 'primary litespeed-duplicate-float', 'litespeed-submit', true, array(
'id' => 'litespeed-submit-' . $this->_btn_i++,
echo '</form>';
* Register this setting to save
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function enroll($id)
echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . Admin_Settings::ENROLL . '[]" value="' . $id . '" />';
* Build a textarea
* @since 1.1.0
* @access public
public function build_textarea($id, $cols = false, $val = null)
if ($val === null) {
$val = $this->conf($id, true);
if (is_array($val)) {
$val = implode("\n", $val);
if (!$cols) {
$cols = 80;
$rows = 5;
$lines = substr_count($val, "\n") + 2;
if ($lines > $rows) {
$rows = $lines;
if ($rows > 40) {
$rows = 40;
echo "<textarea name='$id' rows='$rows' cols='$cols'>" . esc_textarea($val) . '</textarea>';
* Build a text input field
* @since 1.1.0
* @access public
public function build_input($id, $cls = null, $val = null, $type = 'text', $disabled = false)
if ($val === null) {
$val = $this->conf($id, true);
// Mask pswds
if ($this->_conf_pswd($id) && $val) {
$val = str_repeat('*', strlen($val));
$label_id = preg_replace('/\W/', '', $id);
if ($type == 'text') {
$cls = "regular-text $cls";
if ($disabled) {
echo "<input type='$type' class='$cls' value='" . esc_textarea($val) . "' id='input_$label_id' disabled /> ";
} else {
echo "<input type='$type' class='$cls' name='$id' value='" . esc_textarea($val) . "' id='input_$label_id' /> ";
* Build a checkbox html snippet
* @since 1.1.0
* @access public
* @param string $id
* @param string $title
* @param bool $checked
public function build_checkbox($id, $title, $checked = null, $value = 1)
if ($checked === null && $this->conf($id, true)) {
$checked = true;
$checked = $checked ? ' checked ' : '';
$label_id = preg_replace('/\W/', '', $id);
if ($value !== 1) {
$label_id .= '_' . $value;
echo "<div class='litespeed-tick'>
<input type='checkbox' name='$id' id='input_checkbox_$label_id' value='$value' $checked />
<label for='input_checkbox_$label_id'>$title</label>
* Build a toggle checkbox html snippet
* @since 1.7
public function build_toggle($id, $checked = null, $title_on = null, $title_off = null)
if ($checked === null && $this->conf($id, true)) {
$checked = true;
if ($title_on === null) {
$title_on = __('ON', 'litespeed-cache');
$title_off = __('OFF', 'litespeed-cache');
$cls = $checked ? 'primary' : 'default litespeed-toggleoff';
echo "<div class='litespeed-toggle litespeed-toggle-btn litespeed-toggle-btn-$cls' data-litespeed-toggle-on='primary' data-litespeed-toggle-off='default' data-litespeed_toggle_id='$id' >
<input name='$id' type='hidden' value='$checked' />
<div class='litespeed-toggle-group'>
<label class='litespeed-toggle-btn litespeed-toggle-btn-primary litespeed-toggle-on'>$title_on</label>
<label class='litespeed-toggle-btn litespeed-toggle-btn-default litespeed-toggle-active litespeed-toggle-off'>$title_off</label>
<span class='litespeed-toggle-handle litespeed-toggle-btn litespeed-toggle-btn-default'></span>
* Build a switch div html snippet
* @since 1.1.0
* @since 1.7 removed param $disable
* @access public
public function build_switch($id, $title_list = false)
echo '<div class="litespeed-switch">';
if (!$title_list) {
$title_list = array(__('OFF', 'litespeed-cache'), __('ON', 'litespeed-cache'));
foreach ($title_list as $k => $v) {
$this->_build_radio($id, $k, $v);
echo '</div>';
* Build a radio input html codes and output
* @since 1.1.0
* @access private
private function _build_radio($id, $val, $txt)
$id_attr = 'input_radio_' . preg_replace('/\W/', '', $id) . '_' . $val;
$default = isset(self::$_default_options[$id]) ? self::$_default_options[$id] : self::$_default_site_options[$id];
if (!is_string($default)) {
$checked = (int) $this->conf($id, true) === (int) $val ? ' checked ' : '';
} else {
$checked = $this->conf($id, true) === $val ? ' checked ' : '';
echo "<input type='radio' autocomplete='off' name='$id' id='$id_attr' value='$val' $checked /> <label for='$id_attr'>$txt</label>";
* Show overwritten msg if there is a const defined
* @since 3.0
protected function _check_overwritten($id)
$const_val = $this->const_overwritten($id);
$primary_val = $this->primary_overwritten($id);
if ($const_val === null && $primary_val === null) {
$val = $const_val !== null ? $const_val : $primary_val;
$default = isset(self::$_default_options[$id]) ? self::$_default_options[$id] : self::$_default_site_options[$id];
if (is_bool($default)) {
$val = $val ? __('ON', 'litespeed-cache') : __('OFF', 'litespeed-cache');
} else {
if (is_array($default)) {
$val = implode("\n", $val);
$val = esc_textarea($val);
echo '<div class="litespeed-desc litespeed-warning">⚠️ ';
if ($const_val !== null) {
echo sprintf(__('This setting is overwritten by the PHP constant %s', 'litespeed-cache'), '<code>' . Base::conf_const($id) . '</code>');
} else {
if (get_current_blog_id() != BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE && $this->conf(self::NETWORK_O_USE_PRIMARY)) {
echo __('This setting is overwritten by the primary site setting', 'litespeed-cache');
} else {
echo __('This setting is overwritten by the Network setting', 'litespeed-cache');
echo ', ' . sprintf(__('currently set to %s', 'litespeed-cache'), "<code>$val</code>") . '</div>';
* Display seconds text and readable layout
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function readable_seconds()
echo __('seconds', 'litespeed-cache');
echo ' <span data-litespeed-readable=""></span>';
* Display default value
* @since 1.1.1
* @access public
public function recommended($id)
if (!$this->default_settings) {
$this->default_settings = $this->load_default_vals();
$val = $this->default_settings[$id];
if ($val) {
if (is_array($val)) {
$rows = 5;
$cols = 30;
// Flexible rows/cols
$lines = count($val) + 1;
$rows = min(max($lines, $rows), 40);
foreach ($val as $v) {
$cols = max(strlen($v), $cols);
$cols = min($cols, 150);
$val = implode("\n", $val);
$val = esc_textarea($val);
$val = '<div class="litespeed-desc">' . __('Default value', 'litespeed-cache') . ':</div>' . "<textarea readonly rows='$rows' cols='$cols'>$val</textarea>";
} else {
$val = esc_textarea($val);
$val = "<code>$val</code>";
$val = __('Default value', 'litespeed-cache') . ': ' . $val;
echo $val;
* Validate rewrite rules regex syntax
* @since 3.0
protected function _validate_syntax($id)
$val = $this->conf($id, true);
if (!$val) {
if (!is_array($val)) {
$val = array($val);
foreach ($val as $v) {
if (!Utility::syntax_checker($v)) {
echo '<br /><font class="litespeed-warning"> ❌ ' . __('Invalid rewrite rule', 'litespeed-cache') . ': <code>' . $v . '</code></font>';
* Validate if the htaccess path is valid
* @since 3.0
protected function _validate_htaccess_path($id)
$val = $this->conf($id, true);
if (!$val) {
if (substr($val, -10) !== '/.htaccess') {
echo '<br /><font class="litespeed-warning"> ❌ ' . sprintf(__('Path must end with %s', 'litespeed-cache'), '<code>/.htaccess</code>') . '</font>';
* Check ttl instead of error when saving
* @since 3.0
protected function _validate_ttl($id, $min = false, $max = false, $allow_zero = false)
$val = $this->conf($id, true);
if ($allow_zero && !$val) {
// return;
$tip = array();
if ($min && $val < $min && (!$allow_zero || $val != 0)) {
$tip[] = __('Minimum value', 'litespeed-cache') . ': <code>' . $min . '</code>.';
if ($max && $val > $max) {
$tip[] = __('Maximum value', 'litespeed-cache') . ': <code>' . $max . '</code>.';
echo '<br />';
if ($tip) {
echo '<font class="litespeed-warning"> ❌ ' . implode(' ', $tip) . '</font>';
$range = '';
if ($allow_zero) {
$range .= __('Zero, or', 'litespeed-cache') . ' ';
if ($min && $max) {
$range .= $min . ' - ' . $max;
} elseif ($min) {
$range .= __('Larger than', 'litespeed-cache') . ' ' . $min;
} elseif ($max) {
$range .= __('Smaller than', 'litespeed-cache') . ' ' . $max;
echo __('Value range', 'litespeed-cache') . ': <code>' . $range . '</code>';
* Check if ip is valid
* @since 3.0
protected function _validate_ip($id)
$val = $this->conf($id, true);
if (!$val) {
if (!is_array($val)) {
$val = array($val);
$tip = array();
foreach ($val as $v) {
if (!$v) {
if (!\WP_Http::is_ip_address($v)) {
$tip[] = __('Invalid IP', 'litespeed-cache') . ': <code>' . esc_textarea($v) . '</code>.';
if ($tip) {
echo '<br /><font class="litespeed-warning"> ❌ ' . implode(' ', $tip) . '</font>';
* Display API environment variable support
* @since 1.8.3
* @access protected
protected function _api_env_var()
$args = func_get_args();
$s = '<code>' . implode('</code>, <code>', $args) . '</code>';
echo '<font class="litespeed-success"> ' .
__('API', 'litespeed-cache') .
': ' .
sprintf(__('Server variable(s) %s available to override this setting.', 'litespeed-cache'), $s);
* Display URI setting example
* @since 2.6.1
* @access protected
protected function _uri_usage_example()
echo __('The URLs will be compared to the REQUEST_URI server variable.', 'litespeed-cache');
echo ' ' . sprintf(__('For example, for %s, %s can be used here.', 'litespeed-cache'), '<code>/mypath/mypage?aa=bb</code>', '<code>mypage?aa=</code>');
echo '<br /><i>';
echo sprintf(__('To match the beginning, add %s to the beginning of the item.', 'litespeed-cache'), '<code>^</code>');
echo ' ' . sprintf(__('To do an exact match, add %s to the end of the URL.', 'litespeed-cache'), '<code>$</code>');
echo ' ' . __('One per line.', 'litespeed-cache');
echo '</i>';
* Return groups string
* @since 2.0
* @access public
public static function print_plural($num, $kind = 'group')
if ($num > 1) {
switch ($kind) {
case 'group':
return sprintf(__('%s groups', 'litespeed-cache'), $num);
case 'image':
return sprintf(__('%s images', 'litespeed-cache'), $num);
return $num;
switch ($kind) {
case 'group':
return sprintf(__('%s group', 'litespeed-cache'), $num);
case 'image':
return sprintf(__('%s image', 'litespeed-cache'), $num);
return $num;
* Return guidance html
* @since 2.0
* @access public
public static function guidance($title, $steps, $current_step)
if ($current_step === 'done') {
$current_step = count($steps) + 1;
$percentage = ' (' . floor((($current_step - 1) * 100) / count($steps)) . '%)';
$html = '<div class="litespeed-guide">' . '<h2>' . $title . $percentage . '</h2>' . '<ol>';
foreach ($steps as $k => $v) {
$step = $k + 1;
if ($current_step > $step) {
$html .= '<li class="litespeed-guide-done">';
} else {
$html .= '<li>';
$html .= $v . '</li>';
$html .= '</ol></div>';
return $html;