Your IP :
* The core plugin config class.
* This maintains all the options and settings for this plugin.
* @since 1.0.0
* @since 1.5 Moved into /inc
* @package LiteSpeed
* @subpackage LiteSpeed/inc
* @author LiteSpeed Technologies <>
namespace LiteSpeed;
defined('WPINC') || exit();
class Conf extends Base
const TYPE_SET = 'set';
private $_updated_ids = array();
private $_is_primary = false;
* Specify init logic to avoid infinite loop when calling conf.cls instance
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function init()
// Check if conf exists or not. If not, create them in DB (won't change version if is converting v2.9- data)
// Conf may be stale, upgrade later
* Detect if has set
* @since 2.9.7
if ($this->conf(self::O_CDN_QUIC)) {
!defined('LITESPEED_ALLOWED') && define('LITESPEED_ALLOWED', true);
add_action('litespeed_conf_append', array($this, 'option_append'), 10, 2);
add_action('litespeed_conf_force', array($this, 'force_option'), 10, 2);
* Init conf related data
* @since 3.0
* @access private
private function _conf_db_init()
* Try to load options first, network sites can override this later
* NOTE: Load before run `conf_upgrade()` to avoid infinite loop when getting conf in `conf_upgrade()`
$ver = $this->conf(self::_VER);
* Don't upgrade or run new installations other than from backend visit at the 2nd time (delay the update)
* In this case, just use default conf
$has_delay_conf_tag = self::get_option('__activation');
if (!$ver || $ver != Core::VER) {
if ((!is_admin() && !defined('LITESPEED_CLI')) || (!$has_delay_conf_tag || $has_delay_conf_tag == -1)) {
// Reuse __activation to control the delay conf update
if (!$has_delay_conf_tag || $has_delay_conf_tag == -1) {
self::update_option('__activation', Core::VER);
// Disable new installation auto upgrade to avoid overwritten to customized data.ini
if (!$ver) {
* Version is less than v3.0, or, is a new installation
if (!$ver) {
// Try upgrade first (network will upgrade inside too)
} else {
defined('LSCWP_CUR_V') || define('LSCWP_CUR_V', $ver);
* Upgrade conf
if ($ver != Core::VER) {
// Plugin version will be set inside
// Site plugin upgrade & version change will do in load_site_conf
* Sync latest new options
if (!$ver || $ver != Core::VER) {
// Load default values
if (!$ver) {
// New install
// Init new default/missing options
foreach (self::$_default_options as $k => $v) {
// If the option existed, bypass updating
// Bcos we may ask clients to deactivate for debug temporarily, we need to keep the current cfg in deactivation, hence we need to only try adding default cfg when activating.
self::add_option($k, $v);
// Force correct version in case a rare unexpected case that `_ver` exists but empty
self::update_option(Base::_VER, Core::VER);
* Network sites only
* Override conf if is network subsites and chose `Use Primary Config`
// Mark as conf loaded
* Activation delayed file update
* Pros: This is to avoid file correction script changed in new versions
* Cons: Conf upgrade won't get file correction if there is new values that are used in file
if ($has_delay_conf_tag && $has_delay_conf_tag != -1) {
// Check new version @since 2.9.3
Cloud::version_check('activate' . (defined('LSCWP_REF') ? '_' . LSCWP_REF : ''));
$this->update_confs(); // Files only get corrected in activation or saving settings actions.
if ($has_delay_conf_tag != -1) {
self::update_option('__activation', -1);
* Load all latest options from DB
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function load_options($blog_id = null, $dry_run = false)
$options = array();
foreach (self::$_default_options as $k => $v) {
if (!is_null($blog_id)) {
$options[$k] = self::get_blog_option($blog_id, $k, $v);
} else {
$options[$k] = self::get_option($k, $v);
// Correct value type
$options[$k] = $this->type_casting($options[$k], $k);
if ($dry_run) {
return $options;
// Bypass site special settings
if ($blog_id !== null) {
// This is to load the primary settings ONLY
// These options are the ones that can be overwritten by primary
$options = array_diff_key($options, array_flip(self::$SINGLE_SITE_OPTIONS));
} else {
// Append const options
foreach (self::$_default_options as $k => $v) {
$const = Base::conf_const($k);
if (defined($const)) {
$this->set_const_conf($k, $this->type_casting(constant($const), $k));
* For multisite installations, the single site options need to be updated with the network wide options.
* @since 1.0.13
* @access private
private function _try_load_site_options()
if (!$this->_if_need_site_options()) {
$this->_is_primary = get_current_blog_id() == BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE;
// If network set to use primary setting
if ($this->network_conf(self::NETWORK_O_USE_PRIMARY) && !$this->_is_primary) {
// subsites or network admin
// Get the primary site settings
// If it's just upgraded, 2nd blog is being visited before primary blog, can just load default config (won't hurt as this could only happen shortly)
// Overwrite single blog options with site options
foreach (self::$_default_options as $k => $v) {
if (!$this->has_network_conf($k)) {
// $this->_options[ $k ] = $this->_network_options[ $k ];
// Special handler to `Enable Cache` option if the value is set to OFF
if ($k == self::O_CACHE) {
if ($this->_is_primary) {
if ($this->conf($k) != $this->network_conf($k)) {
if ($this->conf($k) != self::VAL_ON2) {
} else {
if ($this->network_conf(self::NETWORK_O_USE_PRIMARY)) {
if ($this->has_primary_conf($k) && $this->primary_conf($k) != self::VAL_ON2) {
// This case will use primary_options override always
} else {
if ($this->conf($k) != self::VAL_ON2) {
// primary_options will store primary settings + network settings, OR, store the network settings for subsites
$this->set_primary_conf($k, $this->network_conf($k));
// var_dump($this->_options);
* Check if needs to load site_options for network sites
* @since 3.0
* @access private
private function _if_need_site_options()
if (!is_multisite()) {
return false;
// Check if needs to use site_options or not
// todo: check if site settings are separate bcos it will affect .htaccess
* In case this is called outside the admin page
* @see
* @since 2.0
if (!function_exists('is_plugin_active_for_network')) {
require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
// If is not activated on network, it will not have site options
if (!is_plugin_active_for_network(Core::PLUGIN_FILE)) {
if ((int) $this->conf(self::O_CACHE) == self::VAL_ON2) {
// Default to cache on
$this->set_conf(self::_CACHE, true);
return false;
return true;
* Init site conf and upgrade if necessary
* @since 3.0
* @access private
private function _conf_site_db_init()
$ver = $this->network_conf(self::_VER);
* Don't upgrade or run new installations other than from backend visit
* In this case, just use default conf
if (!$ver || $ver != Core::VER) {
if (!is_admin() && !defined('LITESPEED_CLI')) {
* Upgrade conf
if ($ver && $ver != Core::VER) {
// Site plugin version will change inside
* Is a new installation
if (!$ver || $ver != Core::VER) {
// Load default values
// Init new default/missing options
foreach (self::$_default_site_options as $k => $v) {
// If the option existed, bypass updating
self::add_site_option($k, $v);
* Get the plugin's site wide options.
* If the site wide options are not set yet, set it to default.
* @since 1.0.2
* @access public
public function load_site_options()
if (!is_multisite()) {
return null;
// Load all site options
foreach (self::$_default_site_options as $k => $v) {
$val = self::get_site_option($k, $v);
$val = $this->type_casting($val, $k, true);
$this->set_network_conf($k, $val);
* Append a 3rd party option to default options
* This will not be affected by network use primary site setting.
* NOTE: If it is a multi switch option, need to call `_conf_multi_switch()` first
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function option_append($name, $default)
self::$_default_options[$name] = $default;
$this->set_conf($name, self::get_option($name, $default));
$this->set_conf($name, $this->type_casting($this->conf($name), $name));
* Force an option to a certain value
* @since 2.6
* @access public
public function force_option($k, $v)
if (!$this->has_conf($k)) {
$v = $this->type_casting($v, $k);
if ($this->conf($k) === $v) {
Debug2::debug("[Conf] ** $k forced from " . var_export($this->conf($k), true) . ' to ' . var_export($v, true));
$this->set_conf($k, $v);
* Define `_CACHE` const in options ( for both single and network )
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function define_cache()
// Init global const cache on setting
$this->set_conf(self::_CACHE, false);
if ((int) $this->conf(self::O_CACHE) == self::VAL_ON || $this->conf(self::O_CDN_QUIC)) {
$this->set_conf(self::_CACHE, true);
// Check network
if (!$this->_if_need_site_options()) {
// Set cache on
// If use network setting
if ((int) $this->conf(self::O_CACHE) == self::VAL_ON2 && $this->network_conf(self::O_CACHE)) {
$this->set_conf(self::_CACHE, true);
* @since 2.1
* @access private
private function _define_cache_on()
if (!$this->conf(self::_CACHE)) {
defined('LITESPEED_ALLOWED') && !defined('LITESPEED_ON') && define('LITESPEED_ON', true);
* Get an option value
* @since 3.0
* @access public
* @deprecated 4.0 Use $this->conf() instead
public static function val($id, $ori = false)
error_log('Called deprecated function \LiteSpeed\Conf::val(). Please use API call instead.');
return self::cls()->conf($id, $ori);
* Save option
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function update_confs($the_matrix = false)
if ($the_matrix) {
foreach ($the_matrix as $id => $val) {
$this->update($id, $val);
if ($this->_updated_ids) {
foreach ($this->_updated_ids as $id) {
// Special handler for domain key to clear all existing nodes
if ($id == self::O_API_KEY) {
// Special handler for crawler: reset sitemap when drop_domain setting changed
if ($id == self::O_CRAWLER_DROP_DOMAIN) {
// Check if need to do a purge all or not
if ($this->_conf_purge_all($id)) {
Purge::purge_all('conf changed [id] ' . $id);
// Check if need to purge a tag
if ($tag = $this->_conf_purge_tag($id)) {
// Update cron
if ($this->_conf_cron($id)) {
// Reset crawler bypassed list when any of the options WebP replace, guest mode, or cache mobile got changed
if ($id == self::O_IMG_OPTM_WEBP || $id == self::O_GUEST || $id == self::O_CACHE_MOBILE) {
do_action('litespeed_update_confs', $the_matrix);
// Update related tables
// Update related files
* CDN related actions - Cloudflare
* CDN related actions -
* @since 2.3
* Save option
* Note: this is direct save, won't trigger corresponding file update or data sync. To save settings normally, always use `Conf->update_confs()`
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function update($id, $val)
// Bypassed this bcos $this->_options could be changed by force_option()
// if ( $this->_options[ $id ] === $val ) {
// return;
// }
if ($id == self::_VER) {
if ($id == self::O_SERVER_IP) {
if ($val && !Utility::valid_ipv4($val)) {
$msg = sprintf(__('Saving option failed. IPv4 only for %s.', 'litespeed-cache'), Lang::title(Base::O_SERVER_IP));
if (!array_key_exists($id, self::$_default_options)) {
defined('LSCWP_LOG') && Debug2::debug('[Conf] Invalid option ID ' . $id);
if ($val && $this->_conf_pswd($id) && !preg_match('/[^\*]/', $val)) {
// Special handler for CDN Original URLs
if ($id == self::O_CDN_ORI && !$val) {
$home_url = home_url('/');
$parsed = parse_url($home_url);
$home_url = str_replace($parsed['scheme'] . ':', '', $home_url);
$val = $home_url;
// Validate type
$val = $this->type_casting($val, $id);
// Save data
self::update_option($id, $val);
// Handle purge if setting changed
if ($this->conf($id) != $val) {
$this->_updated_ids[] = $id;
// Check if need to fire a purge or not (Here has to stay inside `update()` bcos need comparing old value)
if ($this->_conf_purge($id)) {
$diff = array_diff($val, $this->conf($id));
$diff2 = array_diff($this->conf($id), $val);
$diff = array_merge($diff, $diff2);
// If has difference
foreach ($diff as $v) {
$v = ltrim($v, '^');
$v = rtrim($v, '$');
// Update in-memory data
$this->set_conf($id, $val);
* Save network option
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function network_update($id, $val)
if (!array_key_exists($id, self::$_default_site_options)) {
defined('LSCWP_LOG') && Debug2::debug('[Conf] Invalid network option ID ' . $id);
if ($val && $this->_conf_pswd($id) && !preg_match('/[^\*]/', $val)) {
// Validate type
if (is_bool(self::$_default_site_options[$id])) {
$max = $this->_conf_multi_switch($id);
if ($max && $val > 1) {
$val %= $max + 1;
} else {
$val = (bool) $val;
} elseif (is_array(self::$_default_site_options[$id])) {
// from textarea input
if (!is_array($val)) {
$val = Utility::sanitize_lines($val, $this->_conf_filter($id));
} elseif (!is_string(self::$_default_site_options[$id])) {
$val = (int) $val;
} else {
// Check if the string has a limit set
$val = $this->_conf_string_val($id, $val);
// Save data
self::update_site_option($id, $val);
// Handle purge if setting changed
if ($this->network_conf($id) != $val) {
// Check if need to do a purge all or not
if ($this->_conf_purge_all($id)) {
Purge::purge_all('[Conf] Network conf changed [id] ' . $id);
// Update in-memory data
$this->set_network_conf($id, $val);
// No need to update cron here, Cron will register in each init
if ($this->has_conf($id)) {
$this->set_conf($id, $val);
* Check if one user role is in exclude optimization group settings
* @since 1.6
* @access public
* @param string $role The user role
* @return int The set value if already set
public function in_optm_exc_roles($role = null)
// Get user role
if ($role === null) {
$role = Router::get_role();
if (!$role) {
return false;
$roles = explode(',', $role);
$found = array_intersect($roles, $this->conf(self::O_OPTM_EXC_ROLES));
return $found ? implode(',', $found) : false;
* Set one config value directly
* @since 2.9
* @access private
private function _set_conf()
* NOTE: For URL Query String setting,
* 1. If append lines to an array setting e.g. `cache-force_uri`, use `set[cache-force_uri][]=the_url`.
* 2. If replace the array setting with one line, use `set[cache-force_uri]=the_url`.
* 3. If replace the array setting with multi lines value, use 2 then 1.
if (empty($_GET[self::TYPE_SET]) || !is_array($_GET[self::TYPE_SET])) {
$the_matrix = array();
foreach ($_GET[self::TYPE_SET] as $id => $v) {
if (!$this->has_conf($id)) {
// Append new item to array type settings
if (is_array($v) && is_array($this->conf($id))) {
$v = array_merge($this->conf($id), $v);
Debug2::debug('[Conf] Appended to settings [' . $id . ']: ' . var_export($v, true));
} else {
Debug2::debug('[Conf] Set setting [' . $id . ']: ' . var_export($v, true));
$the_matrix[$id] = $v;
if (!$the_matrix) {
$msg = __('Changed setting successfully.', 'litespeed-cache');
// Redirect if changed frontend URL
if (!empty($_GET['redirect'])) {
* Handle all request actions from main cls
* @since 2.9
* @access public
public function handler()
$type = Router::verify_type();
switch ($type) {
case self::TYPE_SET: