Your IP :
* The avatar cache class
* @since 3.0
* @package LiteSpeed
* @subpackage LiteSpeed/inc
* @author LiteSpeed Technologies <>
namespace LiteSpeed;
defined('WPINC') || exit();
class Avatar extends Base
const TYPE_GENERATE = 'generate';
private $_conf_cache_ttl;
private $_tb;
private $_avatar_realtime_gen_dict = array();
protected $_summary;
* Init
* @since 1.4
public function __construct()
if (!$this->conf(self::O_DISCUSS_AVATAR_CACHE)) {
Debug2::debug2('[Avatar] init');
$this->_tb = $this->cls('Data')->tb('avatar');
$this->_conf_cache_ttl = $this->conf(self::O_DISCUSS_AVATAR_CACHE_TTL);
add_filter('get_avatar_url', array($this, 'crawl_avatar'));
$this->_summary = self::get_summary();
* Check if need db table or not
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function need_db()
if ($this->conf(self::O_DISCUSS_AVATAR_CACHE)) {
return true;
return false;
* Get gravatar URL from DB and regenerate
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function serve_static($md5)
global $wpdb;
Debug2::debug('[Avatar] is avatar request');
if (strlen($md5) !== 32) {
Debug2::debug('[Avatar] wrong md5 ' . $md5);
$q = "SELECT url FROM `$this->_tb` WHERE md5=%s";
$url = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($q, $md5));
if (!$url) {
Debug2::debug('[Avatar] no matched url for md5 ' . $md5);
$url = $this->_generate($url);
* Localize gravatar
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function crawl_avatar($url)
if (!$url) {
return $url;
// Check if its already in dict or not
if (!empty($this->_avatar_realtime_gen_dict[$url])) {
Debug2::debug2('[Avatar] already in dict [url] ' . $url);
return $this->_avatar_realtime_gen_dict[$url];
$realpath = $this->_realpath($url);
if (file_exists($realpath) && time() - filemtime($realpath) <= $this->_conf_cache_ttl) {
Debug2::debug2('[Avatar] cache file exists [url] ' . $url);
return $this->_rewrite($url, filemtime($realpath));
if (!strpos($url, '')) {
return $url;
// Send request
if (!empty($this->_summary['curr_request']) && time() - $this->_summary['curr_request'] < 300) {
Debug2::debug2('[Avatar] Bypass generating due to interval limit [url] ' . $url);
return $url;
// Generate immediately
$this->_avatar_realtime_gen_dict[$url] = $this->_generate($url);
return $this->_avatar_realtime_gen_dict[$url];
* Read last time generated info
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function queue_count()
global $wpdb;
// If var not exists, mean table not exists // todo: not true
if (!$this->_tb) {
return false;
$q = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `$this->_tb` WHERE dateline<" . (time() - $this->_conf_cache_ttl);
return $wpdb->get_var($q);
* Get the final URL of local avatar
* Check from db also
* @since 3.0
private function _rewrite($url, $time = null)
return LITESPEED_STATIC_URL . '/avatar/' . $this->_filepath($url) . ($time ? '?ver=' . $time : '');
* Generate realpath of the cache file
* @since 3.0
* @access private
private function _realpath($url)
return LITESPEED_STATIC_DIR . '/avatar/' . $this->_filepath($url);
* Get filepath
* @since 4.0
private function _filepath($url)
$filename = md5($url) . '.jpg';
if (is_multisite()) {
$filename = get_current_blog_id() . '/' . $filename;
return $filename;
* Cron generation
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public static function cron($force = false)
global $wpdb;
$_instance = self::cls();
if (!$_instance->queue_count()) {
Debug2::debug('[Avatar] no queue');
// For cron, need to check request interval too
if (!$force) {
if (!empty($_instance->_summary['curr_request']) && time() - $_instance->_summary['curr_request'] < 300) {
Debug2::debug('[Avatar] curr_request too close');
$q = "SELECT url FROM `$_instance->_tb` WHERE dateline < %d ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT %d";
$q = $wpdb->prepare($q, array(time() - $_instance->_conf_cache_ttl, apply_filters('litespeed_avatar_limit', 30)));
$list = $wpdb->get_results($q);
Debug2::debug('[Avatar] cron job [count] ' . count($list));
foreach ($list as $v) {
Debug2::debug('[Avatar] cron job [url] ' . $v->url);
* Remote generator
* @since 3.0
* @access private
private function _generate($url)
global $wpdb;
// Record the data
$file = $this->_realpath($url);
// Update request status
self::save_summary(array('curr_request' => time()));
// Generate
$response = wp_remote_get($url, array('timeout' => 180, 'stream' => true, 'filename' => $file));
Debug2::debug('[Avatar] _generate [url] ' . $url);
// Parse response data
if (is_wp_error($response)) {
$error_message = $response->get_error_message();
file_exists($file) && unlink($file);
Debug2::debug('[Avatar] failed to get: ' . $error_message);
return $url;
// Save summary data
'last_spent' => time() - $this->_summary['curr_request'],
'last_request' => $this->_summary['curr_request'],
'curr_request' => 0,
// Update DB
$md5 = md5($url);
$q = "UPDATE `$this->_tb` SET dateline=%d WHERE md5=%s";
$existed = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($q, array(time(), $md5)));
if (!$existed) {
$q = "INSERT INTO `$this->_tb` SET url=%s, md5=%s, dateline=%d";
$wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($q, array($url, $md5, time())));
Debug2::debug('[Avatar] saved avatar ' . $file);
return $this->_rewrite($url);
* Handle all request actions from main cls
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function handler()
$type = Router::verify_type();
switch ($type) {
case self::TYPE_GENERATE: