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" Vim syntax file
" Language: Maple V (based on release 4)
" Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
" Last Change: Aug 31, 2016
" Version: 15
" URL:
" Package Function Selection: {{{1
" Because there are a lot of packages, and because of the potential for namespace
" clashes, this version of <maple.vim> needs the user to select which, if any,
" package functions should be highlighted. Select your packages and put into your
" <.vimrc> none or more of the lines following let ...=1 lines:
" if exists("mvpkg_all")
" ...
" endif
" *OR* let mvpkg_all=1
" This syntax file contains all the keywords and top-level packages of Maple 9.5
" but only the contents of packages of Maple V Release 4, and the top-level
" routines of Release 4. <Jacques Carette ->
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" Iskeyword Effects: {{{1
if !has("patch-7.4.1142")
setl isk=$,48-57,_,a-z,@-Z
syn iskeyword $,48-57,_,a-z,@-Z
" Package Selection: {{{1
" allow user to simply select all packages for highlighting
if exists("mvpkg_all")
let mv_DEtools = 1
let mv_Galois = 1
let mv_GaussInt = 1
let mv_LREtools = 1
let mv_combinat = 1
let mv_combstruct = 1
let mv_difforms = 1
let mv_finance = 1
let mv_genfunc = 1
let mv_geometry = 1
let mv_grobner = 1
let mv_group = 1
let mv_inttrans = 1
let mv_liesymm = 1
let mv_linalg = 1
let mv_logic = 1
let mv_networks = 1
let mv_numapprox = 1
let mv_numtheory = 1
let mv_orthopoly = 1
let mv_padic = 1
let mv_plots = 1
let mv_plottools = 1
let mv_powseries = 1
let mv_process = 1
let mv_simplex = 1
let mv_stats = 1
let mv_student = 1
let mv_sumtools = 1
let mv_tensor = 1
let mv_totorder = 1
" Parenthesis/curly/brace sanity checker: {{{1
syn case match
" parenthesis/curly/brace sanity checker
syn region mvZone matchgroup=Delimiter start="(" matchgroup=Delimiter end=")" transparent contains=ALLBUT,mvError,mvBraceError,mvCurlyError
syn region mvZone matchgroup=Delimiter start="{" matchgroup=Delimiter end="}" transparent contains=ALLBUT,mvError,mvBraceError,mvParenError
syn region mvZone matchgroup=Delimiter start="\[" matchgroup=Delimiter end="]" transparent contains=ALLBUT,mvError,mvCurlyError,mvParenError
syn match mvError "[)\]}]"
syn match mvBraceError "[)}]" contained
syn match mvCurlyError "[)\]]" contained
syn match mvParenError "[\]}]" contained
syn match mvComma "[,;:]"
syn match mvSemiError "[;:]" contained
syn match mvDcolon "::"
" Maple Packages, updated for Maple 9.5
syn keyword mvPackage algcurves ArrayTools Cache codegen
syn keyword mvPackage CodeGeneration CodeTools combinat combstruct
syn keyword mvPackage ContextMenu CurveFitting DEtools diffalg
syn keyword mvPackage difforms DiscreteTransforms Domains ExternalCalling
syn keyword mvPackage FileTools finance GaussInt genfunc
syn keyword mvPackage geom3d geometry gfun Groebner
syn keyword mvPackage group hashmset IntegerRelations inttrans
syn keyword mvPackage LargeExpressions LibraryTools liesymm linalg
syn keyword mvPackage LinearAlgebra LinearFunctionalSystems LinearOperators
syn keyword mvPackage ListTools Logic LREtools Maplets
syn keyword mvPackage MathematicalFunctions MathML Matlab
syn keyword mvPackage MatrixPolynomialAlgebra MmaTranslator networks
syn keyword mvPackage numapprox numtheory Optimization OreTools
syn keyword mvPackage Ore_algebra OrthogonalSeries orthopoly padic
syn keyword mvPackage PDEtools plots plottools PolynomialIdeals
syn keyword mvPackage PolynomialTools powseries process QDifferenceEquations
syn keyword mvPackage RandomTools RationalNormalForms RealDomain RootFinding
syn keyword mvPackage ScientificConstants ScientificErrorAnalysis simplex
syn keyword mvPackage Slode SNAP Sockets SoftwareMetrics
syn keyword mvPackage SolveTools Spread stats StringTools
syn keyword mvPackage Student student sumtools SumTools
syn keyword mvPackage tensor TypeTools Units VariationalCalculus
syn keyword mvPackage VectorCalculus Worksheet XMLTools
" Language Support: {{{1
syn keyword mvTodo contained COMBAK FIXME TODO XXX
if exists("g:mapleversion") && g:mapleversion < 9
syn region mvString start=+`+ skip=+``+ end=+`+ keepend contains=mvTodo,@Spell
syn region mvString start=+"+ skip=+""+ end=+"+ keepend contains=@Spell
syn region mvDelayEval start=+'+ end=+'+ keepend contains=ALLBUT,mvError,mvBraceError,mvCurlyError,mvParenError,mvSemiError
syn match mvVarAssign "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*[ \t]*:=" contains=mvAssign
syn match mvAssign ":=" contained
syn region mvName start=+`+ skip=+``+ end=+`+ keepend contains=mvTodo
syn region mvString start=+"+ skip=+""+ end=+"+ keepend contains=@Spell
syn region mvDelayEval start=+'+ end=+'+ keepend contains=ALLBUT,mvError,mvBraceError,mvCurlyError,mvParenError
syn match mvDelim "[;:]" display
syn match mvAssign ":="
" Lower-Priority Operators: {{{1
syn match mvOper "\."
" Number handling: {{{1
syn match mvNumber "\<\d\+" " integer
syn match mvNumber "[-+]\=\.\d\+" " . integer
syn match mvNumber "\<\d\+\.\d\+" " integer . integer
syn match mvNumber "\<\d\+\." " integer .
syn match mvNumber "\<\d\+\.\." contains=mvRange " integer ..
syn match mvNumber "\<\d\+e[-+]\=\d\+" " integer e [-+] integer
syn match mvNumber "[-+]\=\.\d\+e[-+]\=\d\+" " . integer e [-+] integer
syn match mvNumber "\<\d\+\.\d*e[-+]\=\d\+" " integer . [integer] e [-+] integer
syn match mvNumber "[-+]\d\+" " integer
syn match mvNumber "[-+]\d\+\.\d\+" " integer . integer
syn match mvNumber "[-+]\d\+\." " integer .
syn match mvNumber "[-+]\d\+\.\." contains=mvRange " integer ..
syn match mvNumber "[-+]\d\+e[-+]\=\d\+" " integer e [-+] integer
syn match mvNumber "[-+]\d\+\.\d*e[-+]\=\d\+" " integer . [integer] e [-+] integer
syn match mvRange "\.\."
" Operators: {{{1
syn keyword mvOper and not or xor implies union intersect subset minus mod
syn match mvOper "<>\|[<>]=\|[<>]\|="
syn match mvOper "&+\|&-\|&\*\|&\/\|&"
syn match mvError "\.\.\."
" MapleV Statements: ? statement {{{1
" MapleV Statements: ? statement
" Split into booleans, conditionals, operators, repeat-logic, etc
syn keyword mvBool true false FAIL
syn keyword mvCond elif else fi if then
syn match mvCond "end\s\+if"
syn keyword mvRepeat by for in to
syn keyword mvRepeat do from od while
syn match mvRepeat "end\s\+do"
syn keyword mvSpecial NULL
syn match mvSpecial "\[\]\|{}"
if exists("g:mapleversion") && g:mapleversion < 9
syn keyword mvStatement Order fail options read save
syn keyword mvStatement break local point remember stop
syn keyword mvStatement done mod proc restart with
syn keyword mvStatement end mods quit return
syn keyword mvStatement error next
syn keyword mvStatement option options read save
syn keyword mvStatement break local remember stop
syn keyword mvStatement done mod proc restart
syn keyword mvStatement end mods quit return
syn keyword mvStatement error next try catch
syn keyword mvStatement finally assuming global export
syn keyword mvStatement module description use
" Builtin Constants: ? constants {{{1
syn keyword mvConstant Catalan I gamma infinity
syn keyword mvConstant Pi
" Comments: DEBUG, if in a comment, is specially highlighted. {{{1
syn keyword mvDebug contained DEBUG
syn cluster mvCommentGroup contains=mvTodo,mvDebug,@Spell
syn match mvComment "#.*$" contains=@mvCommentGroup
" Basic Library Functions: ? index[function]
syn keyword mvLibrary $ @ @@ ERROR
syn keyword mvLibrary AFactor KelvinHer arctan factor log rhs
syn keyword mvLibrary AFactors KelvinKei arctanh factors log10 root
syn keyword mvLibrary AiryAi KelvinKer argument fclose lprint roots
syn keyword mvLibrary AiryBi LambertW array feof map round
syn keyword mvLibrary AngerJ Lcm assign fflush map2 rsolve
syn keyword mvLibrary Berlekamp LegendreE assigned filepos match savelib
syn keyword mvLibrary BesselI LegendreEc asspar fixdiv matrix scanf
syn keyword mvLibrary BesselJ LegendreEc1 assume float max searchtext
syn keyword mvLibrary BesselK LegendreF asubs floor maximize sec
syn keyword mvLibrary BesselY LegendreKc asympt fnormal maxnorm sech
syn keyword mvLibrary Beta LegendreKc1 attribute fopen maxorder select
syn keyword mvLibrary C LegendrePi bernstein forget member seq
syn keyword mvLibrary Chi LegendrePic branches fortran min series
syn keyword mvLibrary Ci LegendrePic1 bspline fprintf minimize setattribute
syn keyword mvLibrary CompSeq Li cat frac minpoly shake
syn keyword mvLibrary Content Linsolve ceil freeze modp showprofile
syn keyword mvLibrary D MOLS chrem fremove modp1 showtime
syn keyword mvLibrary DESol Maple_floats close frontend modp2 sign
syn keyword mvLibrary Det MeijerG close fscanf modpol signum
syn keyword mvLibrary Diff Norm coeff fsolve mods simplify
syn keyword mvLibrary Dirac Normal coeffs galois msolve sin
syn keyword mvLibrary DistDeg Nullspace coeftayl gc mtaylor singular
syn keyword mvLibrary Divide Power collect gcd mul sinh
syn keyword mvLibrary Ei Powmod combine gcdex nextprime sinterp
syn keyword mvLibrary Eigenvals Prem commutat genpoly nops solve
syn keyword mvLibrary EllipticCE Primfield comparray harmonic norm sort
syn keyword mvLibrary EllipticCK Primitive compoly has normal sparse
syn keyword mvLibrary EllipticCPi Primpart conjugate hasfun numboccur spline
syn keyword mvLibrary EllipticE ProbSplit content hasoption numer split
syn keyword mvLibrary EllipticF Product convergs hastype op splits
syn keyword mvLibrary EllipticK Psi convert heap open sprem
syn keyword mvLibrary EllipticModulus Quo coords history optimize sprintf
syn keyword mvLibrary EllipticNome RESol copy hypergeom order sqrfree
syn keyword mvLibrary EllipticPi Randpoly cos iFFT parse sqrt
syn keyword mvLibrary Eval Randprime cosh icontent pclose sscanf
syn keyword mvLibrary Expand Ratrecon cost identity pclose ssystem
syn keyword mvLibrary FFT Re cot igcd pdesolve stack
syn keyword mvLibrary Factor Rem coth igcdex piecewise sturm
syn keyword mvLibrary Factors Resultant csc ilcm plot sturmseq
syn keyword mvLibrary FresnelC RootOf csch ilog plot3d subs
syn keyword mvLibrary FresnelS Roots csgn ilog10 plotsetup subsop
syn keyword mvLibrary Fresnelf SPrem dawson implicitdiff pochhammer substring
syn keyword mvLibrary Fresnelg Searchtext define indets pointto sum
syn keyword mvLibrary Frobenius Shi degree index poisson surd
syn keyword mvLibrary GAMMA Si denom indexed polar symmdiff
syn keyword mvLibrary GaussAGM Smith depends indices polylog symmetric
syn keyword mvLibrary Gaussejord Sqrfree diagonal inifcn polynom system
syn keyword mvLibrary Gausselim Ssi diff ininame powmod table
syn keyword mvLibrary Gcd StruveH dilog initialize prem tan
syn keyword mvLibrary Gcdex StruveL dinterp insert prevprime tanh
syn keyword mvLibrary HankelH1 Sum disassemble int primpart testeq
syn keyword mvLibrary HankelH2 Svd discont interface print testfloat
syn keyword mvLibrary Heaviside TEXT discrim interp printf thaw
syn keyword mvLibrary Hermite Trace dismantle invfunc procbody thiele
syn keyword mvLibrary Im WeberE divide invztrans procmake time
syn keyword mvLibrary Indep WeierstrassP dsolve iostatus product translate
syn keyword mvLibrary Interp WeierstrassPPrime eliminate iperfpow proot traperror
syn keyword mvLibrary Inverse WeierstrassSigma ellipsoid iquo property trigsubs
syn keyword mvLibrary Irreduc WeierstrassZeta entries iratrecon protect trunc
syn keyword mvLibrary Issimilar Zeta eqn irem psqrt type
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiAM abs erf iroot quo typematch
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiCD add erfc irreduc radnormal unames
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiCN addcoords eulermac iscont radsimp unapply
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiCS addressof eval isdifferentiable rand unassign
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiDC algebraic evala isolate randomize unload
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiDN algsubs evalapply ispoly randpoly unprotect
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiDS alias evalb isqrfree range updatesR4
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiNC allvalues evalc isqrt rationalize userinfo
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiND anames evalf issqr ratrecon value
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiNS antisymm evalfint latex readbytes vector
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiSC applyop evalgf lattice readdata verify
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiSD arccos evalhf lcm readlib whattype
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiSN arccosh evalm lcoeff readline with
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiTheta1 arccot evaln leadterm readstat writebytes
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiTheta2 arccoth evalr length realroot writedata
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiTheta3 arccsc exp lexorder recipoly writeline
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiTheta4 arccsch expand lhs rem writestat
syn keyword mvLibrary JacobiZeta arcsec expandoff limit remove writeto
syn keyword mvLibrary KelvinBei arcsech expandon ln residue zip
syn keyword mvLibrary KelvinBer arcsin extract lnGAMMA resultant ztrans
syn keyword mvLibrary KelvinHei arcsinh
" == PACKAGES ======================================================= {{{1
" Note: highlighting of package functions is now user-selectable by package.
" Package: DEtools differential equations tools {{{2
if exists("mv_DEtools")
syn keyword mvPkg_DEtools DEnormal Dchangevar autonomous dfieldplot reduceOrder untranslate
syn keyword mvPkg_DEtools DEplot PDEchangecoords convertAlg indicialeq regularsp varparam
syn keyword mvPkg_DEtools DEplot3d PDEplot convertsys phaseportrait translate
" Package: Domains: create domains of computation {{{2
if exists("mv_Domains")
" Package: GF: Galois Fields {{{2
if exists("mv_GF")
syn keyword mvPkg_Galois galois
" Package: GaussInt: Gaussian Integers {{{2
if exists("mv_GaussInt")
syn keyword mvPkg_GaussInt GIbasis GIfactor GIissqr GInorm GIquadres GIsmith
syn keyword mvPkg_GaussInt GIchrem GIfactors GIlcm GInormal GIquo GIsqrfree
syn keyword mvPkg_GaussInt GIdivisor GIgcd GImcmbine GIorder GIrem GIsqrt
syn keyword mvPkg_GaussInt GIfacpoly GIgcdex GInearest GIphi GIroots GIunitnormal
syn keyword mvPkg_GaussInt GIfacset GIhermite GInodiv GIprime GIsieve
" Package: LREtools: manipulate linear recurrence relations {{{2
if exists("mv_LREtools")
syn keyword mvPkg_LREtools REcontent REprimpart REtodelta delta hypergeomsols ratpolysols
syn keyword mvPkg_LREtools REcreate REreduceorder REtoproc dispersion polysols shift
syn keyword mvPkg_LREtools REplot REtoDE constcoeffsol
" Package: combinat: combinatorial functions {{{2
if exists("mv_combinat")
syn keyword mvPkg_combinat Chi composition graycode numbcomb permute randperm
syn keyword mvPkg_combinat bell conjpart inttovec numbcomp powerset stirling1
syn keyword mvPkg_combinat binomial decodepart lastpart numbpart prevpart stirling2
syn keyword mvPkg_combinat cartprod encodepart multinomial numbperm randcomb subsets
syn keyword mvPkg_combinat character fibonacci nextpart partition randpart vectoint
syn keyword mvPkg_combinat choose firstpart
" Package: combstruct: combinatorial structures {{{2
if exists("mv_combstruct")
syn keyword mvPkg_combstruct allstructs draw iterstructs options specification structures
syn keyword mvPkg_combstruct count finished nextstruct
" Package: difforms: differential forms {{{2
if exists("mv_difforms")
syn keyword mvPkg_difforms const defform formpart parity scalarpart wdegree
syn keyword mvPkg_difforms d form mixpar scalar simpform wedge
" Package: finance: financial mathematics {{{2
if exists("mv_finance")
syn keyword mvPkg_finance amortization cashflows futurevalue growingperpetuity mv_finance presentvalue
syn keyword mvPkg_finance annuity effectiverate growingannuity levelcoupon perpetuity yieldtomaturity
syn keyword mvPkg_finance blackscholes
" Package: genfunc: rational generating functions {{{2
if exists("mv_genfunc")
syn keyword mvPkg_genfunc rgf_charseq rgf_expand rgf_hybrid rgf_pfrac rgf_sequence rgf_term
syn keyword mvPkg_genfunc rgf_encode rgf_findrecur rgf_norm rgf_relate rgf_simp termscale
" Package: geometry: Euclidean geometry {{{2
if exists("mv_geometry")
syn keyword mvPkg_geometry circle dsegment hyperbola parabola segment triangle
syn keyword mvPkg_geometry conic ellipse line point square
" Package: grobner: Grobner bases {{{2
if exists("mv_grobner")
syn keyword mvPkg_grobner finduni gbasis leadmon normalf solvable spoly
syn keyword mvPkg_grobner finite gsolve
" Package: group: permutation and finitely-presented groups {{{2
if exists("mv_group")
syn keyword mvPkg_group DerivedS areconjugate cosets grouporder issubgroup permrep
syn keyword mvPkg_group LCS center cosrep inter mulperms pres
syn keyword mvPkg_group NormalClosure centralizer derived invperm normalizer subgrel
syn keyword mvPkg_group RandElement convert grelgroup isabelian orbit type
syn keyword mvPkg_group Sylow core groupmember isnormal permgroup
" Package: inttrans: integral transforms {{{2
if exists("mv_inttrans")
syn keyword mvPkg_inttrans addtable fouriercos hankel invfourier invlaplace mellin
syn keyword mvPkg_inttrans fourier fouriersin hilbert invhilbert laplace
" Package: liesymm: Lie symmetries {{{2
if exists("mv_liesymm")
syn keyword mvPkg_liesymm &^ TD depvars getform mixpar vfix
syn keyword mvPkg_liesymm &mod annul determine hasclosure prolong wcollect
syn keyword mvPkg_liesymm Eta autosimp dvalue hook reduce wdegree
syn keyword mvPkg_liesymm Lie close extvars indepvars setup wedgeset
syn keyword mvPkg_liesymm Lrank d getcoeff makeforms translate wsubs
" Package: linalg: Linear algebra {{{2
if exists("mv_linalg")
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg GramSchmidt coldim equal indexfunc mulcol singval
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg JordanBlock colspace exponential innerprod multiply smith
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg LUdecomp colspan extend intbasis norm stack
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg QRdecomp companion ffgausselim inverse normalize submatrix
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg addcol cond fibonacci ismith orthog subvector
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg addrow copyinto forwardsub issimilar permanent sumbasis
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg adjoint crossprod frobenius iszero pivot swapcol
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg angle curl gausselim jacobian potential swaprow
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg augment definite gaussjord jordan randmatrix sylvester
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg backsub delcols geneqns kernel randvector toeplitz
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg band delrows genmatrix laplacian rank trace
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg basis det grad leastsqrs references transpose
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg bezout diag hadamard linsolve row vandermonde
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg blockmatrix diverge hermite matadd rowdim vecpotent
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg charmat dotprod hessian matrix rowspace vectdim
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg charpoly eigenval hilbert minor rowspan vector
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg cholesky eigenvect htranspose minpoly scalarmul wronskian
syn keyword mvPkg_linalg col entermatrix ihermite
" Package: logic: Boolean logic {{{2
if exists("mv_logic")
syn keyword mvPkg_logic MOD2 bsimp distrib environ randbool tautology
syn keyword mvPkg_logic bequal canon dual frominert satisfy toinert
" Package: networks: graph networks {{{2
if exists("mv_networks")
syn keyword mvPkg_networks acycpoly connect dinic graph mincut show
syn keyword mvPkg_networks addedge connectivity djspantree graphical mindegree shrink
syn keyword mvPkg_networks addvertex contract dodecahedron gsimp neighbors span
syn keyword mvPkg_networks adjacency countcuts draw gunion new spanpoly
syn keyword mvPkg_networks allpairs counttrees duplicate head octahedron spantree
syn keyword mvPkg_networks ancestor cube edges icosahedron outdegree tail
syn keyword mvPkg_networks arrivals cycle ends incidence path tetrahedron
syn keyword mvPkg_networks bicomponents cyclebase eweight incident petersen tuttepoly
syn keyword mvPkg_networks charpoly daughter flow indegree random vdegree
syn keyword mvPkg_networks chrompoly degreeseq flowpoly induce rank vertices
syn keyword mvPkg_networks complement delete fundcyc isplanar rankpoly void
syn keyword mvPkg_networks complete departures getlabel maxdegree shortpathtree vweight
syn keyword mvPkg_networks components diameter girth
" Package: numapprox: numerical approximation {{{2
if exists("mv_numapprox")
syn keyword mvPkg_numapprox chebdeg chebsort fnorm laurent minimax remez
syn keyword mvPkg_numapprox chebmult chebyshev hornerform laurent pade taylor
syn keyword mvPkg_numapprox chebpade confracform infnorm minimax
" Package: numtheory: number theory {{{2
if exists("mv_numtheory")
syn keyword mvPkg_numtheory B cyclotomic invcfrac mcombine nthconver primroot
syn keyword mvPkg_numtheory F divisors invphi mersenne nthdenom quadres
syn keyword mvPkg_numtheory GIgcd euler isolve minkowski nthnumer rootsunity
syn keyword mvPkg_numtheory J factorEQ isprime mipolys nthpow safeprime
syn keyword mvPkg_numtheory L factorset issqrfree mlog order sigma
syn keyword mvPkg_numtheory M fermat ithprime mobius pdexpand sq2factor
syn keyword mvPkg_numtheory bernoulli ifactor jacobi mroot phi sum2sqr
syn keyword mvPkg_numtheory bigomega ifactors kronecker msqrt pprimroot tau
syn keyword mvPkg_numtheory cfrac imagunit lambda nearestp prevprime thue
syn keyword mvPkg_numtheory cfracpol index legendre nextprime
" Package: orthopoly: orthogonal polynomials {{{2
if exists("mv_orthopoly")
syn keyword mvPkg_orthopoly G H L P T U
" Package: padic: p-adic numbers {{{2
if exists("mv_padic")
syn keyword mvPkg_padic evalp function orderp ratvaluep rootp valuep
syn keyword mvPkg_padic expansion lcoeffp ordp
" Package: plots: graphics package {{{2
if exists("mv_plots")
syn keyword mvPkg_plots animate coordplot3d gradplot3d listplot3d polarplot setoptions3d
syn keyword mvPkg_plots animate3d cylinderplot implicitplot loglogplot polygonplot spacecurve
syn keyword mvPkg_plots changecoords densityplot implicitplot3d logplot polygonplot3d sparsematrixplot
syn keyword mvPkg_plots complexplot display inequal matrixplot polyhedraplot sphereplot
syn keyword mvPkg_plots complexplot3d display3d listcontplot odeplot replot surfdata
syn keyword mvPkg_plots conformal fieldplot listcontplot3d pareto rootlocus textplot
syn keyword mvPkg_plots contourplot fieldplot3d listdensityplot pointplot semilogplot textplot3d
syn keyword mvPkg_plots contourplot3d gradplot listplot pointplot3d setoptions tubeplot
syn keyword mvPkg_plots coordplot
" Package: plottools: basic graphical objects {{{2
if exists("mv_plottools")
syn keyword mvPkg_plottools arc curve dodecahedron hyperbola pieslice semitorus
syn keyword mvPkg_plottools arrow cutin ellipse icosahedron point sphere
syn keyword mvPkg_plottools circle cutout ellipticArc line polygon tetrahedron
syn keyword mvPkg_plottools cone cylinder hemisphere octahedron rectangle torus
syn keyword mvPkg_plottools cuboid disk hexahedron
" Package: powseries: formal power series {{{2
if exists("mv_powseries")
syn keyword mvPkg_powseries compose multiply powcreate powlog powsolve reversion
syn keyword mvPkg_powseries evalpow negative powdiff powpoly powsqrt subtract
syn keyword mvPkg_powseries inverse powadd powexp powseries quotient tpsform
syn keyword mvPkg_powseries multconst powcos powint powsin
" Package: process: (Unix)-multi-processing {{{2
if exists("mv_process")
syn keyword mvPkg_process block fork pclose pipe popen wait
syn keyword mvPkg_process exec kill
" Package: simplex: linear optimization {{{2
if exists("mv_simplex")
syn keyword mvPkg_simplex NONNEGATIVE cterm dual maximize pivoteqn setup
syn keyword mvPkg_simplex basis define_zero equality minimize pivotvar standardize
syn keyword mvPkg_simplex convexhull display feasible pivot ratio
" Package: stats: statistics {{{2
if exists("mv_stats")
syn keyword mvPkg_stats anova describe fit random statevalf statplots
" Package: student: student calculus {{{2
if exists("mv_student")
syn keyword mvPkg_student D Product distance isolate middlesum rightsum
syn keyword mvPkg_student Diff Sum equate leftbox midpoint showtangent
syn keyword mvPkg_student Doubleint Tripleint extrema leftsum minimize simpson
syn keyword mvPkg_student Int changevar integrand makeproc minimize slope
syn keyword mvPkg_student Limit combine intercept maximize powsubs trapezoid
syn keyword mvPkg_student Lineint completesquare intparts middlebox rightbox value
syn keyword mvPkg_student Point
" Package: sumtools: indefinite and definite sums {{{2
if exists("mv_sumtools")
syn keyword mvPkg_sumtools Hypersum extended_gosper hyperrecursion hyperterm sumrecursion sumtohyper
syn keyword mvPkg_sumtools Sumtohyper gosper hypersum simpcomb
" Package: tensor: tensor computations and General Relativity {{{2
if exists("mv_tensor")
syn keyword mvPkg_tensor Christoffel1 Riemann connexF display_allGR get_compts partial_diff
syn keyword mvPkg_tensor Christoffel2 RiemannF contract dual get_rank permute_indices
syn keyword mvPkg_tensor Einstein Weyl convertNP entermetric invars petrov
syn keyword mvPkg_tensor Jacobian act cov_diff exterior_diff invert prod
syn keyword mvPkg_tensor Killing_eqns antisymmetrize create exterior_prod lin_com raise
syn keyword mvPkg_tensor Levi_Civita change_basis d1metric frame lower symmetrize
syn keyword mvPkg_tensor Lie_diff commutator d2metric geodesic_eqns npcurve tensorsGR
syn keyword mvPkg_tensor Ricci compare directional_diff get_char npspin transform
syn keyword mvPkg_tensor Ricciscalar conj displayGR
" Package: totorder: total orders on names {{{2
if exists("mv_totorder")
syn keyword mvPkg_totorder forget init ordering tassume tis
" =====================================================================
" Highlighting: Define the default highlighting. {{{1
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if !exists("skip_maplev_syntax_inits")
" Maple->Maple Links {{{2
hi def link mvBraceError mvError
hi def link mvCurlyError mvError
hi def link mvDebug mvTodo
hi def link mvParenError mvError
hi def link mvPkg_DEtools mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_Galois mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_GaussInt mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_LREtools mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_combinat mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_combstruct mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_difforms mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_finance mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_genfunc mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_geometry mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_grobner mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_group mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_inttrans mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_liesymm mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_linalg mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_logic mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_networks mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_numapprox mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_numtheory mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_orthopoly mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_padic mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_plots mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_plottools mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_powseries mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_process mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_simplex mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_stats mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_student mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_sumtools mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_tensor mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvPkg_totorder mvPkgFunc
hi def link mvRange mvOper
hi def link mvSemiError mvError
hi def link mvDelim Delimiter
" Maple->Standard Links {{{2
hi def link mvAssign Delimiter
hi def link mvBool Boolean
hi def link mvComma Delimiter
hi def link mvComment Comment
hi def link mvCond Conditional
hi def link mvConstant Number
hi def link mvDelayEval Label
hi def link mvDcolon Delimiter
hi def link mvError Error
hi def link mvLibrary Statement
hi def link mvNumber Number
hi def link mvOper Operator
hi def link mvAssign Delimiter
hi def link mvPackage Type
hi def link mvPkgFunc Function
hi def link mvPktOption Special
hi def link mvRepeat Repeat
hi def link mvSpecial Special
hi def link mvStatement Statement
hi def link mvName String
hi def link mvString String
hi def link mvTodo Todo
" Current Syntax: {{{1
let b:current_syntax = "maple"
" vim: ts=20 fdm=marker