Your IP :
package Test2::Tools::Tiny;
use strict;
use warnings;
if ($] lt "5.008") {
require Test::Builder::IO::Scalar;
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
use Test2::Util qw/try/;
use Test2::API qw/context run_subtest test2_stack/;
use Test2::Hub::Interceptor();
use Test2::Hub::Interceptor::Terminator();
our $VERSION = '1.302135';
BEGIN { require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter) }
our @EXPORT = qw{
ok is isnt like unlike is_deeply diag note skip_all todo plan done_testing
warnings exception tests capture
sub ok($;$@) {
my ($bool, $name, @diag) = @_;
my $ctx = context();
return $ctx->pass_and_release($name) if $bool;
return $ctx->fail_and_release($name, @diag);
sub is($$;$@) {
my ($got, $want, $name, @diag) = @_;
my $ctx = context();
my $bool;
if (defined($got) && defined($want)) {
$bool = "$got" eq "$want";
elsif (defined($got) xor defined($want)) {
$bool = 0;
else { # Both are undef
$bool = 1;
return $ctx->pass_and_release($name) if $bool;
$got = '*NOT DEFINED*' unless defined $got;
$want = '*NOT DEFINED*' unless defined $want;
unshift @diag => (
"GOT: $got",
"EXPECTED: $want",
return $ctx->fail_and_release($name, @diag);
sub isnt($$;$@) {
my ($got, $want, $name, @diag) = @_;
my $ctx = context();
my $bool;
if (defined($got) && defined($want)) {
$bool = "$got" ne "$want";
elsif (defined($got) xor defined($want)) {
$bool = 1;
else { # Both are undef
$bool = 0;
return $ctx->pass_and_release($name) if $bool;
unshift @diag => "Strings are the same (they should not be)"
unless $bool;
return $ctx->fail_and_release($name, @diag);
sub like($$;$@) {
my ($thing, $pattern, $name, @diag) = @_;
my $ctx = context();
my $bool;
if (defined($thing)) {
$bool = "$thing" =~ $pattern;
unshift @diag => (
"Value: $thing",
"Does not match: $pattern"
) unless $bool;
else {
$bool = 0;
unshift @diag => "Got an undefined value.";
return $ctx->pass_and_release($name) if $bool;
return $ctx->fail_and_release($name, @diag);
sub unlike($$;$@) {
my ($thing, $pattern, $name, @diag) = @_;
my $ctx = context();
my $bool;
if (defined($thing)) {
$bool = "$thing" !~ $pattern;
unshift @diag => (
"Unexpected pattern match (it should not match)",
"Value: $thing",
"Matches: $pattern"
) unless $bool;
else {
$bool = 0;
unshift @diag => "Got an undefined value.";
return $ctx->pass_and_release($name) if $bool;
return $ctx->fail_and_release($name, @diag);
sub is_deeply($$;$@) {
my ($got, $want, $name, @diag) = @_;
my $ctx = context();
no warnings 'once';
require Data::Dumper;
# Otherwise numbers might be unquoted
local $Data::Dumper::Useperl = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Deparse = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Freezer = 'XXX';
local *UNIVERSAL::XXX = sub {
my ($thing) = @_;
if (ref($thing)) {
$thing = {%$thing} if "$thing" =~ m/=HASH/;
$thing = [@$thing] if "$thing" =~ m/=ARRAY/;
$thing = \"$$thing" if "$thing" =~ m/=SCALAR/;
$_[0] = $thing;
my $g = Data::Dumper::Dumper($got);
my $w = Data::Dumper::Dumper($want);
my $bool = $g eq $w;
return $ctx->pass_and_release($name) if $bool;
return $ctx->fail_and_release($name, $g, $w, @diag);
sub diag {
my $ctx = context();
$ctx->diag(join '', @_);
sub note {
my $ctx = context();
$ctx->note(join '', @_);
sub skip_all {
my ($reason) = @_;
my $ctx = context();
$ctx->plan(0, SKIP => $reason);
$ctx->release if $ctx;
sub todo {
my ($reason, $sub) = @_;
my $ctx = context();
# This code is mostly copied from Test2::Todo in the Test2-Suite
# distribution.
my $hub = test2_stack->top;
my $filter = $hub->pre_filter(
sub {
my ($active_hub, $event) = @_;
if ($active_hub == $hub) {
$event->set_todo($reason) if $event->can('set_todo');
$event->add_amnesty({tag => 'TODO', details => $reason});
else {
$event->add_amnesty({tag => 'TODO', details => $reason, inherited => 1});
return $event;
inherit => 1,
todo => $reason,
$ctx->release if $ctx;
sub plan {
my ($max) = @_;
my $ctx = context();
sub done_testing {
my $ctx = context();
sub warnings(&) {
my $code = shift;
my @warnings;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings => @_ };
return \@warnings;
sub exception(&) {
my $code = shift;
local ($@, $!, $SIG{__DIE__});
my $ok = eval { $code->(); 1 };
my $error = $@ || 'SQUASHED ERROR';
return $ok ? undef : $error;
sub tests {
my ($name, $code) = @_;
my $ctx = context();
my $be = caller->can('before_each');
$be->($name) if $be;
my $bool = run_subtest($name, $code, 1);
return $bool;
sub capture(&) {
my $code = shift;
my ($err, $out) = ("", "");
my $handles = test2_stack->top->format->handles;
my ($ok, $e);
my ($out_fh, $err_fh);
($ok, $e) = try {
# Scalar refs as filehandles were added in 5.8.
if ($] ge "5.008") {
open($out_fh, '>', \$out) or die "Failed to open a temporary STDOUT: $!";
open($err_fh, '>', \$err) or die "Failed to open a temporary STDERR: $!";
# Emulate scalar ref filehandles with a tie.
else {
$out_fh = Test::Builder::IO::Scalar->new(\$out) or die "Failed to open a temporary STDOUT";
$err_fh = Test::Builder::IO::Scalar->new(\$err) or die "Failed to open a temporary STDERR";
test2_stack->top->format->set_handles([$out_fh, $err_fh, $out_fh]);
die $e unless $ok;
$err =~ s/ $/_/mg;
$out =~ s/ $/_/mg;
return {
STDOUT => $out,
STDERR => $err,
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Test2::Tools::Tiny - Tiny set of tools for unfortunate souls who cannot use
You should really look at L<Test2::Suite>. This package is some very basic
essential tools implemented using L<Test2>. This exists only so that L<Test2>
and other tools required by L<Test2::Suite> can be tested. This is the package
L<Test2> uses to test itself.
=head1 USE Test2::Suite INSTEAD
Use L<Test2::Suite> if at all possible.
=head1 EXPORTS
=over 4
=item ok($bool, $name)
=item ok($bool, $name, @diag)
Run a simple assertion.
=item is($got, $want, $name)
=item is($got, $want, $name, @diag)
Assert that 2 strings are the same.
=item isnt($got, $do_not_want, $name)
=item isnt($got, $do_not_want, $name, @diag)
Assert that 2 strings are not the same.
=item like($got, $regex, $name)
=item like($got, $regex, $name, @diag)
Check that the input string matches the regex.
=item unlike($got, $regex, $name)
=item unlike($got, $regex, $name, @diag)
Check that the input string does not match the regex.
=item is_deeply($got, $want, $name)
=item is_deeply($got, $want, $name, @diag)
Check 2 data structures. Please note that this is a I<DUMB> implementation that
compares the output of L<Data::Dumper> against both structures.
=item diag($msg)
Issue a diagnostics message to STDERR.
=item note($msg)
Issue a diagnostics message to STDOUT.
=item skip_all($reason)
Skip all tests.
=item todo $reason => sub { ... }
Run a block in TODO mode.
=item plan($count)
Set the plan.
=item done_testing()
Set the plan to the current test count.
=item $warnings = warnings { ... }
Capture an arrayref of warnings from the block.
=item $exception = exception { ... }
Capture an exception.
=item tests $name => sub { ... }
Run a subtest.
=item $output = capture { ... }
Capture STDOUT and STDERR output.
Result looks like this:
STDOUT => "...",
STDERR => "...",
=head1 SOURCE
The source code repository for Test2 can be found at
=over 4
=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2018 Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
See F<>