Your IP :
# -*- mode: perl -*-
# ============================================================================
package Net::SNMP::MessageProcessing;
# $Id:,v 3.1 2010/09/10 00:01:22 dtown Rel $
# Object that implements the Message Processing module.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2010 David M. Town <>
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
# ============================================================================
use strict;
use Net::SNMP::PDU qw(
:types :msgFlags :securityLevels asn1_itoa SNMP_VERSION_3 TRUE FALSE
srand( time() ^ ($$ + ($$ <<15)) );
## Version of the Net::SNMP::MessageProcessing module
our $VERSION = v3.0.1;
## Package variables
our $INSTANCE; # Reference to the Singleton object
our $DEBUG = FALSE; # Debug flag
## Object array indexes
sub _ERROR { 0 } # Error message
sub _HANDLES { 1 } # Cached request messages
# See if there is a better pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) available.
if (eval 'require Math::Random::MT::Auto') {
# [public methods] -----------------------------------------------------------
sub instance
return $INSTANCE ||= Net::SNMP::MessageProcessing->_new();
sub prepare_outgoing_msg
my ($this, $pdu) = @_;
# Clear any previous errors
if ((@_ != 2) || (!ref $pdu)) {
return $this->_error('The PDU object is missing or invalid');
# We must have a Security Model in order to prepare the message.
if (!defined $pdu->security()) {
return $this->_error('The Security Model object is not defined');
# Create a new Message
my ($msg, $error) = Net::SNMP::Message->new(
-callback => $pdu->callback(),
-leadingdot => $pdu->leading_dot(),
-requestid => $pdu->request_id(),
-security => $pdu->security(),
-translate => $pdu->translate(),
-transport => $pdu->transport(),
-version => $pdu->version()
return $this->_error($error) if !defined $msg;
if ($pdu->version() == SNMP_VERSION_3) {
if (!defined $pdu->prepare_pdu_scope()) {
return $this->_error($pdu->error());
# We need to copy the contextEngineID and contextName to the
# request message so that they are available for comparison
# with the response message.
# Set a new msgID for each message unless the PDU type is a
# GetResponse-PDU or a Report-PDU.
if (($pdu->pdu_type() != GET_RESPONSE) && ($pdu->pdu_type() != REPORT)) {
# msgGlobalData::=SEQUENCE
if (!defined $this->_prepare_global_data($pdu, $msg)) {
return $this->_error();
# Pass off to the Security Model
if (!defined $pdu->security()->generate_request_msg($pdu, $msg)) {
return $this->_error($pdu->security()->error());
# If a response to the message is expected, add the message to the
# cache using the msgId (request-id) has the lookup "handle".
if ($pdu->expect_response()) {
$this->[_HANDLES]->{$msg->msg_id()} = $msg;
# Return the new message.
return $msg;
sub prepare_data_elements
my ($this, $msg) = @_;
# Clear any previous errors
if ((@_ != 2) || (!ref $msg)) {
return $this->_error('The Message object is missing or invalid');
# message::=SEQUENCE
return $this->_error($msg->error()) if !defined $msg->process(SEQUENCE);
# version::=INTEGER
if (!defined $msg->version($msg->process(INTEGER))) {
return $this->_error($msg->error());
# Find the request message in the cache. We are assuming this
# message is a response to an outstanding request.
my $request;
if ($msg->version() == SNMP_VERSION_3) {
# msgGlobalData::=SEQUENCE
if (!defined $this->_process_global_data($msg)) {
return $this->_error();
$request = $this->msg_handle_delete($msg->msg_id());
} else {
# community::=OCTET STRING
if (!defined $msg->security_name($msg->process(OCTET_STRING))) {
return $this->_error($msg->error());
# Cast the Message to a PDU
if (!defined($msg = Net::SNMP::PDU->new($msg))) {
return $this->_error('Failed to allocate a new PDU object');
if (!defined $msg->process_pdu_sequence()) {
return $this->_error($msg->error());
if ($msg->pdu_type() != GET_RESPONSE) {
return $this->_error(
'A %s was expected, but %s was found',
asn1_itoa(GET_RESPONSE), asn1_itoa($msg->pdu_type())
$request = $this->msg_handle_delete($msg->request_id());
# Was a matching request found?
if (!defined $request) {
return $this->_error('No matching request message was found');
# Update the received message with the relevant request data.
# Now that we have found the matching request for this response
# we return a FALSE error instead of undefined so that the error
# gets propagated back to the user.
# Compare the Security Models
if ($msg->msg_security_model() != $request->msg_security_model()) {
'The msgSecurityModel %d was expected, but %d was found',
$request->msg_security_model(), $msg->msg_security_model()
return FALSE;
# Pass off to the Security Model
if (!defined $request->security()->process_incoming_msg($msg)) {
return FALSE;
if ($msg->version() == SNMP_VERSION_3) {
# Adjust our maxMsgSize if necessary
if ($msg->msg_max_size() < $request->max_msg_size()) {
DEBUG_INFO('new maxMsgSize = %d', $msg->msg_max_size());
if (!defined $request->max_msg_size($msg->msg_max_size())) {
return FALSE;
# Cast the Message to a PDU
if (!defined($msg = Net::SNMP::PDU->new($msg))) {
$this->_error('Failed to allocate new PDU object');
return FALSE;
if (!defined $msg->process_pdu_scope()) {
return FALSE;
if (!defined $msg->process_pdu_sequence()) {
return FALSE;
if ($msg->pdu_type() != REPORT) {
if ($msg->pdu_type() != GET_RESPONSE) {
'A %s was expected, but %s was found',
asn1_itoa(GET_RESPONSE), asn1_itoa($msg->pdu_type())
return FALSE;
# Compare the contextEngineID
if ($msg->context_engine_id() ne $request->context_engine_id()) {
'The contextEngineID "%s" was expected, but "%s" was found',
unpack('H*', $request->context_engine_id()),
unpack('H*', $msg->context_engine_id()),
return FALSE;
# Compare the contextName
if ($msg->context_name() ne $request->context_name()) {
'The contextName "%s" was expected, but "%s" was found',
$request->context_name(), $msg->context_name()
return FALSE;
# Check the request-id
if ($msg->request_id() != $request->request_id()) {
'The request-id %d was expected, but %d was found',
$request->request_id(), $msg->request_id()
return FALSE;
# Now update the message with format parameters.
# VarBindList::=SEQUENCE OF VarBind
if (!defined $msg->process_var_bind_list()) {
return FALSE;
# Return the PDU
return $msg;
sub msg_handle_alloc
my ($this) = @_;
# Limit message handles by RFC 3412 - msgID::=INTEGER (0..2147483647)
my $handle = int rand(2147483648);
while (exists $this->[_HANDLES]->{$handle} &&
keys %{$this->[_HANDLES]->{$handle}} < 2147483648)
$handle = int rand(2147483648);
return $handle;
sub msg_handle_delete
my ($this, $handle) = @_;
# Clear any previous errors
return $this->_error('No msgHandle was specified') if (@_ < 2);
if (!exists $this->[_HANDLES]->{$handle}) {
return $this->_error('The msgHandle %d was not found', $handle);
return delete $this->[_HANDLES]->{$handle};
sub error
return $_[0]->[_ERROR] || q{};
sub debug
return (@_ == 2) ? $DEBUG = ($_[1]) ? TRUE : FALSE : $DEBUG;
# [private methods] ----------------------------------------------------------
sub _new
my ($class) = @_;
# The constructor is private since we only want one MessageProcessing
# object. We also reserve message handle (request-id/msgID) 0 so that
# it is not used for valid messages.
return bless [ undef, { 0, undef } ], $class;
sub _prepare_global_data
my ($this, $pdu, $msg) = @_;
# msgSecurityModel::=INTEGER
if (!defined
INTEGER, $msg->msg_security_model($pdu->msg_security_model())
return $this->_error($msg->error());
# msgFlags::=OCTET STRING
my $security_level = $pdu->security_level();
if ($security_level > SECURITY_LEVEL_NOAUTHNOPRIV) {
$msg_flags |= MSG_FLAGS_AUTH;
if ($security_level > SECURITY_LEVEL_AUTHNOPRIV) {
$msg_flags |= MSG_FLAGS_PRIV;
if (!$pdu->expect_response()) {
$msg_flags &= ~MSG_FLAGS_REPORTABLE;
if (!defined $msg->prepare(OCTET_STRING, pack 'C', $msg_flags)) {
# msgMaxSize::=INTEGER
if (!defined
$msg->prepare(INTEGER, $msg->msg_max_size($pdu->max_msg_size()))
return $this->_error($msg->error());
if (!defined $msg->prepare(INTEGER, $msg->msg_id($pdu->msg_id()))) {
return $this->_error($msg->error());
# msgGlobalData::=SEQUENCE
if (!defined $msg->prepare(SEQUENCE)) {
return $this->_error($msg->error());
return TRUE;
sub _process_global_data
my ($this, $msg) = @_;
# msgGlobalData::=SEQUENCE
return $this->_error($msg->error()) if !defined $msg->process(SEQUENCE);
if (!defined $msg->msg_id($msg->process(INTEGER))) {
return $this->_error($msg->error());
# msgMaxSize::=INTEGER
if (!defined $msg->msg_max_size($msg->process(INTEGER))) {
return $this->_error($msg->error());
# msgFlags::=OCTET STRING
my $msg_flags = $msg->process(OCTET_STRING);
if (!defined $msg_flags) {
return $this->_error($msg->error());
if (CORE::length($msg_flags) != 1) {
return $this->_error(
'The msgFlags length of %d is invalid', CORE::length($msg_flags)
$msg->msg_flags($msg_flags = unpack 'C', $msg_flags);
# Validate the msgFlags and derive the securityLevel.
if ($msg_flags & MSG_FLAGS_AUTH) {
if ($msg_flags & MSG_FLAGS_PRIV) {
$security_level = SECURITY_LEVEL_AUTHPRIV;
} elsif ($msg_flags & MSG_FLAGS_PRIV) {
# RFC 3412 - Section 7.2 1d: "If the authFlag is not set
# and privFlag is set... ...the message is discarded..."
return $this->_error('The msgFlags value 0x%02x is invalid', $msg_flags);
# RFC 3412 - Section 7.2 1e: "Any other bits... ...are ignored."
if ($msg_flags & ~MSG_FLAGS_MASK) {
DEBUG_INFO('questionable msgFlags value 0x%02x', $msg_flags);
# msgSecurityModel::=INTEGER
if (!defined $msg->msg_security_model($msg->process(INTEGER))) {
return $this->_error($msg->error());
return TRUE;
sub _error
my $this = shift;
if (!defined $this->[_ERROR]) {
$this->[_ERROR] = (@_ > 1) ? sprintf(shift(@_), @_) : $_[0];
if ($this->debug()) {
printf "error: [%d] %s(): %s\n",
(caller 0)[2], (caller 1)[3], $this->[_ERROR];
sub _error_clear
return $_[0]->[_ERROR] = undef;
return $DEBUG if (!$DEBUG);
return printf
sprintf('debug: [%d] %s(): ', (caller 0)[2], (caller 1)[3]) .
((@_ > 1) ? shift(@_) : '%s') .
# ============================================================================
1; # [end Net::SNMP::MessageProcessing]