Your IP :
package CPAN::Index;
use strict;
$VERSION = "2.12";
@CPAN::Index::ISA = qw(CPAN::Debug);
$LAST_TIME ||= 0;
$DATE_OF_03 ||= 0;
# use constant PROTOCOL => "2.0"; # commented out to avoid warning on upgrade from 1.57
sub PROTOCOL { 2.0 }
#-> sub CPAN::Index::force_reload ;
sub force_reload {
my($class) = @_;
$CPAN::Index::LAST_TIME = 0;
my @indexbundle =
reader => "rd_authindex",
dir => "authors",
remotefile => '01mailrc.txt.gz',
shortlocalfile => '01mailrc.gz',
reader => "rd_modpacks",
dir => "modules",
remotefile => '02packages.details.txt.gz',
shortlocalfile => '02packag.gz',
reader => "rd_modlist",
dir => "modules",
remotefile => '',
shortlocalfile => '03mlist.gz',
#-> sub CPAN::Index::reload ;
sub reload {
my($self,$force) = @_;
my $time = time;
# XXX check if a newer one is available. (We currently read it
# from time to time)
for ($CPAN::Config->{index_expire}) {
$_ = 0.001 unless $_ && $_ > 0.001;
unless (1 || $CPAN::Have_warned->{readmetadatacache}++) {
# debug here when CPAN doesn't seem to read the Metadata
require Carp;
unless ($CPAN::META->{PROTOCOL}) {
$CPAN::META->{PROTOCOL} ||= "1.0";
# warn "Setting last_time to 0";
$LAST_TIME = 0; # No warning necessary
if ($LAST_TIME + $CPAN::Config->{index_expire}*86400 > $time
and ! $force) {
# called too often
# CPAN->debug("LAST_TIME[$LAST_TIME]index_expire[$CPAN::Config->{index_expire}]time[$time]");
} elsif (0) {
# IFF we are developing, it helps to wipe out the memory
# between reloads, otherwise it is not what a user expects.
undef $CPAN::META; # Neue Gruendlichkeit since v1.52(r1.274)
$CPAN::META = CPAN->new;
} else {
local $LAST_TIME = $time;
my $needshort = $^O eq "dos";
INX: for my $indexbundle (@indexbundle) {
my $reader = $indexbundle->{reader};
my $localfile = $needshort ? $indexbundle->{shortlocalfile} : $indexbundle->{remotefile};
my $localpath = File::Spec->catfile($indexbundle->{dir}, $localfile);
my $remote = join "/", $indexbundle->{dir}, $indexbundle->{remotefile};
my $localized = $self->reload_x($remote, $localpath, $force);
$self->$reader($localized); # may die but we let the shell catch it
if ($CPAN::DEBUG){
$t2 = time;
$debug = "timing reading 01[".($t2 - $time)."]";
$time = $t2;
return if $CPAN::Signal; # this is sometimes lengthy
if ($CPAN::DEBUG){
$t2 = time;
$debug .= "03[".($t2 - $time)."]";
$time = $t2;
CPAN->debug($debug) if $CPAN::DEBUG;
if ($CPAN::Config->{build_dir_reuse}) {
if (CPAN::_sqlite_running()) {
$CPAN::SQLite->reload(time => $time, force => $force)
if not $LAST_TIME;
$LAST_TIME = $time;
#-> sub CPAN::Index::reanimate_build_dir ;
sub reanimate_build_dir {
my($self) = @_;
unless ($CPAN::META->has_inst($CPAN::Config->{yaml_module}||"YAML")) {
return if $HAVE_REANIMATED++;
my $d = $CPAN::Config->{build_dir};
my $dh = DirHandle->new;
opendir $dh, $d or return; # does not exist
my $dirent;
my $i = 0;
my $painted = 0;
my $restored = 0;
my $start = CPAN::FTP::_mytime();
my @candidates = map { $_->[0] }
sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
map { [ $_, -M File::Spec->catfile($d,$_) ] }
grep {/(.+)\.yml$/ && -d File::Spec->catfile($d,$1)} readdir $dh;
if ( @candidates ) {
(sprintf("Reading %d yaml file%s from %s/\n",
scalar @candidates,
@candidates==1 ? "" : "s",
DISTRO: for $i (0..$#candidates) {
my $dirent = $candidates[$i];
my $y = eval {CPAN->_yaml_loadfile(File::Spec->catfile($d,$dirent))};
if ($@) {
warn "Error while parsing file '$dirent'; error: '$@'";
next DISTRO;
my $c = $y->[0];
if ($c && $c->{perl} && $c->{distribution} && CPAN->_perl_fingerprint($c->{perl})) {
my $key = $c->{distribution}{ID};
for my $k (keys %{$c->{distribution}}) {
if ($c->{distribution}{$k}
&& ref $c->{distribution}{$k}
&& UNIVERSAL::isa($c->{distribution}{$k},"CPAN::Distrostatus")) {
$c->{distribution}{$k}{COMMANDID} = $i - @candidates;
#we tried to restore only if element already
#exists; but then we do not work with metadata
#turned off.
my $do
= $CPAN::META->{readwrite}{'CPAN::Distribution'}{$key}
= $c->{distribution};
for my $skipper (qw(
)) {
delete $do->{$skipper};
if ($do->can("tested_ok_but_not_installed")) {
if ($do->tested_ok_but_not_installed) {
} else {
next DISTRO;
while (($painted/76) < ($i/@candidates)) {
else {
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Build_dir empty, nothing to restore\n");
my $took = CPAN::FTP::_mytime() - $start;
"DONE\nRestored the state of %s (in %.4f secs)\n",
$restored || "none",
#-> sub CPAN::Index::reload_x ;
sub reload_x {
my($cl,$wanted,$localname,$force) = @_;
$force |= 2; # means we're dealing with an index here
CPAN::HandleConfig->load; # we should guarantee loading wherever
# we rely on Config XXX
$localname ||= $wanted;
my $abs_wanted = File::Spec->catfile($CPAN::Config->{'keep_source_where'},
if (
-f $abs_wanted &&
-M $abs_wanted < $CPAN::Config->{'index_expire'} &&
!($force & 1)
) {
my $s = $CPAN::Config->{'index_expire'} == 1 ? "" : "s";
$cl->debug(qq{$abs_wanted younger than $CPAN::Config->{'index_expire'} }.
qq{day$s. I\'ll use that.});
return $abs_wanted;
} else {
$force |= 1; # means we're quite serious about it.
return CPAN::FTP->localize($wanted,$abs_wanted,$force);
#-> sub CPAN::Index::rd_authindex ;
sub rd_authindex {
my($cl, $index_target) = @_;
return unless defined $index_target;
return if CPAN::_sqlite_running();
my @lines;
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Reading '$index_target'\n");
tie *FH, 'CPAN::Tarzip', $index_target;
local($/) = "\n";
push @lines, split /\012/ while <FH>;
my $i = 0;
my $painted = 0;
foreach (@lines) {
my($userid,$fullname,$email) =
$fullname ||= $email;
if ($userid && $fullname && $email) {
my $userobj = $CPAN::META->instance('CPAN::Author',$userid);
$userobj->set('FULLNAME' => $fullname, 'EMAIL' => $email);
} else {
CPAN->debug(sprintf "line[%s]", $_) if $CPAN::DEBUG;
while (($painted/76) < ($i/@lines)) {
return if $CPAN::Signal;
sub userid {
my($self,$dist) = @_;
$dist = $self->{'id'} unless defined $dist;
my($ret) = $dist =~ m|(?:\w/\w\w/)?([^/]+)/|;
#-> sub CPAN::Index::rd_modpacks ;
sub rd_modpacks {
my($self, $index_target) = @_;
return unless defined $index_target;
return if CPAN::_sqlite_running();
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Reading '$index_target'\n");
my $fh = CPAN::Tarzip->TIEHANDLE($index_target);
local $_;
CPAN->debug(sprintf "start[%d]", time) if $CPAN::DEBUG;
my $slurp = "";
my $chunk;
while (my $bytes = $fh->READ(\$chunk,8192)) {
my @lines = split /\012/, $slurp;
CPAN->debug(sprintf "end[%d]", time) if $CPAN::DEBUG;
undef $fh;
# read header
while (@lines) {
my $shift = shift(@lines);
last if $shift =~ /^\s*$/;
$shift =~ /^Line-Count:\s+(\d+)/ and $line_count = $1;
$shift =~ /^Last-Updated:\s+(.+)/ and $last_updated = $1;
CPAN->debug("line_count[$line_count]last_updated[$last_updated]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
my $errors = 0;
if (not defined $line_count) {
$CPAN::Frontend->mywarn(qq{Warning: Your $index_target does not contain a Line-Count header.
Please check the validity of the index file by comparing it to more
than one CPAN mirror. I'll continue but problems seem likely to
} elsif ($line_count != scalar @lines) {
$CPAN::Frontend->mywarn(sprintf qq{Warning: Your %s
contains a Line-Count header of %d but I see %d lines there. Please
check the validity of the index file by comparing it to more than one
CPAN mirror. I'll continue but problems seem likely to happen.\a\n},
$index_target, $line_count, scalar(@lines));
if (not defined $last_updated) {
$CPAN::Frontend->mywarn(qq{Warning: Your $index_target does not contain a Last-Updated header.
Please check the validity of the index file by comparing it to more
than one CPAN mirror. I'll continue but problems seem likely to
} else {
->myprint(sprintf qq{ Database was generated on %s\n},
$DATE_OF_02 = $last_updated;
my $age = time;
if ($CPAN::META->has_inst('HTTP::Date')) {
require HTTP::Date;
$age -= HTTP::Date::str2time($last_updated);
} else {
$CPAN::Frontend->mywarn(" HTTP::Date not available\n");
require Time::Local;
my(@d) = $last_updated =~ / (\d+) (\w+) (\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+) /;
$d[1] = index("Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec", $d[1])/4;
$age -= $d[1]>=0 ? Time::Local::timegm(@d[5,4,3,0,1,2]) : 0;
$age /= 3600*24;
if ($age > 30) {
qq{Warning: This index file is %d days old.
Please check the host you chose as your CPAN mirror for staleness.
I'll continue but problems seem likely to happen.\a\n},
} elsif ($age < -1) {
qq{Warning: Your system date is %d days behind this index file!
System time: %s
Timestamp index file: %s
Please fix your system time, problems with the make command expected.\n},
scalar gmtime,
# A necessity since we have metadata_cache: delete what isn't
# there anymore
my $secondtime = $CPAN::META->exists("CPAN::Module","CPAN");
CPAN->debug("secondtime[$secondtime]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
my $i = 0;
my $painted = 0;
LINE: foreach (@lines) {
# before 1.56 we split into 3 and discarded the rest. From
# 1.57 we assign remaining text to $comment thus allowing to
# influence isa_perl
my($mod,$version,$dist,$comment) = split " ", $_, 4;
unless ($mod && defined $version && $dist) {
require Dumpvalue;
my $dv = Dumpvalue->new(tick => '"');
$CPAN::Frontend->mywarn(sprintf "Could not split line[%s]\n", $dv->stringify($_));
if ($errors++ >= 5){
$CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Giving up parsing your $index_target, too many errors");
next LINE;
if ($mod eq 'CPAN' &&
! (
CPAN::Queue->exists('Bundle::CPAN') ||
) {
local($^W)= 0;
if ($version > $CPAN::VERSION) {
New version (v$version) available.
[Currently running version is v$CPAN::VERSION]
You might want to try
install CPAN
reload cpan
to both upgrade and run the new version without leaving
the current session.
}); #});
last if $CPAN::Signal;
} elsif ($mod =~ /^Bundle::(.*)/) {
$bundle = $1;
if ($bundle) {
$id = $CPAN::META->instance('CPAN::Bundle',$mod);
# Let's make it a module too, because bundles have so much
# in common with modules.
# Changed in 1.57_63: seems like memory bloat now without
# any value, so commented out
# $CPAN::META->instance('CPAN::Module',$mod);
} else {
# instantiate a module object
$id = $CPAN::META->instance('CPAN::Module',$mod);
# Although CPAN prohibits same name with different version the
# indexer may have changed the version for the same distro
# since the last time ("Force Reindexing" feature)
if ($id->cpan_file ne $dist
$id->cpan_version ne $version
) {
$userid = $id->userid || $self->userid($dist);
'CPAN_USERID' => $userid,
'CPAN_VERSION' => $version,
'CPAN_FILE' => $dist,
# instantiate a distribution object
if ($CPAN::META->exists('CPAN::Distribution',$dist)) {
# we do not need CONTAINSMODS unless we do something with
# this dist, so we better produce it on demand.
## my $obj = $CPAN::META->instance(
## 'CPAN::Distribution' => $dist
## );
## $obj->{CONTAINSMODS}{$mod} = undef; # experimental
} else {
'CPAN::Distribution' => $dist
'CPAN_USERID' => $userid,
'CPAN_COMMENT' => $comment,
if ($secondtime) {
for my $name ($mod,$dist) {
# $self->debug("exists name[$name]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
$exists{$name} = undef;
while (($painted/76) < ($i/@lines)) {
return if $CPAN::Signal;
if ($secondtime) {
for my $class (qw(CPAN::Module CPAN::Bundle CPAN::Distribution)) {
for my $o ($CPAN::META->all_objects($class)) {
next if exists $exists{$o->{ID}};
# CPAN->debug("deleting ID[$o->{ID}] in class[$class]")
# if $CPAN::DEBUG;
#-> sub CPAN::Index::rd_modlist ;
sub rd_modlist {
my($cl,$index_target) = @_;
return unless defined $index_target;
return if CPAN::_sqlite_running();
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Reading '$index_target'\n");
my $fh = CPAN::Tarzip->TIEHANDLE($index_target);
local $_;
my $slurp = "";
my $chunk;
while (my $bytes = $fh->READ(\$chunk,8192)) {
my @eval2 = split /\012/, $slurp;
while (@eval2) {
my $shift = shift(@eval2);
if ($shift =~ /^Date:\s+(.*)/) {
if ($DATE_OF_03 eq $1) {
($DATE_OF_03) = $1;
last if $shift =~ /^\s*$/;
push @eval2, q{CPAN::Modulelist->data;};
local($^W) = 0;
my($compmt) = Safe->new("CPAN::Safe1");
my($eval2) = join("\n", @eval2);
CPAN->debug(sprintf "length of eval2[%d]", length $eval2) if $CPAN::DEBUG;
my $ret = $compmt->reval($eval2);
Carp::confess($@) if $@;
return if $CPAN::Signal;
my $i = 0;
my $until = keys(%$ret);
my $painted = 0;
CPAN->debug(sprintf "until[%d]", $until) if $CPAN::DEBUG;
for (sort keys %$ret) {
my $obj = $CPAN::META->instance("CPAN::Module",$_);
delete $ret->{$_}{modid}; # not needed here, maybe elsewhere
while (($painted/76) < ($i/$until)) {
return if $CPAN::Signal;
#-> sub CPAN::Index::write_metadata_cache ;
sub write_metadata_cache {
my($self) = @_;
return unless $CPAN::Config->{'cache_metadata'};
return if CPAN::_sqlite_running();
return unless $CPAN::META->has_usable("Storable");
my $cache;
foreach my $k (qw(CPAN::Bundle CPAN::Author CPAN::Module
CPAN::Distribution)) {
$cache->{$k} = $CPAN::META->{readonly}{$k}; # unsafe meta access, ok
my $metadata_file = File::Spec->catfile($CPAN::Config->{cpan_home},"Metadata");
$cache->{last_time} = $LAST_TIME;
$cache->{DATE_OF_02} = $DATE_OF_02;
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Writing $metadata_file\n");
eval { Storable::nstore($cache, $metadata_file) };
$CPAN::Frontend->mywarn($@) if $@; # ?? missing "\n" after $@ in mywarn ??
#-> sub CPAN::Index::read_metadata_cache ;
sub read_metadata_cache {
my($self) = @_;
return unless $CPAN::Config->{'cache_metadata'};
return if CPAN::_sqlite_running();
return unless $CPAN::META->has_usable("Storable");
my $metadata_file = File::Spec->catfile($CPAN::Config->{cpan_home},"Metadata");
return unless -r $metadata_file and -f $metadata_file;
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Reading '$metadata_file'\n");
my $cache;
eval { $cache = Storable::retrieve($metadata_file) };
$CPAN::Frontend->mywarn($@) if $@; # ?? missing "\n" after $@ in mywarn ??
if (!$cache || !UNIVERSAL::isa($cache, 'HASH')) {
if (exists $cache->{PROTOCOL}) {
if (PROTOCOL > $cache->{PROTOCOL}) {
$CPAN::Frontend->mywarn(sprintf("Ignoring Metadata cache written ".
"with protocol v%s, requiring v%s\n",
} else {
$CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Ignoring Metadata cache written ".
"with protocol v1.0\n");
my $clcnt = 0;
my $idcnt = 0;
while(my($class,$v) = each %$cache) {
next unless $class =~ /^CPAN::/;
$CPAN::META->{readonly}{$class} = $v; # unsafe meta access, ok
while (my($id,$ro) = each %$v) {
$CPAN::META->{readwrite}{$class}{$id} ||=
$class->new(ID=>$id, RO=>$ro);
unless ($clcnt) { # sanity check
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Warning: Found no data in $metadata_file\n");
if ($idcnt < 1000) {
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Warning: Found only $idcnt objects ".
"in $metadata_file\n");
$cache->{PROTOCOL}; # reading does not up or downgrade, but it
# does initialize to some protocol
$LAST_TIME = $cache->{last_time};
$DATE_OF_02 = $cache->{DATE_OF_02};
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint(" Database was generated on $DATE_OF_02\n")
if defined $DATE_OF_02; # An old cache may not contain DATE_OF_02