Your IP :
% Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Artifex Software, Inc.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
% implied.
% This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
% modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
% of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
% Refer to licensing information at or contact
% Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
% CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
% PDF writer additions to systemdict.
% This file should be included iff the pdfwrite "device" is included
% in the executable.
% ---------------- Predefined configurations ---------------- %
% These correspond to the 4 predefined settings in Acrobat Distiller 5,
% plus a "default" setting that doesn't downsample images.
{ /pdfwrite finddevice pop } .internalstopped
{pop pop (%END PDFWR) .skipeof} if
languagelevel 2 .setlanguagelevel
/.a2112 [2 1 1 2] readonly def
/.a1111 [1 1 1 1] readonly def
/.standardfonts [
/Courier /Courier-Bold /Courier-Oblique /Courier-BoldOblique
/Helvetica /Helvetica-Bold /Helvetica-Oblique /Helvetica-BoldOblique
/Times-Roman /Times-Bold /Times-Italic /Times-BoldItalic
/Symbol /ZapfDingbats
] readonly def
% Parameters common to all non-default configurations.
% Note that the default configuration overrides a few of these.
/.defaultImageDict mark
/QFactor 0.9 /Blend 1
/HSamples .a2112 /VSamples .a2112
.dicttomark readonly def
/.distillercommon mark
/AlwaysEmbed []
/AntiAliasColorImages //false
/AntiAliasGrayImages //false
/AntiAliasMonoImages //false
/ASCII85EncodePages //false
/AutoFilterColorImages //true
/AutoFilterGrayImages //true
/AutoPositionEPSFiles //true
/Binding /Left
/CalCMYKProfile (None) % (U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2)
/CalGrayProfile (None) % (Dot Gain 20%)
/CalRGBProfile (None) % (sRGB IEC61966-2.1)
/ColorImageDepth -1
/ColorImageDict .defaultImageDict
/ColorImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5
/ColorImageFilter /DCTEncode
/CompressPages //true
/ConvertImagesToIndexed //true
/DefaultRenderingIntent /Default
/DetectBlends //true
/DownsampleColorImages //true
/DownsampleGrayImages //true
/DownsampleMonoImages //true
/EmitDSCWarnings //false
/EncodeColorImages //true
/EncodeGrayImages //true
/EncodeMonoImages //true
/EndPage -1
/GrayImageDepth -1
/GrayImageDict .defaultImageDict
/GrayImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5
/GrayImageFilter /DCTEncode
/ImageMemory 524288
/LockDistillerParams //false
/MaxSubsetPct 100
/MonoImageDepth -1
/MonoImageDict mark
/K -1
.dicttomark readonly
/MonoImageDownsampleThreshold 1.5
/MonoImageFilter /CCITTFaxEncode
/OffOptimizations 0
/OPM 1
/Optimize //true
/ParseDSCComments //true
/ParseDSCCommentsForDocInfo //true
/PDFXTrimBoxToMediaBoxOffset [0 0 0 0]
/PDFXSetBleedBoxToMediaBox //true
/PDFXBleedBoxToTrimBoxOffset [0 0 0 0]
/PreserveCopyPage //true
/PreserveHalftoneInfo //false
/sRGBProfile (None) % (sRGB IEC61966-2.1)
/StartPage 1
/SubsetFonts //true
/TransferFunctionInfo /Preserve
/UseFlateCompression //true
/UsePrologue //false
/PassThroughJPEGImages //true
.dicttomark readonly def
/.distillersettings mark
/default mark
/AutoRotatePages /PageByPage
/CannotEmbedFontPolicy /Warning
/ColorACSImageDict .defaultImageDict
/ColorConversionStrategy /LeaveColorUnchanged
% /ColorImageDownsampleType
% /ColorImageResolution
% /CompatibilityLevel
/CreateJobTicket //false
/DoThumbnails //false
/DownsampleColorImages //false % override
/DownsampleGrayImages //false % override
/DownsampleMonoImages //false % override
/EmbedAllFonts //true
/GrayACSImageDict .defaultImageDict
% /GrayImageDownsampleType
% /GrayImageResolution
% /MonoImageDownsampleType
% /MonoImageResolution
/NeverEmbed .standardfonts
/Optimize //false % override
/PreserveEPSInfo //true
/PreserveOPIComments //true
/PreserveOverprintSettings //true
/UCRandBGInfo /Preserve
.dicttomark readonly
/.screenACSImageDict mark
/QFactor 0.76 /Blend 1 /ColorTransform 1
/HSamples .a2112 /VSamples .a2112
.dicttomark readonly def
/screen mark
/AutoRotatePages /PageByPage
% /CalGrayProfile (None)
/CannotEmbedFontPolicy /Warning
/ColorACSImageDict .screenACSImageDict
/ColorConversionStrategy /sRGB
/ColorImageDownsampleType /Average
/ColorImageResolution 72
/CompatibilityLevel 1.5
/CreateJobTicket //false
/DoThumbnails //false
/EmbedAllFonts //true
/GrayACSImageDict .screenACSImageDict
/GrayImageDownsampleType /Average
/GrayImageResolution 72
/MonoImageDownsampleType /Subsample
/MonoImageResolution 300
/NeverEmbed .standardfonts
/PreserveEPSInfo //false
/PreserveOPIComments //false
/PreserveOverprintSettings //false
/UCRandBGInfo /Remove
.dicttomark readonly
/ebook mark
/AutoRotatePages /All
% /CalGrayProfile (None)
/CannotEmbedFontPolicy /Warning
/ColorACSImageDict .screenACSImageDict
/ColorConversionStrategy /sRGB
/ColorImageDownsampleType /Average
/ColorImageResolution 150
/CompatibilityLevel 1.5
/CreateJobTicket //false
/DoThumbnails //false
/EmbedAllFonts //true
/GrayACSImageDict .screenACSImageDict
/GrayImageDownsampleType /Average
/GrayImageResolution 150
/MonoImageDownsampleType /Subsample
/MonoImageResolution 300
/NeverEmbed .standardfonts
/PreserveEPSInfo //false
/PreserveOPIComments //false
/PreserveOverprintSettings //false
/UCRandBGInfo /Remove
.dicttomark readonly
/.printerACSImageDict mark
/QFactor 0.4 /Blend 1 /ColorTransform 1
/HSamples .a1111 /VSamples .a1111
.dicttomark readonly def
/printer mark
/AutoRotatePages /None
% /CalGrayProfile (None)
/CannotEmbedFontPolicy /Warning
/ColorACSImageDict .printerACSImageDict
/ColorConversionStrategy /UseDeviceIndependentColor
/ColorImageDownsampleType /Average
/ColorImageResolution 300
/CompatibilityLevel 1.7
/CreateJobTicket //true
/DoThumbnails //false
/EmbedAllFonts //true
/GrayACSImageDict .printerACSImageDict
/GrayImageDownsampleType /Average
/GrayImageResolution 300
/MonoImageDownsampleType /Subsample
/MonoImageResolution 1200
/NeverEmbed []
/PreserveEPSInfo //true
/PreserveOPIComments //true
/PreserveOverprintSettings //true
/UCRandBGInfo /Preserve
.dicttomark readonly
/.prepressACSImageDict mark
/QFactor 0.15 /Blend 1 /ColorTransform 1
/HSamples .a1111 /VSamples .a1111
.dicttomark readonly def
/prepress mark
/AutoRotatePages /None
/CannotEmbedFontPolicy /Error
/ColorACSImageDict .prepressACSImageDict
/ColorConversionStrategy /LeaveColorUnchanged
/ColorImageDownsampleType /Bicubic
/ColorImageResolution 300
/CompatibilityLevel 1.7
/CreateJobTicket //true
/DoThumbnails //true
/EmbedAllFonts //true
/GrayACSImageDict .prepressACSImageDict
/GrayImageDownsampleType /Bicubic
/GrayImageResolution 300
/MonoImageDownsampleType /Subsample
/MonoImageResolution 1200
/NeverEmbed []
/PreserveEPSInfo //true
/PreserveOPIComments //true
/PreserveOverprintSettings //true
/UCRandBGInfo /Preserve
.dicttomark readonly
% Define distiller settings for the ps2write device and for the ps2ps2 script :
/PSL2Printer mark
/AutoRotatePages /None
/CannotEmbedFontPolicy /Error
/ColorACSImageDict .prepressACSImageDict
/ColorConversionStrategy /LeaveColorUnchanged
/ColorImageDownsampleType /Subsample
/ColorImageResolution 600
/DownsampleColorImages //false
/CompatibilityLevel 1.2 % Always 1.2 with ps2write.
% /CreateJobTicket //true % Not sure
/DoThumbnails //false
/EmbedAllFonts //true
/GrayACSImageDict .prepressACSImageDict
/GrayImageDownsampleType /Subsample
/GrayImageResolution 600
/DownsampleGrayImages //false
/MonoImageDownsampleType /Subsample
/MonoImageResolution 1200
/DownsampleMonoImages //false
/NeverEmbed []
/PreserveEPSInfo //true
/PreserveOPIComments //true
/PreserveOverprintSettings //true
/UCRandBGInfo /Preserve
/PreserveHalftoneInfo //true
/TransferFunctionInfo /Preserve
%% Deprecated in 9.06
%% /MaxViewerMemorySize 8000000
/CompressPages //false
/CompressFonts //true
/ASCII85EncodePages //true
.dicttomark readonly
.dicttomark readonly def
% ---------------- End of predefined configurations ---------------- %
% Set optimizations for converting PostScript to PDF.
% The ps2pdf* scripts invoke this.
/.setpdfwrite { % - .setpdfwrite -
% Set a large VM threshold to reduce garbage collection.
currentuserparams /VMThreshold get 3000000 .max setvmthreshold
} bind def
% ---------------- pdfmark and DSC processing ---------------- %
/.write_small_positive_real % <file> <real> .write_small_positive_real -
{ % The argument must be grater than 0 and must be strongly samller than 0.1.
% The conversion isn't simple due to the low (24 bits) precision
% of the floating point arithmetics in Postscript.
% For best result we first use the 1e8 factor since its binary
% representation 101111101011110000100000000 well rounds into 14 significant
% bits : 101111101011110000000000000 .
1 index (.) writestring
{ dup 100000000 mul
dup 10 mul 1 ge {
% Will need not greater than 0.1 due to a rounding below.
pop exit
} if
exch pop
1 index (00000000) writestring
} loop
% Now it is not smaller than 1e-9, use simple digitizing.
{ dup 10 mul
dup 10 mul 1 ge {
pop exit
} if
exch pop
1 index (0) writestring
} loop
% Now 0.01 <= n < 0.1, but rounding may give 0.1 .
% Convert to integer with 7 digits precision :
100000000 % precision factor 1e8 % f n r
dup 10 idiv 3 1 roll mul 0.5 add cvi % f r' N
2 copy le {
% The rounding overflows, suppress it.
% Note it carries out an additional digit,
% that's why we needed <0.1 above.
pop pop (1) writestring
} {
% Didn't cary out, put 0.
2 index (0) writestring
exch % f N r
% Continue the simple digitizing :
{ 10 idiv dup % f N r' r'
2 index exch idiv % f N r' d
(0123456789) exch 1 getinterval % f N r' (d)
3 index exch writestring % f N r'
dup 3 2 roll exch mod % f r' N'
dup 0 eq {
% Don't write trailing zeros.
} if
exch % f N' r'
} loop
pop pop pop
} ifelse
} bind def
% Encode values to pass for the /pdfmark or /DSC pseudo-parameter.
/.pdf===dict mark
{ dup xcheck { ({) (}) } { ([) (]) } ifelse
% Stack: file obj left right
4 1 roll 2 index exch writestring () exch
{ exch 2 index exch writestring
1 index exch pdf===only ( )
forall pop exch writestring
} bind
/packedarraytype 1 index
{ 1 index (<<\n) writestring
{ 2 index 3 -1 roll pdf===only 1 index ( ) writestring
1 index exch pdf===only dup (\n) writestring
forall (>>) writestring
} bind
/nametype {
% If the name string includes any non-regular characters,
% write it with two preceding and one following null character(s).
% (Null characters in the name itself are not allowed.)
% This non-standard escape convention is required for passing names
% that include non-regular characters, because PostScript provides
% no way to do this. The pdf_scan_token procedure in the C code of
% the pdfwrite driver is currently the only place that recognizes
% this convention.
% Note that \004 may be self-delimiting in gs, but is not in standard PS.
dup .namestring (\000\004\011\012\014\015 %()/<>[]{}) .stringbreak //null ne {
dup .namestring (\000) .stringbreak //null ne {
1 index <000000> writestring 1 index exch write===only 1 index exch 0 write 0 write
1 index <0000> writestring 1 index exch write===only 0 write
} {
} ifelse
} bind
/realtype {
% Prevent using floating point format - see Bug 688167.
dup dup 0 lt { neg } if 0.01 lt {
dup 0 eq {
pop (0) writestring
} {
dup 0 lt {
1 index (-) writestring neg
} if
} ifelse
} {
} ifelse
} bind
.dicttomark readonly def
/pdf===only { % <file> <obj> pdf===only -
.pdf===dict 1 index type .knownget { exec } { write===only } ifelse
} bind def
/.pdfcvbuf 30 string def % enough for most arguments
userdict /.pdfcvstring () put
/.pdfcvs { % <obj> .pdfcvs <string>
currentglobal exch //false .setglobal
/.pdfcvstring () store
% We can't handle long values yet.
{ pop dup length 0 eq { pop } {
/.pdfcvstring .pdfcvstring 3 -1 roll concatstrings store
} ifelse //.pdfcvbuf
} /NullEncode filter dup 3 -1 roll pdf===only
.setglobal .pdfcvstring
} bind def
% Redefine pdfmark to pass the data to the driver.
% We use a pseudo-parameter named /pdfmark whose value is an array:
% /key1 (value1) ... (CTM) /type
/.pdfputparams { % -mark- <key1> <value1> ... .pdfputparams <result...>
currentdevice //null //false counttomark 1 add 3 roll
% Don't allow the page device to get cleared....
{.putdeviceparams} .currentpagedevice pop {.setpagedevice} 3 .execn
} bind def
% Convert relevant operands to strings in an array.
/.pdfcvsloop { % -mark- values ... markname start step .pdfcvsloop
% [values ... ctm markname]
matrix currentmatrix .pdfcvs 4 1 roll
counttomark 1 add 2 roll
counttomark .localvmarray astore exch pop
3 1 roll
% Stack: values start step
2 index length 3 sub { 2 copy 2 copy get .pdfcvs put pop } for
} bind def
/.pdfcvsall { % -mark- values ... markname .pdfcvsall <<same>>
0 1 .pdfcvsloop
} bind def
/.pdfcvseven { % -mark- key value ... markname .pdfcvseven <<same>>
1 2 .pdfcvsloop
} bind def
/.pdfcvsnone { % -mark- values ... markname .pdfcvsnone <<same>>
100000 1 .pdfcvsloop
} bind def
/.pdfcvsfirst { % -mark- first values ... markname .pdfcvsfirst<<same>>
dup 0 2 copy get .pdfcvs put
} bind def
% The procedures in the following dictionary are called with the entire
% pdfmark operand list (including the pdfmark name) on the stack;
% they may modify this ad lib. They must call .pdfcvsxxx.
/.pdfmarkparams mark
% Unpack a dictionary for PUT, and don't convert stream data.
/PUT {
counttomark 3 eq {
1 index type /dicttype eq {
pop { } forall /.PUTDICT .pdfcvsall
} {
pop dup type /filetype eq {
% Read the file into a sequence of strings.
% This isn't great, but it's simple.
dup 64000 string readstring not { exch exit } if
} loop closefile
} if
/.PUTSTREAM .pdfcvsfirst
} ifelse
} {
} ifelse
} bind
% Unpack the array for PUTINTERVAL.
pop aload pop /.PUTINTERVAL .pdfcvsall
} bind
.dicttomark readonly def
/.pdfparamerror { % ? ? ? -mark- ... <errname> <opname> .pdfparamerror -
counttomark 4 add 2 roll cleartomark pop pop pop
.systemvar exch signalerror
} bind def
/.CountLeafs {
0 exch
oforce dup type /dicttype eq {
/Limits knownoget {
dup type /arraytype eq {
1 get 2 copy lt {
exch pop
(invalid number tree, /Limits not an array\n) print
pop pop 0 exit
} ifelse
(invalid number tree, /Limits not defined in intermediate or leaf node\n) print
pop pop 0 exit
} {
(invalid number tree, /Kids entry not a dictionary\n) print
pop pop 0 exit
} ifelse
} forall
} bind def
oforce dup /Nums knownoget {
exch pop
dup length 1 sub 0 2 3 -1 roll {
%% dict array index
dup %% dict array index index
2 index exch get %% dict array index
20 string cvs cvn %% dict array index name
exch 1 add %% dict array name index+1
2 index exch oget %% dict array name object
3 index %% dict array name object dict
3 1 roll %% dict array dict name object
put %% dict array
} for
pop %% array
/Kids knownoget {
} if
} ifelse
} forall
} bind def
/.pdfpagelabels {
dup type /dicttype eq {
dup /Nums knownoget {
exch pop
mark exch
0 1 2 index length 1 sub {
1 index exch oget
} for
counttomark array astore
1 dict dup begin exch /Nums exch def end
mark /pdfpagelabels 3 -1 roll .pdfputparams
dup type /booleantype ne {
/pdfpagelabels .pdfparamerror
} if cleartomark
/Kids knownoget {
dup .CountLeafs dup 1000 ge {
(PageLabel tree too complex, ignoring PageLabels\n) print flush
pop pop
dict exch .ExtractLeafs mark exch dup length 0 1 3 -1 roll {
dup 20 string cvs cvn %% mark dict index name
2 index exch .knownget{
%% mark ... dict index object
3 -1 roll %% mark ... index object dict
} for
counttomark array astore
1 dict dup begin exch /Nums exch def end
mark /pdfpagelabels 3 -1 roll .pdfputparams
dup type /booleantype ne {
/pdfpagelabels .pdfparamerror
} if cleartomark
(Invalid number tree in PageLabels, ignoring PageLabels\n) print flush
/pdfpagelabels .pdfparamerror
} ifelse
} bind def
/pdfmark { % -mark- <key> <value> ... <markname> pdfmark -
counttomark 0 eq {
/pdfmark /stackunderflow signalerror
} if
dup type /nametype eq not {
/pdfmark /typecheck signalerror
} if
dup /SP eq {
% A hack for synchronizing the clipping path.
[1 0 0 1 0 0] setmatrix 0 setlinewidth
newpath -3 -3 moveto closepath stroke % Paints outside the device bbox.
} if
dup /PS eq systemdict /PDFX .knownget not { //false } if
systemdict /PDFA .knownget not { //false }{0 eq {//false}{//true} ifelse} ifelse or and {
% Execute it since PDF/X doesn't allow to embed it.
{ dup mark eq {
pop exit
} if
1 index /DataSource eq {
exch pop
cvx exec
} {
pop pop
} ifelse
} loop
} {
counttomark 1 add copy
//.pdfmarkparams 1 index .knownget { exec } { .pdfcvsall } ifelse
mark /pdfmark 3 -1 roll .pdfputparams
dup type /booleantype ne {
/pdfmark .pdfparamerror
} if cleartomark
} ifelse
} odef
userdict /pdfmark .undef
currentdict /.pdfmarkparams .undef
% <dict> .hook_DSC_Creator -
% If the Creator is PScript5.dll, disable the 32 /FontType resource for
% handling GlyphNames2Unicode. Since /FontType category can't redefine,
% we can do only with redefining the operator 'resourcestatus'.
systemdict /.pdf_hooked_DSC_Creator .knownget
{//false}{//true} ifelse
} ifelse
/WantsToUnicode /GetDeviceParam .special_op {
exch pop
/Creator .knownget {
(PScript5.dll) search {
pop pop
systemdict /resourcestatus dup
{ dup /FontType eq 2 index 32 eq and {
pop pop //false
} {
} ifelse
} bind .makeoperator .forceput
systemdict /.pdf_hooked_DSC_Creator //true .forceput
} executeonly if
} executeonly if
} {
} ifelse
} executeonly
} ifelse
} .bind executeonly odef % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
% Use the DSC processing hook to pass DSC comments to the driver.
% We use a pseudo-parameter named DSC whose value is an array:
% /key1 (value1) ... /type
/.pdfdsc_dict 2 dict def
/.pdfdsc { % <file> <DSC string> <dsc dict> [<prev proc>] .pdfdsc -
0 get dup //null ne { 4 copy exch pop exec pop } { pop } ifelse 3 -1 roll pop
% Stack: <dsc string> <dsc dict>
20 .localvmdict 1 index { 3 copy put pop pop } forall
3 -1 roll .parse_dsc_comments % <dsc dict> <dict> <type>
1 index //.pdf_hook_DSC_Creator exec
dup /NOP ne 2 index length 1 gt or { % Skip unparsed comments
PDFWRDEBUG { (**** DSC comment: ) print dup //== exec 1 index === flush } if
exch mark 4 1 roll {
% mark <key1> <value1> ... <dsc dict> <type> <key> <value>
3 index 2 index known { % Skip the DSC_struct entry
pop pop
} {
.pdfcvs 4 -2 roll
} ifelse
} forall exch pop counttomark .localvmarray astore
mark /DSC 3 -1 roll .pdfputparams
dup type /booleantype ne {
/DSC .pdfparamerror
} {
} ifelse
} {
pop pop pop
} ifelse
} bind def
currentdict /.pdf_hook_DSC_Creator undef
/.initialize_dsc_parser where {
3000 % priority
currentglobal //true setglobal
2 dict dup .initialize_dsc_parser readonly
currentuserparams /ProcessDSCComment get
1 array astore % in case the value is executable
//.pdfdsc /exec load 4 array astore cvx readonly
<< /ProcessDSCComment 3 -1 roll >> setuserparams
} bind .schedule_init
} if
% ---------------- {set,current}distillerparams ---------------- %
% Define setdistillerparams / currentdistillerparams.
% Distiller parameters are currently treated as device parameters.
/.distillerparamkeys mark
% General parameters -- all distillers
/ASCII85EncodePages { }
/AutoRotatePages { }
/Binding { }
/CompressPages { }
/DefaultRenderingIntent { }
/DetectBlends { }
/DoThumbnails { }
/ImageMemory { }
/LockDistillerParams { }
/LZWEncodePages { }
/OPM { }
/PreserveHalftoneInfo { }
/PreserveOPIComments { }
/PreserveOverprintSettings { }
/TransferFunctionInfo { }
/UCRandBGInfo { }
/UseFlateCompression { }
% General parameters -- PDF writer
% StartPage and EndPage are renamed because EndPage
% clashes with a page device parameter.
/CoreDistVersion { }
/CompatibilityLevel { }
% ****** NOTE: StartPage and EndPage are disabled because
% ****** EndPage clashes with a page device parameter.
% /EndPage { exch pop /PDFEndPage exch }
/PDFEndPage { pop pop }
% /StartPage { exch pop /PDFStartPage exch }
/PDFStartPage { pop pop }
/Optimize { }
/ParseDSCCommentsForDocInfo { }
/ParseDSCComments { }
/EmitDSCWarnings { }
/CreateJobTicket { }
/PreserveEPSInfo { }
/AutoPositionEPSFiles { }
/PreserveCopyPage { }
/UsePrologue { }
/OffOptimizations { }
% PDF/X parameters
/PDFXTrimBoxToMediaBoxOffset { }
/PDFXSetBleedBoxToMediaBox { }
/PDFXBleedBoxToTrimBoxOffset { }
% Color sampled image parameters
/ColorACSImageDict { }
/AntiAliasColorImages { }
/AutoFilterColorImages { }
/ColorImageDepth { }
/ColorImageDict { }
/DownsampleColorImages { }
/ColorImageDownsampleThreshold { }
/ColorImageDownsampleType { }
/ColorImageAutoFilterStrategy { }
/EncodeColorImages { }
/ColorImageFilter { }
/ColorImageResolution { }
% Color processing parameters
/CalCMYKProfile { }
/CalGrayProfile { }
/CalRGBProfile { }
/sRGBProfile { }
/ColorConversionStrategy { }
/ConvertCMYKImagesToRGB { }
/ConvertImagesToIndexed { }
% Grayscale sampled image parameters
/GrayACSImageDict { }
/AntiAliasGrayImages { }
/AutoFilterGrayImages { }
/GrayImageDepth { }
/GrayImageDict { }
/DownsampleGrayImages { }
/GrayImageDownsampleThreshold { }
/GrayImageDownsampleType { }
/GrayImageAutoFilterStrategy { }
/EncodeGrayImages { }
/GrayImageFilter { }
/GrayImageResolution { }
% Monochrome sampled image parameters
/AntiAliasMonoImages { }
/MonoImageDepth { }
/MonoImageDict { }
/DownsampleMonoImages { }
/MonoImageDownsampleThreshold { }
/MonoImageDownsampleType { }
/EncodeMonoImages { }
/MonoImageFilter { }
/MonoImageResolution { }
% Font embedding parameters
{ dup length 0 gt
{ dup 0 get type /booleantype eq } { //false } ifelse
{ dup 0 get
{ dup length 1 sub 1 exch getinterval
{ dup length 1 sub 1 exch getinterval exch pop /~AlwaysEmbed exch
} ifelse
{ exch pop /.AlwaysEmbed exch
} ifelse
{ dup length 0 gt
{ dup 0 get type /booleantype eq } { //false } ifelse
{ dup 0 get
{ dup length 1 sub 1 exch getinterval
{ dup length 1 sub 1 exch getinterval exch pop /~NeverEmbed exch
} ifelse
{ exch pop /.NeverEmbed exch
} ifelse
/CannotEmbedFontPolicy { }
/EmbedAllFonts { }
/MaxSubsetPct { }
/SubsetFonts { }
/DSCEncodingToUnicode { }
/PassThroughJPEGImages { }
/PSDocOptions { }
/PSPageOptions { }
.dicttomark readonly def
% Check to see if the current device is a Distiller
% and return it if so.
/IsDistiller /GetDeviceParam .special_op {
exch pop
{ currentdevice }
{ /pdfwrite finddevice }
} bind def
% Some badly designed PostScript files only expect the current/set
% distillerparams operators to exist in a distiller. Since we have
% this as a runtime option, we enable these operators IFF the
% currentdevice is pdfwrite. Also, we mask their existence in
% systemdict so that 'where' and 'known' don't show them unless
% the currentdevice is pdfwrite.
/.setdistillerparams { % <dict> setdistillerparams -
.distillerdevice //null //false mark 4 index {
//.distillerparamkeys 2 index .knownget { exec } { pop pop } ifelse
} forall .putdeviceparamsonly
dup type /booleantype ne {
/setdistillerparams .pdfparamerror
} {
pop pop pop
} ifelse
} odef
/.currentdistillerparams { % - currentdistillerparams <dict>
.distillerdevice //.distillerparamkeys .getdeviceparams .dicttomark
% Patch StartPage and EndPage
% ****** NOTE: StartPage and EndPage are disabled because
% ****** EndPage clashes with a page device parameter.
% begin /StartPage PDFStartPage /EndPage PDFEndPage
% currentdict dup /PDFStartPage undef /PDFEndPage undef
% def def currentdict end
} odef
/setdistillerparams {
% Check to see if the current device is a Distiller
/IsDistiller /GetDeviceParam .special_op {
exch pop not
/setdistillerparams /undefined signalerror
} if
} bind odef
/currentdistillerparams {
% Check to see if the current device is a Distiller
/IsDistiller /GetDeviceParam .special_op {
exch pop not
/currentdistillerparams /undefined signalerror
} if
} bind odef
% Patch 'where' so that the distiller operators are only visible
% if the pdfwrite device is the current one.
% Check to see if the current device is a Distiller
/IsDistiller /GetDeviceParam .special_op {
exch pop
} {
.where pop dup //systemdict eq { pop //false } { //true } ifelse
} ifelse
} bind
{ /currentdistillerparams /setdistillerparams /pdfmark }
{ .wheredict exch 2 index put } forall pop
% Patch 'known' to hide the systemdict version of distiller operators
% unless the currentdevice is pdfwrite.
/known {
/currentdistillerparams 1 index eq /setdistillerparams 2 index eq or
/pdfmark 2 index eq or {
systemdict 2 index eq { % only mask the operator in systemdict
% Check to see if the current device is a Distiller
/IsDistiller /GetDeviceParam .special_op {
exch pop not
{ pop //false } if
} {
} ifelse
} {
} ifelse
} .bind odef
% Create a table for translation DSC comments into Unicode UTF-16
/.make_DSC_translation_table { % <encoding> .make_DSC_translation_table <array>
dup type /stringtype eq {
} if
dup type /nametype eq {
/Encoding findresource
} if
dup length array exch % [out] [in]
0 1 2 index length 1 sub { % [out] [in] i
dup 2 index exch get % [out] [in] i n
dup dup //null eq exch /.notdef eq or {
pop -1
} {
dup //AdobeGlyphList exch .knownget { % [out] [in] i n c
dup type dup /arraytype eq exch /packedarraytype eq or {
0 get % fixme: using the 1st char
} if
exch pop % [out] [in] i c
} { % [out] [in] i n
(DSCEncoding defines a character that is not in AdobeGlyphList : )
exch .namestring concatstrings =
/.make_DSC_translation_table cvx /undefined signalerror
} ifelse
} ifelse
3 index % [out] [in] i c [out]
3 1 roll put % [out] [in]
} for
pop % [out]
} bind def
1000 % priority
% Note, this may not work if the initial device is not pdfwrite
% and may require the use of -dProvideUnicode on the command line.
% Check to see if the current device wants ToUnicode info
/WantsToUnicode /GetDeviceParam .special_op {
exch pop
systemdict /ProvideUnicode .knownget not { //false } if or
currentglobal //true setglobal
systemdict /.setupUnicodeDecoder known {
/Unicode /Decoding resourcestatus {
pop pop
/Unicode /Decoding findresource
} {
QUIET not {
(WARNING: /Unicode /Decoding resource is not accessible but it is useful for generating ToUnicode CMap.) =
} if
} ifelse
} if
} if
} bind .schedule_init
1010 % priority
% Set a predefined configuration in the distiller device (pdfwrite)
} {
% We use the presence of the OPDFRead key as a proxy for a pdfwrite-family device
/ForOPDFRead /GetDeviceParam .special_op {
% Get rid of the OPDFRead key
exch pop
% and then check the value to see if its pdfwrite or ps2write
{ /PSL2Printer } { /default } ifelse
} {
} ifelse
} ifelse
.distillersettings exch get
% Don't override parameters defined on the command line.
dup length .distillercommon length add dict begin
.distillercommon 2 {
systemdict 2 index known { pop pop } { def } ifelse
} forall
} repeat
% We use the presence of the OPDFRead key as a proxy for a pdfwrite-family device
/ForOPDFRead /GetDeviceParam .special_op {
% Get rid of the OPDFRead key
exch pop
% Then check to see if OPDFRead is true or not
not {
systemdict /PDFX known systemdict /PDFA known or {
/DSCEncoding where {
/DSCEncoding get .make_DSC_translation_table
/DSCEncodingToUnicode exch def
} if
} if
} if
} if
currentdict end .setdistillerparams
.distillerdevice //null //false mark .putdeviceparams
dup type /booleantype eq not { cleartomark pop } if pop pop
} bind .schedule_init
2000 % priority
{ % Note, this may not work if the initial device is not pdfwrite
% We use the presence of the OPDFRead key as a proxy for a pdfwrite-family device
/ForOPDFRead /GetDeviceParam .special_op {
% Get rid of the OPDFRead key and value
pop pop
% Inform the device with initial graphic state. See gdev_pdf_fill_path.
newpath fill
} if
} bind .schedule_init