Your IP :
use alienfile;
use Config;
configure { requires 'Alien::Build' => '2.37' };
my $test_program = <<'EOF';
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/tree.h>
main(int argc, char *argv[])
xmlDoc *doc = NULL;
* xmlRead should fail, but having this call ensures
* that the we have access to the symbols in -lxml2
* (LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION below is in the header file)
doc = xmlReadFile("foo.xml", NULL, 0);
printf("xml version = '%s'\n", LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION);
my @try_flags = (
{ cflags => '', libs => '-lxml2' },
{ cflags => '-I/usr/include/libxml2', libs => '-lxml2' },
{ cflags => '-I/usr/local/include/libxml2', libs => '-lxml2' },
plugin 'Probe::Vcpkg' => 'libxml2';
probe [
['xml2-config', '--version' => \'%{.install.my_version}'],
['xml2-config', '--cflags' => \'%{.install.my_cflags}'],
['xml2-config', '--libs' => \'%{.install.my_libs}'],
plugin 'PkgConfig' => 'libxml-2.0';
plugin 'Probe::CBuilder' => (
cflags => $_->{cflags},
libs => $_->{libs},
program => $test_program,
version => qr{xml version = '(.*?)'},
) for @try_flags;
plugin 'PkgConfig::MakeStatic' => ();
my %bad_versions = map { $_ => 1 } (
# known bad versions
# may have some extras, and may be incomplete.
# but probably sufficient.
# computed using maint/ and the git repository
# for libxml2.
probe => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $build = shift;
my $install_type = $orig->($build, @_);
# if the system type is install, make sure the version isn't on the
# blacklist.
# Honor $ENV{FORCE} used in the Makefile.PL for XML-LibXML to allow
# versions on the blacklist.
if($install_type eq 'system' && !$ENV{FORCE})
# the first is provided by Probe::CBuilder, or pkg-config plugins for AB >= 1.61
# the second is generated by the Probe::CBuilder plugin since forever (or thereabouts)
# the thirds is from this alienfile, (see above with the xml2-config probe).
my $version = $build->hook_prop->{version} ||
$build->install_prop->{plugin_probe_cbuilder_gather}->{version} ||
$version =~ s/-.*$//g;
unless(defined $version)
print STDERR "Unfortunately, Alien::Libxml2 requires the version from the system libxml2 in\n",
"order to determine if it is acceptible for use, but Alien::Build prior to 1.61\n",
"did not provide this information in the probe step. Alien::Libxml2 can still\n",
"find the system libxml2 on systems with xml2-config in the PATH, or if libxml2\n",
"is available from one of the commonly known locations. If you want to detect\n",
"the system libxml2 with a .pc file via pkg-config, then please upgrade\n",
"Alien::Build to 1.61 or better\n";
return 'share';
print STDERR "Alien::Libxml2 is designed to work with XML::LibXML.\n\n".
"The installed system version of libxml2 $version is not compatible with XML::LibXML (and probably buggy)!\n\n".
" - don't expect XML::LibXML to build or work correctly with this version of libxml2!\n" .
" - don't report errors with this version of libxml2!\n" .
" - don't send patches for this version of libxml2!\n\n";
if($version eq '2.9.4')
print STDERR "XML::LibXML typically attempts to install with this version anyway, so will we.\n";
print STDERR "XML::LibXML typcially refuses to install with this version unless forced, so we will\n";
print STDERR "attempt to download a newer version from the internet. If you prefer you can force\n";
print STDERR "Alien::Libxml2 to install with this possibly buggy version using:\n";
print STDERR "env FORCE=1 perl Makefile.PL\n";
print STDERR "or\n";
print STDERR "env FORCE=1 cpanm Alien::Libxml2\n";
return 'share';
plugin 'Prefer::BadVersion' => [ keys %bad_versions ];
share {
# out of source build is borked on Windows, so we turn it
# off there. Turn it on elsewhere as it saves a copy.
meta->prop->{out_of_source} = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 0 : 1;
plugin 'Download::GitLab' => (
gitlab_host => '',
gitlab_user => 'GNOME',
gitlab_project => 'libxml2',
type => 'link',
format => 'tar.xz',
version_from => 'tag_name',
convert_version => sub {
my $version = shift;
$version =~ s/^v//;
if($^O eq 'MSWin32' && $Config{ccname} eq 'cl')
build [
sub { shift->install_prop->{prefix} =~ s/\//\\/g;},
'cd win32',
'cscript configure.js prefix=%{.install.prefix} iconv=no compiler=msvc static=yes',
'nmake -f Makefile.msvc',
'nmake -f Makefile.msvc install',
plugin 'Gather::IsolateDynamic';
gather sub {
my($build) = @_;
my $prefix = $build->runtime_prop->{prefix};
$build->runtime_prop->{cflags} = "-I$prefix/include/libxml2";
$build->runtime_prop->{libs} = "-L$prefix/lib libxml2_a.lib";
plugin 'Build::Autoconf' => ();
build [
'%{configure} --prefix=%{.install.autoconf_prefix} --without-python --disable-shared --enable-static',
'%{make} install',
plugin 'PkgConfig::MakeStatic' => ();
sys {
gather_system => sub {
my($build) = @_;
return if defined $build->runtime_prop->{libs};
$build->runtime_prop->{$_} = $build->install_prop->{"my_$_"} for qw( version cflags libs );