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dS )zkdistutils.command.install_lib
Implements the Distutils 'install_lib' command
(install all Python modules).� N)�Command)�DistutilsOptionErrorz.pyc @ s� e Zd ZdZdddddddgZd d
d� Zdd� Zdd� Z dd� Z
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dd� Zdd� Zdd � Zd!S )"�install_libz7install all Python modules (extensions and pure Python))zinstall-dir=�dzdirectory to install to)z
build-dir=�bz'build directory (where to install from))�force�fz-force installation (overwrite existing files))�compile�czcompile .py to .pyc [default])�
no-compileNzdon't compile .py files)z optimize=�Ozlalso compile with optimization: -O1 for "python -O", -O2 for "python -OO", and -O0 to disable [default: -O0])�
skip-buildNzskip the build stepsr r r
r c C s( d | _ d | _d| _d | _d | _d | _d S )Nr )�install_dir� build_dirr r �optimize�
skip_build��self� r �5/usr/lib64/python3.8/distutils/command/�initialize_options3 s zinstall_lib.initialize_optionsc C s� | � ddddddd� | jd kr&d| _| jd kr6d | _t| jt�s�zt| j�| _| jd
kr^t�W n ttfk
r� td��Y nX d S )N�install)� build_libr )r r )r r )r r )r r )r r TF)r � � zoptimize must be 0, 1, or 2)Zset_undefined_optionsr r �
ValueErrorr r r r r �finalize_options<