Your IP :
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Connectionc sf e Zd ZdZeddf� fdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zd d
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r a% An opaque object representing a server that listens for connections from
other applications.
This class is not useful to instantiate directly: you must subclass it and
either extend the method connection_added, or append to the
list on_connection_added.
:Since: 0.83
Nc s t t| �j| ||||�S )a� Construct a new Server.
`address` : str
Listen on this address.
`connection_class` : type
When new connections come in, instantiate this subclass
of dbus.connection.Connection to represent them.
The default is Connection.
`mainloop` : dbus.mainloop.NativeMainLoop or None
The main loop with which to associate the new connections.
`auth_mechanisms` : sequence of str
Authentication mechanisms to allow. The default is to allow
any authentication mechanism supported by ``libdbus``.
)�superr �__new__)�cls�addressZconnection_classZmainloopZauth_mechanisms)� __class__� �/usr/lib64/python3.6/server.pyr ) s zServer.__new__c O s i | _ g | _g | _d S )N)Z_Server__connections�on_connection_added�on_connection_removed)�self�args�kwargsr
r �__init__= s zServer.__init__c C s |j | j� | j|� d S )N)Zcall_on_disconnection�connection_removed�connection_added)r �connr
r �_on_new_connectionL s zServer._on_new_connectionc C s"