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Current Path : /usr/lib64/python3.6/__pycache__/
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Current File : //usr/lib64/python3.6/__pycache__/zipapp.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc


 \��@s�ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZdddgZdZej	j
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d�Zddd�Zdd�Zddd�Zedkr�e�dS)�N�ZipAppError�create_archive�get_interpreterz8# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import {module}
�winzutf-8c@seZdZdS)rN)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�r	r	�/usr/lib64/python3.6/zipapp.pyr!sc	csFt|tj�rt|�}t|t�r<t||��}|VWdQRXn|VdS)N)�
isinstance�pathlib�Path�str�open)�archive�mode�fr	r	r
rcCs$|r d|jt�d}|j|�dS)zWrite a shebang line.s#!�
N)�encode�shebang_encoding�write)r�interpreterZshebangr	r	r
�_write_file_prefix0srcCs�t|d��Z}|jd�}|dkr*d}|j�t|d��&}t||�|j|�tj||�WdQRXWdQRX|r�t|t�r�t	j
|t	j|�jtj
B�dS)z8Copy an application archive, modifying the shebang line.�rb�s#!��wbN)r�read�readlinerr�shutilZcopyfileobjrr�os�chmod�stat�st_mode�S_IEXEC)rZnew_archiver�srcZfirst_2�dstr	r	r

 r(cCs�d}t|d�rt|d�rd}ntj|�}|j�r4d}|rHt|||�dS|j�sXtd��|dj�}|rt|rttd��|pz|s�td	��d}|r�|jd
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j||	d�}|dk�r|jd�}nt|d��s"tj|�}t
|d��~}t||�tj|d��\}
jd|jd��WdQRXWdQRX|�r�t|d��r�|j|j�jtjB�dS)abCreate an application archive from SOURCE.

    The SOURCE can be the name of a directory, or a filename or a file-like
    object referring to an existing archive.

    The content of SOURCE is packed into an application archive in TARGET,
    which can be a filename or a file-like object.  If SOURCE is a directory,
    TARGET can be omitted and will default to the name of SOURCE with .pyz

    The created application archive will have a shebang line specifying
    that it should run with INTERPRETER (there will be no shebang line if
    INTERPRETER is None), and a which runs MAIN (if MAIN is
    not specified, an existing will be used).  It is an error
    to specify MAIN for anything other than a directory source with no, and it is an error to omit MAIN if the directory has no
    FrrTNzSource does not existz__main__.pyz8Cannot specify entry point if the source has __main__.pyzArchive has no entry point�:css|]}|j�VqdS)N)�isidentifier)�.0�partr	r	r
�	<genexpr>|sz!create_archive.<locals>.<genexpr>�.css|]}|j�VqdS)N)r*)r+r,r	r	r
r-}szInvalid entry point: )�module�fnz.pyzrr�w�*zutf-8)�hasattrrr
�is_filer(�existsr�	partition�all�split�
MAIN_TEMPLATE�formatZwith_suffixrr�zipfileZZipFileZrglobrZrelative_torZwritestrrr"r#r$r%)�source�targetr�mainZsource_is_fileZhas_mainZmain_py�mod�sepr0Zmod_okZfn_ok�fd�z�rootZchildZarcnamer	r	r

&c	Cs:t|d��&}|jd�dkr,|j�j�jt�SWdQRXdS)Nrrs#!)rrr�strip�decoder)rrr	r	r
r�scCs ddl}|j�}|jddddd�|jdddd	d�|jd
dddd�|jd
dddd�|jddd�|j|�}|jr�tjj|j�s�t	d��t
|j�}tdj|p�d��t
jd�tjj|j��r|jdks�tjj|j�r�tjj|j|j�r�t	d��|j�rt	d��t|j|j|j|jd�dS)z�Run the zipapp command line interface.

    The ARGS parameter lets you specify the argument list directly.
    Omitting ARGS (or setting it to None) works as for argparse, using
    sys.argv[1:] as the argument list.
    rNz--outputz-ozAThe name of the output archive. Required if SOURCE is an archive.)�default�helpz--pythonz-pzEThe name of the Python interpreter to use (default: no shebang line).z--mainz-mzLThe main function of the application (default: use an existing�
store_truez)Display the interpreter from the archive.)rF�actionrGr<z'Source directory (or existing archive).)rGz%Can only get info for an archive filezInterpreter: {}z<none>z-In-place editing of archives is not supportedz,Cannot change the main function when copying)rr>)�argparse�ArgumentParser�add_argument�
SystemExitr�printr:�sys�exit�outputr5�samefiler>r�python)�argsrJ�parserrr	r	r

contextlibr!rr r#rSr;�__all__r9�platform�
ValueErrorr�contextmanagerrrr(rrr>rr	r	r	r

