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�Qab� � @ s d dl mZ dd� ZdS )� )�newer_groupc C sh t | �t |�krtd��g }g }tt | ��D ]2}t| | || �r,|�| | � |�|| � q,||fS )z�Walk both arguments in parallel, testing if each source group is newer
than its corresponding target. Returns a pair of lists (sources_groups,
targets) where sources is newer than target, according to the semantics
of 'newer_group()'.
z5'sources_group' and 'targets' must be the same length)�len�
ValueError�ranger �append)Zsources_groupsZtargetsZ n_sourcesZ n_targets�i� r �7/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/�newer_pairwise_group s r
N)Zdistutils.dep_utilr r
r r r r �<module> s