Your IP :
i�f<8 � @ s� d dl mZmZmZ d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlm Z d dl
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� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zddd�Zdd� ZdS )� )�print_function�division�absolute_importN)�SyncedStore)�in_container� make_utf8)�ugettextzzWarning: A {attr} of "{download_value}" was recently set for this system by the entitlement server administrator.
{advice}zGIf you'd like to overwrite the server side change please run: {command}c s� d}xb� j D ]X}|j� j|�rDd}ttd�jt|�t� j�d�� qttd�jt|�t� j�d�� qW |dkrtdS td�jt� j�d�}d j� j �}d
j� jd�| }t|� fdd
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Uses the syspurposestore to add one or more values to a particular property.
:param args: The parsed args from argparse, expected attributes are:
prop_name: the string name of the property to add to
values: A list of the values to add to the given property (could be anything json-serializable)
:param syspurposestore: An SyspurposeStore object to manipulate
:return: None
FTzAdded "{value}" to {prop_name}.)�value� prop_namez=Not adding value "{value}" to {prop_name}; it already exists.Nz{attr} updated.)�attr� zsyspurpose add-{name} )�namec s t �� fdd��jD ��S )Nc 3 s | ]}|�j � jg �kV qd S )N)�getr
)�.0�x)�args�res� �/usr/lib/python3.6/� <genexpr>= s z0add_command.<locals>.<lambda>.<locals>.<genexpr>)�all�values)r )r )r r �<lambda>= s zadd_command.<locals>.<lambda>)�expectation�success_msg�commandr ) r �addr
�print�_�formatr �join�check_result)r �syspurposestoreZany_prop_addedr r Zto_addr r )r r �add_command"