Your IP :
* Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, you can obtain one at
* See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
#ifndef DNS_TSIG_H
#define DNS_TSIG_H 1
/*! \file dns/tsig.h */
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <isc/lang.h>
#include <isc/refcount.h>
#include <isc/rwlock.h>
#include <isc/stdio.h>
#include <isc/stdtime.h>
#include <pk11/site.h>
#include <dns/types.h>
#include <dns/name.h>
#include <dst/dst.h>
* Algorithms.
#ifndef PK11_MD5_DISABLE
LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_tsig_hmacmd5_name;
#define DNS_TSIG_HMACMD5_NAME dns_tsig_hmacmd5_name
LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_tsig_gssapi_name;
#define DNS_TSIG_GSSAPI_NAME dns_tsig_gssapi_name
LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_tsig_gssapims_name;
#define DNS_TSIG_GSSAPIMS_NAME dns_tsig_gssapims_name
LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_tsig_hmacsha1_name;
#define DNS_TSIG_HMACSHA1_NAME dns_tsig_hmacsha1_name
LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_tsig_hmacsha224_name;
#define DNS_TSIG_HMACSHA224_NAME dns_tsig_hmacsha224_name
LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_tsig_hmacsha256_name;
#define DNS_TSIG_HMACSHA256_NAME dns_tsig_hmacsha256_name
LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_tsig_hmacsha384_name;
#define DNS_TSIG_HMACSHA384_NAME dns_tsig_hmacsha384_name
LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern dns_name_t *dns_tsig_hmacsha512_name;
#define DNS_TSIG_HMACSHA512_NAME dns_tsig_hmacsha512_name
* Default fudge value.
#define DNS_TSIG_FUDGE 300
struct dns_tsig_keyring {
dns_rbt_t *keys;
unsigned int writecount;
isc_rwlock_t lock;
isc_mem_t *mctx;
* LRU list of generated key along with a count of the keys on the
* list and a maximum size.
unsigned int generated;
unsigned int maxgenerated;
ISC_LIST(dns_tsigkey_t) lru;
isc_refcount_t references;
struct dns_tsigkey {
/* Unlocked */
unsigned int magic; /*%< Magic number. */
isc_mem_t *mctx;
dst_key_t *key; /*%< Key */
dns_name_t name; /*%< Key name */
dns_name_t *algorithm; /*%< Algorithm name */
dns_name_t *creator; /*%< name that created secret */
bool generated; /*%< was this generated? */
isc_stdtime_t inception; /*%< start of validity period */
isc_stdtime_t expire; /*%< end of validity period */
dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring; /*%< the enclosing keyring */
isc_refcount_t refs; /*%< reference counter */
ISC_LINK(dns_tsigkey_t) link;
const dns_name_t *
dns_tsigkey_identity(const dns_tsigkey_t *tsigkey);
* Returns the identity of the provided TSIG key.
* Requires:
*\li 'tsigkey' is a valid TSIG key or NULL
* Returns:
*\li NULL if 'tsigkey' was NULL
*\li identity of the provided TSIG key
dns_tsigkey_create(dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *algorithm,
unsigned char *secret, int length, bool generated,
dns_name_t *creator, isc_stdtime_t inception,
isc_stdtime_t expire, isc_mem_t *mctx,
dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring, dns_tsigkey_t **key);
dns_tsigkey_createfromkey(dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *algorithm,
dst_key_t *dstkey, bool generated,
dns_name_t *creator, isc_stdtime_t inception,
isc_stdtime_t expire, isc_mem_t *mctx,
dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring, dns_tsigkey_t **key);
* Creates a tsig key structure and saves it in the keyring. If key is
* not NULL, *key will contain a copy of the key. The keys validity
* period is specified by (inception, expire), and will not expire if
* inception == expire. If the key was generated, the creating identity,
* if there is one, should be in the creator parameter. Specifying an
* unimplemented algorithm will cause failure only if dstkey != NULL; this
* allows a transient key with an invalid algorithm to exist long enough
* to generate a BADKEY response.
* If dns_tsigkey_createfromkey is successful a new reference to 'dstkey'
* will have been made.
* Requires:
*\li 'name' is a valid dns_name_t
*\li 'algorithm' is a valid dns_name_t
*\li 'secret' is a valid pointer
*\li 'length' is an integer >= 0
*\li 'dstkey' is a valid dst key or NULL
*\li 'creator' points to a valid dns_name_t or is NULL
*\li 'mctx' is a valid memory context
*\li 'ring' is a valid TSIG keyring or NULL
*\li 'key' or '*key' must be NULL
* Returns:
*\li #ISC_R_EXISTS - a key with this name already exists
*\li #ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED - algorithm is not implemented
dns_tsigkey_attach(dns_tsigkey_t *source, dns_tsigkey_t **targetp);
* Attach '*targetp' to 'source'.
* Requires:
*\li 'key' is a valid TSIG key
* Ensures:
*\li *targetp is attached to source.
dns_tsigkey_detach(dns_tsigkey_t **keyp);
* Detaches from the tsig key structure pointed to by '*key'.
* Requires:
*\li 'keyp' is not NULL and '*keyp' is a valid TSIG key
* Ensures:
*\li 'keyp' points to NULL
dns_tsigkey_setdeleted(dns_tsigkey_t *key);
* Prevents this key from being used again. It will be deleted when
* no references exist.
* Requires:
*\li 'key' is a valid TSIG key on a keyring
dns_tsig_sign(dns_message_t *msg);
* Generates a TSIG record for this message
* Requires:
*\li 'msg' is a valid message
*\li 'msg->tsigkey' is a valid TSIG key
*\li 'msg->tsig' is NULL
* Returns:
* - this is a response & msg->querytsig is NULL
dns_tsig_verify(isc_buffer_t *source, dns_message_t *msg,
dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring1, dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring2);
* Verifies the TSIG record in this message
* Requires:
*\li 'source' is a valid buffer containing the unparsed message
*\li 'msg' is a valid message
*\li 'msg->tsigkey' is a valid TSIG key if this is a response
*\li 'msg->tsig' is NULL
*\li 'msg->querytsig' is not NULL if this is a response
*\li 'ring1' and 'ring2' are each either a valid keyring or NULL
* Returns:
*\li #DNS_R_EXPECTEDTSIG - A TSIG was expected but not seen
*\li #DNS_R_UNEXPECTEDTSIG - A TSIG was seen but not expected
*\li #DNS_R_TSIGERRORSET - the TSIG verified but ->error was set
* and this is a query
*\li #DNS_R_CLOCKSKEW - the TSIG failed to verify because of
* the time was out of the allowed range.
*\li #DNS_R_TSIGVERIFYFAILURE - the TSIG failed to verify
*\li #DNS_R_EXPECTEDRESPONSE - the message was set over TCP and
* should have been a response,
* but was not.
dns_tsigkey_find(dns_tsigkey_t **tsigkey, dns_name_t *name,
dns_name_t *algorithm, dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring);
* Returns the TSIG key corresponding to this name and (possibly)
* algorithm. Also increments the key's reference counter.
* Requires:
*\li 'tsigkey' is not NULL
*\li '*tsigkey' is NULL
*\li 'name' is a valid dns_name_t
*\li 'algorithm' is a valid dns_name_t or NULL
*\li 'ring' is a valid keyring
* Returns:
dns_tsigkeyring_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_tsig_keyring_t **ringp);
* Create an empty TSIG key ring.
* Requires:
*\li 'mctx' is not NULL
*\li 'ringp' is not NULL, and '*ringp' is NULL
* Returns:
dns_tsigkeyring_add(dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring, dns_name_t *name,
dns_tsigkey_t *tkey);
* Place a TSIG key onto a key ring.
* Requires:
*\li 'ring', 'name' and 'tkey' are not NULL
* Returns:
*\li Any other value indicates failure.
dns_tsigkeyring_attach(dns_tsig_keyring_t *source, dns_tsig_keyring_t **target);
dns_tsigkeyring_detach(dns_tsig_keyring_t **ringp);
dns_tsigkeyring_dumpanddetach(dns_tsig_keyring_t **ringp, FILE *fp);
* Destroy a TSIG key ring.
* Requires:
*\li 'ringp' is not NULL
dns_keyring_restore(dns_tsig_keyring_t *ring, FILE *fp);
#endif /* DNS_TSIG_H */