Your IP :
* Part of sitemush DB changing
* This is just below $wpdb connection
* By Default we connect to sitemush DB to verify session
// We need the ABSPATH
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
global $sitepad, $globals, $l, $SESS;
function cleanpath($path){
$path = str_replace('\\\\', '/', $path);
$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
$path = str_replace('//', '/', $path);
return rtrim($path, '/');
function r_print($array){
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
// Generate a random string
function generateRandStr($length = 10){
$characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$charactersLength = strlen($characters);
$randomString = '';
for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++){
$randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)];
return $randomString;
// Connect to the database
function soft_mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass, $newlink = false){
// Error handling for php8.1
//echo 'mysqli';
$sconn = @mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass);
//echo 'mysql';
$sconn = @mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass, $newlink);
}catch(Exception $e){
return false;
return $sconn;
// Select the DB
function soft_mysql_select_db($db, $conn){
// Error handling for php8.1
$return = @mysqli_select_db($conn, $db);
$return = @mysql_select_db($db, $conn);
}catch(Exception $e){
return false;
return $return;
// Verifies an email
function emailvalidation($email){
if(!preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9])+([a-zA-Z0-9\+._-])*@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+([.])+([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)+$/", $email)){
return false;
return true;
function _unserialize($str){
$var = @unserialize($str);
$str = preg_replace('!s:(\d+):"(.*?)";!se', "'s:'.strlen('$2').':\"$2\";'", $str);
$var = @unserialize($str);
//If it is still empty false
return false;
return $var;
// Presently takes care of Slashes
function inputsec($string){
//get_magic_quotes_gpc is depricated in php 7.4
if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.4', '<')){
$string = addslashes($string);
$string = stripslashes($string);
$string = addslashes($string);
$string = addslashes($string);
// This is to replace ` which can cause the command to be executed in exec()
$string = str_replace('`', '\`', $string);
return $string;
// Takes care of characters
function htmlizer($string){
global $globals;
$charset = !empty($globals['charset']) ? $globals['charset'] : null;
$string = htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_IGNORE, $charset);
//$string = preg_replace('/(&#(\d{1,7}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6});)/e', 'entity_check(\\2);', $string);
return $string;
// POSTING Functions
function POST($name, $e, $isset = 1){
global $error;
//Check the POSTED NAME was posted
if(($isset && (!isset($_POST[$name]) || strlen(trim($_POST[$name])) < 1)) ||
(empty($isset) && empty($_POST[$name]))){
$error[$name] = $e;
return inputsec(htmlizer(trim($_POST[$name])));
// No htmlizer post - Dont use in SQL Queries
function iPOST($name, $e, $isset = 1){
global $error;
//Check the POSTED NAME was posted
if(($isset && (!isset($_POST[$name]) || strlen(trim($_POST[$name])) < 1)) ||
(empty($isset) && empty($_POST[$name]))){
$error[$name] = $e;
return inputsec(trim($_POST[$name]));
function optPOST($name, $default = ''){
global $error;
//Check the POSTED NAME was posted
return inputsec(htmlizer(trim($_POST[$name])));
return $default;
* Return the value of the POSTED key i.e. $_POST[$key]. Is mainly used for Themes to fill the forms again automatically.
* @package forms
* @subpackage post
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param string $name The key of the $_POST array i.e. the name of the input / textarea / select text
* @param string $default (Optional) Default value when the POST is empty
* @return string The value of the POSTED Key or the $default value when the POST is empty
* @since 1.0
function POSTval($name, $default = ''){
return (!empty($_POST) ? (empty($_POST[$name]) ? '' : inputsec(htmlizer(trim($_POST[$name])))) : $default);
* Return the value of the POSTED key i.e. $_POST[$key]. Is mainly used for Themes to fill the forms again automatically.
* The difference betweern aPOSTval() and POSTval() is that aPOSTval() just trims the value while POSTval will do
* inputsec(htmlizer(trim($_POST[$name]))))
* @package forms
* @subpackage post
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param string $name The key of the $_POST array i.e. the name of the input / textarea / select text
* @param string $default (Optional) Default value when the POST is empty
* @return string The value of the POSTED Key or the $default value when the POST is empty
* @since 1.0
function aPOSTval($name, $default = ''){
return (!empty($_POST) ? (empty($_POST[$name]) ? '' : trim($_POST[$name])) : $default);
function optREQ($name, $default = ''){
global $error;
//Check the POSTED NAME was posted
return inputsec(htmlizer(trim($_REQUEST[$name])));
return $default;
// Clean FOR var directly
function optInput($val){
global $error;
return inputsec(htmlizer(trim($val)));
//Check if isset in REQUEST Array else return error lang
function REQUEST($name, $e){
global $error;
//Check the REQUEST NAME was sent
if(!isset($_REQUEST[$name]) || strlen(trim($_REQUEST[$name])) < 1){
$error[$name] = $e;
return inputsec(htmlizer(trim($_REQUEST[$name])));
function checkbox($name){
global $error;
//Check the Checkbox posted
return true;
return false;
function GET($name, $e){
global $error;
//Check the POSTED NAME was posted
if(!isset($_GET[$name]) || strlen(trim($_GET[$name])) < 1){
$error[$name] = $e;
return inputsec(htmlizer(trim($_GET[$name])));
function optGET($name, $default = ''){
global $error;
//Check the GETED NAME was GETed
return inputsec(htmlizer(trim($_GET[$name])));
return $default;
// Strips slashes if GPC was on
function rawGPC($v){
//get_magic_quotes_gpc is depricated in php 7.4
if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.4', '<')){
$v = stripslashes($v);
return $v;
// Make a curl call
function curl_call($url, $post = array()){
// Set the curl parameters.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
// Connection Time OUT
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, (!empty($GLOBALS['globals']['curl_timeout']) ? $GLOBALS['globals']['curl_timeout'] : 10));
// You can timeout in one hour max
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3600);
// Turn off the server and peer verification (TrustManager Concept).
// UserAgent and Cookies
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Softaculous');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($post));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
// Get response from the server.
$resp = curl_exec($ch);
$curl_err = curl_error($ch);
$meta = curl_getinfo($ch);
if($meta['http_code'] == 405){
return curl_call($url);
return false;
return $resp;
* phpMyAdmin SPLIT SQL function which splits the SQL data into seperate chunks that can be passed as QUERIES.
* @package database
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param string $data The SQL RAW data
* @returns array The chunks of SQL Queries
* @since 1.0
function sqlsplit($data){
$ret = array();
$buffer = '';
// Defaults for parser
$sql = '';
$start_pos = 0;
$i = 0;
$len= 0;
$big_value = 200000000;
$sql_delimiter = ';';
$finished = false;
while (!($finished && $i >= $len)) {
if ($data === FALSE) {
// subtract data we didn't handle yet and stop processing
//$offset -= strlen($buffer);
} elseif ($data === TRUE) {
// Handle rest of buffer
} else {
// Append new data to buffer
$buffer .= $data;
// free memory
$data = false;
// Do not parse string when we're not at the end and don't have ; inside
if ((strpos($buffer, $sql_delimiter, $i) === FALSE) && !$finished) {
// Current length of our buffer
$len = strlen($buffer);
// Grab some SQL queries out of it
while ($i < $len) {
$found_delimiter = false;
// Find first interesting character
$old_i = $i;
// this is about 7 times faster that looking for each sequence i
// one by one with strpos()
if (preg_match('/(\'|"|#|-- |\/\*|`|(?i)DELIMITER)/', $buffer, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $i)) {
// in $matches, index 0 contains the match for the complete
// expression but we don't use it
$first_position = $matches[1][1];
} else {
$first_position = $big_value;
* @todo we should not look for a delimiter that might be
* inside quotes (or even double-quotes)
// the cost of doing this one with preg_match() would be too high
$first_sql_delimiter = strpos($buffer, $sql_delimiter, $i);
if ($first_sql_delimiter === FALSE) {
$first_sql_delimiter = $big_value;
} else {
$found_delimiter = true;
// set $i to the position of the first quote, comment.start or delimiter found
$i = min($first_position, $first_sql_delimiter);
if ($i == $big_value) {
// none of the above was found in the string
$i = $old_i;
if (!$finished) {
// at the end there might be some whitespace...
if (trim($buffer) == '') {
$buffer = '';
$len = 0;
// We hit end of query, go there!
$i = strlen($buffer) - 1;
// Grab current character
$ch = $buffer[$i];
// Quotes
if (strpos('\'"`', $ch) !== FALSE) {
$quote = $ch;
$endq = FALSE;
while (!$endq) {
// Find next quote
$pos = strpos($buffer, $quote, $i + 1);
// No quote? Too short string
if ($pos === FALSE) {
// We hit end of string => unclosed quote, but we handle it as end of query
if ($finished) {
$endq = TRUE;
$i = $len - 1;
$found_delimiter = false;
// Was not the quote escaped?
$j = $pos - 1;
while ($buffer[$j] == '\\') $j--;
// Even count means it was not escaped
$endq = (((($pos - 1) - $j) % 2) == 0);
// Skip the string
$i = $pos;
if ($first_sql_delimiter < $pos) {
$found_delimiter = false;
if (!$endq) {
// Aren't we at the end?
if ($finished && $i == $len) {
} else {
// Not enough data to decide
if ((($i == ($len - 1) && ($ch == '-' || $ch == '/'))
|| ($i == ($len - 2) && (($ch == '-' && $buffer[$i + 1] == '-')
|| ($ch == '/' && $buffer[$i + 1] == '*')))) && !$finished) {
// Comments
if ($ch == '#'
|| ($i < ($len - 1) && $ch == '-' && $buffer[$i + 1] == '-'
&& (($i < ($len - 2) && $buffer[$i + 2] <= ' ')
|| ($i == ($len - 1) && $finished)))
|| ($i < ($len - 1) && $ch == '/' && $buffer[$i + 1] == '*')
) {
// Copy current string to SQL
if ($start_pos != $i) {
$sql .= substr($buffer, $start_pos, $i - $start_pos);
// Skip the rest
$j = $i;
$i = strpos($buffer, $ch == '/' ? '*/' : "\n", $i);
// didn't we hit end of string?
if ($i === FALSE) {
if ($finished) {
$i = $len - 1;
} else {
// Skip *
if ($ch == '/') {
// Check for MySQL conditional comments and include them as-is
if ($buffer[$j + 2] == '!') {
$comment = substr($buffer, $j + 3, $i - $j - 3);
if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{5}/', $comment, $version)) {
if ($version[0] <= 50000000) {
$sql .= substr($comment, 5);
} else {
$sql .= $comment;
// Skip last char
// Next query part will start here
$start_pos = $i;
// Aren't we at the end?
if ($i == $len) {
} else {
// Change delimiter, if redefined, and skip it (don't send to server!)
if (strtoupper(substr($buffer, $i, 9)) == "DELIMITER"
&& ($buffer[$i + 9] <= ' ')
&& ($i < $len - 11)
&& strpos($buffer, "\n", $i + 11) !== FALSE) {
$new_line_pos = strpos($buffer, "\n", $i + 10);
$sql_delimiter = substr($buffer, $i + 10, $new_line_pos - $i - 10);
$i = $new_line_pos + 1;
// Next query part will start here
$start_pos = $i;
// End of SQL
if ($found_delimiter || ($finished && ($i == $len - 1))) {
$tmp_sql = $sql;
if ($start_pos < $len) {
$length_to_grab = $i - $start_pos;
if (! $found_delimiter) {
$tmp_sql .= substr($buffer, $start_pos, $length_to_grab);
// Do not try to execute empty SQL
if (! preg_match('/^([\s]*;)*$/', trim($tmp_sql))) {
$sql = $tmp_sql;
$ret[] = $sql;
$buffer = substr($buffer, $i + strlen($sql_delimiter));
// Reset parser:
$len = strlen($buffer);
$sql = '';
$i = 0;
$start_pos = 0;
// Any chance we will get a complete query?
//if ((strpos($buffer, ';') === FALSE) && !$finished) {
if ((strpos($buffer, $sql_delimiter) === FALSE) && !$finished) {
} else {
$start_pos = $i;
} // End of parser loop
} // End of import loop
return $ret;
function resetfilelist(){
global $directorylist;
$directorylist = array();
function rmdir_recursive_fn($path){
//if(!is_safe_file($path)) return false;
$path = (substr($path, -1) == '/' || substr($path, -1) == '\\' ? $path : $path.'/');
$files = filelist_fn($path, 1, 0, 'all');
$files = (!is_array($files) ? array() : $files);
//First delete the files only
foreach($files as $k => $v){
//if(is_safe_file($k)){ // Security Fix
@chmod($k, 0777);
if(file_exists($k) && is_file($k) && @filetype($k) == "file"){
$folders = filelist_fn($path, 1, 1, 'all');
$folders = (!is_array($folders) ? array() : $folders);
//Now Delete the FOLDERS
foreach($folders as $k => $v){
//if(is_safe_file($k)){ // Security Fix
@chmod($k, 0777);
function filelist_fn($startdir="./", $searchSubdirs=1, $directoriesonly=0, $maxlevel="all", $level=1, $reset = 1) {
//list the directory/file names that you want to ignore
$ignoredDirectory[] = ".";
$ignoredDirectory[] = "..";
$ignoredDirectory[] = "_vti_cnf";
global $directorylist; //initialize global array
if(substr($startdir, -1) != '/'){
$startdir = $startdir.'/';
if (is_dir($startdir)) {
if ($dh = opendir($startdir)) {
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if (!(array_search($file,$ignoredDirectory) > -1)) {
if (@filetype($startdir . $file) == "dir") {
//build your directory array however you choose;
//add other file details that you want.
$directorylist[$startdir . $file]['level'] = $level;
$directorylist[$startdir . $file]['dir'] = 1;
$directorylist[$startdir . $file]['name'] = $file;
$directorylist[$startdir . $file]['path'] = $startdir;
if ($searchSubdirs) {
if ((($maxlevel) == "all") or ($maxlevel > $level)) {
filelist_fn($startdir . $file . "/", $searchSubdirs, $directoriesonly, $maxlevel, ($level + 1), 0);
} else {
if (!$directoriesonly) {
// echo substr(strrchr($file, "."), 1);
//if you want to include files; build your file array
//however you choose; add other file details that you want.
$directorylist[$startdir . $file]['level'] = $level;
$directorylist[$startdir . $file]['dir'] = 0;
$directorylist[$startdir . $file]['name'] = $file;
$directorylist[$startdir . $file]['path'] = $startdir;
$r = $directorylist;
$directorylist = array();
* Get a web file but add little Softaculous information like the license key, unique, panel, is_vps, env, soft_email as
* arguments to the $url given. This is mainly used to FETCH FILES from and related softaculous websites.
* @package files
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param string $url The URL from which the DATA is to be fetched
* @param string $path (Optional) If given the FETCHED data is saved in the file instead of having it returned
* @return string The FETCHED DATA
* @since 1.0
function get_softaculous_file($url, $return_url = 0){
global $sitepad;
$license = (!empty($sitepad['license']) ? $sitepad['license']['license'] : $sitepad['server_license']['license']);
if(strstr($url, '?')){
$url = $url.'&license='.$license;
$url = $url.'?license='.$license;
return $url;
return curl_call($url);
* This function will preg_match the pattern and return the respective values in $var
* @package Softaculous
* @author Brijesh Kothari
* @param $pattern This should be the pattern to be matched
* @param $file This should have the data to search from
* @param $var This will be the variable which will have the preg matched data
* @param $valuenum This should be the no of regular expression to be returned in $var
* @param $stripslashes 0 or 1 depending upon whether the stripslashes function is to be applied (1) or not (0)
* @return string Will pass value by reference in $var
* @since 4.5.4
function soft_preg_replace($pattern, $file, &$var, $valuenum, $stripslashes = ''){
preg_match($pattern, $file, $matches);
$var = @trim($matches[$valuenum]);
$var = @stripslashes(trim($matches[$valuenum]));
function makedate($date, $format = 'd/m/Y'){
if(empty($date)) return false;
$year = substr($date, 0, 4);
$month = substr($date, 4, 2);
$day = substr($date, 6, 2);
if($format == 'd/m/Y'){
// Check the Max DAY possible
$maxday = (int) date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
return ($day > $maxday ? $maxday : $day).'/'.$month.'/'.$year;
return date($format, mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year));
* Copies Recrsively a File / Folder and also maintains the PERMISSIONS and UID and GID
* @package softaculous
* @subpackage settings
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param string $path The Source Path
* @param string $dest The Destination Path
* @return bool
* @since 1.0
function copy_r($path, $dest, $exclude = array()){
global $__settings;
foreach($exclude as $skip){
//echo 'Skip path : '.$skip.'<br />';
if(preg_match('#'.preg_quote($skip, '/').'#', $path)){
//echo 'Skipping : '.$path.'<br />';
return true;
// Is it a Directory ?
if( is_dir($path) ){
// Create the Destination Dir
$stat = stat($path);
// Set the mode of the destination
@chmod($dest, $stat['mode']);
// Set the UID
@chown($dest, $stat['uid']);
// Set the GID
@chgrp($dest, $stat['gid']);
// Start reading the current directory
$objects = scandir($path);
if( sizeof($objects) > 0 ){
foreach( $objects as $file )
if( $file == "." || $file == ".." ){
// Go on
copy_r( $path.'/'.$file, $dest.'/'.$file, $exclude);
return true;
}elseif( is_file($path) ){
$ret = copy($path, $dest);
$stat = stat($path);
// Set the mode of the destination
@chmod($dest, $stat['mode']);
// Set the UID
@chown($dest, $stat['uid']);
// Set the GID
@chgrp($dest, $stat['gid']);
return $ret;
return false;
function error_handle($error, $table_width = '100%', $center = false, $return = false){
global $l;
$str = "";
$table_width = preg_match('/%/is', $table_width) ? $table_width : $table_width.'px';
//on error call the form
$str .= '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
$str .= '<div class="alert alert-danger " style="width:'.$table_width.';'.(($center) ? 'margin:auto' : '').'"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</a><div>';
$str .= '<p style="margin-top:4px; font-size:16px;"> '.__('The following errors were found').' :</p>
<ul type="square" style="margin-top:-4px;">';
foreach($error as $ek => $ev){
$str .= '<li style="font-size:13px;">'.$ev.'</li>';
$str .= '</ul>
echo $str;
return $str;
* Checks if a file is symlink or hardlink
* @package softaculous
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @returns bool false if file is a symlink or a hardlink else true
* @since 4.4.3
function is_safe_file($path){
// Is it a symlink ?
if(is_link($path)) return false;
// Is it a file and is a link ?
$stat = @stat($path);
if(!is_dir($path) && $stat['nlink'] > 1) return false;
return true;
function mkdir_recursive($pathname, $mode){
is_dir(dirname($pathname)) || mkdir_recursive(dirname($pathname), $mode);
return is_dir($pathname) || @mkdir($pathname, $mode);