Your IP :
package ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows::MSVC;
our $VERSION = '0.280230'; # VERSION
use warnings;
use strict;
sub arg_exec_file {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
return "/OUT:$file";
sub format_compiler_cmd {
my ($self, %spec) = @_;
foreach my $path ( @{ $spec{includes} || [] },
@{ $spec{perlinc} || [] } ) {
$path = '-I' . $path;
%spec = $self->write_compiler_script(%spec)
if $spec{use_scripts};
return [ grep {defined && length} (
@{$spec{includes}} ,
@{$spec{cflags}} ,
@{$spec{optimize}} ,
@{$spec{defines}} ,
@{$spec{perlinc}} ,
"-Fo$spec{output}" ,
$spec{source} ,
) ];
sub write_compiler_script {
my ($self, %spec) = @_;
my $script = File::Spec->catfile( $spec{srcdir},
$spec{basename} . '.ccs' );
print "Generating script '$script'\n" if !$self->{quiet};
my $SCRIPT = IO::File->new( ">$script" )
or die( "Could not create script '$script': $!" );
print $SCRIPT join( "\n",
map { ref $_ ? @{$_} : $_ }
grep defined,
@spec{ qw(includes cflags optimize defines perlinc) } )
push @{$spec{includes}}, '@"' . $script . '"';
return %spec;
sub format_linker_cmd {
my ($self, %spec) = @_;
my $cf = $self->{config};
foreach my $path ( @{$spec{libpath}} ) {
$path = "-libpath:$path";
my $output = $spec{output};
my $manifest = $spec{manifest};
$spec{def_file} &&= '-def:' . $spec{def_file};
$spec{output} &&= '-out:' . $spec{output};
$spec{manifest} &&= '-manifest ' . $spec{manifest};
$spec{implib} &&= '-implib:' . $spec{implib};
$spec{map_file} &&= '-map:' . $spec{map_file};
%spec = $self->write_linker_script(%spec)
if $spec{use_scripts};
my @cmds; # Stores the series of commands needed to build the module.
push @cmds, [ grep {defined && length} (
$spec{ld} ,
@{$spec{lddlflags}} ,
@{$spec{libpath}} ,
@{$spec{other_ldflags}} ,
@{$spec{startup}} ,
@{$spec{objects}} ,
$spec{map_file} ,
$spec{libperl} ,
@{$spec{perllibs}} ,
$spec{def_file} ,
$spec{implib} ,
$spec{output} ,
) ];
# Embed the manifest file if it exists
push @cmds, [
'if', 'exist', $manifest, 'mt', '-nologo', $spec{manifest}, '-outputresource:' . "$output;2"
return @cmds;
sub write_linker_script {
my ($self, %spec) = @_;
my $script = File::Spec->catfile( $spec{srcdir},
$spec{basename} . '.lds' );
print "Generating script '$script'\n" if !$self->{quiet};
my $SCRIPT = IO::File->new( ">$script" )
or die( "Could not create script '$script': $!" );
print $SCRIPT join( "\n",
map { ref $_ ? @{$_} : $_ }
grep defined,
@spec{ qw(lddlflags libpath other_ldflags
startup objects libperl perllibs
def_file implib map_file) } )
push @{$spec{lddlflags}}, '@"' . $script . '"';
return %spec;