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IP"&'9F%N7;$K/ CA key is neededA read-only session existsAn administrator session existsAn error occurred on the deviceAn open session existsAnother operation is already taking placeAnother user is already logged inCannot export because the key is invalidCannot export because the key is of the wrong sizeCannot export because the key is of the wrong typeCannot export this keyCannot import a key of the wrong sizeCannot import an invalid keyCannot import because the key is invalidCannot import because the key is of the wrong sizeCannot import because the key is of the wrong typeCannot include the key in the digestCannot lock dataCertain fields have invalid valuesCertain required fields are missingInsufficient memory availableInsufficient memory available on the deviceInternal errorInvalid argumentsInvalid value for fieldNo key is neededNo operation is taking placeNo random number generator availableNo user has logged inNot enough space to store the resultThe crypto mechanism has an invalid argumentThe crypto mechanism has an invalid parameterThe crypto mechanism is invalid or unrecognizedThe data cannot be lockedThe data is not valid or unrecognizedThe data is too longThe device is invalid or unrecognizableThe device is not present or unpluggedThe device is write protectedThe device was removed or unpluggedThe encrypted data is not valid or unrecognizedThe encrypted data is too longThe field is invalid or does not existThe field is read-onlyThe field is sensitive and cannot be revealedThe information is sensitive and cannot be revealedThe key cannot be wrappedThe key is different than beforeThe key is missing or invalidThe key is of the wrong typeThe key is the wrong sizeThe module cannot create needed threadsThe module cannot lock data properlyThe module has already been initializedThe module has not been initializedThe object is missing or invalidThe operation failedThe operation was cancelledThe password or PIN has expiredThe password or PIN is incorrectThe password or PIN is invalidThe password or PIN is lockedThe password or PIN is of an invalid lengthThe request was rejected by the userThe saved state is invalidThe session is closedThe session is invalidThe session is read-onlyThe signature is bad or corruptedThe signature is unrecognized or corruptedThe specified slot ID is not validThe state cannot be savedThe user is of an invalid typeThe user's password or PIN is not setThis operation cannot be done with this keyThis operation is not supportedToo many sessions are activeToo many users of different types are logged inUnable to initialize the random number generatorUnknown errorYou are already logged inProject-Id-Version: p11-kit
POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-31 16:48+0100
PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-19 11:45+0000
Last-Translator: Tomoyuki KATO <>
Language-Team: Japanese (
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Language: ja
Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;
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