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% Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Artifex Software, Inc.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
% implied.
% This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
% modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
% of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
% Refer to licensing information at or contact
% Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
% CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
% Write out a font as a PCL bitmap font.
/pcldict 60 dict def
% Write out the current font as a PCL bitmap font.
% The current transformation matrix defines the font size and orientation.
/WriteResolution? false def % true=use "resolution bound font" format,
% false=use older format
/LJ4 false def % true=use LJ4 Typeface code
% false=use LJIIP/IID/IIIx Typeface code
pcldict begin % internal procedures
/findstring % <string> <substring> findstring <bool>
{ search { pop pop pop true } { pop false } ifelse
} def
% Determine which set of keywords is present in a string.
% The last keyword set must be empty.
/keysearch % <string> <array of arrays of keywords> keysearch <index>
{ 0 1 2 index length 1 sub
{ 2 copy get true exch
{ % Stack: <string> <a.a.k.> <index> <bool> <keyword>
4 index exch findstring and
{ 0 exch getinterval exit
if pop
exch pop length % invalid index if missing
} def
% Determine the device height of a string in quarter-dots.
/charheight % <string> charheight <int>
{ gsave newpath 0 0 moveto false charpath
pathbbox exch pop exch sub exch pop 0 exch grestore
dtransform add abs 4 mul cvi
} def
% Compute an integer version of the transformed FontBBox.
/inflate % <num> inflate <num>
{ dup 0 gt { ceiling } { floor } ifelse
} def
/ixbbox % - ixbbox <llx> <lly> <urx> <ury>
{ /FontBBox load aload pop % might be executable or literal
4 2 roll transform exch truncate cvi exch truncate cvi
4 2 roll transform exch inflate cvi exch inflate cvi
} def
% Determine the original font of a possibly transformed font.
% Since some badly behaved PostScript files construct transformed
% fonts "by hand", we can't just rely on the OrigFont pointers.
% Instead, if a font with the given name exists, and if its
% entries for FontType and UniqueID match those of the font we
% obtain by following the OrigFont chain, we use that font.
{ { dup /OrigFont known not { exit } if /OrigFont get } loop
FontDirectory 1 index /FontName get .knownget
{ % Stack: origfont namedfont
1 index /FontType get 1 index /FontType get eq
{ 1 index /UniqueID .knownget
{ 1 index /UniqueID .knownget
{ eq { exch } if }
{ pop }
if pop
} def
% Determine the bounding box of the current device's image.
% Free variables: row, zerow.
/devbbox % <rw> <rh> devbbox <ymin> <ymax1> <xmin> <xmax1>
{ % Find top and bottom whitespace.
{ dup 0 eq { exit } if 1 sub
dup currentdevice exch row copyscanlines
zerow ne { 1 add exit } if
loop % ymax1
{ 2 copy eq { exit } if
dup currentdevice exch row copyscanlines
zerow ne { exit } if
1 add
loop % ymin
% Find left and right whitespace.
3 index 0
% Stack: rw rh ymin ymax1 xmin xmax1
3 index 1 4 index 1 sub
{ currentdevice exch row copyscanlines .findzeros
exch 4 1 roll .max 3 1 roll .min exch
for % xmin xmax1
% Special check: xmin > xmax1 if height = 0
2 copy gt { exch pop dup } if
6 -2 roll pop pop
} def
% Write values on outfile.
/w1 { 255 and outfile exch write } def
/w2 { dup -8 bitshift w1 w1 } def
/wbyte % <byte> <label> wbyte
{ VDEBUG { print ( =byte= ) print dup == flush } { pop } ifelse w1
} def
/wword % <word16> <label> wword
{ VDEBUG { print ( =word= ) print dup == flush } { pop } ifelse w2
} def
/wdword % <word32> <label> wdword
{ VDEBUG { print ( =dword= ) print dup == flush } { pop } ifelse
dup -16 bitshift w2 w2
} def
[ { (Italic) } { (Oblique) }
{ }
] def
/style.posture.values <010100> def
[ { (Ultra) (Compressed) }
{ (Extra) (Compressed) }
{ (Extra) (Condensed) }
{ (Extra) (Extended) }
{ (Extra) (Expanded) }
{ (Compressed) }
{ (Condensed) }
{ (Extended) }
{ (Expanded) }
{ }
] def
/style.appearance.width.values <04030207070201060600> def
[ { (Ultra) (Compressed) }
{ (Extra) (Compressed) }
{ (Extra) (Condensed) }
{ (Extra) (Expanded) }
{ (Compressed) }
{ (Condensed) }
{ (Expanded) }
{ }
] def
/width.type.values <fbfcfd03fdfe0200> def
[ { (Ultra) (Thin) }
{ (Ultra) (Black) }
{ (Extra) (Thin) }
{ (Extra) (Light) }
{ (Extra) (Bold) }
{ (Extra) (Black) }
{ (Demi) (Light) }
{ (Demi) (Bold) }
{ (Semi) (Light) }
{ (Semi) (Bold) }
{ (Thin) }
{ (Light) }
{ (Bold) }
{ (Black) }
{ }
] def
/stroke.weight.values <f907fafc0406fe02ff01fbfd030500> def
[ { (Agfa) }
{ (Bitstream) }
{ (Linotype) }
{ (Monotype) }
{ (Adobe) }
{ }
] def
/vendor.default.index 4 def % might as well be Adobe
/old.vendor.values <020406080a00> def
/new.vendor.values <010203040500> def
/vendor.initials (CBLMA\000) def
currentdict readonly end pop % pcldict
% Convert and write a PCL font for the current font and transformation.
% Write the font header. We split this off only to avoid overflowing
% the limit on the maximum size of a procedure.
% Free variables: outfile uury u0y rw rh orientation uh ully
{ outfile (\033\)s) writestring
outfile 64 WriteResolution? { 4 add } if
Copyright length add write==only
outfile (W) writestring
WriteResolution? { 20 68 } { 0 64 } ifelse
(Font Descriptor Size) wword
(Header Format) wbyte
1 (Font Type) wbyte
FullName style.posture.keys keysearch style.posture.values exch get
FullName style.appearance.width.keys keysearch
style.appearance.width.values exch get 4 mul add
PaintType 2 eq { 32 add } if
/style exch def
style -8 bitshift (Style MSB) wbyte
0 (Reserved) wbyte
/baseline uury 1 sub u0y sub def
baseline (Baseline Position) wword
rw (Cell Width) wword
rh (Cell Height) wword
orientation (Orientation) wbyte
FontInfo /isFixedPitch .knownget not { false } if
{ 0 } { 1 } ifelse (Spacing) wbyte
% Use loop/exit to fake a multiple-exit block.
{ Encoding StandardEncoding eq { 10 (J) exit } if
Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding eq { 11 (J) exit } if
Encoding SymbolEncoding eq { 19 (M) exit } if
Encoding DingbatsEncoding eq { 10 (L) exit } if
% (Warning: unknown Encoding, using ISOLatin1.\n) print flush
11 (J) exit
0 get 64 sub exch 32 mul add (Symbol Set) wword
( ) stringwidth pop 0 dtransform add abs 4 mul
/pitch exch def
pitch cvi (Pitch) wword
uh 4 mul (Height) wword % Height
(x) charheight (x-Height) wword
FullName width.type.keys keysearch
width.type.values exch get (Width Type) wbyte
style 255 and (Style LSB) wbyte
FullName stroke.weight.keys keysearch
stroke.weight.values exch get (Stroke Weight) wbyte
FullName vendor.keys keysearch
dup vendor.initials exch get 0 eq
{ % No vendor in FullName, try Notice
pop Copyright vendor.keys keysearch
dup vendor.initials exch get 0 eq { pop vendor.default.index } if
/vendor.index exch def
0 (Typeface LSB) wbyte % punt
0 (Typeface MSB) wbyte % punt
0 (Serif Style) wbyte % punt
2 (Quality) wbyte
0 (Placement) wbyte
gsave FontMatrix concat rot neg rotate
FontInfo /UnderlineThickness .knownget
{ 0 exch dtransform exch pop abs }
{ resolution 100 div }
ifelse def
FontInfo /UnderlinePosition .knownget
{ 0 exch transform exch pop negY ulwidth 2 div add }
{ ully ulwidth add }
ifelse u0y sub
round cvi 1 .max 255 .min (Underline Position) wbyte
ulwidth round cvi 1 .max 255 .min (Underline Thickness) wbyte
uh 1.2 mul 4 mul cvi (Text Height) wword
(average lowercase character) dup stringwidth
pop 0 dtransform add abs
exch length div 4 mul cvi (Text Width) wword
{ dup Encoding exch get /.notdef ne { exit } if
1 add
loop (First Code) wword
{ dup Encoding exch get /.notdef ne { exit } if
1 sub
loop (Last Code) wword
pitch dup cvi sub 256 mul cvi (Pitch Extended) wbyte
0 (Height Extended) wbyte
0 (Cap Height) wword % (default)
currentfont /UniqueID known { UniqueID } { 0 } ifelse
16#c1000000 add (Font Number (Adobe UniqueID)) wdword
FontName length 16 .max string
dup FontName exch cvs pop
outfile exch 0 16 getinterval writestring % Font Name
{ resolution dup (X Resolution) wword (Y Resolution) wword
outfile Copyright writestring % Copyright
} def
/writePCL % <fontfile> <resolution> writePCL -
currentfont begin
pcldict begin
80 dict begin % allow for recursion
/saved exch def
/resolution exch def
/outfile exch def
matrix currentmatrix dup 4 0 put dup 5 0 put setmatrix
% Supply some default values so we don't have to check later.
currentfont /FontInfo known not { /FontInfo 1 dict def } if
currentfont /FontName known not { /FontName () def } if
/Copyright FontInfo /Notice .knownget not { () } if def
FontInfo /FullName .knownget not
{ FontName dup length string cvs }
if def
% Determine the original font, and its relationship to this one.
/OrigFont currentfont origfont def
/OrigMatrix OrigFont /FontMatrix get def
/OrigMatrixInverse OrigMatrix matrix invertmatrix def
/ScaleMatrix matrix currentfont OrigFont ne
{ FontMatrix exch OrigMatrixInverse exch concatmatrix
} if
matrix currentmatrix
matrix defaultmatrix
dup 0 get 1 index 3 get mul 0 lt
1 index dup 1 get exch 2 get mul 0 gt or
/flipY exch def
dup invertmatrix
dup concatmatrix
/negY flipY { {neg} } { {} } ifelse def
% Print debugging information.
/CDEBUG where { pop } { /CDEBUG false def } ifelse
/VDEBUG where { pop } { /VDEBUG false def } ifelse
CDEBUG { /VDEBUG true def } if
{ (currentmatrix: ) print matrix currentmatrix ==
(defaultmatrix: ) print matrix defaultmatrix ==
(flipY: ) print flipY ==
(scaling matrix: ) print CurrentScaleMatrix ==
(FontMatrix: ) print FontMatrix ==
(FontBBox: ) print /FontBBox load ==
currentfont OrigFont ne
{ OrigFont /FontName .knownget { (orig FontName: ) print == } if
(orig FontMatrix: ) print OrigMatrix ==
} if
currentfont /ScaleMatrix .knownget { (ScaleMatrix: ) print == } if
FontMatrix concat
(combined matrix: ) print matrix currentmatrix ==
} if
% Determine the orientation.
ScaleMatrix matrix currentmatrix dup concatmatrix
0 1 3
{ 1 index 1 get 0 eq 2 index 2 get 0 eq and 2 index 0 get 0 gt and
{ exit } if
pop -90 matrix rotate exch dup concatmatrix
dup type /integertype ne
{ (Only rotations by multiples of 90 degrees are supported:\n) print
== flush
saved end end end restore stop
/orientation exch def
/rot orientation 90 mul def
DEBUG { (orientation: ) print orientation == flush } if
dup dup 0 get exch 3 get negY sub abs 0.5 ge
{ (Only identical scaling in X and Y is supported:\n) print
exch flipY 3 array astore ==
% .devicename has been deprecated
% currentdevice .devicename ==
currentpagedevice /Name get ==
matrix defaultmatrix == flush
saved end end end restore stop
if pop
% Determine the font metrics, in the PCL character coordinate system,
% which has +Y going towards the top of the page.
FontMatrix concat
0 0 transform
negY round cvi /r0y exch def
round cvi /r0x exch def
negY /rury exch def /rurx exch def
negY /rlly exch def /rllx exch def
/rminx rllx rurx .min def
/rminy rlly negY rury negY .min def
/rw rurx rllx sub abs def
/rh rury rlly sub abs def
gsave rot neg rotate
0 0 transform
negY round cvi /u0y exch def
round cvi /u0x exch def
negY /uury exch def /uurx exch def
negY /ully exch def /ullx exch def
/uw uurx ullx sub def
/uh uury ully sub def
{ (rmatrix: ) print matrix currentmatrix ==
(rFontBBox: ) print [rllx rlly rurx rury] ==
(uFontBBox: ) print [ullx ully uurx uury] ==
} if
% Disable the character cache, to avoid excessive allocation
% and memory sandbars.
mark cachestatus /upper exch def
cleartomark 0 setcachelimit
% Write the font header.
% Establish an image device for rasterizing characters.
matrix currentmatrix
dup 4 rminx neg put
dup 5 rminy neg put
% Round the width up to a multiple of 8
% so we don't get garbage bits in the last byte of each row.
rw 7 add -8 and rh <ff 00> makeimagedevice
/cdevice exch def
nulldevice % prevent page device switching
cdevice setdevice
% Rasterize each character in turn.
/raster rw 7 add 8 idiv def
/row raster string def
/zerow row length string def
0 1 Encoding length 1 sub
{ /cindex exch def
Encoding cindex get /.notdef ne
{ VDEBUG { Encoding cindex get == flush } if
erasepage initgraphics
0 0 moveto currentpoint transform add
( ) dup 0 cindex put show
currentpoint transform add exch sub round cvi
/cwidth exch abs def
rw rh devbbox
{ (image bbox: ) print 4 copy 4 2 roll 4 array astore == flush
} if
% Save the device bounding box.
% Note that this is in current device coordinates,
% not PCL (right-handed) coordinates.
/bqx exch def /bpx exch def /bqy exch def /bpy exch def
% Re-render with the character justified to (0,0).
% This may be either the lower left or the upper left corner.
bpx neg bpy neg idtransform moveto
VDEBUG { (show point: ) print [ currentpoint transform ] == flush } if
( ) dup 0 cindex put show
% Find the bounding box. Note that xmin and ymin are now 0,
% xmax1 = xw, and ymax1 = yh.
rw rh devbbox
/xw exch def
% xmin or ymin can be non-zero only if the character is blank.
xw 0 eq
{ pop }
{ dup 0 ne { (Non-zero xmin! ) print = } { pop } ifelse }
/yh exch def
yh 0 eq
{ pop }
{ dup 0 ne { (Non-zero ymin! ) print = } { pop } ifelse }
/xbw xw 7 add 8 idiv def
/xright raster 8 mul xw sub def
% Write the Character Code command.
outfile (\033*c) writestring
outfile cindex write==only
outfile (E) writestring
% Write the Character Definition command.
outfile (\033\(s) writestring
yh xbw mul 16 add
outfile exch write=only
% Record the character position for the .PCM file.
/cfpos outfile fileposition 1 add def
outfile (W\004\000\016\001) writestring
orientation (Orientation) wbyte 0 (Reserved) wbyte
rminx bpx add r0x sub (Left Offset) wword
flipY { rminy bpy add neg } { rminy bqy add } ifelse r0y sub
(Top Offset) wword
xw (Character Width) wword
yh (Character Height) wword
cwidth orientation 2 ge { neg } if 4 mul (Delta X) wword
% Write the character data.
flipY { 0 1 yh 1 sub } { yh 1 sub -1 0 } ifelse
{ cdevice exch row copyscanlines
0 xbw getinterval
{ dup
{ 8
{ dup 128 ge { (+) } { (.) } ifelse print
127 and 1 bitshift
repeat pop
forall (\n) print
outfile exch writestring
{ /bpx 0 def /bpy 0 def /bqx 0 def /bqy 0 def
/cwidth 0 def
/cfpos 0 def
% Wrap up.
upper setcachelimit
outfile closefile
nulldevice % prevent page device switching
saved end end end restore
} def
% Provide definitions for testing with older or non-custom interpreters.
/.findzeros where { pop (%END) .skipeof } if
{ userdict begin /zs exch def /zl zs length def
0 { dup zl ge { exit } if dup zs exch get 0 ne { exit } if 1 add } loop
zl { dup 0 eq { exit } if dup 1 sub zs exch get 0 ne { exit } if 1 sub } loop
exch 3 bitshift exch 3 bitshift
2 copy lt
{ exch zs 1 index -3 bitshift get
{ dup 16#80 and 0 ne { exit } if exch 1 add exch 1 bitshift } loop pop
exch zs 1 index -3 bitshift 1 sub get
{ dup 1 and 0 ne { exit } if exch 1 sub exch -1 bitshift } loop pop
if end
} bind def
/write=only where { pop (%END) .skipeof } if
/w=s 128 string def
{ w=s cvs writestring
} bind def
%**************** Test
/PCLTEST where {
/DEBUG true def
/CDEBUG true def
/VDEBUG true def
/Times-Roman findfont 10 scalefont setfont
(t.pcf) (w) file
300 72 div dup scale
300 writePCL
flush quit
} if