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% Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
% This file is part of Ghostscript.
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% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
% to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
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% copies.
% Initialization file for `dmprt' device driver.
% Written initial version by... ASAYAMA Kazunori 1993 Nov.
% Modified for Ghostscript 4.03 by ... ASAYAMA Kazunori 1997 May.
%%%%% check version %%%%%
201 % version of this initialization file.
/dmprt finddevice { /DmprtParams gsgetdeviceprop /Version get }
stopped { pop pop 0 } if
2 copy ne {
(\ndmprt: driver version\() print
dup 0 eq {pop (unknown) print }{==only}ifelse
(\) does not match version\() print
==only (\).\n) print
flush 1 .quit
} { pop pop } ifelse
%%%%% BODY %%%%%
40 dict begin % .WorkDict .UserParams
% .DmprtDevice
% .GetDmprtParam .SetDmprtParam
% .DmprtParams .Xdpi .Ydpi .Xdot .Ydot
% in cm mm pt bp dot
% BeginMode EndMode
% .ModeDataBase .CurrentMode
% BeginConfig EndConfig
% BeginPrinterProps EndPrinterProps
/.WorkDict currentdict def
/.ModeDataBase 10 dict def
/.dicttomark {
counttomark 2 idiv dup dict begin { def } repeat pop currentdict end
} bind def
%%%%% utilities for user customization. %%%%%
/in { } bind def
/cm { 2.54 div } bind def
/mm { 25.4 div } bind def
/pt { 72.27 div } bind def
/bp { 72.0 div } bind def
/dot { [ exch truncate cvi ] } bind def
% the database of user customizations. (not implemented yet.)
/BeginMode { % <name> -> <name> mark
} bind def
/EndMode { % <name> mark <item1> <value1> ... <itemN> <valueN> -> --
.dicttomark .ModeDataBase
dup dup maxlength exch length eq {
% Expand capacity of database dictionaly.
dup maxlength 10 add dict copy dup /.ModeDataBase exch def
} if
3 1 roll put
} bind def
% these procedures are undocumented in the user's manual.
% these are used in order to specify the propaties directly.
/BeginPrinterProps { [ } bind def
/EndPrinterProps { ] /printer exch } bind def
%%%%% run the user customization file. %%%%%
/BeginConfig mark def
/EndConfig { .dicttomark /.UserParams exch def } bind def
systemdict /DMPCONFIG 2 copy known
{ get run } % -sDMPCONFIG=<filename>
{ pop pop ( findlibfile { closefile run } if } ifelse
%%%%% refer database %%%%%
/.UsedMode .ModeDataBase length dict def
/.ExpandUserParams { % <dict> -> <param1> <value1> ... <paramN> <valueN>
/.InheritMode null def
{ 1 index /inherit eq {
exch pop dup .UsedMode exch known { % check recursive reference.
/.ExpandUserParams /rangecheck signalerror
} if
/.InheritMode exch def
} if } forall
.InheritMode type /nametype eq {
.UsedMode .InheritMode true put
.ModeDataBase .InheritMode get .ExpandUserParams
} if
} bind def
systemdict /DMPMODE 2 copy known
{get .ModeDataBase exch get} {pop pop .UserParams} ifelse
mark exch .ExpandUserParams .dicttomark /.UserParams exch def
%%%%% Local variables and procedures. %%%%%
/.DmprtDevice /dmprt finddevice def
/.SetDmprtParam { % <key> <value> -> --
.DmprtParams 3 1 roll put
} bind def
/.SetLocalParam { .LocalParams 3 1 roll put } bind def
/.GetDmprtParam { % <key> -> <value>
.DmprtParams exch get
} bind def
/.GetUserParam { % <key> <default-value> -> <value>
.UserParams 3 -1 roll 2 copy known {get exch pop}{pop pop} ifelse
} bind def
/.SetUserParam { % <prop-name> <key> <default-value> -> --
.GetUserParam .SetDmprtParam
} bind def
%%%%% dviprt proparties %%%%%
.UserParams /printer 2 copy known {
get dup type /dicttype ne { mark /FileName 3 -1 roll .dicttomark } if
{ pop pop % Default printer is `ESC/P 24 pins'.
/Name (ESC/P 24 pins)
/Transpose true
/Reverse false
/NonMoving false
/Encoding (Null)
/HDpi 180
/VDpi 180
/Pins 24
/MinimalUnit 1
/MaximalUnit 180
/Constant 1
/BitImageMode (\007\0333\030\033?Z\047)
/NormalMode (\004\015\014\0332)
/SendBitImage (\002\033Z\002\001\200)
/SkipSpaces (\002\033\\\002\001\200)
/LineFeed (\002\015\012)
/FormFeed (\002\015\014)
/AfterBitImage ()
/BitRowHeader ()
} ifelse
/DviprtParams exch .DmprtDevice putdeviceprops
getdeviceprops .dicttomark /.DmprtParams exch def
.DmprtParams /DviprtParams get /.DviprtParams exch def
.DmprtParams /DmprtParams get /.LocalParams exch def
% calcurate resolutions and define operators converting
% from user-coordination to device-coordination(count by dots).
/resolution [ .DviprtParams dup /HDpi get exch /VDpi get ]
.GetUserParam {} forall /.Ydpi exch def /.Xdpi exch def
/.Xdot { dup type /arraytype eq { 0 get } { .Xdpi mul truncate cvi } ifelse
} bind def
/.Ydot { dup type /arraytype eq { 0 get } { .Ydpi mul truncate cvi } ifelse
} bind def
%%%%% Standard Ghostscript device propaties. %%%%%
/HWSize % default is A4.
/defaultsize [8.3 11.7] .GetUserParam
[ exch dup 0 get .Xdot exch 1 get .Ydot ] .SetDmprtParam
%%%%% dmprt device propaties. %%%%%
/maxsize [0.0 0.0] .GetUserParam [ exch dup 0 get .Xdot exch 1 get .Ydot ]
/Margins /margin [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0] .GetUserParam
[ exch dup 0 get .Xdot exch dup 1 get .Ydot
exch dup 2 get .Xdot exch 3 get .Ydot ] .SetLocalParam
/Verbose QUIET {false}
{/verbose false .GetUserParam} ifelse .SetLocalParam
/Debug /debug false .GetUserParam .SetLocalParam
%%%%% Page device propaties. %%%%%
%%%%% See PostScript Reference Manual 2nd edition. %%%%%
/HWResolution [ .Xdpi .Ydpi ] .SetDmprtParam
/offset [0.0 0.0] .GetUserParam [ exch dup 0 get .Xdot exch 1 get .Ydot ]
mark .DmprtParams {} forall .DmprtDevice putdeviceprops pop
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%