Your IP :
# XML::SAX::Expat - SAX2 Driver for Expat (XML::Parser)
# Originally by Robin Berjon
package XML::SAX::Expat;
use strict;
use base qw(XML::SAX::Base);
use XML::NamespaceSupport qw();
use XML::Parser qw();
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.51';
#`,`, Variations on parse `,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,#
# CharacterStream
sub _parse_characterstream {
my $p = shift;
my $xml = shift;
my $opt = shift;
my $expat = $p->_create_parser($opt);
my $result = $expat->parse($xml);
return $result;
# ByteStream
sub _parse_bytestream {
my $p = shift;
my $xml = shift;
my $opt = shift;
my $expat = $p->_create_parser($opt);
my $result = $expat->parse($xml);
return $result;
# String
sub _parse_string {
my $p = shift;
my $xml = shift;
my $opt = shift;
my $expat = $p->_create_parser($opt);
my $result = $expat->parse($xml);
return $result;
# SystemId
sub _parse_systemid {
my $p = shift;
my $xml = shift;
my $opt = shift;
my $expat = $p->_create_parser($opt);
my $result = $expat->parsefile($xml);
return $result;
# $p->_create_parser(\%options)
sub _create_parser {
my $self = shift;
my $opt = shift;
die "ParserReference: parser instance ($self) already parsing\n"
if $self->{_InParse};
my $featUri = '';
my $ppe = ($self->get_feature($featUri . 'external-general-entities') or
$self->get_feature($featUri . 'external-parameter-entities') ) ? 1 : 0;
my $expat = XML::Parser->new( ParseParamEnt => $ppe );
$expat->{__XSE} = $self;
Init => \&_handle_init,
Final => \&_handle_final,
Start => \&_handle_start,
End => \&_handle_end,
Char => \&_handle_char,
Comment => \&_handle_comment,
Proc => \&_handle_proc,
CdataStart => \&_handle_start_cdata,
CdataEnd => \&_handle_end_cdata,
Unparsed => \&_handle_unparsed_entity,
Notation => \&_handle_notation_decl,
Entity => \&_handle_entity_decl,
Element => \&_handle_element_decl,
Attlist => \&_handle_attr_decl,
Doctype => \&_handle_start_doctype,
DoctypeFin => \&_handle_end_doctype,
XMLDecl => \&_handle_xml_decl,
$self->{_InParse} = 1;
$self->{_NodeStack} = [];
$self->{_NSStack} = [];
$self->{_NSHelper} = XML::NamespaceSupport->new({xmlns => 1});
$self->{_started} = 0;
return $expat;
# $p->_cleanup
sub _cleanup {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_InParse} = 0;
delete $self->{_NodeStack};
#`,`, Expat Handlers ,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,#
# _handle_init
sub _handle_init {
#my $self = shift()->{__XSE};
#my $document = {};
#push @{$self->{_NodeStack}}, $document;
# _handle_final
sub _handle_final {
my $self = shift()->{__XSE};
#my $document = pop @{$self->{_NodeStack}};
return $self->SUPER::end_document({});
# _handle_start
sub _handle_start {
my $self = shift()->{__XSE};
my $e_name = shift;
my %attr = @_;
# start_document data
$self->_handle_start_document({}) unless $self->{_started};
# take care of namespaces
my $nsh = $self->{_NSHelper};
my @new_ns;
for my $k (grep !index($_, 'xmlns'), keys %attr) {
$k =~ m/^xmlns(:(.*))?$/;
my $prefix = $2 || '';
$nsh->declare_prefix($prefix, $attr{$k});
my $ns = {
Prefix => $prefix,
NamespaceURI => $attr{$k},
push @new_ns, $ns;
push @{$self->{_NSStack}}, \@new_ns;
# create the attributes
my %saxattr;
map {
my ($ns,$prefix,$lname) = $nsh->process_attribute_name($_);
$saxattr{'{' . ($ns || '') . '}' . $lname} = {
Name => $_,
LocalName => $lname || '',
Prefix => $prefix || '',
Value => $attr{$_},
NamespaceURI => $ns || '',
} keys %attr;
# now the element
my ($ns,$prefix,$lname) = $nsh->process_element_name($e_name);
my $element = {
Name => $e_name,
LocalName => $lname || '',
Prefix => $prefix || '',
NamespaceURI => $ns || '',
Attributes => \%saxattr,
push @{$self->{_NodeStack}}, $element;
# _handle_end
sub _handle_end {
my $self = shift()->{__XSE};
my %element = %{pop @{$self->{_NodeStack}}};
delete $element{Attributes};
my $prev_ns = pop @{$self->{_NSStack}};
for my $ns (@$prev_ns) {
$self->SUPER::end_prefix_mapping( { %$ns } );
# _handle_char
sub _handle_char {
$_[0]->{__XSE}->_handle_start_document({}) unless $_[0]->{__XSE}->{_started};
$_[0]->{__XSE}->SUPER::characters({ Data => $_[1] });
# _handle_comment
sub _handle_comment {
$_[0]->{__XSE}->_handle_start_document({}) unless $_[0]->{__XSE}->{_started};
$_[0]->{__XSE}->SUPER::comment({ Data => $_[1] });
# _handle_proc
sub _handle_proc {
$_[0]->{__XSE}->_handle_start_document({}) unless $_[0]->{__XSE}->{_started};
$_[0]->{__XSE}->SUPER::processing_instruction({ Target => $_[1], Data => $_[2] });
# _handle_start_cdata
sub _handle_start_cdata {
$_[0]->{__XSE}->SUPER::start_cdata( {} );
# _handle_end_cdata
sub _handle_end_cdata {
$_[0]->{__XSE}->SUPER::end_cdata( {} );
# _handle_xml_decl
sub _handle_xml_decl {
my $self = shift()->{__XSE};
my $version = shift;
my $encoding = shift;
my $standalone = shift;
if (not defined $standalone) { $standalone = ''; }
elsif ($standalone) { $standalone = 'yes'; }
else { $standalone = 'no'; }
my $xd = {
Version => $version,
Encoding => $encoding,
Standalone => $standalone,
# _handle_notation_decl
sub _handle_notation_decl {
my $self = shift()->{__XSE};
my $notation = shift;
my $system = shift;
my $public = shift;
my $not = {
Name => $notation,
PublicId => $public,
SystemId => $system,
# _handle_unparsed_entity
sub _handle_unparsed_entity {
my $self = shift()->{__XSE};
my $name = shift;
my $system = shift;
my $public = shift;
my $notation = shift;
my $ue = {
Name => $name,
PublicId => $public,
SystemId => $system,
Notation => $notation,
# _handle_element_decl
sub _handle_element_decl {
$_[0]->{__XSE}->SUPER::element_decl({ Name => $_[1], Model => "$_[2]" });
# _handle_attr_decl
sub _handle_attr_decl {
my $self = shift()->{__XSE};
my $ename = shift;
my $aname = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $default = shift;
my $fixed = shift;
my ($vd, $value);
if ($fixed) {
$vd = '#FIXED';
$default =~ s/^(?:"|')//; #"
$default =~ s/(?:"|')$//; #"
$value = $default;
else {
if ($default =~ m/^#/) {
$vd = $default;
$value = '';
else {
$vd = ''; # maybe there's a default ?
$default =~ s/^(?:"|')//; #"
$default =~ s/(?:"|')$//; #"
$value = $default;
my $at = {
eName => $ename,
aName => $aname,
Type => $type,
ValueDefault => $vd,
Value => $value,
# _handle_entity_decl
sub _handle_entity_decl {
my $self = shift()->{__XSE};
my $name = shift;
my $val = shift;
my $sys = shift;
my $pub = shift;
my $ndata = shift;
my $isprm = shift;
# deal with param ents
if ($isprm) {
$name = '%' . $name;
# int vs ext
if ($val) {
my $ent = {
Name => $name,
Value => $val,
else {
my $ent = {
Name => $name,
PublicId => $pub || '',
SystemId => $sys,
# _handle_start_doctype
sub _handle_start_doctype {
my $self = shift()->{__XSE};
my $name = shift;
my $sys = shift;
my $pub = shift;
$self->_handle_start_document({}) unless $self->{_started};
my $dtd = {
Name => $name,
SystemId => $sys,
PublicId => $pub,
# _handle_end_doctype
sub _handle_end_doctype {
$_[0]->{__XSE}->SUPER::end_dtd( {} );
# _handle_start_document
sub _handle_start_document {
$_[0]->{_started} = 1;
# supported_features
sub supported_features {
return (
#`,`, Private Helpers `,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,#
# _create_node
#sub _create_node {
# shift;
# # this may check for a factory later
# return {@_};
#`,`, Documentation `,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,#
=head1 NAME
XML::SAX::Expat - SAX2 Driver for Expat (XML::Parser)
use XML::SAX::Expat;
use XML::SAX::MyFooHandler;
my $h = XML::SAX::MyFooHandler->new;
my $p = XML::SAX::Expat->new(Handler => $h);
This is an implementation of a SAX2 driver sitting on top of Expat
(XML::Parser) which Ken MacLeod posted to perl-xml and which I have
It is still incomplete, though most of the basic SAX2 events should be
available. The SAX2 spec is currently available from L<>.
A more friendly URL as well as a PODification of the spec are in the
=head1 METHODS
The methods defined in this class correspond to those listed in the
PerlSAX2 specification, available above.
=over 2
=item supported_features
* [ Features supported by ancestors ]
Turning one of the first two on also turns the other on (this maps
to the XML::Parser ParseParamEnts option). This may be fixed in the
future, so don't rely on this behaviour.
XML::Parser has no listed callbacks for the following events, which
are therefore not presently generated (ways may be found in the
* ignorable_whitespace
* skipped_entity
* start_entity / end_entity
* resolve_entity
Ways of signalling them are welcome. In addition to those,
set_document_locator is not yet called.
=head1 TODO
- reuse Ken's tests and add more
=head1 AUTHOR
Robin Berjon; stolen from Ken Macleod,, and with
suggestions and feedback from perl-xml. Currently maintained by Bjoern
Hoehrmann, L<>.
Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Robin Berjon. All rights reserved. This program is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO