Your IP :
# NOTE: Derived from blib/lib/Net/
# Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again.
# See
package Net::SSLeay;
#line 1032 "blib/lib/Net/ (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Net/SSLeay/"
### Standard initialisation. Initialise the ssl library in the usual way
### at most once. Override this if you need differnet initialisation
### SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms is also protected against multiple runs in SSLeay.xs
### and is also mutex protected in threading perls
my $library_initialised;
sub initialize
if (!$library_initialised)
load_error_strings(); # Some bloat, but I'm after ease of use
SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms(); # and debuggability.
# end of Net::SSLeay::initialize