Your IP :
# -*- mode: perl -*-
# ============================================================================
package Net::SNMP::Dispatcher;
# $Id:,v 4.1 2010/09/10 00:01:22 dtown Rel $
# Object that dispatches SNMP messages and handles the scheduling of events.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2010 David M. Town <>
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
# ============================================================================
use strict;
use Errno;
use Net::SNMP::MessageProcessing();
use Net::SNMP::Message qw( TRUE FALSE );
## Version of the Net::SNMP::Dispatcher module
our $VERSION = v4.0.1;
## Package variables
our $INSTANCE; # Reference to our Singleton object
our $DEBUG = FALSE; # Debug flag
our $MESSAGE_PROCESSING; # Reference to the Message Processing object
## Event array indexes
sub _ACTIVE { 0 } # State of the event
sub _TIME { 1 } # Execution time
sub _CALLBACK { 2 } # Callback reference
sub _PREVIOUS { 3 } # Previous event
sub _NEXT { 4 } # Next event
# Use a higher resolution of time() and possibly a monotonically
# increasing time value if the Time::HiRes module is available.
if (eval 'require Time::HiRes') {
no warnings;
if (eval 'Time::HiRes::clock_gettime(Time::HiRes::CLOCK_MONOTONIC())' > 0)
*time = sub () {
# Validate the creation of the Message Processing object.
if (!defined($MESSAGE_PROCESSING = Net::SNMP::MessageProcessing->instance()))
die 'FATAL: Failed to create Message Processing instance';
# [public methods] -----------------------------------------------------------
sub instance
return $INSTANCE ||= Net::SNMP::Dispatcher->_new();
sub loop
my ($this) = @_;
return TRUE if ($this->{_active});
$this->{_active} = TRUE;
# Process while there are events and file descriptor handlers.
while (defined $this->{_event_queue_h} || keys %{$this->{_descriptors}}) {
return $this->{_active} = FALSE;
sub one_event
my ($this) = @_;
return TRUE if ($this->{_active});
if (defined $this->{_event_queue_h} || keys %{$this->{_descriptors}}) {
$this->{_active} = TRUE;
$this->{_active} = FALSE;
return (defined $this->{_event_queue_h} || keys %{$this->{_descriptors}});
sub activate
goto &loop;
sub listen
goto &loop;
sub send_pdu
my ($this, $pdu, $delay) = @_;
# Clear any previous errors
if ((@_ < 2) || !ref $pdu) {
return $this->_error('The required PDU object is missing or invalid');
# If the Dispatcher is active and the delay value is negative,
# send the message immediately.
if ($delay < 0) {
if ($this->{_active}) {
return $this->_send_pdu($pdu, $pdu->retries());
$delay = 0;
$this->schedule($delay, [\&_send_pdu, $pdu, $pdu->retries()]);
return TRUE;
sub return_response_pdu
my ($this, $pdu) = @_;
return $this->send_pdu($pdu, -1);
sub msg_handle_alloc
return $MESSAGE_PROCESSING->msg_handle_alloc();
sub schedule
my ($this, $time, $callback) = @_;
return $this->_event_create($time, $this->_callback_create($callback));
sub cancel
my ($this, $event) = @_;
return $this->_event_delete($event);
sub register
my ($this, $transport, $callback) = @_;
# Transport Domain and file descriptor must be valid.
my $fileno;
if (!defined($transport) || !defined($fileno = $transport->fileno())) {
return $this->_error('The Transport Domain object is invalid');
# NOTE: The callback must read the data associated with the
# file descriptor or the Dispatcher will continuously
# call the callback and get stuck in an infinite loop.
if (!exists $this->{_descriptors}->{$fileno}) {
# Make sure that the "readable" vector is defined.
if (!defined $this->{_rin}) {
$this->{_rin} = q{};
# Add the file descriptor to the list.
$this->{_descriptors}->{$fileno} = [
$this->_callback_create($callback), # Callback
$transport, # Transport Domain object
1 # Reference count
# Add the file descriptor to the "readable" vector.
vec($this->{_rin}, $fileno, 1) = 1;
DEBUG_INFO('added handler for descriptor [%d]', $fileno);
} else {
# Bump up the reference count.
return $transport;
sub deregister
my ($this, $transport) = @_;
# Transport Domain and file descriptor must be valid.
my $fileno;
if (!defined($transport) || !defined($fileno = $transport->fileno())) {
return $this->_error('The Transport Domain object is invalid');
if (exists $this->{_descriptors}->{$fileno}) {
# Check reference count.
if (--$this->{_descriptors}->{$fileno}->[2] < 1) {
# Remove the file descriptor from the list.
delete $this->{_descriptors}->{$fileno};
# Remove the file descriptor from the "readable" vector.
vec($this->{_rin}, $fileno, 1) = 0;
# Undefine the vector if there are no file descriptors,
# some systems expect this to make select() work properly.
if (!keys %{$this->{_descriptors}}) {
$this->{_rin} = undef;
DEBUG_INFO('removed handler for descriptor [%d]', $fileno);
} else {
return $this->_error('The Transport Domain object is not registered');
return $transport;
sub error
return $_[0]->{_error} || q{};
sub debug
return (@_ == 2) ? $DEBUG = ($_[1]) ? TRUE : FALSE : $DEBUG;
# [private methods] ----------------------------------------------------------
sub _new
my ($class) = @_;
# The constructor is private since we only want one
# Dispatcher object.
return bless {
'_active' => FALSE, # State of this Dispatcher object
'_error' => undef, # Error message
'_event_queue_h' => undef, # Head of the event queue
'_event_queue_t' => undef, # Tail of the event queue
'_rin' => undef, # Readable vector for select()
'_descriptors' => {}, # List of file descriptors to monitor
}, $class;
sub _send_pdu
my ($this, $pdu, $retries) = @_;
# Pass the PDU to Message Processing so that it can
# create the new outgoing message.
my $msg = $MESSAGE_PROCESSING->prepare_outgoing_msg($pdu);
if (!defined $msg) {
# Inform the command generator about the Message Processing error.
# Actually send the message.
if (!defined $msg->send()) {
# Delete the msgHandle.
if ($pdu->expect_response()) {
# A crude attempt to recover from temporary failures.
if (($retries-- > 0) && ($!{EAGAIN} || $!{EWOULDBLOCK})) {
DEBUG_INFO('attempting recovery from temporary failure');
$this->schedule($pdu->timeout(), [\&_send_pdu, $pdu, $retries]);
return FALSE;
# Inform the command generator about the send() error.
# Schedule the timeout handler if the message expects a response.
if ($pdu->expect_response()) {
$this->register($msg->transport(), [\&_transport_response_received]);
[\&_transport_timeout, $pdu, $retries, $msg->msg_id()]
return TRUE;
sub _transport_timeout
my ($this, $pdu, $retries, $handle) = @_;
# Stop waiting for responses.
# Delete the msgHandle.
if ($retries-- > 0) {
# Resend a new message.
DEBUG_INFO('retries left %d', $retries);
return $this->_send_pdu($pdu, $retries);
} else {
# Inform the command generator about the timeout.
q{No response from remote host "%s"}, $pdu->hostname()
sub _transport_response_received
my ($this, $transport) = @_;
# Clear any previous errors
if (!ref $transport) {
die 'FATAL: The Transport Domain object is invalid';
# Create a new Message object to receive the response
my ($msg, $error) = Net::SNMP::Message->new(-transport => $transport);
if (!defined $msg) {
die sprintf 'Failed to create Message object: %s', $error;
# Read the message from the Transport Layer
if (!defined $msg->recv()) {
if (!$transport->connectionless()) {
return $this->_error($msg->error());
# For connection-oriented Transport Domains, it is possible to
# "recv" an empty buffer if reassembly is required.
if (!$msg->length()) {
DEBUG_INFO('ignoring zero length message');
return FALSE;
# Hand the message over to Message Processing.
if (!defined $MESSAGE_PROCESSING->prepare_data_elements($msg)) {
return $this->_error($MESSAGE_PROCESSING->error());
# Set the error if applicable.
if ($MESSAGE_PROCESSING->error()) {
# Cancel the timeout.
# Stop waiting for responses.
# Notify the command generator to process the response.
return $msg->process_response_pdu();
sub _event_create
my ($this, $time, $callback) = @_;
# Create a new event anonymous array and add it to the queue.
# The event is initialized based on the currrent state of the
# Dispatcher object. If the Dispatcher is not currently running
# the event needs to be created such that it will get properly
# initialized when the Dispatcher is started.
return $this->_event_insert(
$this->{_active}, # State of the object
$this->{_active} ? time() + $time : $time, # Execution time
$callback, # Callback reference
undef, # Previous event
undef, # Next event
sub _event_insert
my ($this, $event) = @_;
# If the head of the list is not defined, we _must_ be the only
# entry in the list, so create a new head and tail reference.
if (!defined $this->{_event_queue_h}) {
DEBUG_INFO('created new head and tail [%s]', $event);
return $this->{_event_queue_h} = $this->{_event_queue_t} = $event;
# Estimate the midpoint of the list by calculating the average of
# the time associated with the head and tail of the list. Based
# on this value either start at the head or tail of the list to
# search for an insertion point for the new Event.
my $midpoint = (($this->{_event_queue_h}->[_TIME] +
$this->{_event_queue_t}->[_TIME]) / 2);
if ($event->[_TIME] >= $midpoint) {
# Search backwards from the tail of the list
for (my $e = $this->{_event_queue_t}; defined $e; $e = $e->[_PREVIOUS]) {
if ($e->[_TIME] <= $event->[_TIME]) {
$event->[_PREVIOUS] = $e;
$event->[_NEXT] = $e->[_NEXT];
if ($e eq $this->{_event_queue_t}) {
DEBUG_INFO('modified tail [%s]', $event);
$this->{_event_queue_t} = $event;
} else {
DEBUG_INFO('inserted [%s] into list', $event);
$e->[_NEXT]->[_PREVIOUS] = $event;
return $e->[_NEXT] = $event;
DEBUG_INFO('added [%s] to head of list', $event);
$event->[_NEXT] = $this->{_event_queue_h};
$this->{_event_queue_h} = $this->{_event_queue_h}->[_PREVIOUS] = $event;
} else {
# Search forward from the head of the list
for (my $e = $this->{_event_queue_h}; defined $e; $e = $e->[_NEXT]) {
if ($e->[_TIME] > $event->[_TIME]) {
$event->[_NEXT] = $e;
$event->[_PREVIOUS] = $e->[_PREVIOUS];
if ($e eq $this->{_event_queue_h}) {
DEBUG_INFO('modified head [%s]', $event);
$this->{_event_queue_h} = $event;
} else {
DEBUG_INFO('inserted [%s] into list', $event);
$e->[_PREVIOUS]->[_NEXT] = $event;
return $e->[_PREVIOUS] = $event;
DEBUG_INFO('added [%s] to tail of list', $event);
$event->[_PREVIOUS] = $this->{_event_queue_t};
$this->{_event_queue_t} = $this->{_event_queue_t}->[_NEXT] = $event;
return $event;
sub _event_delete
my ($this, $event) = @_;
my $info = q{};
# Update the previous event
if (defined $event->[_PREVIOUS]) {
$event->[_PREVIOUS]->[_NEXT] = $event->[_NEXT];
} elsif ($event eq $this->{_event_queue_h}) {
if (defined ($this->{_event_queue_h} = $event->[_NEXT])) {
$info = sprintf ', defined new head [%s]', $event->[_NEXT];
} else {
DEBUG_INFO('deleted [%s], list is now empty', $event);
$this->{_event_queue_t} = undef @{$event};
return FALSE; # Indicate queue is empty
} else {
die 'FATAL: Attempted to delete Event object with an invalid head';
# Update the next event
if (defined $event->[_NEXT]) {
$event->[_NEXT]->[_PREVIOUS] = $event->[_PREVIOUS];
} elsif ($event eq $this->{_event_queue_t}) {
$info .= sprintf ', defined new tail [%s]', $event->[_PREVIOUS];
$this->{_event_queue_t} = $event->[_PREVIOUS];
} else {
die 'FATAL: Attempted to delete Event object with an invalid tail';
DEBUG_INFO('deleted [%s]%s', $event, $info);
undef @{$event};
# Indicate queue still has entries
return TRUE;
sub _event_init
my ($this, $event) = @_;
DEBUG_INFO('initializing event [%s]', $event);
# Save the time and callback because they will be cleared.
my ($time, $callback) = @{$event}[_TIME, _CALLBACK];
# Remove the event from the queue.
# Update the appropriate fields.
$event->[_ACTIVE] = $this->{_active};
$event->[_TIME] = $this->{_active} ? time() + $time : $time;
$event->[_CALLBACK] = $callback;
# Insert the event back into the queue.
return TRUE;
sub _event_handle
my ($this, $timeout) = @_;
my $time = time();
if (defined (my $event = $this->{_event_queue_h})) {
# If the event was inserted with a non-zero delay while the
# Dispatcher was not active, the scheduled time of the event
# needs to be updated.
if (!$event->[_ACTIVE] && $event->[_TIME]) {
return $this->_event_init($event);
if ($event->[_TIME] <= $time) {
# If the scheduled time of the event is past, execute it and
# set the timeout to zero to poll the descriptors immediately.
$timeout = 0;
} elsif (!defined $timeout) {
# Calculate the timeout for the next event unless one was
# specified by the caller.
$timeout = $event->[_TIME] - $time;
DEBUG_INFO('event [%s], timeout = %.04f', $event, $timeout);
# Check the file descriptors for activity.
my $nfound = select(my $rout = $this->{_rin}, undef, undef, $timeout);
if (!defined $nfound || $nfound < 0) {
if ($!{EINTR}) { # Recoverable error
return FALSE;
} else {
die sprintf 'FATAL: select() error: %s', $!;
} elsif ($nfound > 0) {
# Find out which file descriptors have data ready for reading.
if (defined $rout) {
for (keys %{$this->{_descriptors}}) {
if (vec $rout, $_, 1) {
DEBUG_INFO('descriptor [%d] ready for read', $_);
return TRUE;
sub _callback_create
my ($this, $callback) = @_;
# Callbacks can be passed in two different ways. If the callback
# has options, the callback must be passed as an ARRAY reference
# with the first element being a CODE reference and the remaining
# elements the arguments. If the callback has no options it is
# just passed as a CODE reference.
if ((ref($callback) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($callback->[0]) eq 'CODE')) {
return $callback;
} elsif (ref($callback) eq 'CODE') {
return [$callback];
} else {
return [];
sub _callback_execute
my ($this, @argv) = @_;
# The callback is invoked passing a reference to this object
# with the parameters passed by the user next and then any
# parameters that the caller provides.
my ($callback, @user_argv) = @{shift @argv};
# Protect ourselves from user error.
eval { $callback->($this, @user_argv, @argv); };
return ($@) ? $this->_error($@) : TRUE;
sub _error
my $this = shift;
if (!defined $this->{_error}) {
$this->{_error} = (@_ > 1) ? sprintf(shift(@_), @_) : $_[0];
if ($this->debug()) {
printf "error: [%d] %s(): %s\n",
(caller 0)[2], (caller 1)[3], $this->{_error};
sub _error_clear
return $_[0]->{_error} = undef;
return $DEBUG if (!$DEBUG);
return printf
sprintf('debug: [%d] %s(): ', (caller 0)[2], (caller 1)[3]) .
((@_ > 1) ? shift(@_) : '%s') .
# ============================================================================
1; # [end Net::SNMP::Dispatcher]