Your IP :
package File::HomeDir::Darwin;
use 5.00503;
use strict;
use Cwd ();
use Carp ();
use File::HomeDir::Unix ();
use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA};
$VERSION = '1.002';
@ISA = 'File::HomeDir::Unix';
# Current User Methods
sub my_home {
my $class = shift;
if ( exists $ENV{HOME} and defined $ENV{HOME} ) {
return $ENV{HOME};
my $home = (getpwuid($<))[7];
return $home if $home && -d $home;
return undef;
sub _my_home {
my($class, $path) = @_;
my $home = $class->my_home;
return undef unless defined $home;
my $folder = "$home/$path";
unless ( -d $folder ) {
# Make sure that symlinks resolve to directories.
return undef unless -l $folder;
my $dir = readlink $folder or return;
return undef unless -d $dir;
return Cwd::abs_path($folder);
sub my_desktop {
my $class = shift;
sub my_documents {
my $class = shift;
sub my_data {
my $class = shift;
$class->_my_home('Library/Application Support');
sub my_music {
my $class = shift;
sub my_pictures {
my $class = shift;
sub my_videos {
my $class = shift;
# Arbitrary User Methods
sub users_home {
my $class = shift;
my $home = $class->SUPER::users_home(@_);
return defined $home ? Cwd::abs_path($home) : undef;
sub users_desktop {
my ($class, $name) = @_;
return undef if $name eq 'root';
$class->_to_user( $class->my_desktop, $name );
sub users_documents {
my ($class, $name) = @_;
return undef if $name eq 'root';
$class->_to_user( $class->my_documents, $name );
sub users_data {
my ($class, $name) = @_;
$class->_to_user( $class->my_data, $name )
# cheap hack ... not entirely reliable, perhaps, but ... c'est la vie, since
# there's really no other good way to do it at this time, that i know of -- pudge
sub _to_user {
my ($class, $path, $name) = @_;
my $my_home = $class->my_home;
my $users_home = $class->users_home($name);
defined $users_home or return undef;
$path =~ s/^\Q$my_home/$users_home/;
return $path;
=head1 NAME
File::HomeDir::Darwin - Find your home and other directories on Darwin (OS X)
This module provides Mac OS X specific file path for determining
common user directories in pure perl, by just using C<$ENV{HOME}>
without Carbon nor Cocoa API calls. In normal usage this module will
always be used via L<File::HomeDir>.
use File::HomeDir;
# Find directories for the current user
$home = File::HomeDir->my_home; # /Users/mylogin
$desktop = File::HomeDir->my_desktop; # /Users/mylogin/Desktop
$docs = File::HomeDir->my_documents; # /Users/mylogin/Documents
$music = File::HomeDir->my_music; # /Users/mylogin/Music
$pics = File::HomeDir->my_pictures; # /Users/mylogin/Pictures
$videos = File::HomeDir->my_videos; # /Users/mylogin/Movies
$data = File::HomeDir->my_data; # /Users/mylogin/Library/Application Support