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Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node
Unless you are using bind or NIS for host lookups you can change the DNS
                              [mod] [dyn] [reinstate] [[dev] If]
                              [netmask N] [mss Mss] [window W] [irtt I]
                  [nibble NN] [trigger NN]
          %s addr:%s           EtherTalk Phase 2 addr:%s
          IPX/Ethernet 802.2 addr:%s
          IPX/Ethernet 802.3 addr:%s
          IPX/Ethernet II addr:%s
          IPX/Ethernet SNAP addr:%s
          collisions:%lu           econet addr:%s
          inet6 addr: %s/%d        -C, --cache              display routing cache instead of FIB

        -D, --use-device         read <hwaddr> from given device
        -M, --masquerade         display masqueraded connections

        -N, --symbolic           resolve hardware names
        -a                       display (all) hosts in alternative (BSD) style
        -a, --all, --listening   display all sockets (default: connected)
        -c, --continuous         continuous listing

        -d, --delete             delete a specified entry
        -g, --groups             display multicast group memberships
        -i, --device             specify network interface (e.g. eth0)
        -i, --interfaces         display interface table
        -l, --listening          display listening server sockets
        -n, --numeric            dont resolve names
        -o, --timers             display timers
        -p, --programs           display PID/Program name for sockets
        -r, --route              display routing table
        -s, --set                set a new ARP entry
        -s, --statistics         display networking statistics (like SNMP)
        -v, --verbose            be verbose
       domainname [-v] {nisdomain|-F file}   set NIS domainname (from file)
       hostname -V|--version|-h|--help       print info and exit

       hostname [-v]                         display hostname

       hostname [-v] [-d|-f|-s|-a|-i|-y|-n]  display formatted name
       inet6_route [-FC] flush      NOT supported
       inet6_route [-vF] add Target [gw Gw] [metric M] [[dev] If]
       inet_route [-FC] flush      NOT supported
       inet_route [-vF] add {-host|-net} Target[/prefix] [gw Gw] [metric M]
       inet_route [-vF] add {-host|-net} Target[/prefix] [metric M] reject
       ipmaddr show [ dev STRING ] [ ipv4 | ipv6 | link | all ]
       netstat [-vnNcaeol] [<Socket> ...]
       netstat { [-veenNac] -i | [-cnNe] -M | -s }

       rarp -V                               display program version.

       rarp -d <hostname>                    delete entry from cache.
       rarp -f                               add entries from /etc/ethers.
       rarp [<HW>] -s <hostname> <hwaddr>    add entry to cache.
       route [-v] [-FC] {add|del|flush} ...  Modify routing table for AF.

       route {-V|--version}                  Display version/author and exit.

       route {-h|--help} [<AF>]              Detailed usage syntax for specified AF.
    -a, --alias           alias names
    -d, --domain          DNS domain name
    -f, --fqdn, --long    long host name (FQDN)
    -i, --ip-address      addresses for the hostname
    -n, --node            DECnet node name
    -s, --short           short host name
    -y, --yp, --nis       NIS/YP domainname
    dnsdomainname=hostname -d, {yp,nis,}domainname=hostname -y

  <AF>=Address family. Default: %s
  <AF>=Use '-A <af>' or '--<af>' Default: %s
  <HW>=Hardware Type.
  <HW>=Use '-H <hw>' to specify hardware address type. Default: %s
  <Socket>={-t|--tcp} {-u|--udp} {-w|--raw} {-x|--unix} --ax25 --ipx --netrom
  List of possible address families (which support routing):
  List of possible address families:
  List of possible hardware types (which support ARP):
  List of possible hardware types:
  Outfill:%d  Keepalive:%d  [[-]broadcast [<address>]]  [[-]pointopoint [<address>]]
  [[-]trailers]  [[-]arp]  [[-]allmulti]
  [add <address>[/<prefixlen>]]
  [del <address>[/<prefixlen>]]
  [hw <HW> <address>]  [metric <NN>]  [mtu <NN>]
  [mem_start <NN>]  [io_addr <NN>]  [irq <NN>]  [media <type>]
  [multicast]  [[-]promisc]
  [outfill <NN>] [keepalive <NN>]
  [up|down] ...

  arp [-v]          [-i <if>] -d  <hostname> [pub][nopub]    <-Delete ARP entry
  arp [-v]   [<HW>] [-i <if>] -Ds <hostname> <if> [netmask <nm>] pub      <-''-

  arp [-v]   [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s  <hostname> <hwaddr> [netmask <nm>] pub  <-''-
  arp [-v]   [<HW>] [-i <if>] -s  <hostname> <hwaddr> [temp][nopub] <-Add entry
 Bcast:%s  MTU:%d  Metric:%d Mask:%s
 P-t-P:%s  Path
 Scope: Timer User User       Inode     %-9.9s Link encap:%s  %d ICMP messages failed%d ICMP messages received%d ICMP messages sent%d ICMP packets dropped because socket was locked%d ICMP packets dropped because they were out-of-window%d SYN cookies received%d active connection openings%d bad segments received%d connection resets received%d connections established%d dropped because of missing route%d failed connection attempts%d forwarded%d fragments created%d fragments dropped after timeout%d fragments failed%d fragments received ok%d incoming packets delivered%d incoming packets discarded%d input ICMP message failed%d invalid SYN cookies received%d outgoing packets dropped%d packet reassemblies failed%d packet receive errors%d packets dropped from out-of-order queue because of socket buffer overrun%d packets pruned from out-of-order queue%d packets pruned from receive queue because of socket buffer overrun%d packets reassembled ok%d packets received%d packets sent%d packets to unknown port received%d passive connection openings%d reassemblies required%d requests sent out%d resets received for embryonic SYN_RECV sockets%d resets sent%d segments received%d segments retransmitted%d segments sent out%d total packets received%d with invalid addresses%d with invalid headers%d with unknown protocol%s	nibble %lu  trigger %lu
%s: You can't change the DNS domain name with this command
%s: address family not supported!
%s: bad hardware address
%s: can't open `%s'
%s: error fetching interface information: %s
%s: hardware type not supported!
%s: illegal option mix.
%s: invalid %s address.
%s: name too long
%s: unknown interface: %s
%s: you must be root to change the domain name
%s: you must be root to change the host name
%s: you must be root to change the node name
(Cisco)-HDLC(No info could be read for "-p": geteuid()=%d but you should be root.)
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
 will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
(auto)(only servers)(servers and established)(w/o servers)6-bit Serial Line IPALLMULTI AMPR AX.25AMPR NET/ROMAMPR ROSEARCnetAX.25 not configured in this system.
Active AX.25 sockets
Active IPX sockets
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address              Foreign Address            StateActive Internet connections Active NET/ROM sockets
Active UNIX domain sockets Adaptive Serial Line IPAddress                  HWtype  HWaddress           Flags Mask            Iface
Address deletion not supported on this system.
Address family `%s' not supported.
Appletalk DDPAshBROADCAST Base address:0x%x CLOSECLOSE_WAITCLOSINGCONN SENTCONNECTEDCONNECTINGCallsign too longCannot change line discipline to `%s'.
Cannot create socketCompatDARPA InternetDEBUG DGRAMDISC SENTDISCONNECTINGDMA chan:%x DYNAMIC Default TTL is %dDest       Source     Device  State        Vr/Vs    Send-Q  Recv-Q
Destination                                 Next Hop                                Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
Destination               Router Net                Router Node
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface    MSS   Window irtt
Destination  Iface    Use
Destination  Mnemonic  Quality  Neighbour  Iface
Device not foundDon't know how to set addresses for family %d.
ESTABESTABLISHEDEconetEntries: %d	Skipped: %d	Found: %d
EthernetFIN_WAIT1FIN_WAIT2FREEFiber Distributed Data InterfaceFlushing `inet' routing table not supported
Flushing `inet6' routing table not supported
Forwarding is %sFrame Relay Access DeviceFrame Relay DLCIGlobalHIPPIHWaddr %s  Hardware type `%s' not supported.
HostICMP input histogram:ICMP output histogram:INET (IPv4) not configured in this system.
INET6 (IPv6) not configured in this system.
IP masquerading entries
IPIP TunnelIPX not configured in this system.
IPX: this needs to be written
Interrupt:%d Invalid callsignKernel AX.25 routing table
Kernel IP routing cache
Kernel IP routing table
Kernel IPX routing table
Kernel IPv6 Neighbour Cache
Kernel IPv6 routing table
Kernel Interface table
Kernel NET/ROM routing table
Kernel ROSE routing table
LAPBLAST_ACKLISTENLISTENINGLOOPBACK LinkLocal LoopbackMASTER MULTICAST Malformed Ash addressMedia:%sMemory:%lx-%lx Modifying `inet' routing cache not supported
NET/ROM not configured in this system.
NET/ROM: this needs to be written
NOARP NOTRAILERS Neighbour                                   HW Address        Iface    Flags Ref State
Neighbour                                   HW Address        Iface    Flags Ref State            Stale(sec) Delete(sec)
No ARP entry for %s
No routing for address family `%s'.
No support for ECONET on this system.
No support for INET on this system.
No support for INET6 on this system.
No usable address families found.
Node address must be ten digitsPOINTOPOINT PROMISC Please don't supply more than one address family.
Point-to-Point ProtocolRAWRDMRECOVERYROSE not configured in this system.
RTO algorithm is %sRUNNING RX packets:%lu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu frame:%lu
Resolving `%s' ...
Result: h_addr_list=`%s'
Result: h_aliases=`%s'
Result: h_name=`%s'
Routing table for `ddp' not yet supported.
Setting hostname to `%s'
Setting nodename to `%s'
SiteSorry, use pppd!
Source          Destination     Gateway         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface
Source          Destination     Gateway         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
Source          Destination     Gateway         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface    MSS   Window irtt  HH  Arp
Source          Destination     Gateway         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface    MSS   Window irtt  TOS HHRef HHUptod     SpecDst
TIME_WAITTX packets:%lu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu carrier:%lu
This kernel does not support RARP.
Too much address family arguments.
UNIX DomainUNK.UNKNOWNUNSPECUP UnknownUnknown address family `%s'.
Unknown media type.
  arp [-vn]  [<HW>] [-i <if>] [-a] [<hostname>]             <-Display ARP cache
  ifconfig [-a] [-i] [-v] <interface> [[<AF>] <address>]
Usage: hostname [-v] {hostname|-F file}      set hostname (from file)
Usage: inet6_route [-vF] del Target
Usage: inet_route [-vF] del {-host|-net} Target[/prefix] [gw Gw] [metric M] [[dev] If]
Usage: ipmaddr [ add | del ] MULTIADDR dev STRING
Usage: plipconfig [-a] [-i] [-v] interface
Usage: rarp -a                               list entries in cache.
Usage: route [-nNvee] [-FC] [<AF>]           List kernel routing tables
User       Dest       Source     Device  State        Vr/Vs    Send-Q  Recv-Q
VJ 6-bit Serial Line IPVJ Serial Line IPYou cannot start PPP with this program.
[NO FLAGS][NO FLAGS] [NONE SET]address mask repliesaddress mask replies: %daddress mask request: %daddress mask requests: %darp: %s: hardware type without ARP support.
arp: %s: kernel only supports 'inet'.
arp: %s: unknown address family.
arp: %s: unknown hardware type.
arp: cannot open etherfile %s !
arp: cannot set entry on line %u of etherfile %s !
arp: format error on line %u of etherfile %s !
arp: in %d entries no match found.
arp: invalid hardware address
arp: need hardware address
arp: need host name
cannot open /proc/net/snmpcompressed:%lu destination unreachable: %ddisableddomain name (which is part of the FQDN) in the /etc/hosts file.
echo replies: %decho requests: %denablederror parsing /proc/net/snmpgetdomainname()=`%s'
in_arcnet(%s): invalid arcnet address!
in_arcnet(%s): trailing : ignored!
in_arcnet(%s): trailing junk!
in_ether(%s): invalid ether address!
in_ether(%s): trailing : ignored!
in_ether(%s): trailing junk!
in_fddi(%s): invalid fddi address!
in_fddi(%s): trailing : ignored!
in_fddi(%s): trailing junk!
in_hippi(%s): invalid hippi address!
in_hippi(%s): trailing : ignored!
in_hippi(%s): trailing junk!
in_tr(%s): invalid token ring address!
in_tr(%s): trailing : ignored!
in_tr(%s): trailing junk!
ip: %s is invalid IPv4 address
ip: %s is invalid inet address
ip: %s is invalid inet prefix
ip: argument is wrong: %s
missing interface informationnetrom usage
netstat: unsupported address family %d !
no RARP entry for %s.
off (0.00/%ld/%d)on%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)prot   expire    initseq delta prevd source               destination          ports
prot   expire source               destination          ports
rarp: %s: unknown hardware type.
rarp: %s: unknown host
rarp: cannot open file %s:%s.
rarp: cannot set entry from %s:%u
rarp: format error at %s:%u
redirect: %dredirects: %droute: %s: cannot use a NETWORK as gateway!
route: Invalid initial rtt.
route: Invalid window.
route: bogus netmask %s
route: netmask %.8x doesn't make sense with host route
route: netmask doesn't match route address
rresolve: unsupport address family %d !
slattach: /dev/%s already locked!
slattach: cannot write PID file
slattach: tty_hangup(DROP): %s
slattach: tty_hangup(RAISE): %s
slattach: tty_lock: UUCP user %s unknown!
slattach: tty_open: cannot get current line disc!
slattach: tty_open: cannot get current state!
slattach: tty_open: cannot set %s bps!
slattach: tty_open: cannot set 8N1 mode!
slattach: tty_open: cannot set RAW mode!
source quench: %dsource quenchs: %dtime exceeded: %dtimeout in transit: %dtimestamp replies: %dtimestamp reply: %dtimestamp request: %dtimestamp requests: %dtxqueuelen:%d unkn-%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)unknown title %s
usage: netstat [-veenNcCF] [<Af>] -r         netstat {-V|--version|-h|--help}
warning, got bogus igmp line %d.
warning, got bogus igmp6 line %d.
warning, got bogus raw line.
warning, got bogus tcp line.
warning, got bogus udp line.
warning, got bogus unix line.
warning: no inet socket available: %s
wrong parameters: %dProject-Id-Version: net-tools 1.51
POT-Creation-Date: 2000-02-14 02:31+0100
PO-Revision-Date: 1998-03-01 00:02+0100
Last-Translator: J.M.Vansteene <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Adresse locale          Adresse distante        Etat       
Proto RefCpt Indicatrs   Type       Etat          I-Node
Sauf si vous utilisez bind ou NIS pour les recherches d'h�tes, vous pouvez changer le
                              [mod] [dyn] [reinstate] [[dev] If]
                              [netmask N] [mss Mss] [window W] [irtt I]
                  [nibble NN] [trigger NN]
          %s adr:%s           adr EtherTalk Phase 2:%s
          adr IPX/Ethernet 802.2:%s
          adr IPX/Ethernet 802.3:%s
          adr IPX/Ethernet II:%s
          adr IPX/Ethernet SNAP:%s
          collisions:%lu           adr econet:%s
          adr inet6: %s/%d        -C, --cache              affiche le cache de routage au lieu de FIB

        -D, --use-device         lit l'<adrmat> depuis le p�riph�rique
        -M, --masquerade         affiche les connexions masqu�es

        -N, --symbolic           r�soud les noms mat�riels
        -a                       affiche (tous) les h�tes en style BSD
        -a, --all, --listening   affiche toutes les prises (d�faut: connect�s)
        -c, --continuous         listing continu

        -d, --delete             supprime une entr�e
        -g, --groups             affiche les membres d'un groupe multicast
        -i, --device             sp�cifie l'interface r�seau (p.ex. eth0)
        -i, --interfaces         affiche la table d'interfaces
        -l, --listening          affiche les sockets du serveur � l'�coute
        -n, --numeric            ne r�sout pas les noms
        -o, --timers             affiche les timers
        -p, --programs           affiche le nom du programme/PID des sockets
        -r, --route              affiche la table de routage
        -s, --set                d�finit une nouvelle entr�e ARP
        -s, --statistics         affiche les statistiques r�seau (comme SNMP)
        -v, --verbose            mode verbeux
       domainname [-v] {domaine_nis|-F fichier}   d�finit le domaine NIS (depuis le fichier)
       hostname -V|--version|-h|--help       affiche des infos et termine

       hostname [-v]                         affiche le nom d'h�te

       hostname [-v] [-d|-f|-s|-a|-i|-y|-n]  affiche le nom formatt�
       inet6_route [-FC] flush      PAS support�
       inet6_route [-vF] add Cible [gw Gw] [metric M] [[dev] If]
       inet_route [-FC] flush      PAS support�
       inet_route [-vF] add {-host|-net} Cible[/prefix] [gw Gw] [metric M]
       inet_route [-vF] add {-host|-net} Cible[/prefix] [metric M] reject
       ipmaddr show [ dev CHAINE ] [ ipv4 | ipv6 | link | all ]
       netstat [-vnNcaeol] [<Socket> ...]
       netstat { [-veenNac] -i | [-cnNe] -M | -s }

       rarp -V                               affiche la version.

       rarp -d <hostname>                    supprime l'entr�e du cache.
       rarp -f                               ajoute les entr�es depuis /etc/ethers.
       rarp [<HW>] -s <hostname> <adrmat>    ajoute l'entr�e au cache.
       route [-v] [-FC] {add|del|flush} ...  Modifie la table de routage pour AF.

       route {-V|--version}                  Affiche la version/auteur et termine.

       route {-h|--help} [<AF>]              Utilisation d�taill�e pour l'AF sp�cifi�.
    -a, --alias           noms d'alias
    -d, --domain          nom de domaine DNS
    -f, --fqdn, --long    nom d'h�te long (FQDN)
    -i, --ip-address      adresses de l'h�te
    -n, --node            nom de noeud DECnet
    -s, --short           nom d'h�te court
    -y, --yp, --nis       nom de domaine NIS/YP
    dnsdomainname=hostname -d, {yp,nis,}domainname=hostname -y

  <AF>=famille d'Adresses. D�faut: %s
  <AF>=Utiliser '-A <af>' ou '--<af>' D�faut: %s
  <HW>=Type de mat�riel.
  <HW>=Utilisez '-H <hw>' pour sp�cifier le type d'adresse mat�riel. D�faut: %s
  <Socket>={-t|--tcp} {-u|--udp} {-w|--raw} {-x|--unix} --ax25 --ipx --netrom
  Liste les familles d'adresses possibles (supportant le routage):
  Liste des familles d'adresses possibles:
  Liste les types de mat�riels supportant ARP:
  Liste des types de mat�riels possibles:
  Outfill:%d  Keepalive:%d  [[-]broadcast [<adresse>]]  [[-]pointopoint [<adresse>]]
  [[-]trailers]  [[-]arp]  [[-]allmulti]
  [add <adresse>[/<lg_prefixe>]]
  [del <adresse>[/<lg_prefixe>]]
  [hw <HW> <adresse>]  [metric <NN>]  [mtu <NN>]
  [mem_start <NN>]  [io_addr <NN>]  [irq <NN>]  [media <type>]
  [multicast]  [[-]promisc]
  [outfill <NN>] [keepalive <NN>]
  [up|down] ...

  arp [-v]          [-i <if>] -d  <h�te> [pub][nopub]     <-Supprime entr�e ARP
  arp [-v]   [<MAT>] [-i <if>] -Ds <h�te> <if> [netmask <nm>] pub      <-''-

  arp [-v]   [<MAT>] [-i <if>] -s  <h�te> <adrmat> [netmask <nm>] pub  <-''-
  arp [-v]   [<MAT>] [-i <if>] -s  <h�te> <adrmat> [temp][nopub] <-Ajout entr�e
 Bcast:%s  MTU:%d  Metric:%d Masque:%s
 P-t-P:%s  Chemin
 Scope: TimerUtilisatr Utilisatr  Inode     %-9.9s Lien encap:%s  %d messages ICMP en �chec%d messages ICMP re�us%d messages ICMP envoy�s%d paquets ICMP jet�s car la socket a �t� v�rouill�e%d ICMP paquets jet�s car hors de la fen�tre%d SYN-Cookies re�us%d ouvertures de connexions actives%d mauvais segments re�us%d r�initialisations de connexions re�ues%d connexions �tablies%d jet�s pour cause de route manquante%d tentatives de connexion �chou�es%d r�achemin�es%d fragments cr��s%d fragments jet�s apr�s timeout%d fragments en �chec%d fragments re�us correctement%d paquets entrant d�livr�s%d paquets entrant jet�s%d messages d'entr�e ICMP en �chec%d SYN-Cookies re�us incorrects%d paquets sortant jet�s%d paquets mal r�assembl�s%d erreurs en r�ception de paquets%d paquets jet�s de la file hors service en raison de tampon de sockets plein%d paquets supprim�s de la file hors service%d paquets supprim�s de la file de r�ception en raison de tampon de sockets plein%d paquets r�assembl�s correctement%d paquets re�us%d paquets envoy�s%d paquets re�us pour un port inconnu%d ouvertures de connexions passives%d n�cessitant un r�assemblage%d requ�tes envoy�es%d r�initialisations re�ues pour sockets SYN_RECV embryonnaires%d r�initialisations envoy�es%d segments re�us%d segments retransmis%d segments envoy�s%d paquets totaux re�us%d avec adresses invalides%d avec en-t�te invalides%d avec protocole inconnu%s	nibble %lu  trigger %lu
%s: Vous ne pouvez changer le nom de domaine DNS avec cette commande
%s: famille d'adresses non support�e !
%s: mauvaise adresse mat�riel
%s: ne peut ouvrir `%s'
%s: erreur lors de la recherche d'infos sur l'interface: %s
%s: type de mat�tiel non support� !
%s: combinaison d'options ill�gales.
%s: adresse %s invalide.
%s: nom trop long
%s: interface inconnue: %s
%s: vous devez �tre root pour changer le nom de domaine
%s: vous devez �tre root pour changer le nom d'h�te
%s: vous devez �tre root pour changer le nom de noeud
(Cisco)-HDLC(Pas d'infos lues pour "-p": geteuid()=%d mais vous devez �tre root.)
(Tous les processus ne peuvent �tre identifi�s, les infos sur les processus
non poss�d�s ne seront pas affich�es, vous devez �tre root pour les voir toutes.)
(auto)(seulement serveurs)(serveurs et �tablies)(sans serveurs)IP ligne s�rie - 6 bitsALLMULTI AMPR AX.25AMPR NET/ROMAMPR ROSEARCnetAX.25 pas configur� sur ce syst�me.
Sockets AX.25 actives
Sockets IPX actives
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Adresse locale             Adresse distante           EtatConnexions Internet actives sockets NET/ROM actives
Sockets du domaine UNIX activesIP ligne s�rie adaptativeAdresse                  TypeMap AdresseMat          Indicateurs           Iface
Suppression d'adresses pas support� par ce syst�me.
Famille d'adresses `%s' non support�e.
Appletalk DDPAshBROADCAST Adresse de base:0x%x CLOSECLOSE_WAITCLOSINGCONN SENTCONNECTEENCONNEXIONSignal d'appel trop longNe peut changer la discipline de ligne � `%s'.
Ne peut cr�er une socketCompatDARPA InternetDEBUG DGRAMDISC SENTENDECONNEXIONCanal DMA:%x DYNAMIC TTL par d�faut est %dDest       Source     Periph  Etat         Vr/Vs    Send-Q  Recv-Q
Destination                                 Prochain Hop                            Indic Metric Ref    Utilis. Iface
Destination               R�seau Routeur            Noeud Routeur
Destination     Passerelle      Genmask         Indic   MSS Fen�tre irtt Iface
Destination     Passerelle      Genmask         Indic Metric Ref    Use Iface
Destination     Passerelle      Genmask         Indic Metric Ref    Use Iface    MSS  Fen�tre irtt
Destination  Iface    Utilisation
Destination  Mnemoniq  Qualit�  Voisin     Iface
P�riph�rique non trouv�Ne sait pas comment d�finir les adresses pour la famille %d.
ESTABESTABLISHEDEconetEntr�es: %d	Ignor�es: %d	Trouv�es: %d
EthernetFIN_WAIT1FIN_WAIT2LIBREFiber Distributed Data InterfaceFlush de table de routage `inet' pas support�
Flush de table de routage `inet6' pas support�
R�acheminement est %sP�riph�riue d'acc�s Frame RelayFrame Relay DLCIGlobalHIPPIHWaddr %s  Type de mat�riel `%s' pas support�.
H�teHistogramme d'entr�e ICMPHistogramme de sortie ICMPINET (IPv4) pas configur� sur ce syst�me.
INET6 (IPv6) pas configur� sur ce syst�me.
Entr�es IP Masquerade
IPIP TunnelIPX pas configur� sur ce syst�me.
IPX: ceci doit �tre �crit
Interruption:%d Signal d'appel invalideTable de routage AX.25 du noyau
cache de routage IP du noyau
Table de routage IP du noyau
Table de routage IPX du noyau
Cache voisin IPv6 du noyau
Table de routage IPv6 du noyau
Table d'interfaces noyau
Table de routage NET/ROM du noyau
Table de routage ROSE du noyau
LAPBLAST_ACKLISTENLISTENINGLOOPBACK LienBoucle localeMASTER MULTICAST Adresse Ash malform�eMedia:%sM�moire:%lx-%lx Modification de cache de routage `inet' pas support�
NET/ROM pas configur� sur ce syst�me.
NET/ROM: ceci doit �tre �crit
NOARP NOTRAILERS Voisin                                      Adresse MAT       Iface    Indic Ref Etat
Voisin                                      Adresse MAT       Iface    Indic Ref Etat             Bloqu�(sec) D�tuit(sec)
Pas d'entr�e ARP pour %s
Pas de routage pour la famille d'adresses `%s'.
Pas de support de ECONET sur ce syst�me.
Pas de support de INET sur ce syst�me.
Pas de support de INET6 sur ce syst�me.
Pas de famille d'adresses utilisable trouv�e.
L'adresse de noeud doit avoir 10 chiffresPOINTOPOINT PROMISC Ne fournissez pas plus d'une famille d'adresses SVP.
Protocole Point-�-PointRAWRDMRECOVERYROSE pas configur� sur ce syst�me.
algorithme RTO est %sRUNNING Paquets Re�us:%lu erreurs:%lu jet�s:%lu d�bordements:%lu trames:%lu
R�solution de `%s' ...
R�sultat : h_addr_list=`%s'
R�sultat : h_aliases=`%s'
R�sultat : h_name=`%s'
Table de routage pour `ddp' pas encore support�.
SABM SENTSEQPACKETSLAVE STREAMSYN_RECVSYN_SENTIP ligne s�rieD�finit le nom de domaine � `%s'
D�finit le nom d'h�te � `%s'
D�finit le nom de noeud � `%s'
SiteD�sol�, utilisez pppd !
Source          Destination     Passerelle      Indic   MSS Fen�tre irtt Iface
Source          Destination     Passerelle      Indic Metric Ref    Use Iface
Source          Destination     Passerelle      Indic Metric Ref    Use Iface    MSS  Fen�tre irtt  HH  Arp
Source          Destination     Passerelle      Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface    MSS  Fen�tre irtt  TOS HHRef HHUptod     SpecDst
TIME_WAITPaquets transmis:%lu erreurs:%lu jet�s:%lu d�bordements:%lu carrier:%lu
Ce noyau ne supporte pas RARP.
Trop d'arguments de familles d'adresses.
Domaine UNIXUNK.INCONNUUNSPECUP InconnuFamille d'adresses inconnue `%s'.
Type de m�dia inconnu.
  arp [-vn]  [<MAT>] [-i <if>] [-a] [<h�te>]              <-Affiche cache ARP
  ifconfig [-a] [-i] [-v] <interface> [[<AF>] <adresse>]
Syntaxe : hostname [-v] {h�te|-F fichier}      d�finit le nom d'h�te (depuis le fichier)
Syntaxe: inet6_route [-vF] del Cible
Syntaxe: inet_route [-vF] del {-host|-net} Cible[/prefix] [gw Gw] [metric M] [[dev] If]
Syntaxe: ipmaddr [ add | del ] MULTIADR dev CHAINE
Syntaxe: plipconfig [-a] [-i] [-v] interface
Usage: rarp -a                               liste les entr�es en cache.
Syntaxe: route [-nNvee] [-FC] [<AF>]           Liste les tables de routage noyau
Utilisatr  Dest       Source     Periph  Etat         Vr/Vs    Send-Q  Recv-Q
IP ligne s�rie - 6 bits VJIP ligne s�rie - VJ Vous ne pouvez d�marrer PPP avec ce programme.
[PAS INDICATEURS][PAS INDICATEURS] [INDEFINI]r�ponses de masque d'adressesr�ponses de masque d'adresse: %drequ�tes de masque d'adresse: %drequ�tes de masque d'adresse: %darp: %s: type de mat�riel sans support ARP.
arp: %s: le noyau ne supporte que 'inet'.
arp: %s: famille d'adresses inconnue.
arp: %s: type de mat�riel inconnu.
arp: ne peut ouvrir le fichier ether %s !
arp: ne peut d�finir l'entr�e en ligne %u du fichier ether %s !
arp: erreur de format ligne %u du fichier ether %s !
arp: aucune correspondance trouv�e dans %d entr�es
arp: adresse mat�riel invalide
arp: n�cessite une adresse mat�riel
arp: n�cessite un nom d'h�te
ne peut ouvrir /proc/net/snmpcompress�s:%lu destination injoignable: %dd�sactiv�enom de domaine DNS (qui fait partie du FQDN) dans le fichier /etc/hosts.
r�ponses echo: %drequ�tes echo: %dactiv�eerreur d'analyse de /proc/net/snmpgetdomainname()=`%s'
in_arcnet(%s): adresse arcnet invalide !
in_arcnet(%s): restant : ignor� !
in_arcnet(%s): le restant � la poubelle !
in_ether(%s): adresse ethernet invalide!
in_ether(%s): restant ignor� !
in_ether(%s): le restant � la poubelle !
in_fddi(%s): adresse fddi invalide!
in_fddi(%s): restant ignor� !
in_fddi(%s): le restant � la poubelle !
in_hippi(%s): adresse hippi invalide!
in_hippi(%s): restant ignor� !
in_hippi(%s): le restant � la poubelle !
in_tr(%s): adresse token-ring invalide !
in_tr(%s): restant : ignor� !
in_tr(%s): restant � la poubelle !
ip: %s est une adresse IPv4 invalide
ip: %s est une adresse inet invalide
ip: %s est un pr�fixe inet invalide
ip: argument incorrect: %s
informations d'interface manquantesutilisation netrom
netstat: famille d'adresses pas support�e %d !
pas d'entr�e RARP pour %s.
off (0.00/%ld/%d)on%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)prot   expire    initseq delta precd source               destination          ports
prot   expire source               destination          ports
rarp: %s: type de mat�riel inconnu.
rarp: %s: h�te inconnu
rarp: ne peut ouvrir le fichier %s:%s.
rarp: ne peut d�finir l'entr�e depuis %s:%u
rarp: erreur de format � %s:%u
redirection: %dRedirections: %droute: %s: ne peut utiliser un RESEAU comme passerelle!
route: rtt initial invalide.
route: fen�tre invalide.
route: netmask bogu� %s
route: netmask %.8x n'a pas de sens pour une route vers un h�te
route: netmask ne correspond pas � l'adresse de route
rresolve: famille d'adresses non suport�e %d !
slattach: /dev/%s d�j� v�rouill� !
slattach: tty_lock: (%s): %s
slattach: tty_hangup(DROP): %s
slattach: tty_hangup(RAISE): %s
slattach: tty_lock: utilisateur UUCP %s inconnu !
slattach: tty_open: ne peut obtenir la discipline de ligne actuelle !
slattach: tty_open: ne peut obtenir l'�tat courant !
slattach: tty_open: ne peut passer � %s bps!
slattach: tty_open: ne peut activer le mode 8N1 !
slattach: tty_open: ne peut activer le mode RAW !
Source Quench: %dSource Quenchs: %dtemps d�pass�: %dtimeout en transmission: %dr�ponses dat�es: %dr�ponses dat�es: %drequ�tes dat�es: %drequ�tes dat�es: %dlg file transmission:%d unkn-%d (%2.2f/%ld/%d)titre inconnu %s
syntaxe: netstat [-veenNcCF] [<Af>] -r         netstat {-V|--version|-h|--help}
attention, ligne igmp6 en erreur %d.
attention, ligne igmp6 en erreur %d.
attention, ligne raw en erreur.
attention, ligne tcp en erreur.
attention, ligne udp en erreur.
attention, ligne unix en erreur.
attention: pas de socket inet disponible: %s
mauvais param�tre: %d
