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% Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Artifex Software, Inc.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
% implied.
% This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
% modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
% of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
% Refer to licensing information at or contact
% Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
% CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
% Tests for the image operators
% Specifications for Image operator testing.
% 1. All 8 standard orientations (0, 90, 180, 270 degree rotations with
% and without reflection); ditto those orientations perturbed by +/-
% 10 degrees, and by 45 degrees.
% Enough space is provided around images on a test page to allow
% these permutations to use the same page layout. This will make
% test page construction easier and simplify page checking.
% 2. All 9 image types (ImageType 1 mask, ImageType 1 opaque,
% ImageType 3 with all 3 InterleaveTypes and with unequal scaling
% for InterleaveType 2 and 3, ImageType 4 with both range and
% single-point matching).
% 3. DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, and DeviceN color, both direct and Indexed.
% Indexed color will use the common pallete size of 256 colors.
% 4. For simple masks, both colored and uncolored Patterns.
% 5. CombineWithColor true and false; several different colors for the
% true case (including black, white, other solid colors, halftones,
% and patterns).
% 6. Source transparency true and false.
% 7. Texture transparency true and false.
% 8. Different RasterOp values.
% 9. For ImageType 4, different color keys (out-of-range, specific
% color other than white, range without white).
% 10. String, file, and procedure data sources; for multi-component
% color spaces, MultipleDataSources = true. This is tested by
% constructing string data sources that are used as input to
% SubFileDecode filter to create a filetype data source. These
% filters are read into scratch strings for the procedure data
% source case. The procedure data source scratch string length
% does not match the raster width, and the width x height is
% not an integer multiple of the string length.
% Also for the File case, the number of bytes consumed is
% checked after the image operator to verify that the exact
% amount of data is used. This is particularly important when
% the currentfile is used as a source (possibly through a
% filter.
% Image bytes per line are < 500 bytes to exercise direct and
% buffer copy gs_image_next_planes mode with the default stream
% buffer size of 512 bytes. Procedure string size is greater
% than the image bytes per line for the same reason (sM and sD).
% Total string size is kept below 65535.
/WidthRGB 83 def
/HeightRGB 89 def
% 11. Banded and non-banded rendering. This can be tested by running
% test files throuch with different page device parameters to
% force banding vs. page mode.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Testing the RasterOp-related functions (5/6/7/8) is not necessary at this
% time. They are well isolated logically.
% Testing orientation (1) and color masking (9) would be a good idea at some
% point, because this code has broken many times in the past and has had a
% long bug tail.
% The really important things to test are 2 (image type), 3/4 (color space --
% but only with regard to number of components, plus DeviceN and simple masks
% with a Pattern, which exercise special control paths), 10 (data source),
% and 11 (banding modes).
% ==========================================================================
% Procedure to generate test mask data
% WM and HM must be defined prior to invocation
% MaskGen -
% The mask data is stored into a string named /MaskData
% The mask consists of a "target". Bits past width WM are
% filled with 1's to make sure that pad bits are ignored.
/MaskGen {
/H8 HM 8 div def
/X0 WM 2 div def
/Y0 HM 2 div def
/WB WM 7 add 8 div cvi def
/MaskData WB HM mul string def
/MB [ 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 ] def
0 1 HM 1 sub {
/Y exch def
0 1 WB 1 sub {
/B exch def % byte within the row
/C B Y WB mul add def
/P 0 def
0 1 7 {
/b exch def % bit within the character
/X b B 8 mul add def
X WM lt
{ X Y eq
X HM 1 sub Y sub eq or
Y Y0 gt X X0 sub abs 2 le and or
X X0 sub WM div dup mul Y Y0 sub HM div dup mul add sqrt 9 mul cvi 2 mod 1 eq or
{ true } % pad bits are always set
% stack: true if pixel is set
MB b get P or /P exch def
} if
} for % Bits within a byte
MaskData C P put
} for % Bytes within the row
} for % Rows in the mask
} bind def % MaskGen
% WM and HM must be defined prior to invocation
% BPC MaskGenBPC -
% The mask data is stored into a string named /MaskData
% The mask consists of a "target". BPC is the size of the elements
% in the MaskData string (must be 4, 8 or 12)
/MaskGenBPC {
/BPC exch def
/X0 WM 2 div def
/Y0 HM 2 div def
/WB WM BPC mul 7 add 8 div cvi def % Width in Bytes
/MaskData WB HM mul string def
0 1 HM 1 sub {
/Y exch def
0 1 WM 1 sub {
/X exch def
MaskData % Target string
X Y eq
X HM 1 sub Y sub eq or
Y Y0 gt X X0 sub abs 2 le and or
X X0 sub WM div dup mul Y Y0 sub HM div dup mul add sqrt 9 mul cvi 2 mod 1 eq or
X BPC mul 8 div Y WB mul add exch
{ } % BPC = 0
{ { 1 } { 0 } ifelse put4bit } % BPC = 4
{ { 255 } { 0 } ifelse exch cvi exch put } % BPC = 8
{ { 1 } { 0 } ifelse put12bit } % BPC = 12
] BPC 4 div cvi get exec
} for
} for % Rows in the mask
} bind def
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Procedure to generate image data
% WD and HD must be defined prior to invocation
% { proc } ImageGen -
% The procedure is called once for each pixel
% Local definitions are R, G, B, X and Y
% Example: Generate RGB Chunky pixel data (single data source) BPC = 8
% /WD WidthRGB def
% /HD HeightRGB def
% /RGBData WD HD mul 3 mul string def
% { X Y WD mul add 3 mul RGBData
% dup 2 index R 255 mul cvi put
% dup 2 index 1 add G 255 mul cvi put
% exch 2 add B 255 mul cvi put
% } ImageGen
/ImageGen {
0 1 HD 1 sub {
/Y exch def
0 1 WD 1 sub {
/X exch def
/D X WD 2 div sub WD div dup mul Y HD 2 div sub HD div dup mul add sqrt def
/D D .6 div def
/A X WD 2 div sub Y HD 2 div sub atan 360 div def
A % Hue
.7 D .3 sub .60 div sub % Saturation
dup 0.05 lt
{ .95 D .8 sub 3 mul sub 3 mul cvi 3 div sqrt } % Level once Saturation < 0
{ .7 D .25 sub .75 div add } % Level inside
X WD 2 div gt Y HD 2 div sub abs 2 le and { pop 0 } if % asymmetric marker
currentrgbcolor /B exch def /G exch def /R exch def
dup exec
} for
} for
pop % discard the procedure
} bind def
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Procedures for ImageMatrix creation
/IMLRTB { [ WD 0 0 HD neg 0 HD ] } def
/IMLRBT { [ WD 0 0 HD 0 0 ] } def
/IMRLTB { [ WD neg 0 0 HD neg WD HD ] } def
/IMRLBT { [ WD neg 0 0 HD WD 0 ] } def
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Procedure to make invocation of image operators more concise
% YY, SX, SY, WD and HD should be defined prior to invocation
% X matrix source decode DoImageMask -
/DoImageMask {
/D exch def
/S exch def
/M exch def
/XX 1 index def
YY translate SX SY scale
0 setlinewidth 0 0 moveto 1 0 lineto 1 1 lineto 0 1 lineto 0 0 lineto stroke
.5 .5 translate
IR rotate
-.5 -.5 translate
/ImageType 1
/Width WM
/Height HM
/ImageMatrix M
/MultipleDataSources false
/DataSource S
/Decode D
/BitsPerComponent 1
} bind def
% YY, SX, SY, WD and HD should be defined prior to invocation
% X Y BPC matrix source multi decode DoImage1 -
/DoImage1 {
CSpace setcolorspace
/D exch def
/MS exch def
/S exch def % May be an array of sources
/M exch def
/BPC exch def
/XX 1 index def
YY translate SX SY scale
0 setlinewidth 0 0 moveto 1 0 lineto 1 1 lineto 0 1 lineto 0 0 lineto stroke
.5 .5 translate
IR rotate
-.5 -.5 translate
/ImageType 1
/Width WD
/Height HD
/ImageMatrix M
/MultipleDataSources MS
/DataSource S
/BitsPerComponent BPC
/Decode D
} bind def
% YY, SX, SY, WD and HD should be defined prior to invocation
% X Y BPC matrix source multi decode MaskColor DoImage4 -
/DoImage4 {
CSpace setcolorspace
/MC exch def
/D exch def
/MS exch def
/S exch def % May be an array of sources
/M exch def
/BPC exch def
/XX 1 index def
YY translate SX SY scale
0 setlinewidth 0 0 moveto 1 0 lineto 1 1 lineto 0 1 lineto 0 0 lineto stroke
.5 .5 translate
IR rotate
-.5 -.5 translate
/ImageType 4
/Width WD
/Height HD
/ImageMatrix M
/MultipleDataSources MS
/DataSource S
/BitsPerComponent BPC
/Decode D
/MaskColor MC
} bind def
% YY, SX, SY, W, HD (Data) WM, HM (Mask) should be defined prior to invocation
% (IT is InterleaveType)
% X Y BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
/DoImage3 {
CSpace setcolorspace
/IT exch def
/DD exch def
/DM exch def
/MS exch def
/S exch def % May be an array of sources - For InterleaveType 3
% S[0] is the Mask DataSource
/M exch def
/BPC exch def
/XX 1 index def
YY translate SX SY scale
0 setlinewidth 0 0 moveto 1 0 lineto 1 1 lineto 0 1 lineto 0 0 lineto stroke
.5 .5 translate
IR rotate
-.5 -.5 translate
/ImageType 1
/Width WD
/Height HD
/ImageMatrix M
/MultipleDataSources MS
/DataSource IT 3 ne { S } { S 1 get exec } ifelse
/BitsPerComponent BPC
/Decode DD
/ImageType 1
/Width WM
/Height HM
/ImageMatrix % construct the mask matrix using signs from the DataImage matrix
/M0 M 0 get WD abs div cvi def
/M3 M 3 get HD abs div cvi def
/M4 M 4 get WD abs div cvi def
/M5 M 5 get HD abs div cvi def
[ WM M0 mul 0 0 HM M3 mul WM M4 mul HM M5 mul ]
IT 3 eq {
/DataSource S 0 get exec % DataSource only allowed for InterleaveType 3
} if
/BitsPerComponent IT 1 eq { BPC } { 1 } ifelse
/Decode DM
/ImageType 3
/DataDict DataImage
/MaskDict MaskImage
/InterleaveType IT
} bind def
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/Helvetica-Bold findfont 20 scalefont /TitleFont exch def
/FontSize 10 def
/Helvetica-Narrow findfont FontSize scalefont /LegendFont exch def
/blockshow { % like "show" but '\n' causes new-line
dup = flush %DEBUG
currentpoint /showY exch def /showX exch def
dup 10 ne
{ 1 string dup 0 4 -1 roll put show }
{ pop showX showY FontSize sub dup /showY exch def moveto }
} forall
} bind def
/TX 013 def % Title left X
/SX 036 def
/XA 060 def
/XB XA SX 1.5 mul add def
/XC XA SX 3.0 mul add def
/XD XA SX 4.5 mul add def
/XE XA SX 6.0 mul add def
/XF XA SX 7.5 mul add def
/XG XA SX 9.0 mul add def
/XH XA SX 10.5 mul add def
/XI XA SX 12.0 mul add def
/XJ XA SX 13.5 mul add def
/BY 036 def % Bottom Title Top line
/SY 037 def
/YA 050 def
/YB YA SY 1.8 mul add def
/YC YA SY 3.6 mul add def
/YD YA SY 5.4 mul add def
/YE YA SY 7.2 mul add def
/YF YA SY 9.0 mul add def
/YG YA SY 10.8 mul add def
/YH YA SY 12.6 mul add def
/YI YA SY 14.4 mul add def
/YJ YA SY 16.2 mul add def
/YK YA SY 18.0 mul add def
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Utility procedures to support storing 4 and 12 bit elements in
% strings.
% <string> <index> <value> put##bit -
% <index> will have a fractional part ( .5 ) if the element
% starts on a 4-bit boundary.
% <value> is between 0 and 1 and is scaled 0 to 15 (4bit) or
% 0 to 4095 (12 bit)
/put4bit {
15 mul cvi
exch dup cvi dup 3 1 roll eq 3 -1 roll exch
{ % integer index means high nibble.
16 mul put
{ % low nibble -- combine with high nibble
2 index 2 index get or put
} bind def
/put12bit {
1 index cvi /I exch def
2 index /S exch def
4095 mul cvi
exch dup dup cvi eq
{ % integer index means high byte is aligned
cvi exch 3 copy 16 div cvi put
exch 1 add exch 15 and 16 mul put
{ % low nibble -- combine with high nibble
cvi exch 3 copy 2 index 2 index get exch 256 div cvi or put
255 and exch 1 add exch put
} bind def
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Procedures to use generated string data as procedure or files
/WD WidthRGB def
/HD HeightRGB def
/sM WidthRGB 2 mul 1 sub string def % long enough to hold more than one mask line
/sD WidthRGB 7 mul 1 sub string def % long enough to hold more than one 12 bit RGB line
% worst case is 12bit ImageType3 InterleaveType 1 == 48 bits
/MaskDProc {
/FM MaskData dup length () /SubFileDecode filter def
{ { FM sM readstring pop } }
} bind def
/FileTailString (12345) def % Marker string to check file data usage
/AppendFileTail { % <string> AppendFileTail <string_with_tail> <original_length>
dup length FileTailString length add string
dup 0 3 index putinterval
dup 2 index length FileTailString putinterval
exch length
} bind def
/MaskDFile {
MaskData dup length () /SubFileDecode filter
/MDF 1 index def
} bind def
/RGBDProc {
/FD RGBData dup length () /SubFileDecode filter def
{ { FD sD readstring pop } }
} bind def
/RGBDFile {
RGBData dup length () /SubFileDecode filter
/RGBDF 1 index def
} bind def
/sR WidthRGB 2 mul 1 sub string def % long enough to hold more than one line of 12 bit data
/sG WidthRGB 2 mul 1 sub string def
/sB WidthRGB 2 mul 1 sub string def
/RDProc {
/FR RData dup length () /SubFileDecode filter def
{ FR sR readstring pop }
} bind def
/GDProc {
/FG GData dup length () /SubFileDecode filter def
{ FG sG readstring pop }
} bind def
/BDProc {
/FB BData dup length () /SubFileDecode filter def
{ FB sB readstring pop }
} bind def
/RDFile {
RData dup length () /SubFileDecode filter
/RDF 1 index def
} bind def
/GDFile {
GData dup length () /SubFileDecode filter
/GDF 1 index def
} bind def
/BDFile {
BData dup length () /SubFileDecode filter
/BDF 1 index def
} bind def
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Procedure to handle fileposition. Ghostscript has a private
% operator .fileposition that works when fileposition does not
% <file> tryfilepos
% Returns: fileposition true if successful
% 0 false if not
/tryfilepos {
/.fileposition where
{ pop /.fileposition load } % most likely to succeed
{ /fileposition load }
{ pop 0 false }
{ true }
} bind def
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Procedure to provide =only operator if not present. Suggested
% by Alex Cherepanov to use =print operator present on some Adobe
% implementations.
/=only where
{ pop }
{ /=print where { pop /=print load } { /print load } ifelse
/=only exch def
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Procedure to make sure that the file is at the EOF.
% added above (string == FileTailString.
% If not, it will mark the image area with a red "F"
% <string> <title> <file> CheckFileTail - XX is the horizontal position
% YY is the vertical position
% SX,SY determine size of "F" if fail
/CheckFileTail {
status not dup % status false says no longer valid
{ (Unexpected EOF: XX,YY=) print XX =only (,) print YY = false }
{ 1 index tryfilepos not exch 5 index length ne or dup
{ 3 index print ( fileposition = ) print
2 index tryfilepos pop =only
( doesn't match expected = ) print 4 index length = flush
gsave .8 0 0 setrgbcolor
SX 4 div setlinewidth
XX YY moveto 0 SY rlineto SX 0 rlineto stroke
XX YY SY .5 mul add moveto SX .5 mul 0 rlineto stroke
pop pop pop
} bind def
/CSpaceName { % - CSpaceName <string>
CSpace dup type /arraytype eq { 0 get } if
15 string cvs
} bind def
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% tests
/CheckImage {
/IR 0 def
/CSpace /DeviceRGB def
% Use an unusual (unpleasant?) underlying color
.6 .95 .4 setrgbcolor clippath fill
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
TitleFont setfont
200 760 moveto (Image Type 3 Tests) show
200 740 moveto (Rotation Angle = ) show IR 3 string cvs show
170 720 moveto (Colorspace = ) show CSpaceName show
LegendFont setfont
.4 .1 .7 setrgbcolor % contrasting color for stencil masking
/SX SX 2 mul def /SY SY 2 mul def
/YY 780 SY sub def
TX IMLRTB MaskData [1 0] DoImageMask
/RGBData WD HD mul 3 mul string def
{ X Y WD mul add 3 mul RGBData
dup 2 index R 255 mul cvi put
dup 2 index 1 add G 255 mul cvi put
exch 2 add B 255 mul cvi put
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi decode
XI 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
/SX SX 2 div def /SY SY 2 div def
} def
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 1 and Type 4 Tests
% /CSpace and /IR are defined in order to generate various pages
/T1T4Tests { %
% Use an unusual (unpleasant?) underlying color
.6 .95 .4 setrgbcolor clippath fill
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
TitleFont setfont
120 760 moveto (Image Type 1 and ImageType 4 Tests) show
200 740 moveto (Rotation Angle = ) show IR 3 string cvs show
170 720 moveto (Colorspace = ) show CSpaceName show
LegendFont setfont
XA BY moveto (Decode\nInverted) blockshow
XB BY moveto ( IMLRTB\nDS=string) blockshow
XC BY moveto ( IMLRBT\nDS=string) blockshow
XD BY moveto ( IMRLTB\nDS=string) blockshow
XE BY moveto ( IMRLBT\nDS=string) blockshow
XF BY moveto (IMLRTB\nDS=proc) blockshow
XG BY moveto (IMLRTB\nDS=file) blockshow
XH BY moveto ( Multi\nDS=string) blockshow
XI BY moveto ( Multi\nDS=proc) blockshow
XJ BY moveto ( Multi\nDS=file) blockshow
.4 .1 .7 setrgbcolor % contrasting color for stencil masking
/WM WD def
/HM HD def
/SX SX 2 mul def /SY SY 2 mul def
/YY 780 SY sub def
TX IMLRTB MaskData [1 0] DoImageMask
/RGBData WD HD mul 3 mul string def
{ X Y WD mul add 3 mul RGBData
dup 2 index R 255 mul cvi put
dup 2 index 1 add G 255 mul cvi put
exch 2 add B 255 mul cvi put
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi decode
XI 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
/SX SX 2 div def /SY SY 2 div def
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 1 Stencil Mask Images
/YY YA def
TX YA SY add moveto (\nType 1\nStencil\nMask) blockshow
% X matrix source decode
XA IMLRTB MaskData [0 1] DoImageMask
XB IMLRTB MaskData [1 0] DoImageMask
XC IMLRBT MaskData [1 0] DoImageMask
XD IMRLTB MaskData [1 0] DoImageMask
XE IMRLBT MaskData [1 0] DoImageMask
XF IMLRTB MaskDProc [1 0] DoImageMask
XG IMLRTB MaskDFile [1 0] DoImageMask
MaskData (Mask) MDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 1 RGB Single Data Sources, BPC==8
/YY YB def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nType 1\nRGB\nBPC=8) blockshow
/RGBData WD HD mul 3 mul string def
{ X Y WD mul add 3 mul RGBData
dup 2 index R 255 mul cvi put
dup 2 index 1 add G 255 mul cvi put
exch 2 add B 255 mul cvi put
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi decode
XA 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0 1 0 1 0] DoImage1
XB 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XC 8 IMLRBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XD 8 IMRLTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XE 8 IMRLBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XF 8 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XG 8 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 1 RGB Multiple Data Sources, BPC==8
WD HD mul /RData 1 index string def
/GData 1 index string def
/BData exch string def
{ X Y WD mul add
RData 1 index R 255 mul cvi put
GData 1 index G 255 mul cvi put
BData exch B 255 mul cvi put
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi decode
XH 8 IMLRTB [ RData GData BData ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XI 8 IMLRTB [ RDProc GDProc BDProc ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XJ 8 IMLRTB [ RDFile GDFile BDFile ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 4 RGB Single Data Sources, BPC==8, mask black
/YY YE def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nType 4\nBPC=8\nmask=black) blockshow
% X BPC matrix source multi decode MaskColor
XA 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0 1 0 1 0] [ 000 000 000 ] DoImage4
XB 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 000 000 000 ] DoImage4
XC 8 IMLRBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 000 000 000 ] DoImage4
XD 8 IMRLTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 000 000 000 ] DoImage4
XE 8 IMRLBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 000 000 000 ] DoImage4
XF 8 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 000 000 000 ] DoImage4
XG 8 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 000 000 000 ] DoImage4
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 4 RGB Multiple Data Sources, BPC==8, mask black
% X BPC matrix source multi decode MaskColor
XH 8 IMLRTB [ RData GData BData ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 000 000 000 ] DoImage4
XI 8 IMLRTB [ RDProc GDProc BDProc ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 000 000 000 ] DoImage4
XJ 8 IMLRTB [ RDFile GDFile BDFile ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 000 000 000 ] DoImage4
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 4 RGB Single Data Sources, BPC==8, mask white
/YY YF def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nType 4\nBPC=8\nmask=white) blockshow
% X BPC matrix source multi decode MaskColor
XA 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0 1 0 1 0] [ 255 255 255 ] DoImage4
gsave .5 .2 .2 setrgbcolor XB YY SX 13 mul SY rectfill grestore
XB 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 255 255 255 ] DoImage4
XC 8 IMLRBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 255 255 255 ] DoImage4
XD 8 IMRLTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 255 255 255 ] DoImage4
XE 8 IMRLBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 255 255 255 ] DoImage4
XF 8 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 255 255 255 ] DoImage4
XG 8 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 255 255 255 ] DoImage4
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 4 RGB Multiple Data Sources, BPC==8, mask white
% X BPC matrix source multi decode MaskColor
XH 8 IMLRTB [ RData GData BData ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 255 255 255 ] DoImage4
XI 8 IMLRTB [ RDProc GDProc BDProc ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 255 255 255 ] DoImage4
XJ 8 IMLRTB [ RDFile GDFile BDFile ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 255 255 255 ] DoImage4
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 4 RGB Single Data Sources, BPC==8, mask gray
/YY YG def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nType 4\nBPC=8\nmask=gray) blockshow
% X BPC matrix source multi decode MaskColor
XA 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0 1 0 1 0] [ 147 147 147 ] DoImage4
XB 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 147 147 147 ] DoImage4
XC 8 IMLRBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 147 147 147 ] DoImage4
XD 8 IMRLTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 147 147 147 ] DoImage4
XE 8 IMRLBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 147 147 147 ] DoImage4
XF 8 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 147 147 147 ] DoImage4
XG 8 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 147 147 147 ] DoImage4
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 4 RGB Multiple Data Sources, BPC==8, mask gray
% X BPC matrix source multi decode MaskColor
XH 8 IMLRTB [ RData GData BData ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 147 147 147 ] DoImage4
XI 8 IMLRTB [ RDProc GDProc BDProc ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 147 147 147 ] DoImage4
XJ 8 IMLRTB [ RDFile GDFile BDFile ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 147 147 147 ] DoImage4
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 4 RGB Single Data Sources, BPC==8, mask range
/YY YH def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nType 4\nBPC=8\nmask range) blockshow
% X BPC matrix source multi decode MaskColor
XA 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0 1 0 1 0] [ 020 200 020 200 020 200 ] DoImage4
XB 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 020 200 020 200 020 200 ] DoImage4
XC 8 IMLRBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 020 200 020 200 020 200 ] DoImage4
XD 8 IMRLTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 020 200 020 200 020 200 ] DoImage4
XE 8 IMRLBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 020 200 020 200 020 200 ] DoImage4
XF 8 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 020 200 020 200 020 200 ] DoImage4
XG 8 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 020 200 020 200 020 200 ] DoImage4
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 4 RGB Multiple Data Sources, BPC==8, mask range
% X Y SX SY BPC matrix source multi decode MaskColor
XH 8 IMLRTB [ RData GData BData ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 020 200 020 200 020 200 ] DoImage4
XI 8 IMLRTB [ RDProc GDProc BDProc ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 020 200 020 200 020 200 ] DoImage4
XJ 8 IMLRTB [ RDFile GDFile BDFile ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 020 200 020 200 020 200 ] DoImage4
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 1 RGB Single Data Sources, BPC==12
/YY YC def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nType 1\nRGB\nBPC=12) blockshow
/RGBData WD 36 mul 7 add 8 div cvi HD mul string def
X 36 mul 8 div Y WD 36 mul 7 add 8 div cvi mul add
RGBData 1 index R put12bit
RGBData 1 index 1.5 add G put12bit
RGBData exch 3 add B put12bit
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi decode
XA 12 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0 1 0 1 0] DoImage1
XB 12 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XC 12 IMLRBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XD 12 IMRLTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XE 12 IMRLBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XF 12 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XG 12 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 1 RGB Multiple Data Sources, BPC==12
WD 3 mul 1 add 2 div cvi HD mul /RData 1 index string def
/GData 1 index string def
/BData exch string def
X 3 mul 2 div Y WD 3 mul 1 add 2 div cvi mul add
RData 1 index R put12bit
GData 1 index G put12bit
BData exch B put12bit
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi decode
XH 12 IMLRTB [ RData GData BData ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XI 12 IMLRTB [ RDProc GDProc BDProc ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XJ 12 IMLRTB [ RDFile GDFile BDFile ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 4 RGB Single Data Sources, BPC==12, mask range
/YY YI def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nType 4\nBPC=12\nmask range) blockshow
% X BPC matrix source multi decode MaskColor
XA 12 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0 1 0 1 0] [ 300 3000 300 3000 300 3000 ] DoImage4
XB 12 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 300 3000 300 3000 300 3000 ] DoImage4
XC 12 IMLRBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 300 3000 300 3000 300 3000 ] DoImage4
XD 12 IMRLTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 300 3000 300 3000 300 3000 ] DoImage4
XE 12 IMRLBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 300 3000 300 3000 300 3000 ] DoImage4
XF 12 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 300 3000 300 3000 300 3000 ] DoImage4
XG 12 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 300 3000 300 3000 300 3000 ] DoImage4
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 4 RGB Multiple Data Sources, BPC==12, mask range
% X BPC matrix source multi decode MaskColor
XH 12 IMLRTB [ RData GData BData ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 300 3000 300 3000 300 3000 ] DoImage4
XI 12 IMLRTB [ RDProc GDProc BDProc ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 300 3000 300 3000 300 3000 ] DoImage4
XJ 12 IMLRTB [ RDFile GDFile BDFile ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 300 3000 300 3000 300 3000 ] DoImage4
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 1 RGB Single Data Sources, BPC==4
/YY YD def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nType 1\nRGB\nBPC=4) blockshow
/RGBData WD 12 mul 7 add 8 div cvi HD mul string def
X 12 mul 8 div Y WD 12 mul 7 add 8 div cvi mul add
RGBData 1 index R put4bit
RGBData 1 index 0.5 add G put4bit
RGBData exch 1.0 add B put4bit
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi decode
XA 4 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0 1 0 1 0] DoImage1
XB 4 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XC 4 IMLRBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XD 4 IMRLTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XE 4 IMRLBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XF 4 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XG 4 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 1 RGB Multiple Data Sources, BPC==4
WD 1 add 2 div cvi HD mul /RData 1 index string def
/GData 1 index string def
/BData exch string def
X 2 div Y WD 1 add 2 div cvi mul add
RData 1 index R put4bit
GData 1 index G put4bit
BData exch B put4bit
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi decode
XH 4 IMLRTB [ RData GData BData ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XI 4 IMLRTB [ RDProc GDProc BDProc ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
XJ 4 IMLRTB [ RDFile GDFile BDFile ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 4 RGB Single Data Sources, BPC==4, mask range
/YY YJ def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nType 4\nBPC=4\nmask range) blockshow
% X BPC matrix source multi decode MaskColor
XA 4 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0 1 0 1 0] [ 1 10 1 10 1 10 ] DoImage4
XB 4 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 1 10 1 10 1 10 ] DoImage4
XC 4 IMLRBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 1 10 1 10 1 10 ] DoImage4
XD 4 IMRLTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 1 10 1 10 1 10 ] DoImage4
XE 4 IMRLBT RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 1 10 1 10 1 10 ] DoImage4
XF 4 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 1 10 1 10 1 10 ] DoImage4
XG 4 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 1 10 1 10 1 10 ] DoImage4
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 4 RGB Multiple Data Sources, BPC==4, mask range
% X BPC matrix source multi decode MaskColor
XH 4 IMLRTB [ RData GData BData ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 1 10 1 10 1 10 ] DoImage4
XI 4 IMLRTB [ RDProc GDProc BDProc ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 1 10 1 10 1 10 ] DoImage4
XJ 4 IMLRTB [ RDFile GDFile BDFile ] true [0 1 0 1 0 1] [ 1 10 1 10 1 10 ] DoImage4
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
} bind def % T1T4Tests
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Type 3 Tests
/T3Tests {
% Use an unusual (unpleasant?) underlying color
.6 .95 .4 setrgbcolor clippath fill
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
TitleFont setfont
200 760 moveto (Image Type 3 Tests) show
200 740 moveto (Rotation Angle = ) show IR 3 string cvs show
170 720 moveto (Colorspace = ) show CSpaceName show
LegendFont setfont
.4 .1 .7 setrgbcolor % contrasting color for stencil masking
/WM WD def
/HM HD def
/SX SX 2 mul def /SY SY 2 mul def
/YY 780 SY sub def
XA IMLRTB MaskData [1 0] DoImageMask
/RGBData WD HD mul 3 mul string def
{ X Y WD mul add 3 mul RGBData
dup 2 index R 255 mul cvi put
dup 2 index 1 add G 255 mul cvi put
exch 2 add B 255 mul cvi put
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi decode
XH 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1 0 1 0 1] DoImage1
/SX SX 2 div def /SY SY 2 div def
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 1, BPC==8, WM=WD, HM=HD
% IT 1 is what GS calls "chunky pixel"
/YY YA def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nIntType 1\nBPC=8) blockshow
% Generate the MaskData first
8 MaskGenBPC
% Generate the Data Image (uses the MaskData)
/RGBData WD HD mul 4 mul string def
{ X Y WD mul add 4 mul % 4 bytes Mask,Red,Green,Blue
dup 2 index MaskData X Y WB mul add get put
dup 2 index 1 add R 255 mul cvi put
dup 2 index 2 add G 255 mul cvi put
exch 3 add B 255 mul cvi put
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 1 DoImage3
XB 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 1 DoImage3
XC 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XD 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XE 8 IMLRBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XF 8 IMRLTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XG 8 IMRLBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XH 8 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XI 8 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 1, BPC==12, WM=WD, HM=HD
% IT 1 is what GS calls "chunky pixel"
/YY YB def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nIntType 1\nBPC=12) blockshow
% Generate the MaskData first
12 MaskGenBPC
% Generate the Data Image (uses the MaskData)
/RGBData WD HD mul 6 mul string def
{ X Y WD mul add 6 mul % 6 bytes Mask,Red,Green,Blue
dup 2 index
MaskData X 1.5 mul .5 add cvi
Y WB mul add get % get the aligned mask byte (hi or lo)
0 eq { 0 } { 1 } ifelse
dup 2 index 1.5 add R put12bit
dup 2 index 3.0 add G put12bit
exch 4.5 add B put12bit
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 12 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 1 DoImage3
XB 12 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 1 DoImage3
XC 12 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XD 12 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XE 12 IMLRBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XF 12 IMRLTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XG 12 IMRLBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XH 12 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XI 12 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 1, BPC==4, WM=WD, HM=HD
% IT 1 is what GS calls "chunky pixel"
/YY YC def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nIntType 1\nBPC=4) blockshow
% Generate the MaskData first
4 MaskGenBPC
% Generate the Data Image (uses the MaskData)
/RGBData WD HD mul 2 mul string def
{ X Y WD mul add 2 mul % 2 bytes Mask,Red,Green,Blue
dup 2 index MaskData X 2 div cvi Y WB mul add get
X 1 and 0 eq { 128 div cvi } { 1 and } ifelse
dup 2 index 0.5 add R put4bit
dup 2 index 1.0 add G put4bit
exch 1.5 add B put4bit
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 4 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 1 DoImage3
XB 4 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 1 DoImage3
XC 4 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XD 4 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XE 4 IMLRBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XF 4 IMRLTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XG 4 IMRLBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XH 4 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
XI 4 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 1 DoImage3
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 2, BPC==8, WM=WD, HM=HD
% IT 2 is line interleave -- Mask line follwoed by Data line
% RGB Image Data must be chunky (MultipleDatasources==false).
/YY YD def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nIntType 2\nBPC=8) blockshow
% Generate the MaskData first
% Generate the Data Image (uses the MaskData)
/BPL WD 3 mul WB add cvi def % BytesPerLine
/RGBData BPL HD mul string def
{ X 3 mul Y BPL mul add WB add % 3 bytes Red,Green,Blue + Mask Bytes
X 0 eq {
RGBData 1 index WB sub
MaskData Y WB mul WB getinterval
} if
dup 2 index R 255 mul cvi put
dup 2 index 1 add G 255 mul cvi put
exch 2 add B 255 mul cvi put
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 2 DoImage3
XB 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 2 DoImage3
XC 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XD 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XE 8 IMLRBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XF 8 IMRLTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XG 8 IMRLBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XH 8 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XI 8 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 2, BPC==12, WM=WD, HM=HD
/YY YE def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nIntType 2\nBPC=12) blockshow
% Generate the Data Image (uses the MaskData)
/BPL WD 36 mul 7 add 8 div cvi WB add def % BytesPerLine
/RGBData BPL HD mul string def
{ X 36 mul 8 div Y BPL mul add WB add
X 0 eq {
RGBData 1 index WB sub cvi
MaskData Y WB mul WB getinterval
} if
dup 2 index R put12bit
dup 2 index 1.5 add G put12bit
exch 3.0 add B put12bit
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 12 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 2 DoImage3
XB 12 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 2 DoImage3
XC 12 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XD 12 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XE 12 IMLRBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XF 12 IMRLTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XG 12 IMRLBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XH 12 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XI 12 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 2, BPC==4, WM=WD, HM=HD
/YY YF def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nIntType 2\nBPC=4) blockshow
% Generate the Data Image (uses the MaskData)
/BPL WD 12 mul 7 add 8 div cvi WB add def % BytesPerLine
/RGBData BPL HD mul string def
{ X 12 mul 8 div Y BPL mul add WB add
X 0 eq {
RGBData 1 index WB sub cvi
MaskData Y WB mul WB getinterval
} if
dup 2 index R put4bit
dup 2 index 0.5 add G put4bit
exch 1.0 add B put4bit
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 4 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 2 DoImage3
XB 4 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 2 DoImage3
XC 4 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XD 4 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XE 4 IMLRBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XF 4 IMRLTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XG 4 IMRLBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XH 4 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XI 4 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 2, BPC==8, WM=.6*WD, HM=HD/2
% IT 2 is line interleave -- Mask line follwoed by Data line
% RGB Image Data must be chunky (MultipleDatasources==false).
/YY YG def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nIntType 2\nBPC=8\nWM=.6*WD\nHM=HD/2) blockshow
% Generate the MaskData first
/WM WD .6 mul cvi def
/HM HD 2 div cvi def
/saveHD HD def
/HD HM 2 mul def % make HD even for this exercise
% Generate the Data Image (uses the MaskData)
/BPL WD 3 mul def % BytesPerLine RGB Data
/RGBData BPL HD mul WB HM mul add string def
{ X 3 mul Y BPL mul add Y 2 div cvi 1 add WB mul add % 3 bytes Red,Green,Blue + Mask
X 0 eq Y 1 and 0 eq and { % Do one row of Mask every other image row
RGBData 1 index WB sub
MaskData Y 2 div cvi WB mul WB getinterval
} if
dup 2 index R 255 mul cvi put
dup 2 index 1 add G 255 mul cvi put
exch 2 add B 255 mul cvi put
%DEBUG /xx (xx) (w) file def
%DEBUG 0 1 HM 1 sub { MaskData exch WB mul WB getinterval xx exch writehexstring xx (\n) writestring } for
%DEBUG xx (----------------------------------------------------------------\n) writestring
%DEBUG 0 2 HD 1 sub {
%DEBUG RGBData 1 index BPL mul 2 index 2 div cvi WB mul add
%DEBUG WB getinterval xx exch writehexstring xx (\n) writestring
%DEBUG RGBData 1 index BPL mul 2 index 2 div cvi 1 add WB mul add
%DEBUG BPL getinterval xx exch writehexstring xx (\n) writestring
%DEBUG RGBData 1 index 1 add BPL mul 2 index 2 div cvi 1 add WB mul add
%DEBUG BPL getinterval xx exch writehexstring xx (\n) writestring
%DEBUG pop
%DEBUG } for
%DEBUG xx closefile
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 2 DoImage3
XB 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 2 DoImage3
XC 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XD 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XE 8 IMLRBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XF 8 IMRLTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XG 8 IMRLBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XH 8 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XI 8 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
/HD saveHD def % put odd HD back
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 2, BPC==8, WM=1.3*WD, HM=2*HD
% IT 2 is line interleave -- Mask line follwoed by Data line
% RGB Image Data must be chunky (MultipleDatasources==false).
/YY YH def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nIntType 2\nBPC=8\nWM=1.3*WD\nHM=2*HD) blockshow
% Generate the MaskData first
/WM WD 1.3 mul cvi def
/HM HD 2 mul def
% Generate the Data Image (uses the MaskData)
/HR HM HD div cvi def
/BPL WD 3 mul WB HR mul add cvi def % BytesPerLine
/RGBData BPL HD mul string def
{ X 3 mul Y BPL mul add WB HR mul add % 3 bytes Red,Green,Blue + Mask Bytes
X 0 eq { % Do HM/HD rows of Mask
RGBData 1 index WB HR mul sub
MaskData Y WB HR mul mul WB HR mul getinterval
} if
dup 2 index R 255 mul cvi put
dup 2 index 1 add G 255 mul cvi put
exch 2 add B 255 mul cvi put
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 2 DoImage3
XB 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 2 DoImage3
XC 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XD 8 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XE 8 IMLRBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XF 8 IMRLTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XG 8 IMRLBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XH 8 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XI 8 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 2, BPC==12, WM=1.3*WD, HM=2*HD
/YY YI def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nIntType 2\nBPC=12\nWM=1.3*WD\nHM=2*HD) blockshow
% Generate the Data Image (uses the MaskData)
/HR HM HD div cvi def
/BPL WD 36 mul 7 add 8 div cvi WB HR mul add def % BytesPerLine
/RGBData BPL HD mul string def
{ X 36 mul 8 div Y BPL mul add WB HR mul add
X 0 eq {
RGBData 1 index WB HR mul sub cvi
MaskData Y WB HR mul mul WB HR mul getinterval
} if
dup 2 index R put12bit
dup 2 index 1.5 add G put12bit
exch 3.0 add B put12bit
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 12 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 2 DoImage3
XB 12 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 2 DoImage3
XC 12 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XD 12 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XE 12 IMLRBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XF 12 IMRLTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XG 12 IMRLBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XH 12 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XI 12 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 2, BPC==4, WM=1.3*WD, HM=2*HD
/YY YJ def
TX YY SY add moveto (\nIntType 2\nBPC=4\nWM=1.3*WD\nHM=2*HD) blockshow
% Generate the Data Image (uses the MaskData)
/HR HM HD div cvi def
/BPL WD 12 mul 7 add 8 div cvi WB HR mul add def % BytesPerLine
/RGBData BPL HD mul string def
{ X 12 mul 8 div Y BPL mul add WB HR mul add
X 0 eq {
RGBData 1 index WB HR mul sub cvi
MaskData Y WB HR mul mul WB HR mul getinterval
} if
dup 2 index R put4bit
dup 2 index 0.5 add G put4bit
exch 1.0 add B put4bit
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 4 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 2 DoImage3
XB 4 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 2 DoImage3
XC 4 IMLRTB RGBData false [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XD 4 IMLRTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XE 4 IMLRBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XF 4 IMRLTB RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XG 4 IMRLBT RGBData false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XH 4 IMLRTB RGBDProc false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
XI 4 IMLRTB RGBDFile false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 2 DoImage3
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Use an unusual (unpleasant?) underlying color
.6 .95 .4 setrgbcolor clippath fill
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
TitleFont setfont
200 760 moveto (Image Type 3 Tests) show
200 740 moveto (Rotation Angle = ) show IR 3 string cvs show
200 720 moveto (InterleaveType 3) show
170 700 moveto (Colorspace = ) show CSpaceName show
LegendFont setfont
.4 .1 .7 setrgbcolor % contrasting color for stencil masking
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 3, BPC==8, WM=WD, HM=HD
% IT 3 is line interleave -- Mask and Data in separate sources
% RGB Image Data chunky (MultipleDatasources==false).
/YY YA def
TX YY SY add moveto (BPC=8\nMulti\nfalse) blockshow
% Generate the MaskData first
/WM WD def
/HM HD def
% Generate the Data Image
/RGBData WD HD mul 3 mul string def
{ X Y WD mul add 3 mul RGBData
dup 2 index R 255 mul cvi put
dup 2 index 1 add G 255 mul cvi put
exch 2 add B 255 mul cvi put
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData RGBData ] false [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XB 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData RGBData ] false [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XC 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData RGBData ] false [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XD 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData RGBData ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XE 8 IMLRBT [ MaskData RGBData ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XF 8 IMRLTB [ MaskData RGBData ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XG 8 IMRLBT [ MaskData RGBData ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XH 8 IMLRTB [ MaskDProc RGBDProc ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XI 8 IMLRTB [ MaskDFile RGBDFile ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
MaskData (Mask) MDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 3, BPC==12, WM=WD, HM=HD
/YY YB def
TX YY SY add moveto (BPC=12\nMulti\nfalse) blockshow
/RGBData WD 36 mul 7 add 8 div cvi HD mul string def
X 36 mul 8 div Y WD 36 mul 7 add 8 div cvi mul add
RGBData 1 index R put12bit
RGBData 1 index 1.5 add G put12bit
RGBData exch 3 add B put12bit
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 12 IMLRTB [ MaskData RGBData ] false [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XB 12 IMLRTB [ MaskData RGBData ] false [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XC 12 IMLRTB [ MaskData RGBData ] false [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XD 12 IMLRTB [ MaskData RGBData ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XE 12 IMLRBT [ MaskData RGBData ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XF 12 IMRLTB [ MaskData RGBData ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XG 12 IMRLBT [ MaskData RGBData ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XH 12 IMLRTB [ MaskDProc RGBDProc ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XI 12 IMLRTB [ MaskDFile RGBDFile ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
MaskData (Mask) MDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 3, BPC==4, WM=WD, HM=HD
/YY YC def
TX YY SY add moveto (BPC=4\nMulti\nfalse) blockshow
/RGBData WD 12 mul 7 add 8 div cvi HD mul string def
X 12 mul 8 div Y WD 12 mul 7 add 8 div cvi mul add
RGBData 1 index R put4bit
RGBData 1 index 0.5 add G put4bit
RGBData exch 1.0 add B put4bit
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 4 IMLRTB [ MaskData RGBData ] false [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XB 4 IMLRTB [ MaskData RGBData ] false [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XC 4 IMLRTB [ MaskData RGBData ] false [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XD 4 IMLRTB [ MaskData RGBData ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XE 4 IMLRBT [ MaskData RGBData ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XF 4 IMRLTB [ MaskData RGBData ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XG 4 IMRLBT [ MaskData RGBData ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XH 4 IMLRTB [ MaskDProc RGBDProc ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XI 4 IMLRTB [ MaskDFile RGBDFile ] false [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
MaskData (Mask) MDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
RGBData (RGB) RGBDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 3, BPC==8, WM=WD, HM=HD
% IT 3 is line interleave -- Mask and Data in separate sources
% RGB Image Data seprate (MultipleDatasources==true).
/YY YA def
TX YY SY add moveto (BPC=8\nMulti\ntrue) blockshow
% Generate the MaskData first
% Generate the Data Image
WD HD mul /RData 1 index string def
/GData 1 index string def
/BData exch string def
{ X Y WD mul add
RData 1 index R 255 mul cvi put
GData 1 index G 255 mul cvi put
BData exch B 255 mul cvi put
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XB 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XC 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XD 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XE 8 IMLRBT [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XF 8 IMRLTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XG 8 IMRLBT [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XH 8 IMLRTB [ MaskDProc [RDProc GDProc BDProc]] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XI 8 IMLRTB [ MaskDFile [RDFile GDFile BDFile]] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
MaskData (Mask) MDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 3, BPC==8, WM=WD, HM=HD
% IT 3 is line interleave -- Mask and Data in separate sources
% RGB Image Data seprate (MultipleDatasources==true).
/YY YD def
TX YY SY add moveto (BPC=8\nMulti\ntrue) blockshow
% Generate the MaskData first
% Generate the Data Image
WD HD mul /RData 1 index string def
/GData 1 index string def
/BData exch string def
{ X Y WD mul add
RData 1 index R 255 mul cvi put
GData 1 index G 255 mul cvi put
BData exch B 255 mul cvi put
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XB 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XC 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XD 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XE 8 IMLRBT [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XF 8 IMRLTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XG 8 IMRLBT [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XH 8 IMLRTB [ MaskDProc [RDProc GDProc BDProc]] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XI 8 IMLRTB [ MaskDFile [RDFile GDFile BDFile]] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
MaskData (Mask) MDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 3, BPC==12, WM=WD, HM=HD
/YY YE def
TX YY SY add moveto (BPC=12\nMulti\ntrue) blockshow
WD 3 mul 1 add 2 div cvi HD mul /RData 1 index string def
/GData 1 index string def
/BData exch string def
X 3 mul 2 div Y WD 3 mul 1 add 2 div cvi mul add
RData 1 index R put12bit
GData 1 index G put12bit
BData exch B put12bit
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 12 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XB 12 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XC 12 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XD 12 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XE 12 IMLRBT [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XF 12 IMRLTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XG 12 IMRLBT [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XH 12 IMLRTB [ MaskDProc [RDProc GDProc BDProc]] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XI 12 IMLRTB [ MaskDFile [RDFile GDFile BDFile]] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
MaskData (Mask) MDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 3, BPC==4, WM=WD, HM=HD
/YY YF def
TX YY SY add moveto (BPC=4\nMulti\ntrue) blockshow
WD 1 add 2 div cvi HD mul /RData 1 index string def
/GData 1 index string def
/BData exch string def
X 2 div Y WD 1 add 2 div cvi mul add
RData 1 index R put4bit
GData 1 index G put4bit
BData exch B put4bit
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 4 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XB 4 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XC 4 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XD 4 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XE 4 IMLRBT [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XF 4 IMRLTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XG 4 IMRLBT [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XH 4 IMLRTB [ MaskDProc [RDProc GDProc BDProc]] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XI 4 IMLRTB [ MaskDFile [RDFile GDFile BDFile]] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
MaskData (Mask) MDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 3, BPC==8, WM=.9*WD, HM=1.1*HD
% IT 3 is line interleave -- Mask and Data in separate sources
% RGB Image Data seprate (MultipleDatasources==true).
/YY YG def
TX YY SY add moveto (BPC=8\nMulti\ntrue\nWM=.9*WD\nHM=1.1*HD) blockshow
/WM 0.9 WD mul cvi def
/HM 1.1 HD mul cvi def
% Generate the MaskData first
% Generate the Data Image
WD HD mul /RData 1 index string def
/GData 1 index string def
/BData exch string def
{ X Y WD mul add
RData 1 index R 255 mul cvi put
GData 1 index G 255 mul cvi put
BData exch B 255 mul cvi put
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XB 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XC 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XD 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XE 8 IMLRBT [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XF 8 IMRLTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XG 8 IMRLBT [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XH 8 IMLRTB [ MaskDProc [RDProc GDProc BDProc]] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XI 8 IMLRTB [ MaskDFile [RDFile GDFile BDFile]] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
MaskData (Mask) MDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 3, BPC==12, WM=WD, HM=HD
/YY YI def
TX YY SY add moveto (BPC=12\nMulti\ntrue\nWM=.9*WD\nHM=1.1*HD) blockshow
WD 3 mul 1 add 2 div cvi HD mul /RData 1 index string def
/GData 1 index string def
/BData exch string def
X 3 mul 2 div Y WD 3 mul 1 add 2 div cvi mul add
RData 1 index R put12bit
GData 1 index G put12bit
BData exch B put12bit
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 12 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XB 12 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XC 12 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XD 12 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XE 12 IMLRBT [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XF 12 IMRLTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XG 12 IMRLBT [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XH 12 IMLRTB [ MaskDProc [RDProc GDProc BDProc]] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XI 12 IMLRTB [ MaskDFile [RDFile GDFile BDFile]] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
MaskData (Mask) MDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 3, BPC==4, WM=WD, HM=HD
/YY YJ def
TX YY SY add moveto (BPC=4\nMulti\ntrue\nWM=.9*WD\nHM=1.1*HD) blockshow
WD 1 add 2 div cvi HD mul /RData 1 index string def
/GData 1 index string def
/BData exch string def
X 2 div Y WD 1 add 2 div cvi mul add
RData 1 index R put4bit
GData 1 index G put4bit
BData exch B put4bit
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 4 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XB 4 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XC 4 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XD 4 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XE 4 IMLRBT [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XF 4 IMRLTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XG 4 IMRLBT [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XH 4 IMLRTB [ MaskDProc [RDProc GDProc BDProc]] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XI 4 IMLRTB [ MaskDFile [RDFile GDFile BDFile]] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
MaskData (Mask) MDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% InterleaveType 3, BPC==8, WM=1.1*WD, HM=.9*HD
% IT 3 is line interleave -- Mask and Data in separate sources
% RGB Image Data seprate (MultipleDatasources==true).
/YY YH def
TX YY SY add moveto (BPC=8\nMulti\ntrue\nWM=1.1*WD\nHM=.9*HD) blockshow
/WM 1.1 WD mul cvi def
/HM 0.9 HD mul cvi def
% Generate the MaskData first
% Generate the Data Image
WD HD mul /RData 1 index string def
/GData 1 index string def
/BData exch string def
{ X Y WD mul add
RData 1 index R 255 mul cvi put
GData 1 index G 255 mul cvi put
BData exch B 255 mul cvi put
} ImageGen
% X BPC matrix source multi MaskDecode DataDecode IT DoImage3 -
XA 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [0 1] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XB 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [1 0 1 0 1 0] 3 DoImage3
XC 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [0 1] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XD 8 IMLRTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XE 8 IMLRBT [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XF 8 IMRLTB [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XG 8 IMRLBT [ MaskData [RData GData BData] ] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XH 8 IMLRTB [ MaskDProc [RDProc GDProc BDProc]] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
XI 8 IMLRTB [ MaskDFile [RDFile GDFile BDFile]] true [1 0] [0 1 0 1 0 1] 3 DoImage3
MaskData (Mask) MDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
RData (Red) RDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
GData (Grn) GDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
BData (Blu) BDF CheckFileTail % Check that the correct amount of data was consumed
} bind def % T3Tests
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Do the various rotations
/CSpace /DeviceRGB def
[ 0 10 -10 45 90 180 270 ]
pop [ 0 ] % delete this line to enable tests
{ /IR exch def T1T4Tests } forall
[ 0 10 -10 45 90 180 270 ]
pop [ 0 ] % delete this line to enable tests
{ /IR exch def T3Tests } forall
/CSpace [ /DeviceN [/Blue /Red /Green] /DeviceRGB { } ] def
[ 0 10 -10 45 90 180 270 ]
pop [ 0 ] % delete this line to enable tests
{ /IR exch def T1T4Tests } forall
[ 0 10 -10 45 90 180 270 ]
pop [ 0 ] % delete this line to enable tests
{ /IR exch def T3Tests } forall