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% Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Artifex Software, Inc.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
% implied.
% This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
% modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
% of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
% Refer to licensing information at or contact
% Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
% CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
% Define the Symbol encoding vector.
/currentglobal where
{ pop currentglobal { setglobal } //true setglobal }
{ { } }
% \000
StandardEncoding 0 32 getinterval aload pop % /.notdef
% \040
/space /exclam /universal /numbersign
/existential /percent /ampersand /suchthat
/parenleft /parenright /asteriskmath /plus
/comma /minus /period /slash
/zero /one /two /three
/four /five /six /seven
/eight /nine /colon /semicolon
/less /equal /greater /question
% \100
/congruent /Alpha /Beta /Chi
/Delta /Epsilon /Phi /Gamma
/Eta /Iota /theta1 /Kappa
/Lambda /Mu /Nu /Omicron
/Pi /Theta /Rho /Sigma
/Tau /Upsilon /sigma1 /Omega
/Xi /Psi /Zeta /bracketleft
/therefore /bracketright /perpendicular /underscore
% \140
/radicalex /alpha /beta /chi
/delta /epsilon /phi /gamma
/eta /iota /phi1 /kappa
/lambda /mu /nu /omicron
/pi /theta /rho /sigma
/tau /upsilon /omega1 /omega
/xi /psi /zeta /braceleft
/bar /braceright /similar /.notdef
% \200
StandardEncoding 0 32 getinterval aload pop % /.notdef
% \240
/Euro /Upsilon1 /minute /lessequal
/fraction /infinity /florin /club
/diamond /heart /spade /arrowboth
/arrowleft /arrowup /arrowright /arrowdown
/degree /plusminus /second /greaterequal
/multiply /proportional /partialdiff /bullet
/divide /notequal /equivalence /approxequal
/ellipsis /arrowvertex /arrowhorizex /carriagereturn
% \300
/aleph /Ifraktur /Rfraktur /weierstrass
/circlemultiply /circleplus /emptyset /intersection
/union /propersuperset /reflexsuperset /notsubset
/propersubset /reflexsubset /element /notelement
/angle /gradient /registerserif /copyrightserif
/trademarkserif /product /radical /dotmath
/logicalnot /logicaland /logicalor /arrowdblboth
/arrowdblleft /arrowdblup /arrowdblright /arrowdbldown
% \340
/lozenge /angleleft /registersans /copyrightsans
/trademarksans /summation /parenlefttp /parenleftex
/parenleftbt /bracketlefttp /bracketleftex /bracketleftbt
/bracelefttp /braceleftmid /braceleftbt /braceex
/.notdef /angleright /integral /integraltp
/integralex /integralbt /parenrighttp /parenrightex
/parenrightbt /bracketrighttp /bracketrightex /bracketrightbt
/bracerighttp /bracerightmid /bracerightbt /.notdef
256 packedarray .defineencoding
2 SymbolEncoding .registerencoding