Your IP :
* Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, you can obtain one at
* See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
/*! \file isc/portset.h
* \brief Transport Protocol Port Manipulation Module
* This module provides simple utilities to handle a set of transport protocol
* (UDP or TCP) port numbers, e.g., for creating an ACL list. An isc_portset_t
* object is an opaque instance of a port set, for which the user can add or
* remove a specific port or a range of consecutive ports. This object is
* expected to be used as a temporary work space only, and does not protect
* simultaneous access from multiple threads. Therefore it must not be stored
* in a place that can be accessed from multiple threads.
#define ISC_PORTSET_H 1
*** Imports
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <isc/net.h>
*** Functions
isc_portset_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_portset_t **portsetp);
* Create a port set and initialize it as an empty set.
* Requires:
*\li 'mctx' to be valid.
*\li 'portsetp' to be non NULL and '*portsetp' to be NULL;
* Returns:
isc_portset_destroy(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_portset_t **portsetp);
* Destroy a port set.
* Requires:
*\li 'mctx' to be valid and must be the same context given when the port set
* was created.
*\li '*portsetp' to be a valid set.
isc_portset_isset(isc_portset_t *portset, in_port_t port);
* Test whether the given port is stored in the portset.
* Requires:
*\li 'portset' to be a valid set.
* Returns
* \li #true if the port is found, false otherwise.
unsigned int
isc_portset_nports(isc_portset_t *portset);
* Provides the number of ports stored in the given portset.
* Requires:
*\li 'portset' to be a valid set.
* Returns
* \li the number of ports stored in portset.
isc_portset_add(isc_portset_t *portset, in_port_t port);
* Add the given port to the portset. The port may or may not be stored in
* the portset.
* Requires:
*\li 'portlist' to be valid.
isc_portset_remove(isc_portset_t *portset, in_port_t port);
* Remove the given port to the portset. The port may or may not be stored in
* the portset.
* Requires:
*\li 'portlist' to be valid.
isc_portset_addrange(isc_portset_t *portset, in_port_t port_lo,
in_port_t port_hi);
* Add a subset of [port_lo, port_hi] (inclusive) to the portset. Ports in the
* subset may or may not be stored in portset.
* Requires:
*\li 'portlist' to be valid.
*\li port_lo <= port_hi
isc_portset_removerange(isc_portset_t *portset, in_port_t port_lo,
in_port_t port_hi);
* Subtract a subset of [port_lo, port_hi] (inclusive) from the portset. Ports
* in the subset may or may not be stored in portset.
* Requires:
*\li 'portlist' to be valid.
*\li port_lo <= port_hi
#endif /* ISC_PORTSET_H */