Your IP :
# NOTE: Derived from blib/lib/Net/
# Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again.
# See
package Net::SSLeay;
#line 1361 "blib/lib/Net/ (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Net/SSLeay/"
sub do_httpx3 {
my ($method, $usessl, $site, $port, $path, $headers,
$content, $mime_type, $crt_path, $key_path) = @_;
my ($response, $page, $h,$v);
my $len = blength($content);
if ($len) {
$mime_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" unless $mime_type;
$content = "Content-Type: $mime_type$CRLF"
. "Content-Length: $len$CRLF$CRLF$content";
} else {
$content = "$CRLF$CRLF";
my $req = "$method $path HTTP/1.0$CRLF";
unless (defined $headers && $headers =~ /^Host:/m) {
$req .= "Host: $site";
unless (($port == 80 && !$usessl) || ($port == 443 && $usessl)) {
$req .= ":$port";
$req .= $CRLF;
$req .= (defined $headers ? $headers : '') . "Accept: */*$CRLF$content";
warn "do_httpx3($method,$usessl,$site:$port)" if $trace;
my ($http, $errs, $server_cert)
= httpx_cat($usessl, $site, $port, $req, $crt_path, $key_path);
return (undef, "HTTP/1.0 900 NET OR SSL ERROR$CRLF$CRLF$errs") if $errs;
$http = '' if !defined $http;
($headers, $page) = split /\s?\n\s?\n/, $http, 2;
warn "headers >$headers< page >>$page<< http >>>$http<<<" if $trace>1;
($response, $headers) = split /\s?\n/, $headers, 2;
return ($page, $response, $headers, $server_cert);
# end of Net::SSLeay::do_httpx3