Your IP :
1. While manual installation select main activity default, country: United states(default), shop timezone: US/Eastern(default)
2. Install with Sample Data.
3. check and
copy img/*
copy translations/en
copy translations/en.gzip
copy modules/*
copy en.php from other module folders
copy mails/*
copy cache/sandbox/16us.xml
copy themes/community-theme-default/lang/en.php OR themes/niara/lang/en.php
from manual installation
we have set PHP requirement to 5.6 because manual installation doesn't work on php 5.5. Gives syntax error.
5. Check "PS_CIPHER_ALGORITHM" in database. It should be by default set to "2" in order to generate "_PHP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_" with openssl. If it's value is changed, then check how to generate _PHP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ in install/model/install.php
6. While installation on PHP 5.6 script throws error i.e Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 7.4.0". So we have set PHP version to 7.4.0 in info.xml.(in version 1.4.0) and also in point 4 on hovering over the download link text, it is mentioned that 'This version requires php 7.4 and higher'.
7. Script was throwing error Failed to generate database schema: <i>Invalid default value for 'date_upd' on MYSQL 5.6 , so we have added MYSQL requirement in info.xml as MYSQL >= 5.6.0. Check in next version if it works on MYSQL >= 5.5
8. We have not changed cookie_key in clone because it is being used in password.