Your IP :
package Encode::JP::JIS7;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = do { my @r = ( q$Revision: 2.8 $ =~ /\d+/g ); sprintf "%d." . "%02d" x $#r, @r };
use Encode qw(:fallbacks);
for my $name ( '7bit-jis', 'iso-2022-jp', 'iso-2022-jp-1' ) {
my $h2z = ( $name eq '7bit-jis' ) ? 0 : 1;
my $jis0212 = ( $name eq 'iso-2022-jp' ) ? 0 : 1;
my $obj = bless {
Name => $name,
h2z => $h2z,
jis0212 => $jis0212,
} => __PACKAGE__;
Encode::define_encoding($obj, $name);
use parent qw(Encode::Encoding);
# we override this to 1 so PerlIO works
sub needs_lines { 1 }
use Encode::CJKConstants qw(:all);
# decode is identical for all 2022 variants
sub decode($$;$) {
my ( $obj, $str, $chk ) = @_;
return undef unless defined $str;
my $residue = '';
if ($chk) {
$str =~ s/([^\x00-\x7f].*)$//so and $residue = $1;
$residue .= jis_euc( \$str );
$_[1] = $residue if $chk;
return Encode::decode( 'euc-jp', $str, FB_PERLQQ );
# encode is different
sub encode($$;$) {
require Encode::JP::H2Z;
my ( $obj, $utf8, $chk ) = @_;
return undef unless defined $utf8;
# empty the input string in the stack so perlio is ok
$_[1] = '' if $chk;
my ( $h2z, $jis0212 ) = @$obj{qw(h2z jis0212)};
my $octet = Encode::encode( 'euc-jp', $utf8, $chk || 0 );
$h2z and &Encode::JP::H2Z::h2z( \$octet );
euc_jis( \$octet, $jis0212 );
return $octet;
# cat_decode
my $re_scan_jis_g = qr{
\G ( ($RE{JIS_0212}) | $RE{JIS_0208} |
($RE{ISO_ASC}) | ($RE{JIS_KANA}) | )
sub cat_decode { # ($obj, $dst, $src, $pos, $trm, $chk)
my ( $obj, undef, undef, $pos, $trm ) = @_; # currently ignores $chk
my ( $rdst, $rsrc, $rpos ) = \@_[ 1, 2, 3 ];
local ${^ENCODING};
use bytes;
my $opos = pos($$rsrc);
pos($$rsrc) = $pos;
while ( $$rsrc =~ /$re_scan_jis_g/gc ) {
my ( $esc, $esc_0212, $esc_asc, $esc_kana, $chunk ) =
( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 );
unless ($chunk) { $esc or last; next; }
if ( $esc && !$esc_asc ) {
$chunk =~ tr/\x21-\x7e/\xa1-\xfe/;
if ($esc_kana) {
$chunk =~ s/([\xa1-\xdf])/\x8e$1/og;
elsif ($esc_0212) {
$chunk =~ s/([\xa1-\xfe][\xa1-\xfe])/\x8f$1/og;
$chunk = Encode::decode( 'euc-jp', $chunk, 0 );
elsif ( ( my $npos = index( $chunk, $trm ) ) >= 0 ) {
$$rdst .= substr( $chunk, 0, $npos + length($trm) );
$$rpos += length($esc) + $npos + length($trm);
pos($$rsrc) = $opos;
return 1;
$$rdst .= $chunk;
$$rpos = pos($$rsrc);
$$rpos = pos($$rsrc);
pos($$rsrc) = $opos;
return '';
my $re_scan_jis = qr{
sub jis_euc {
local ${^ENCODING};
my $r_str = shift;
$$r_str =~ s($re_scan_jis)
my ($esc_0212, $esc_asc, $esc_kana, $chunk) =
($1, $2, $3, $4);
if (!$esc_asc) {
$chunk =~ tr/\x21-\x7e/\xa1-\xfe/;
if ($esc_kana) {
$chunk =~ s/([\xa1-\xdf])/\x8e$1/og;
elsif ($esc_0212) {
$chunk =~ s/([\xa1-\xfe][\xa1-\xfe])/\x8f$1/og;
my ($residue) = ( $$r_str =~ s/(\e.*)$//so );
return $residue;
sub euc_jis {
no warnings qw(uninitialized);
local ${^ENCODING};
my $r_str = shift;
my $jis0212 = shift;
$$r_str =~ s{
my $chunk = $1;
my $esc =
( $chunk =~ tr/\x8E//d ) ? $ESC{KANA} :
( $chunk =~ tr/\x8F//d ) ? $ESC{JIS_0212} :
if ($esc eq $ESC{JIS_0212} && !$jis0212){
# fallback to '?'
$chunk =~ tr/\xA1-\xFE/\x3F/;
$chunk =~ tr/\xA1-\xFE/\x21-\x7E/;
$esc . $chunk . $ESC{ASC};
$$r_str =~ s/\Q$ESC{ASC}\E
=head1 NAME
Encode::JP::JIS7 -- internally used by Encode::JP