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Release note (2024 February 19)
Errata #2: More PHP8.2, PHP8.3 as well as backward compatibility fixes for PHP5.6, also fixed potential low-risk SQL injection (no admin bypass, must already be logged in as admin user to exploit) when saving application alias from config, updated JQuery to v3.7.1, updated PHPMailer to v6.9.1 (February 19, 2024)
Errata #3: Fix CVE-2023-31505
Release note (2023 January 31)
License has been changed to GPLv3
Updated - JQuery 3.5.3 to v3.6.3
Updated - HTMLPurifier 4.13 to v4.15
Updated - PHPMailer 6.2.0 to v6.7.1
Fixed - menu link on sample data for empty website
Fixed - missing image under contacts for the other 2 sample data
Fixed - installation now disallow blank admin password, not allowing it to be completed
Fixed - strftime usage for PHP 8.1 compatibility
Release note (2021 June 12)
Errata #2: More PHP8 fixes, fixed issue where some language phrases weren't loaded properly, added HTML purifier v4.13 library.
Bug fix: PHP 8.0 - the required attribute check for datepicker
Bug fix: Config save result output invalid tag - supposed to be x-ui:schlix-config:save-result
Bug fix: Composer issue
Release note (2021 June 05)
Bug fix: PHP 8.0 - the required attribute check for datepicker
Bug fix: Config save result output invalid tag - supposed to be x-ui:schlix-config:save-result
Bug fix: Composer issue