Your IP :
GOOF----LE-8-2.0� ] U 4 h� ] g guile� � g define-module*� � � g srfi� g srfi-38� � g filenameS�
f srfi/srfi-38.scm� g importsS� g rnrs�
g bytevectors�
� � g srfi-8� � � g srfi-69� � � g system� g vm� g
trap-state� � � � g exportsS� g write-with-shared-structure� g read-with-shared-structure� � g set-current-module� ! � " � #g cond-expand-provide� $g current-module� % � &g current-output-port� 'g
vector-length� (g string?� )g
string-length� *g bytevector?� +g port?� ,g display� -f (� .f )� /f . � 0g hash-table-ref� 1f � 2f #(� 3g write� 4g number?� 5f #� 6g counter� 7f =� 8g hash-table-set!� 9g hash-table-exists?� :g make-hash-table� ;g eq?� <g current-input-port� =g eqv?� >g peek-char� ?g eof-object?� @g list->string� Ag reverse� Bg read-char� Cg string->number� Dg
char-numeric?� Eg hash-table-ref/default� Fg error� Gf Double declaration of part � Hg read� If Use of undeclared part � Jf Malformed shared part specifier� Kg with-fluid*� Lg %read-hash-procedures� Mg for-each� Ng read-hash-extend� O0123456789
� Pg hash-table-size� Qg patch!� Rg
procedure?� Sg hole?� Tg fill-hole�C 5 h� � ]4
5 4" > "