Your IP :
# IMPORTANT: Before install Mibew Messenger copy this file to config.yml and
# fill it with your own settings!
# MySQL Database parameters
host: "[[softdbhost]]"
port: 3306
db: "[[softdb]]"
login: "[[softdbuser]]"
pass: "[[softdbpass]]"
tables_prefix: "[[dbprefix]]"
use_persistent_connection: false
# Mail
## This value will be used as sender address in all e-mails Mibew Messenger send.
## Mailer parameters
# This value determines what kind of mailer will be used. Possible values
# are "mail" and "smtp".
# To use standard PHP mail function just set this option to "mail". No
# additional configs are required in this case.
# To use SMTP-based solution set this option "smtp". This approach require
# some extra configuration to be done (see below).
transport: mail
# The lines below represents default SMTP mailer configurations. They will
# be used only if the "transport" option is set to "smtp".
host: localhost
port: 25
user: user
pass: ""
# The following option determines what kind of encryption should be used.
# false means no encyption at all. Another values once can use are "ssl" and
# "tls".
encryption: false
# Cache subsystem
# This value determines where the cached data will be stored. Possible
# values are "none", "file_system" and "memcached".
# If "none" is used the caching will be disabled. This option should be used
# only if none of the other options works.
# If "file_system" is used the cached data will be stored in files within
# the "cache/" directory. Notice, that the file system storage does not work
# on NFS systems bucause exclusive file locks are not supported where.
# If "memcached" is used the cached data will be stored in Memcached
# storage. Before using this kind of storage make sure PHP's memcached
# extension is installed and enabled.
storage: file_system
# The lines below represents default Memcached server configurations. They
# will be used only if the "storage" option is set to "memcached".
- host: localhost
port: 11211
# The "weight" field is optional and can be omitted and it's only positive int number.
weight: 1
# Actually, one can use any number of memcached servers he wants. Just
# add servers description like the one above.
# Locales
## Native name will be used in this locale
home_locale: en
## If user does not provide known lang
default_locale: en
# A timezone to use. Leave this value empty to use the default timezone from the
# system settings. For the details about available timezones see
timezone: ""
# List of proxy's IP Mibew Messenger should trust. You should set this option
# if you use Mibew Messenger with a load balancer or behind a proxy.
trusted_proxies: []
# Here is an example of what values this option can take:
# trusted_proxies:
# -
# - ::1
# -
# Plugins
plugins: []
## Example of plugins configuration
# plugins:
# "VendorName:PluginName":
# weight: 100
# some_configurable_value: value
# "VendorName:AnotherPluginName":
# very_important_value: "$3.50"