Your IP :
# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
# $Id: FileBox.tcl,v 1.5 2004/03/28 02:44:57 hobbs Exp $
# FileBox.tcl --
# Implements the File Selection Box widget.
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group.
# Copyright (c) 2004 ActiveState
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# ToDo
# (1) If user has entered an invalid directory, give an error dialog
tixWidgetClass tixFileSelectBox {
-superclass tixPrimitive
-classname TixFileSelectBox
-method {
filter invoke
-flag {
-browsecmd -command -dir -directory -disablecallback
-grab -pattern -selection -value
-configspec {
{-browsecmd browseCmd BrowseCmd ""}
{-command command Command ""}
{-directory directory Directory ""}
{-disablecallback disableCallback DisableCallback 0 tixVerifyBoolean}
{-grab grab Grab global}
{-pattern pattern Pattern *}
{-value value Value ""}
-alias {
{-selection -value}
{-dir -directory}
-forcecall {
-default {
{.relief raised}
{*filelist*Listbox.takeFocus true}
{.borderWidth 1}
{*Label.anchor w}
{*Label.borderWidth 0}
{*TixComboBox*scrollbar auto}
{*TixComboBox*Label.anchor w}
{*TixScrolledListBox.scrollbar auto}
{*Listbox.exportSelection false}
{*directory*Label.text "Directories:"}
{*directory*Label.underline 0}
{*file*Label.text "Files:"}
{*file*Label.underline 2}
{*filter.label "Filter:"}
{*filter*label.underline 3}
{*filter.labelSide top}
{*selection.label "Selection:"}
{*selection*label.underline 0}
{*selection.labelSide top}
proc tixFileSelectBox:InitWidgetRec {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
global env
tixChainMethod $w InitWidgetRec
if {$data(-directory) eq ""} {
set data(-directory) [pwd]
if {$data(-pattern) eq ""} {
set data(-pattern) "*"
tixFileSelectBox:SetPat $w $data(-pattern)
tixFileSelectBox:SetDir $w [tixFSNormalize $data(-directory)]
set data(flag) 0
set data(fakeDir) 0
# Construct widget
proc tixFileSelectBox:ConstructWidget {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixChainMethod $w ConstructWidget
set frame1 [tixFileSelectBox:CreateFrame1 $w]
set frame2 [tixFileSelectBox:CreateFrame2 $w]
set frame3 [tixFileSelectBox:CreateFrame3 $w]
pack $frame1 -in $w -side top -fill x
pack $frame3 -in $w -side bottom -fill x
pack $frame2 -in $w -side top -fill both -expand yes
proc tixFileSelectBox:CreateFrame1 {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
frame $w.f1 -border 10
tixComboBox $w.f1.filter -editable 1\
-command [list $w filter] -anchor e \
-options {
slistbox.scrollbar auto
listbox.height 5
label.anchor w
set data(w:filter) $w.f1.filter
pack $data(w:filter) -side top -expand yes -fill both
return $w.f1
proc tixFileSelectBox:CreateFrame2 {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixPanedWindow $w.f2 -orientation horizontal
set dir [$w.f2 add directory -size 120]
$dir config -relief flat
label $dir.lab
set data(w:dirlist) [tixScrolledListBox $dir.dirlist\
-scrollbar auto\
-options {listbox.width 4 listbox.height 6}]
pack $dir.lab -side top -fill x -padx 10
pack $data(w:dirlist) -side bottom -expand yes -fill both -padx 10
set file [$w.f2 add file -size 160]
$file config -relief flat
label $file.lab
set data(w:filelist) [tixScrolledListBox $file.filelist \
-scrollbar auto\
-options {listbox.width 4 listbox.height 6}]
pack $file.lab -side top -fill x -padx 10
pack $data(w:filelist) -side bottom -expand yes -fill both -padx 10
return $w.f2
proc tixFileSelectBox:CreateFrame3 {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
frame $w.f3 -border 10
tixComboBox $w.f3.selection -editable 1\
-command [list tixFileSelectBox:SelInvoke $w] \
-anchor e \
-options {
slistbox.scrollbar auto
listbox.height 5
label.anchor w
set data(w:selection) $w.f3.selection
pack $data(w:selection) -side top -fill both
return $w.f3
proc tixFileSelectBox:SelInvoke {w args} {
upvar #0 $w data
set event [tixEvent type]
if {$event ne "<FocusOut>" && $event ne "<Tab>"} {
$w invoke
proc tixFileSelectBox:SetValue {w value} {
upvar #0 $w data
set data(i-value) $value
set data(-value) [tixFSNative $value]
proc tixFileSelectBox:SetDir {w value} {
upvar #0 $w data
set data(i-directory) $value
set data(-directory) [tixFSNative $value]
proc tixFileSelectBox:SetPat {w value} {
upvar #0 $w data
set data(i-pattern) $value
set data(-pattern) [tixFSNative $value]
proc tixFileSelectBox:SetBindings {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixChainMethod $w SetBindings
tixDoWhenMapped $w [list tixFileSelectBox:FirstMapped $w]
$data(w:dirlist) config \
-browsecmd [list tixFileSelectBox:SelectDir $w] \
-command [list tixFileSelectBox:InvokeDir $w]
$data(w:filelist) config \
-browsecmd [list tixFileSelectBox:SelectFile $w] \
-command [list tixFileSelectBox:InvokeFile $w]
proc tixFileSelectBox:config-directory {w value} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {$value eq ""} {
set value [pwd]
tixFileSelectBox:SetDir $w [tixFSNormalize $value]
tixFileSelectBox:SetFilter $w $data(i-directory) $data(i-pattern)
$w filter
return $data(-directory)
proc tixFileSelectBox:config-pattern {w value} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {$value eq ""} {
set value "*"
tixFileSelectBox:SetPat $w $value
tixFileSelectBox:SetFilter $w $data(i-directory) $data(i-pattern)
# Returning a value means we have overridden the value and updated
# the widget record ourselves.
return $data(-pattern)
proc tixFileSelectBox:config-value {w value} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixFileSelectBox:SetValue $w [tixFSNormalize $value]
tixSetSilent $data(w:selection) $value
return $data(-value)
proc tixFileSelectBox:filter {w args} {
upvar #0 $w data
$data(w:filter) popdown
tixFileSelectBox:InterpFilter $w
tixFileSelectBox:LoadDir $w
proc tixFileSelectBox:invoke {w args} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {[$data(w:selection) cget -value] ne
[$data(w:selection) cget -selection]} {
# this will in turn call "invoke" again ...
$data(w:selection) invoke
# record the filter
set filter [tixFileSelectBox:InterpFilter $w]
$data(w:filter) addhistory $filter
# record the selection
set userInput [string trim [$data(w:selection) cget -value]]
tixFileSelectBox:SetValue $w \
[tixFSNormalize [file join $data(i-directory) $userInput]]
$data(w:selection) addhistory $data(-value)
$data(w:filter) align
$data(w:selection) align
if {[llength $data(-command)] && !$data(-disablecallback)} {
set bind(specs) "%V"
set bind(%V) $data(-value)
tixEvalCmdBinding $w $data(-command) bind $data(-value)
# InterpFilter:
# Interprets the value of the w:filter widget.
# Side effects:
# Changes the fields data(-directory) and data(-pattenn)
proc tixFileSelectBox:InterpFilter {w {filter ""}} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {$filter == ""} {
set filter [$data(w:filter) cget -selection]
if {$filter == ""} {
set filter [$data(w:filter) cget -value]
set i_filter [tixFSNormalize $filter]
if {[file isdirectory $filter]} {
tixFileSelectBox:SetDir $w $i_filter
tixFileSelectBox:SetPat $w "*"
} else {
set nDir [file dirname $filter]
if {$nDir eq "" || $nDir eq "."} {
tixFileSelectBox:SetDir $w [tixFSNormalize $data(i-directory)]
} else {
tixFileSelectBox:SetDir $w [tixFSNormalize $nDir]
tixFileSelectBox:SetPat $w [file tail $filter]
tixFileSelectBox:SetFilter $w $data(i-directory) $data(i-pattern)
return $data(filter)
proc tixFileSelectBox:SetFilter {w dir pattern} {
upvar #0 $w data
set data(filter) [file join $dir $pattern]
tixSetSilent $data(w:filter) $data(filter)
proc tixFileSelectBox:LoadDirIntoLists {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
$data(w:dirlist) subwidget listbox delete 0 end
$data(w:filelist) subwidget listbox delete 0 end
set dir $data(i-directory)
# (1) List the directories
set isDrive [expr {[llength [file split $dir]] == 1}]
foreach name [tixFSListDir $dir 1 0 1 1] {
if {".." eq $name && $isDrive} { continue }
$data(w:dirlist) subwidget listbox insert end $name
# (2) List the files
# %% UNIX'ISM:
# If the pattern is "*" force glob to list the .* files.
# However, since the user might not
# be interested in them, shift the listbox so that the "normal" files
# are seen first
# NOTE: if we pass $pat == "" but with $showHidden set to true,
# tixFSListDir will list "* .*" in Unix. See the comment on top of
# the tixFSListDir code.
if {$data(i-pattern) eq "*"} {
set pat ""
} else {
set pat $data(i-pattern)
set top 0
foreach name [tixFSListDir $dir 0 1 0 0 $pat] {
$data(w:filelist) subwidget listbox insert end $name
if {[string match .* $name]} {
incr top
$data(w:filelist) subwidget listbox yview $top
proc tixFileSelectBox:LoadDir {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixBusy $w on [$data(w:dirlist) subwidget listbox]
tixFileSelectBox:LoadDirIntoLists $w
if {[$data(w:dirlist) subwidget listbox size] == 0} {
# fail safe, just in case the user has inputed an errnoeuos
# directory
$data(w:dirlist) subwidget listbox insert 0 ".."
tixWidgetDoWhenIdle tixBusy $w off [$data(w:dirlist) subwidget listbox]
# User single clicks on the directory listbox
proc tixFileSelectBox:SelectDir {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {$data(fakeDir) > 0} {
incr data(fakeDir) -1
$data(w:dirlist) subwidget listbox select clear 0 end
$data(w:dirlist) subwidget listbox activate -1
if {$data(flag)} {
set data(flag) 1
set subdir [tixListboxGetCurrent [$data(w:dirlist) subwidget listbox]]
if {$subdir == ""} {
set subdir "."
tixFileSelectBox:SetFilter $w \
[tixFSNormalize [file join $data(i-directory) $subdir]] \
set data(flag) 0
proc tixFileSelectBox:InvokeDir {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
set theDir [$data(w:dirlist) subwidget listbox get active]
tixFileSelectBox:SetDir $w \
[tixFSNormalize [file join $data(i-directory) $theDir]]
$data(w:dirlist) subwidget listbox select clear 0 end
tixFileSelectBox:SetFilter $w $data(i-directory) $data(i-pattern)
tixFileSelectBox:InterpFilter $w [tixFSNativeNorm $data(filter)]
tixFileSelectBox:LoadDir $w
if {![tixEvent match <Return>]} {
incr data(fakeDir) 1
proc tixFileSelectBox:SelectFile {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {$data(flag)} {
set data(flag) 1
# Reset the "Filter:" box to the current directory:
$data(w:dirlist) subwidget listbox select clear 0 end
tixFileSelectBox:SetFilter $w $data(i-directory) $data(i-pattern)
# Now select the file
set selected [tixListboxGetCurrent [$data(w:filelist) subwidget listbox]]
if {$selected != ""} {
# Make sure that the selection is not empty!
tixFileSelectBox:SetValue $w \
[tixFSNormalize [file join $data(i-directory) $selected]]
tixSetSilent $data(w:selection) $data(-value)
if {[llength $data(-browsecmd)]} {
tixEvalCmdBinding $w $data(-browsecmd) "" $data(-value)
set data(flag) 0
proc tixFileSelectBox:InvokeFile {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
set selected [tixListboxGetCurrent [$data(w:filelist) subwidget listbox]]
if {$selected != ""} {
$w invoke
# This is only called the first this fileBox is mapped -- load the directory
proc tixFileSelectBox:FirstMapped {w} {
if {![winfo exists $w]} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixFileSelectBox:SetFilter $w $data(i-directory) $data(i-pattern)
tixFileSelectBox:LoadDir $w
$data(w:filter) align
# C O N V E N I E N C E R O U T I N E S
# This is obsolete. Use the widget tixFileSelectDialog instead
proc tixMkFileDialog {w args} {
set option(-okcmd) ""
set option(-helpcmd) ""
tixHandleOptions option {-okcmd -helpcmd} $args
toplevel $w
wm minsize $w 10 10
tixStdDlgBtns $w.btns
if {$option(-okcmd) != ""} {
tixFileSelectBox $w.fsb \
-command "[list wm withdraw $w]; $option(-okcmd)"
} else {
tixFileSelectBox $w.fsb -command [list wm withdraw $w]
$w.btns button ok config -command [list $w.fsb invoke]
$w.btns button apply config -command [list $w.fsb filter] -text Filter
$w.btns button cancel config -command [list wm withdraw $w]
if {$option(-helpcmd) == ""} {
$w.btns button help config -state disabled
} else {
$w.btns button help config -command $option(-helpcmd)
wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW [list wm withdraw $w]
pack $w.btns -side bottom -fill both
pack $w.fsb -fill both -expand yes
return $w.fsb