Your IP :
B ] � 4 hC ] g guile� � g define-module*� � � g texinfo� g
plain-text� � g filenameS�
f texinfo/plain-text.scm� g importsS� �
� g string-utils� � � g sxml� g transform� � � g srfi� g srfi-1� � � g srfi-13� � � g ice-9� g match� � �
� !g exportsS� "g stexi->plain-text� #" � $g set-current-module� %$ � &$ � 'g and=>� (g assq� )g cdr� *g arg-ref� +g error� ,f Missing argument:� -g arg-req� .g make-ticker� /g format� 0f ~A. � 1g make-enumerator� 2g
make-fluid� 3f � 4g *indent*� 5f * � 6g
*itemizer*� 7g make-syntax-transformer� 87 � 97 � :g with-indent� ;g macro� <g $sc-dispatch� =< � >< � ?g _� @g any� A?@�� Bg
syntax->datum� CB � DB � Eg
datum->syntax� FE � GE � Hg with-fluids� Ig
string-append� Jg fluid-ref� KJ4 � Lg make-string� M � Ng syntax-violation� ON � PN � Qf -source expression failed to match any pattern� Rg apply� Sg
make-indenter� Tf
� Ug
string-indent� Vg
with-itemizer� Wg fill-string� Xg string-concatenate� Yg
line-widthS� Zg initial-indentS� [g subsequent-indentS� \g wrap*� ]f
� ^g wrap� _g wrap-heading� `g node� ag name� bg manual� cg xref� df See � ecd � fg pxref� gf see � hfg � ieh � jg cadr� kf in manual � lg ref� mg url� ng title� of (� pf )� qf `� rf '� sg uref� tg defun� uf Function� vg defspec� wf Special Form� xg defvar� yf Variable� zg category� {f - � |f : � }g string-join� ~g filter� g identity� �g map� �g data-type� �g class� �g arguments� ���a� � �f � �g def� �g %� �g start� �g
string-ref� �g number?� �g string->number� �g
char->integer� �g char-upper-case?� �g enumerate� �g itemize� �g
string-length� �g string-null?� �g string-copy!� �g item� �g table� �g heading� �g entry� �g make-underliner� �g chapter� �g section� �g
subsection� �g
subsubsection� �g string-split� �g example� �g verbatim� �g map-in-order� �g fragment� �g para� �g make-surrounder� �g code� �f <� �f >� �g key� �g
string-upcase� �g var� �g passthrough� �g foo� �g page� �g setfilename� �g setchapternewpage� �g iftex� �g ifinfo� �g ifplaintext� �g ifxml� �g sp� �g vskip� �g menu� �g ignore� �g syncodeindex� �g comment� �g c� �g anchor� ����������������`� � �g ignore-list� �g memq� �g ignored?� �g appendix� �g appendixsec� �g appendixsubsec� �g appendixsubsubsec� �g
unnumbered� �g
unnumberedsec� �g unnumberedsubsec� �g unnumberedsubsubsec� �g majorheading� �g chapheading� �g
subheading� �g
subsubheading� �g strong� �f *� �g sample� �g samp� �g math� �g kbd� �g env� �g file� �g command� �g option� �g dfn� �f "� �g cite� �g acro� �g email� �g emph� �f _� �g sc� �g copyright� �f (C)� �g result� �f ==>� �g dots� �f ...� �g quotation� �g lisp� �g smallexample� �g smalllisp� �g
*fragment*� �g deftp� �g defcv� �g defivar� �g deftypeivar� �g defop� �g deftypeop� �g defmethod� �g
deftypemethod� �g defopt� �g defvr� �g deftypevr� �g
deftypevar� �g deffn� �g deftypefn� �g defmac� �g
deftypefun� �g tag-handlers� �g string?�C 5h�. � ]4
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