Your IP :
GOOF----LE-8-2.0 � ]� 4 h4 ] g guile� � g define-module*� � � g rnrs� g io� g ports� �
g filenameS� f rnrs/io/ports.scm� g pureS�
g versionS� � g set-current-module� � � g resolve-r6rs-interface� � � g ice-9� g binary-ports� � g call-with-deferred-observers� � � g module-use-interfaces!� � � g current-module� � � !g only� "g base� #" � $g assertion-violation� %!#$ � &g enums� '& � (g records� )g syntactic� *() � +g
exceptions� ,+ � -g
conditions� .- � /g files� 0/ � 1g srfi� 2g srfi-8� 312 � 4g rdelim� 54 � 6g except� 7g raise� 8g display� 9678 � :g prefix� ;!8 � <g guile:� =:;< � >g module-export!� ?> � @> � Ag i/o-encoding-error-char� Bg make-i/o-encoding-error� Cg i/o-encoding-error?� Dg &i/o-encoding-error� Eg make-i/o-decoding-error� Fg i/o-decoding-error?� Gg &i/o-decoding-error� Hg standard-error-port� Ig standard-output-port� Jg standard-input-port� Kg
put-string� Lg put-datum� Mg put-char� Ng lookahead-char� Og get-string-n� Pg get-string-all� Qg get-line� Rg get-datum� Sg get-char� Tg open-file-input/output-port� Ug flush-output-port� Vg make-custom-textual-output-port� Wg call-with-string-output-port� Xg call-with-bytevector-output-port� Yg open-file-output-port� Zg open-string-output-port� [g open-file-input-port� \g open-string-input-port� ]g call-with-port� ^g port-has-set-port-position!?� _g port-has-port-position?� `g set-port-position!� ag
port-position� bg transcoded-port� cg
textual-port?� dg binary-port?� eg port-transcoder� fg port-eof?� gg utf-16-codec� hg utf-8-codec� ig
latin-1-codec� jg native-transcoder� kg transcoder-error-handling-mode� lg transcoder-eol-style� mg transcoder-codec� ng make-transcoder� og error-handling-mode� pg native-eol-style� qg eol-style� rg buffer-mode?� sg buffer-mode� tg file-options� uABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrst 4� vg module-re-export!� wv � xv � yg i/o-error-port� zg make-i/o-port-error� {g i/o-port-error?� |g &i/o-port� }g "make-i/o-file-does-not-exist-error� ~g i/o-file-does-not-exist-error?� g &i/o-file-does-not-exist� �g "make-i/o-file-already-exists-error� �g i/o-file-already-exists-error?� �g &i/o-file-already-exists� �g make-i/o-file-is-read-only-error� �g i/o-file-is-read-only-error?� �g &i/o-file-is-read-only� �g make-i/o-file-protection-error� �g i/o-file-protection-error?� �g &i/o-file-protection� �g i/o-error-filename� �g make-i/o-filename-error� �g i/o-filename-error?� �g
&i/o-filename� �g make-i/o-invalid-position-error� �g i/o-invalid-position-error?� �g &i/o-invalid-position� �g make-i/o-write-error� �g i/o-write-error?� �g
&i/o-write� �g make-i/o-read-error� �g i/o-read-error?� �g &i/o-read� �g make-i/o-error� �g
i/o-error?� �g &i/o� �g current-error-port� �g current-output-port� �g current-input-port� �g
get-string-n!� �g put-bytevector� �g put-u8� �g make-custom-binary-output-port� �g open-bytevector-output-port� �g get-bytevector-all� �g get-bytevector-some� �g get-bytevector-n!� �g get-bytevector-n� �g lookahead-u8� �g get-u8� �g make-custom-binary-input-port� �g open-bytevector-input-port� �g
close-port� �g output-port?� �g input-port?� �g port?� �g eof-object?� �g
eof-object� �yz{|}~����������������������������������������������� 6� �g module-replace!� �� � �� � �g make-syntax-transformer� �� � �� � �g file-option� �g macro� �g $sc-dispatch� �� � �� � �g any� ��� � �g
syntax->datum� �'� � �'� � �g no-create� �g no-fail� �g no-truncate� �g
syntax-object� �g quote� �g m-d35b14d-24� �g top� ��� � �g ribcage� �g sym� ��� � �� � ��� � �f l-d35b14d-29� �f l-d35b14d-2a� ��� � ����� � �� � �g s� �� � �� � �f l-d35b14d-26� �� � ����� � �g shift� �g dummy� �g type-name� �g symbol� �g constructor-syntax� ����� � �g m-bfa5881-18� ��� � ����� � �f l-bfa5881-1d� �f l-bfa5881-1e� �f l-bfa5881-1f� �f l-bfa5881-20� ����� � ����� � �g x� �� � �� � �f l-bfa5881-1a� �� � ����� � ��������� � �g private� ��& � ����� � �g syntax-violation� �'� � �'� � �g symbol->string� �'� � �'� � �f not a member of the set� �� � �� � �f -source expression failed to match any pattern� �g _� �g each-any� ����� �g
datum->syntax� �'� � '� ���� �g every�' �' �g memq�f not a subset of the universe�g enum-set-constructor�g t-d35b14d-43� g t-d35b14d-44�
�g m-d35b14d-45�� �
�f l-d35b14d-49�f l-d35b14d-4a� ��
�g quoted-syms� �f l-d35b14d-3b� ��� �g quoted-universe� �f l-d35b14d-39� ��� �g syms� �f l-d35b14d-36� � �� �!g universe�"! �#f l-d35b14d-34�$# �%�"�$ �&� �'f l-d35b14d-31�(' �)�&�( �*f l-d35b14d-2e�+* �,���+ �-������ �%)�,���� �.�-� �/g make-enumeration�0�/-� �1g none�2g line�3g block�4g m-d35b14d-4d�54� �6s� �7�5 �8f l-d35b14d-52�9f l-d35b14d-53�:89 �;�67: �<5 �=f l-d35b14d-4f�>= �?��<> �@5;�?���� �A��@� �Bg buffer-modes�C123 �Dg t-d35b14d-6c�Eg t-d35b14d-6d�FDE �Gg m-d35b14d-6e�HG� �IHH �Jf l-d35b14d-72�Kf l-d35b14d-73�LJK �M�FIL �Nf l-d35b14d-64�ON �P�<O �Qf l-d35b14d-62�RQ �S�<R �Tf l-d35b14d-5f�UT �V�<U �Wf l-d35b14d-5d�XW �Y�"<X �Zf l-d35b14d-5a�[Z �\�&<[ �]f l-d35b14d-57�^] �_��<^ �`5�M��P�S�V�Y\�_���� �a�`� �b�/`� �cg enum-set-member?�dg enum-set-universe�e' �f' �g'/ �h'/ �ig lf�jg cr�kg crlf�lg nel�mg crnel�ng ls�og m-d35b14d-76�po� �qq� �r�p �sf l-d35b14d-7b�tf l-d35b14d-7c�ust �v�qru �wp �xf l-d35b14d-78�yx �z��wy �{pv�z���� �|��{� �}g
eol-styles�~ijklmn1 �g t-d35b14d-95��g t-d35b14d-96��� ��g m-d35b14d-97���� ���� ��f l-d35b14d-9b��f l-d35b14d-9c���� ������ ��f l-d35b14d-8d��� ���w� ��f l-d35b14d-8b��� ���w� ��f l-d35b14d-88��� ���w� ��f l-d35b14d-86��� ���"w� ��f l-d35b14d-83��� ���&w� ��f l-d35b14d-80��� ����w� ��p������������������ ����� ���/�� ��g ignore��g replace��g m-d35b14d-9f���� ��o� ���� ��f l-d35b14d-a4��f l-d35b14d-a5���� ������ ��� ��f l-d35b14d-a1��� ������ ���������� ������ ��g error-handling-modes���7� ��g t-d35b14d-be��g t-d35b14d-bf���� ��g m-d35b14d-c0���� ���� ��f l-d35b14d-c4��f l-d35b14d-c5���� ������ ��f l-d35b14d-b6��� ����� ��f l-d35b14d-b4��� ����� ��f l-d35b14d-b1��� ����� ��f l-d35b14d-af��� ���"�� ��f l-d35b14d-ac��� ���&�� ��f l-d35b14d-a9��� ������ ��������������������� ����� ���/�� ��g make-record-type-descriptor��*� ��*� ��g
transcoder��g immutable��g codec���� ���q ���o ����� ��g record-constructor��*� ��*� ��g "make-record-constructor-descriptor��*� ��*� ��g %make-transcoder��g register-record-type��*� ��*� ��g record-predicate��*� ��*� ��g transcoder?��g record-accessor��*� ��*� ��g %default-port-encoding��f
ISO-8859-1��f UTF-8��f UTF-16��g with-throw-handler��g system-error��g system-error-errno��g EACCES��g EEXIST��g ENOENT��g EROFS��g with-i/o-filename-conditions��g memv��g EIO��g EFBIG��g ENOSPC��g EPIPE��g condition��g throw��g with-i/o-port-error��g with-textual-output-conditions������ ����� ��g port�g body0�g body�� �g m-d35b14d-cb�� ���� � f l-d35b14d-d0�
f l-d35b14d-d1�f l-d35b14d-d2�f l-d35b14d-d3�
� �f l-d35b14d-cd� ��� ��� �� ��� ��� �g lambda�� �g with-i/o-encoding-error�� �g with-textual-input-conditions�g m-d35b14d-d9�� ���� �f l-d35b14d-de� f l-d35b14d-df�!f l-d35b14d-e0�"f l-d35b14d-e1�# !" �$�# �% �&f l-d35b14d-db�'& �(��%' �)�$�( �*��) �+��) �,�) �-g with-i/o-decoding-error�.�-) �/g
port-encoding�0g port-conversion-strategy�1g error�2g
substitute�3f unsupported error handling mode�4g %make-transcoded-port�54 �64 �7g set-port-encoding!�8g set-port-conversion-strategy!�9g seek�:g SEEK_CUR�;g SEEK_SET�<g catch�=< �>< �?g open-input-string�@g open�Ag r6rs-open�Bg O_CREAT�Cg O_TRUNC�Dg O_EXCL�Eg file-options->mode�Fg O_RDONLY�Gg O_RDWR�Hg open-output-string�Ig get-output-string�Jg O_WRONLY�Kg make-soft-port�Lg string�Mg
string-length�Nf w�Og force-output�P.� �Q.� �Rg
&i/o-encoding�Sg list->vector�T.S �U.S �Vg char�W�VA �X.� �Y.� �Z.� �[.� �\g condition-predicate�].\ �^.\ �_g condition-accessor�`._ �a._ �b.� �c.� �d� �eg
m-d35b14d-114�fe� �gf� �hf
l-d35b14d-11a�jhi �k�dgj �lf �mf
l-d35b14d-116�nm �o��ln �p�k�o �q��p �r��p �sg encoding-error�t�sp �urt �v�p �wg begin�x�wp �yg key�z�yp �{g subr�|�{p �}g message�~�}p �g errno���p ���p ��g chr����p ��z|~��� ���7p ���Bp ����� ���� ��v�� ��� ��g
write-char��g write��g string?��g substring/shared��f expected string��g
m-d35b14d-148���� ���� ��f
l-d35b14d-14e���� ���d�� ��� ��f
l-d35b14d-14a��� ������ ������ ����� ����� ��g decoding-error����� ���� ���� ���w� ���y� ���{� ���}� ���� ���� ������� ���7� ���E� ���� ���� ����� ��� ��g read-char��g read��g read-line��g trim��g read-string��g make-string��g peek-char��g dup->inport��g dup->outport�C 5 h@Z � ]4
5 4 > "