Your IP :
| PECL :: http |
| Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| modification, are permitted provided that the conditions mentioned |
| in the accompanying LICENSE file are met. |
| Copyright (c) 2004-2014, Michael Wallner <> |
#include "php_http_info.h"
PHP_HTTP_API ZEND_RESULT_CODE php_http_header_parse(const char *header, size_t length, HashTable *headers, php_http_info_callback_t callback_func, void **callback_data);
PHP_HTTP_API void php_http_header_to_callback(HashTable *headers, zend_bool crlf, php_http_pass_format_callback_t cb, void *cb_arg);
PHP_HTTP_API void php_http_header_to_callback_ex(const char *key, zval *val, zend_bool crlf, php_http_pass_format_callback_t cb, void *cb_arg);
PHP_HTTP_API void php_http_header_to_string(php_http_buffer_t *str, HashTable *headers);
PHP_HTTP_API void php_http_header_to_string_ex(php_http_buffer_t *str, const char *key, zval *val);
PHP_HTTP_API zend_string *php_http_header_value_to_string(zval *header);
PHP_HTTP_API zend_string *php_http_header_value_array_to_string(zval *header);
PHP_HTTP_API zend_class_entry *php_http_header_get_class_entry(void);
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